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如何认识新形势下产业工会的地位和作用 ,这是当前工会工作者共同关心的一个重要问题 ,也是面对已经到来的经济全球化时代 ,适应深化改革 ,推进经济发展 ,驾驭产业工会工作不可或缺的前提。从世界经济的新特点看 ,发展经济 ,必须加快产业结构的调整 ,产业工会的地位更加重要。随着经济全球化进程加快 ,我国对外开放不断扩大 ,国内外两个市场逐渐融为一体 ,我国的产品不仅在国外市场而且在国内市场上都面临着激烈的国际竞争。因而发展我国经济 ,只有坚持以质取胜战略 ,加快产业结构的调整 ,培育和造就竞争力强的产业和产品 ,才能在激烈的国际…  相似文献   

加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,是中央在国际复杂政治经济形势以及综合考虑国内发展阶段和面临的中短期任务的背景下作出的重要战略抉择.以国内大循环为主体,实际上就是畅通生产、流通、消费等环节,打造具有竞争力的国内经济,从而提高本国国民的福祉.为更好地构建新发展格局,研究建议:加快创新与改革,...  相似文献   

经济全球化和全球治理的背景下,劳动标准的全球化趋势不可避免.通过对不同国家核心国际劳工标准落实情况的比较,得出了公约是否批准与国家的经济发展状况并不成正比例关系等结论.我国由于经济发展状况、政治体制等诸多方面的原因,没有完全批准8个核心劳工公约.在全球治理的背景下,中国工会应该坚持既有的批准国际劳工公约的立场,既反对将劳工标准与贸易挂钩,又要积极应对劳工标准对贸易的影响,配合政府在劳动教养制度的废除、集体合同制度的完善等诸多方面与国际劳工标准接轨.  相似文献   

我国“劳动法”对接CPTPP劳工条款有利于我国融入国际经贸规则体系,也有利于避免社会倾销调查。我国“劳动法”对接CPTPP劳工条款的制度框架包括原则性条款、实体权利条款、组织性条款、实施条款和纠纷解决条款。我国“劳动法”与CPTPP劳工条款接合的法律方案可分为国际和国内两个层面。国际层面可利用双边协议争取劳工标准实施的缓冲期、利用程序性规定防止争端解决程序滥用、适时推进结社权和集体谈判权相关公约的批准。国内层面可在海南自贸港提前试行CPTPP劳工规则:在强迫劳动方面,重点推动服刑人员报酬制度改革;在职业歧视方面,重点推动户籍制度改革以消除基于户籍的制度性歧视;在结社权和集体谈判权方面,可参考借鉴CPTPP缔约国越南和新加坡的经验。  相似文献   

农业剩余劳动力迁移对城市化进程具有很大影响,不同年龄阶段、不同经济发展阶段的农村剩余劳动力的迁移状况不同。农村剩余劳动力是通过产品竞争与就业竞争两种方式介入市场的,其是否发生乡-城转移取决于其在农村和城市两种不同市场中所得到的平均收益、边际收益、总收益的对比,从而影响着城市化进程。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,是党的十六大和十六届三中、四中全会提出的重大战略任务,也是一项前无古人、意义深远的系统工程。而企业的和谐是社会和谐的基础,因此,构建和谐企业是当前必须认真研究的一个重大课题。一、和谐企业的内涵及基本特征我们认为构建和谐企业就是要坚持科学发展观,统筹各方,兼顾平衡,保证企业全面、协调、可持续发展。企业必须处理和协调好两个关系,即外部关系和内部关系。从外部关系上说,要处理好企业与市场、企业与资源环境、企业与政府、企业与社会等方面的关系,能够创造性地适应和利用外部环境的变化来为自己服务。从…  相似文献   

从区分供给侧的不同结构层次入手,结合我国经济发展阶段转变和新科技革命引发的劳动要素需求变化,分别考察了不同要素投入在现阶段经济增长中的作用。与现有文献把经济减速的原因归结为劳动力供给不足、人口红利消失不同,研究认为在技术创新使经济增长与就业增加之间的关联效应不断弱化的情况下,相对于资源禀赋,人力资本投入才是中国经济实现高质量发展的决定性因素。因此,深化供给侧结构性改革的一个重要着力点,应放在促进劳动要素结构升级以提高人力资本的供给质量上,实现经济增长向全要素生产率驱动型的转变。此外,还考察了劳动力市场制度与劳动要素结构升级的关系,为通过劳动市场制度改革加快人力资本积累提出政策建议。  相似文献   

