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中国花卉博览会始办于1987年,是中国目前规模最大、档次最高、影响最广的国家级花事盛会,被誉为中国花卉界的“奥林匹克”。第七届中国花卉博览会由国家林业局、中国花协、北京市人民政府和山东省人民政府联合主办,是献礼国庆60周年重要活动之一。  相似文献   

奥运就要来了!从1932年,第一位来自中国的运动员刘长春站在第十届洛杉矶奥运会赛场上;从1952年,五星红旗第一次在第十五届赫尔辛基奥运会赛场升起;从1984年,许海峰将中国奥运金牌为" "的耻辱甩进太平洋;从1993年,中国第一次申办夏季奥运会失利;从2001年,中国申办第29届奥林匹克运动会成功……  相似文献   

<正> 奥运就要来了!从1932年,第一位来自中国的运动员刘长春站在第十届洛杉矶奥运会赛场上;从1952年,五星红旗第一次在第十五届赫尔辛基奥运会赛场升起;从1984年,许海峰将中国奥运金牌为" "的耻辱甩进太平洋;从1993年,中国第一次申办夏季奥运会失利;从2001年,中国申办第29届奥林匹克运动会成功……  相似文献   

兴办绿色奥运,建设生态北京,是民心所向、众望所归。然而,绿色奥运不仅需要比赛场馆、宾馆饭店、车站码头、旅游景点的绿色,更需要全市每一个角落都有  相似文献   

宣任 《今日海南》2010,(2):18-19
近日走在三亚街头,随处可见“国际旅游岛来了,我们准备好了!”的令人振奋的标语。然而,我们真的准备好了吗?  相似文献   

(一)2004年8月,告别了雅典,奥林匹克的五环旗转向北京展开;2008年8月.取自希腊奥林匹亚的圣火将在现代中国的首都点燃。世界奥林匹克运动选择了一个生机勃勃的发展中国家,发展的中国要把握一个不可多得的历史性机遇。  相似文献   

闻道 《创造》2008,(3):100-101
2007年12月12日,胡锦涛总书记在我国首次月球探测工程成功的庆功会上讲道:“要全面贯彻尊重劳动、尊重知识、尊重人才、尊重创造的方针,用事业凝聚人才、用实践造就人才、用机制激励人才、用法制保障人才,优化人才结构,促进人才成长”。这充分说明了创新型国家的建立关键靠人。所以,在倡导建设创新型国家的时候,要先问一问,我们的人才队伍准备好了吗?  相似文献   

冯兴 《今日广西》2010,(18):42-42
开征遗产税争议再起,缘于《中国青年报》的一个调查结果。该报对于“是否开征富人遗产税”的调查显示,11203名受调查者中,48.46%的人表示目前不适合开征。一些希望通过遗产税“削富济贫”的网友拍案而起,声称区区万人的调查结果无法代表民意。(8月25日《经济参考报》)  相似文献   

在2009年中央替地方政府发债之后,2011年上海等四个试点地区正式发行地方债,地方政府终于迈出了重要二步,在可以预期的将来,如果四个试点地区的石头摸好了,后续将会有各个地区渐次过河发行地方债。在当今风云变幻、甚至可以用环境险恶这两个字来形容的国际资本市场中,发行政府债似乎并不是一个恰当的选择,现在让欧洲甚至全球焦头烂额的欧元危机,其根源正是政府债务危机。即使强悍如美国国债,  相似文献   

Countries prepare their national pavilions to showcase the best of their cultures Countries participating in the Shanghai555 World Expo, a six-month gala that  相似文献   

For the first time in China,authoritiesreleased a list of nearly three dozengeneric medicines on June 21 so that pharmaceutical companies can develop and produce them.The 34 medicines include drugs whose patents have expired or face expiry as well as drugs in short supply,in a series of measures to ensure a steady supply of basic medicines and keep their prices stable so that buyers do not face financial pressure.  相似文献   

Ready for Rio     
正Chinese athletes aim for more glory at the Olympics With the Rio 2016 Olympics less than a month away, Chinese athletes are ready to take on competitors.Wang Lusheng, Director of the Swimming Administrative Center of the General Administration of Sport of China (SGAS), said on June 25 that the Chinese national swimming team is in good shape and will do its best. Ace swimmer Sun Yang’s participation in the men’s 200-meter, 400-meter and 1,500-meter freestyle events in Rio is now confrmed.  相似文献   

The recent popularity of TV dramas on historical events and national policies shows the change in viewers'aesthetics After watching a recent episode of The Awakening Age,a TV series on the founding of the Communist Party of China(CPC),Yang Meng,a program engineer in Beijing.  相似文献   

Visitors walk along the Expo Axis to pavilions of the World Expo in Shanghai on the first day of the event’s trial run on April 20.The Expo, with the theme of Better City, Better Life, will run  相似文献   

Now that the global recovery has taken hold and with the Chinese economy gaining ground,China's central bank-the People's Bank of China-has decided to proceed with reform of the renminbi(yuan)exchange rate regime and improve the flexibility.The central bank's spokesman on June 20 addressed a number of concerns over the issue in a statement posted on its website.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

Preparations for World Expo 2010 Shanghai go into high gear With the color red finally beginning to appear on the outside of the China Pavilion in April 2009,  相似文献   

Whoever says the 2010 World Expo is merely a feast for the eyes should think again After getting out of the subway station at Expo Avenue, the first thing I saw was the Thailand Pavilion with a pavilion beside it cooking genuine Thai food. It was exactly what I wanted after dreaming about eating my way around Expo Park.  相似文献   

<正>The inclusion of new members means greater scope for the SCO if it can cope with the challenges By Chu Yin At its June summit,the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)expanded its membership for the first time.With the accession of India and Pakistan at the 17th SCO Summit in Kazakhstan’s capital Astana,the bloc now  相似文献   

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