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5.仲裁方的诉讼/律师费用:5.1有关分摊诉讼/律师费用的法律大原则(1)这方面英国法的大原则是“根据争议结果分摊仲裁费用”(costsfollowthe event),胜诉方可从败诉方那里拿回胜诉争议点所导致的诉讼费用:London Scottish Benefit Society v.Chorley(1884)13Q.B.873。从1996年英  相似文献   

律师费用的损害赔偿,从广义上讲,包括两个方面:一是指在我国民事诉讼中,胜诉当事人聘请律师的费用可否向败诉方要求赔偿;二是指律师事务所对该所律师因故意或过失给客户造成损害,向客户进行的赔偿。因第二个方面问题国内学说已论述较多,故本文仅就第一方面问题作一些探讨,以期有益于我国律师费用赔偿制度的建立和完善。 国外与我国台湾司法判例及学说 当事人委托律师参与民事诉讼,就律师费用是否可以向败诉方请求赔偿,各国所采制度不同。 英国、法国、德国等是实行律师强制代理诉讼制度,即当事人进行诉讼必须由律师来代理诉讼并…  相似文献   

长期以来,我国在民事诉讼中实行由委托人自行负担律师代理费。在一部分同志看来,这似乎是天经地义的事,然而也有不少人尤其是胜诉方当事人对此提出了质疑,认为律师代理费应由败诉方负担。笔者认为这个问题关系到当事人双方的切身利益以及我国司法制度的完善,对其研究实属刻不容缓。本文试图就此进行初步探讨,以求教于法学界同仁。(一)关于在民事诉讼中,律师代理费究竟应由谁负担这个问题,世界各国规定不尽相同,但概括起来基本上有以下两种做法:第一,由败诉方支付胜诉方的律师费用。  相似文献   

律师费有限转付制度的可行性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着公民法律意识的提高和律师事业的发展,越来越多的诉讼当事人请律师为其提供法律帮助。在这里,除了在特定情况下律师为当事人提供法律帮助外,当事人都得向律师事务所交纳一定的律师服务费。那么,当事人为寻求司法救济所支付或约定支付的律师费用,在案件胜诉时能否让败诉方承担呢?这就涉及一个律师费有限转付制度的问题。所谓律师费的有限转付制度,是指法院判决胜诉方为寻求司法救济而支付的合理的律师费用,转由败诉方承担的制度。该制度起源于英国,后逐渐被其他国家仿效,现在世界上绝大多数法治国家,都确立了该项制度。就我国…  相似文献   

律师费转付是指在刑事、民事、行政诉讼中,除公诉机关直接进行起诉的案件外,胜诉方聘请律师所支出的费用由败诉方承担的一种诉讼制度设计。  相似文献   

律师费是否应由败诉方承担?应当。既然“诉讼费由败诉方承担”已成为包括我国诉讼法律在内的国际诉讼规则的应有之义,那同为受害人救济权利支付成本的律师费就没有理由不这样处理。这似乎已成为我国司法体制改革进程中来自社会各方(当然除了败诉方)支持率日升的一种观点。在其看来,律师费由败诉方承担可以造成多赢的博弈效果;就民众(受害人)言,排除他们担心律师费(成本)超过胜诉赔偿额(收益)而纷纷息诉的可能:就律师界言,可增加社会对律师的需求,改变法律服务市场狭小,律师业恶性竞争的局面;就社会言,受害人乐于谋求律师…  相似文献   

试论民事诉讼胜诉当事人之费用求偿权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨剑 《河北法学》2003,21(1):103-106
在民事诉讼中 ,当事人支出的费用大致可分为三个部分 :1.向法院交纳和支付的费用 ,即“诉讼费用” ;2 .律师代理费 ;3.当事人因参加诉讼而支出的其他费用。诉讼费用以败诉方负担为原则 ,待判决确定后 ,应由胜诉当事人直接向对方请求偿还 ;律师代理费的求偿方式因是否采取强制律师代理制而有所不同 ;至于其他费用 ,也应当设立诉讼法上与民法上两种不同的途径以供求偿  相似文献   