今年以来,国内外经济形势复杂多变、极不寻常。面对严峻形势,中央采取了一系列促进经济社会发展的政策措施,确保了我国经济平稳较快发展和社会和谐稳定皆但是,必须清醒地看到,当前我国面临的国际经济环境相当严峻。我们一定要统筹国内国际两个大局,  相似文献   

我国经济发展处于新旧动能交替期,一方面以大数据、信息技术和人工智能为动能的数字经济持续上行,另一方面以劳动力和资源要素为驱动的传统经济缓慢下行。而我国新增就业数量还依然有所上升。即使存在统计性问题,这一现象仍说明技术进步对就业的影响已经发生转变,这种转变可能来自数字经济发展缓冲了传统经济下行期的失业风险,也可能来自未来的工作内容与工作方式的转变。为此,本文沿着相关文献的路径,结合此次数字化特征对技术进步影响工作岗位的机制进行分析,探究数字经济与未来工作的可能,在此基础上提出未来劳动力市场可能面临的风险,并提出包容性治理的政策建议。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济社会的快速发展,传统的粗放型经济发展方式与人口、资源、环境的矛盾日益突出。在严峻的形势面前,党中央、国务院明确提出,转变经济发展方式刻不容缓,必须依靠科技进步,大力节能减排,推进产业转型,积极参与国际合作,努力发展低碳经济。工会作为工人阶级群众组织,在新的历史条件下,在转变经济发展方式的重大课题面前,  相似文献   

金融危机后,世界经济的生产、消费和能源使用模式都发生了新的变化。世界经济变化的主要趋势是发展动力回归实体经济;发达经济体普遍调整经济发展战略,从消费驱动型增长转向出口驱动型增长;各国普遍把以"低碳经济"为核心的新技术开发作为经济发展的主题。中国以低工资劳动力优势参与国际竞争的发展模式,给中国带来了越来越多的社会问题。为适应世界经济发展的新趋势,中国必须重新思考中国经济发展的意义和方向,改变出口导向型发展模式,转向以内需为主的经济发展模式。提高劳动者收入、减少贫富差距和建立社会保障机制是实现以内需为主的经济发展模式的基本途径。  相似文献   

Scholars often highlight the capacity for cooperation and reciprocity as one of the most outstanding features of Andean peasants, but also raise concerns that these traditional strategies necessarily wither and fade as Andean people and places are increasingly incorporated into capitalist markets and processes. This study examines how non-market cooperative and reciprocal economic practices are affected as rural Bolivians expand production to meet a growing international demand for the Andean pseudo-grain quinoa. Based on the grounded experiences of rural Bolivians who are negotiating the modernisation and martketisation of agricultural production for the first time, I find that increasing incorporation into global markets need not undermine the moral economy of rural people, and may in fact strengthen their commitment to reciprocal and cooperative strategies. In contrast to claims that the spread of modern markets and technologies will weaken and ultimately replace cooperative strategies, I argue that reciprocity practices are important components in the construction of a new, hybrid economic space. Within this space, where economic strategies are based on moral sentiments as well as market logic, reciprocity provides a socially and ecologically appropriate ‘toolkit’ with which rural people negotiate their uneven incorporation into global capitalistic processes.  相似文献   

中国劳动关系研究植根于本国历史经验、道路实践和国情社情,经过70年来五个阶段的发展,已经形成了中国特色的劳动关系理论体系,即借鉴西方的劳动关系制度,但摈弃了把劳动关系看成是纯粹的经济关系、单纯用产权规则解决纠纷的思维。该理论体系认为,劳动关系中包含了政治关系,劳动关系双方在根本利益上是一致的。因此,劳动关系领域的矛盾,是根本利益一致基础上的具体利益差别的矛盾,属于人民内部矛盾。由此形成了国家主导的中国劳动关系治理体系的"四梁八柱"。当前,劳动力市场结构发生了基础性转变,经济发展已经由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,互联网平台经济的快速发展促进了各种新就业形态不断涌现,这些变化必然会带来劳动关系的变化和劳动关系研究的新议题。  相似文献   

