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Lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth are at heightened risk for bullying and other forms of in-school victimization. Anti-bullying laws are a potential policy mechanism for addressing this issue, yet there has been little investigation of the impact of such policies for this population using generalizable samples or quasi-experimental designs. The current study explores whether the presence of state anti-bullying laws predicts lower likelihood of bullying victimization, fear-based absenteeism, in-school threats or injury with a weapon, and suicidality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning high school students in the United States. Based on Youth Risk Behavior Survey data across 22 states from 2005–2015, coupled with data about the presence of general and enumerated anti-bullying laws that include sexual orientation as a protected class, this study analyzes this topic using a quasi-experimental design (linear difference-in-difference models). The results indicate that lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning youth (particularly boys aged 15 or younger) experienced less bullying victimization in states with general or enumerated anti-bullying laws. There was modest evidence of a reduction in fear-based absenteeism among boys in states with such laws. However, there was little evidence of a relationship between such policies and in-school threats or injuries or suicidality. Further, lesbian, bisexual, and questioning girls’ likelihood of victimization, absenteeism, or suicidality was generally not related to the presence of anti-bullying laws. The results suggest that general and enumerated anti-bullying laws may help reduce bullying victimization for gay, bisexual, and questioning boys.  相似文献   

2021年11月27日下午,云南省高技能人才培训班在上海圆满结班。来自云南省各州市“三室一站”(劳模创新工作室、云岭工匠创新工作室、职工创新工作室、技师工作站)的负责人和云南省第十七届职工技能大赛状元共47人参加培训。这次培训以组织高技能人才授课交流和现场参观学习的方式开展。上海市总工会副主席、上海市职工技术协会会长王曙群出席开班仪式并讲话。他表示,此次云南省高技能人才培训班来沪举办是两地高技能人才之间的一次重要交流活动。上海市职工技协服务中心和承办单位要全力当好东道主,做好各项服务工作。同时他也希望来沪培训的学员在培训中能学有所获、学以致用,将学习成果转化为工作成果。此次培训邀请了6位来自不同领域的创新技能人才、大国工匠进行授课交流,讲授了数字化、智能化、自动化生产的最新理论成果,同时也分享交流了他们学习、工作的经历。不仅从理论上丰富了学员的学识,而且用他们的亲身经历告诉学员:产业工人也要像科学家一样去思考、去钻研、去创新。  相似文献   

陈铭 《工友》2013,(2):20-20
病房静悄悄,几乎能嗅得到渐渐逼近的死亡气息。54岁的谷成光侧卧在床,嘶哑的一阵咳嗽,一口痰涌向喉管,儿子赶紧把地上的篓子递上前,痰咳出来,他的脸色没刚才那么难看。如果不是插在鼻孔的氧气机管子,也许一声剧烈的咳嗽就要了他的命。  相似文献   

饶燕枝 《工友》2012,(6):8-11
人有情感和归属的需求,家庭能提供人"温馨需求"。然而今天,年轻人的婚恋越来越难,剩男剩女已成为一种社会现象。古人云:先成家后立业。从一定程度可看出"成家"对"立业"的影响,一份稳定的情感能给人的心灵带来稳定与安宁,从而促使其健康而顺利地成长。鉴于年轻人对婚恋的渴望,如今社会上各种相亲活动异常火爆。  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,我国成人高等教育,特别是各类管理干部教育,得到了迅速的发展,已经成为整个教育事业的极为重要的组成部分。成人高校的发展,对于缓和社会急需专业人才的紧缺情况,推动社会主义建设,起了积极作用。事实证明,成人高校是培养各种专门人才和管理干部的有效途径。当前,成人高校普遍存在两个问题:一是社会上有些同志对成人高校教育的重要性认识不足,对成人高校的改革与发展重视不够;二是成人高校在教学和管理中套用普通高校学历教育的模式。产生这两个问题的一个基本原因,就是没有认清成人高等教育的特点和规律。因此,遵循成人教育的规律,努力探索成人高等教育的特点,促进教育改革,成为成人高校健康发展的一个值得探讨和亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

