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My personal view of conservation is a pragmatic one. Renewable resources provide the basis for much of our national income today and we are relying on them to continue to do so in years to come. Unless we conserve them for sustainable development it will be our children and their children who will pay the price of our neglect (Hawke 1984).  相似文献   

吕平 《学理论》2012,(17):36-39
作为一种政治宣传,“美国重返东南亚”的表述存在着为奥巴马政府强势介入东南亚地区事务辩护的成分,并不是对冷战后美国东南亚政策的客观描述.在此基础上衍生而出的表述——“美国重返东亚”,承袭了为美国干涉东亚事务辩护的成分,有利于奥巴马政府借助论述的“软实力”弥补自身硬实力的下滑.盲目使用他人的论述,并在此基础上加以延伸,表现出中国对国际事务表述能力的缺陷,迷失自身立场.只有认真分析美方的政策文本,并从自身角度加以客观论述,才会正确地理解国际力量的变动,有利于中国利益的长远护持.  相似文献   

Tom Borcherding     
Thomas E Borcherding passed away on February 12, 2014, of congestive heart failure. He was 74. He is survived by his wife, Rhoda, and his sons Matthew and Benjamin. He made important, lasting contributions to the discipline of economics, particularly to the fields of public choice and law and economics. While the profession will surely miss his scholarly contributions in the future, we will continue to learn from the insights he has left behind in the academic literature and in our memories. The personal contributions he made to the lives of family members, colleagues, students, and friends will be missed even more acutely. Tom was an important presence in our lives. The absence of his kindness, generosity, keen wit and buoyant personality will be missed by all who knew him.  相似文献   

The question of what constitutes torture has perhaps never held as prominent a place in US political discourse as it has since the attacks on 9/11. This has fueled a national conversation that causes us to consider to what extent do our actions as a nation reflect our values as a nation? In a post 9/11 world in which the country will confront terrorism at home and abroad and our values will be tested we should strive for a better understanding of citizens' attitudes towards the practices that are (and have been) used to counter terrorism. To the extent that democratic theory is correct in necessitating public policy and public opinions to be reasonably congruent, understanding the distribution and formation of citizen attitudes towards torture is an important endeavor.  相似文献   

Franklin  Daniel  Westin  Tor 《Public Choice》1998,96(3-4):381-393
In this paper we develop a model to predict the seniority turnover, and transition consequences of term limit reforms for any institution with a regularized procedure for rotating membership. With this model we can predict the number of members who will be serving in their last term at any given time once an institution reaches a stable state under term limit reforms. For example, our results show that for the U.S. Senate current term limit proposals will result in a substantial increase in the number of “lame duck” members and a significant reduction in average seniority. We make no claims as to the public policy effects of term limit proposals. However, our model can be used to design a proposal that will maximize any benefits or minimize any public policy effects found to be associated with term limit reforms.  相似文献   

徐幸美 《学理论》2010,(7):133-134
科学发展观是党的十七大作出的一项重大战略部署。科学发展观,第一要义是发展,核心是以人为本,基本要求是全面协调可持续,根本方法是统筹兼顾。高校作为社会的重要组成部分,创建和谐大学校园是全面落实科学发展观的实际行动,如何创建和谐校园,是我们将要研究的新课题。  相似文献   

The Republican takeover of Congress suggests that the payer-driven forces of managed care, capitated payment, and the regional networks (alliances) will serve as centerpieces to improve the organization, financing, and delivery of our nation's health services. These "voluntary" alliances, frequently as an amalgamation of health providers and health insurance underwriters, often foreshadow the powerful, geographically linked regional health networks that are evolving into oligopolies. The authors anticipate, as a result, the formation of state health services commissions that will regulate market share, the scope of health services, reimbursement rates and allowable profits. State departments of public health and insurance will have their own regulatory duties. Complex relationships will result as these groups will often have conflicting, politically-charged goals.  相似文献   

曾瑜 《学理论》2012,(13):43-44
随着经济和社会纷纷步入转型期,我国社会的权力结构发生了变化。非政府组织的兴起改变了原来政府———市场的二元治理结构,推动着我国治理理念的转变以及民主法治的进步。然而,非政府组织蓬勃发展的同时也面临着内外交困的局面,从而引发了一系列的危机,尤其是合法性危机:一来其权力的来源缺乏明确的法律依据,二来缺乏代表性,再来独立性也受质疑。从行政法的视角分析了我国非政府组织合法性危机,并试图探索出解困之策。  相似文献   

浅析我国行政问责制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白彬 《学理论》2009,(6):18-20
推行行政问责制既是深化行政管理体制改革的重要内容,但是对于行政问责的理论研究却滞后于问责实践的开展。本文将试图从我国行政问责的发展现状入手,分析我国行政问责实践中存在的主要问题及原因,并试探性地提出了几点建议以及如何完善我国行政问责的路径选择.  相似文献   

(W)ithout the recognition that the city is of and within the environment, the wilderness of the wolf and the moose, the nature that most of us think of as natural cannot survive, and our own survival on the planet will come into question.  相似文献   