作为一个北欧小国,从自然禀赋上看,芬兰不具备优势,除林业资源和渔业资源外,现代经济发展中关键的煤和石油奇缺。但进入21世纪以来,在世界经济论坛每年所做的全球经济竞争力的排名中,芬兰一直名列前茅,甚至有4次名列榜首,成为最具有经济竞争力国家,这则更加体现出较好的研究和参考价值。芬兰在二战后独特的混合经济体制以及社会保障福利国家体系,构成了芬兰在二战以来经济和社会诸多方面的发展特点。这些特点对中国和其他发展中国家未来的发展道路有着较强的启示和借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Much of the literature on the ‘land grab’ has thus far focused on the international drivers of foreign agricultural investment, with far less attention paid to the roles of developing country states and domestic political economy in changing forms of agrarian production. This paper analyses how global and domestic processes combine to produce patterns of agrarian transformation in Ethiopia, one of the main targets of foreign agricultural investment. The paper presents a typology of changes in land use and examines in detail three case studies of investments in Ethiopia drawn from this typology. The paper concludes that the most dramatic changes are taking place in lowland, peripheral regions where large-scale, capital-intensive farms employing wage labour pose a serious risk to pastoralists whose ‘use’ of land is contested by the state. Although the government has been careful to avoid mass displacement of settled smallholders, there are also important changes taking place in highland areas, with the government encouraging investments that combine the resources of investors with the labour and land of smallholders. These investments have resulted in exposure to new forms of market risk.  相似文献   

An ignored but significant group in the local economy, female vendors of the traditional Kharvi fishing community in Goa, India have, in many ways, benefited from recent fisheries development. Their success in the markets has reinforced more egalitarian gender relations within fishing households, as well as affecting their class mobility and caste status in Goan society. Rather than being “victims” of technological development that has focused on fishermen, many Goan Catholic fisherwomen, in contrast to their Hindu counterparts, have made an economically successful transition from “barefoot, headload peddlers” in the villages to market entrepreneurs, working in small cooperative groups. The more complementary and egalitarian gender relations of fishing groups represent a reversal of the dominant patriarchal norms of Indian society. Ironically, the effects of economic success, education for the younger generation, and the withdrawal of Kharvi daughters from marketing activities may alter their economic and domestic independence and undermine more egalitarian gender relations in the future.  相似文献   

Based on a discussion of the structural transformation of the Mexican economy, this paper investigates the impact of financialization on agriculture’s role in capitalist development. It argues that the peripheral financialized economy is a rural–urban economy. On the one hand, agriculture and industry are bifurcated into a growing export sector and a stagnating local economy, and there are no functional ‘developmental’ links between capitalist agriculture and industry. On the other hand, the economic structures have resulted in the consolidation of a huge mass of rural–urban ‘classes of labour’. Capitalist agriculture and industry are linked through and dependent on cheap labour sustaining the export economy. I argue that the current economic formation is not due to ‘urban bias’, ‘rural bias’ or any misallocation of resources among economic sectors. Rather, it can be explained in relation to ‘finance bias’: the taking over of debt relations as the key driving force of economic activities. A major contradiction in peripheral finance capitalism arises from the financing of cheap labour through debt. This is likely to result in new financial crisis, when the contradictions between increasing levels of (private and public) debt, a stagnating domestic economy, and below-subsistence level wages become too large.  相似文献   


Guatemala’s palm oil production has surged in line with the global demand for biodiesel and vegetable oil production. While corporate land grabs have been a popular concept in agrarian studies, we emphasize the integral roles of the state and racially-charged political power relations, enhanced by the neoliberal food regime. These power relations, with racism at their core, foster land control grabs occurring alongside the rise of the palm oil industry. Their effects extend beyond merely the dispossession of land. The oil palm expansion and related dispossessions mostly benefit the international markets and the wealthy ruling class comprised of creole descendants and affluent ladinos. The soaring industry has given rise to human rights violations and a lack of access to or control of various resources, such as food and water. Based on fieldwork, we show that dispossessed Guatemalans, especially the indigenous, experience rising poverty, domestic food shortages and an influx of foreign foodstuffs as the meagrely paid work in the oil palm sector is only available for the few.  相似文献   

在探索既符合市场经济规律又符合我国国情的企业领导体制和技术管理制度创新的过程中,必须将产权与劳权激励约束互动的制度安排摆在较突出的位置.这不仅是基层民主政治建设、经济民主建设的需要,更是将社会主义基本制度优势与市场的优势相结合的需要.  相似文献   

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