《Labor History》2012,53(4):325-326

While much recent literature has focused on the environmental cost of carbon fuels, these sources of energy generated large human costs in the work environment as well. Work in coal mines was famously dangerous. And while petroleum, gas extraction and refining were also risky, this paper demonstrates that they were far less dangerous than was coal, while energy productivity per worker was also higher in oil than coal. Relying in part on previously unexploited data, the paper also shows that on the eve of World War II, the human costs of energy – measured by fatalities per btu of output – were sharply less in oil and gas production than in coal mining. Thus the great twentieth century energy transition from coal to liquid and gaseous fuels reduced both the environmental and the workplace costs per unit of energy.  相似文献   

王国军 《工友》2013,(3):44-44
阿荣是我一个要好的哥们儿,在一家外企,做业务推销员。虽说是从最基层开始的,但他是无怨无悔的。一年下来,阿荣的销售成绩取得了很大的突破。再一年过去,阿荣就升任了业务片区主管。公司销售部钱副经理对他赞赏有加,阿荣的工资很快涨到了4000多元。可阿荣知道,自己能取得这样的成绩离不开领导的赏识。想明白了,阿荣工作就更  相似文献   

2002,崭新的又一年。总在这种时候,在“邻墙旋打娱宾酒,稚子齐歌乐岁之系”的时候,我便关上门,坐在桌前,点亮一盏桔黄色的灯,放下厚厚的窗帘。人总是应该从光阴流逝的纷繁中偶尔抽身出来,让自己像一个不食人间烟火的隐士,在憧憬和虚幻的美妙中飞翔,只一瞬间这样的飞翔,人就在沉重的红尘之外,若一抹闪烁妩媚的虹。而此刻,我正开始梦幻和飞翔。从明天起,做一个幸福的人,喂马,劈柴,周游世界。从明天起,关心粮食和蔬菜,我有一所房子,面朝大海,春暖花开。明天就是新的一年,新的一天。我想抛弃过往,抛弃那些钻进钢筋水泥见…  相似文献   

朋友,又是1月,又是一个南国的新年,为何我总在这样的时节想起你们,想起从前?在这个城市的冬季,空气里仍然有从前那种微寒而微湿的气息。常常立在湖边,瑟缩在料峭的风中,看湖上的白鸥,年年飞渡千山万水,来此寻一个安憩之所。不经意间,竟未觉得时间的流逝。然而已是十余年了,湖边的垂柳依然柔条千尺,却也绾不回我们堤边同坐  相似文献   

This contribution analyses how indigenous land disputes have taken place within a political process and the political responses to land tenure disputes. It does so by analysing the case of the Comunidad Zona Lacandona (Lacandon Community; Chiapas, Mexico) and the land tenure disputes in which it has been involved during the period 1972–2012. The paper argues that the Lacandon Community (LC) has a micro-corporatist relationship with the state and that its creation has brought its beneficiaries (comuneros) into an ongoing dynamic of conflict and cooperation with the state, fellow landed communities, social and non-governmental organisations and guerrillas. By analysing its relationship with the state and the 40-year long conflict, the paper presents the way in which the LC has defended its land rights within institutional channels as well as by means of contentious action. The essay also shows how conflict has been dealt with within a political process and contributes to the theoretical understanding of the categories of micro-corporatism and political process as they are employed in those cases where indigenous peoples enter into conflict over land. Data for this paper comes from interviews, agrarian archives, public information requests, newspaper articles and ethnographies on the case study and the region.  相似文献   

现代人的生活空间越来越窄了。城市的膨胀,将人们的活动范围无形地限制进了人工和混凝土的构筑。迫于这种压力,人们那种想像鸟儿一样飞翔的欲望也越来越强烈。对于大多数的人而言,飞的形式仍限于坐在飞机里作俯瞰云海的  相似文献   

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