Ruth W. Grant 《Public Choice》2008,137(3-4):451-461
Homo Politicus, Homo Oeconomicus. Can these two abstract human types meaningfully be distinguished? Is there a characteristic set of motivations that drive human beings in so far as they are political actors and a different set that drive their economic lives? What are the psychological foundations of economics and politics? The answers to these questions have significant implications both for the study and the practice of economics and politics. If homo politicus is essentially identical to homo oeconomicus, it is safe to generalize from the study of economic behavior to political phenomena. If not, such a procedure will distort our understanding of politics. Similarly, if we design political institutions and public policies assuming that people will behave as they do when they confront economic choices, we may find our intentions thwarted if we have neglected the distinctive motivations characteristic of political action.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of our modern media environment on affective polarization. We conducted an experiment during the last month of the 2012 presidential election varying both the choice of media sources available about the major presidential candidates, and the tone of political advertisements presented to subjects. We posit that voters in a high-choice, ideologically-diverse media environment will exhibit greater affective polarization than those in a “mainstream” ideologically neutral environment. We also hypothesize that subjects who are exposed to negative rather than positive political advertisements will show increased affective polarization. We provide causal evidence that the combination of a high-choice ideologically diverse media environment and exposure to negative political ads, significantly increases affective polarization. We also find that both overall information search and selective exposure to information are influenced by our experimental manipulations, with the greatest amount of search, and the most biased search, conducted by Romney supporters in the Negative Ads, Diverse Media condition.  相似文献   

September 11 was the catalytic event that clearly demonstrated that transportation security was a virtual myth. We had obviously overinvested in efficiency-based mechanisms and procedures while the security and safety standards provided by effectiveness considerations were being increasingly ignored. This article analyzes the increasingly dangerous situation as it unfolded and provides an Emerging Entrepreneurial Management and Public Policy Model designed to provide insights towards rebalancing our transportation security and public policy considerations as we attempt to design, implement, and pay for optimal security systems to deal with the terrorism threats we face in the early twenty-first century. Rebalancing the model and the equations will require increased focus, will, and skills. It will also be a lot more expensive . . . in both the private and the public sectors.  相似文献   

This article examines the shift in discourses of citizenship from Britain from notions of entitlement and obligation to those of self-government, and the reciprocity between the responsibilisation of individual and collective citizen-subjectivities. Against the backdrop of debates about society as the telos of government, this article will interrogate the claim that New Conservatism's ‘Big Society’ represents a unique rationality of government and an alternative formula of advanced liberal rule. By doing so, the article will extend our understanding of ‘post-welfare regimes of the social’ and illustrate precisely how they operate in contemporary Britain.  相似文献   

对于轻微的犯罪行为采用可罚的违法性理论来说明,这在理论和实践中都是得到证明的,但是 判断标准应该如何来界定却是个难题。本文认为,判断行为是否具有可罚的违法性的标准应包括构成要件 阻却和违法性阻却两个方面。构成要件阻却包括质的相对性和量的轻微性,违法性阻却包括目的的正当性、 手段的相当性、法益的衡量、危害的轻微性、行为的必要性与紧急性。  相似文献   

沉默权制度是一个典型的舶来品。在这一制度背后 ,自然渗透着西方的人文传统和价值观念。对沉默权的价值取向和制度功能进行探索和揭示 ,将有助于增加国人对这一制度的了解和把握 ,也是我们进行法律移植必须予以考虑的问题。本文正是从这个角度进行思考 ,通过对国内有关学者的不同观点分析 ,充分论证在我国确立沉默权规则的必要性与可行性 ,并结合现实国情提出了中国沉默权规则的完整的设计思路  相似文献   

What do voters think when outside powers become de facto participants in a country’s election? We conceptualize two types of foreign intervention: a partisan stance, where the outsider roots for a particular candidate slate, and a process stance, where outsiders support the democratic process. We theorize that a partisan outside message will polarize partisan actors domestically on the issue of appropriate relations with the outsiders: partisans who are supported will want closer relations with the outside power, and partisans who are opposed will favor more distant relations. A process message, in contrast, will have a moderating effect on voters’ attitudes. We present evidence of partisan polarization along those lines from a survey experiment we conducted in Lebanon in the wake of the 2009 parliamentary elections. We discuss the implications of our findings for future studies of how outsiders can encourage moderate electoral outcomes in democratizing states.  相似文献   

支柱产业选择与中国旅游产业的效用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
支柱产业是在一定时期内能够支撑和推动国民经济发展的产业。当前 ,旅游业已成为我国国民经济新的增长点 ,具有成为我国支柱产业的条件和优势。  相似文献   

齐雪心 《学理论》2012,(19):132-133
科学的体系构造是一部科学的法律的重要保障。就我国物权法体系设计相关问题进行了研究,以适应市场经济发展和满足人民生活需要。建立一套完善的法律体制,对物权法所应包含的内容依我国的国情加以取舍,必须依靠法治而促进社会发展、使之成为一部具有科学体系的法律,共同推动文明进步。  相似文献   

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