参加民事诉讼,进行起诉、应诉、上诉等一系列诉讼活动,诉讼当事人必然要支出交通、食宿、以及为聘请律师或其他诉讼代理人的费用,此外,还必然要承受因参加诉讼活动误工所造成的工资、报酬或营业收入等方面的损失,本文将上述诉讼当事人为参加诉讼活动而必然付出的费用和所承受的经济损失,统称为参讼费用。这是由于败诉方的行为而使胜诉方额外遭受到的经济损失。 然而,在我国现行法律体系中,并无任何法律文件或法律条文对此进行规范,法学理论界,也几乎没人将这问题明确、完整地提出来探讨过。在审判实践中,人民法院由于没有明确的法律依据,往往在裁判时不能对此作出处理。上述状况,并不符合我国法律切实保障  相似文献   

在美国的版权案件中,地区法院可酌情将合理的律师费判给胜诉方.根据美国联邦最高法院的指导意见,地区法院不可以理所当然地裁判律师费,而且不可以对胜诉的原告和胜诉的被告给予任何有差别的待遇.在裁判律师费时,地区法院应当重点考虑败诉方诉讼立场的客观合理性,但也要考虑其他所有的相关因素,如轻率起诉、诉讼动机以及在特定情形中考虑赔偿和遏制的需要.我国应当借鉴美国的有益做法,完善与律师费赔偿有关的规定.  相似文献   

在我国民事诉讼中,胜诉当事人聘请律师的费用可否向败诉方要求赔偿,法律目前无明确规定。本文拟从国外与我国台湾司法判例及学说、我国目前司法实践及建立律师赔偿制度的必要性、律师费用赔偿的性质、构成要件等方面对此问题作以探讨,以期有利于我国律师费用赔偿制度的早日建立。  相似文献   

In this article, we seek to explain when and why political parties pressure their members to vote with the party. We model party cohesion as an endogenous choice of preference alignment by party members. Couched in Krehbiel's (1996, 1998) pivotal politics model, the formal theory advanced here shows party cohesion to be related to the initial preference alignment of party members, the divergence in preferences between parties, the cohesion of the opposing party, the party's size, and the party's majority or minority status. We solved the model analytically for generalized‐partial equilibrium results and further analyzed it through computer simulations. We tested the model's predictions in the U.S. Senate using Rice party cohesion scores from the 46th through 104th Congresses. The data analyses show strong support for this theory of endogenous choice of party pressure.  相似文献   

刘涛 《政法学刊》2005,22(2):91-93
强化共产党员的行为规范是加强党的执政能力建设的一个重要内容,是执政之固、保持党员先进性和党肌体惩腐自净的需要。强化共产党员行为规范,坚持党性原则是关键,党性原则要求共产党员时刻加强马克思主义理论修养;时刻坚持党内民主集中制原则;时刻牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨并身体力行之;时刻模范遵守党的纪律;时刻坚定中国工人阶级先锋队战士的政治立场。  相似文献   

薛军 《法学研究》2011,(1):58-67
传统民法对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫采取区分式的立法模式。在第三人欺诈情形,排除意思表示人针对善意相对人撤销其意思表示的权利;在第三人胁迫情形,则赋予意思表示人以无限制的撤销其意思表示的权利。区分模式忽视对交易安全的保障,造成法律制度内部的冲突。对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫设立统一规则的模式具有诸多优点,在最近的民法理论中得到越来越多的支持。在未来中国民法典的编纂中,应对第三人欺诈与第三人胁迫采纳统一的规则模式,承认在无信赖利益保护需求时,被欺诈人与被胁迫人享有撤销权。  相似文献   

The subject of this article is the relationship between the central party organisation and the parliamentary party group. The article investigates whether Danish political parties are changing into parties dominated by their parliamentary party groups, as has been hypothesised. In contrast to most of the literature on party change, which is based on ideas of convergence caused by external changes, this article argues that party organisation is basically a party decision and therefore influenced by party preferences and characteristics. The analyses are based on data from the statutes of 16 Danish parties in over 50 years. One noteworthy finding is that Danish parties do not converge. Party ideology proves to be very important for the power structure of a party. Even though political parties are exposed to changing political circumstances they still organise according to their basic ideas about democracy and representation.  相似文献   

Party caucuses are increasingly important to members' allocation of time. This article reports findings from new data on the minutes, frequency, timing, and attendance of House party caucus meetings. I argue that the party caucuses increasingly affect political and policy information flows to members. This growing party coordination has resulted in a greater bonding and shared strategic information among rank‐and‐file copartisans. This research also contributes to the party effects literature. Earlier research on congressional partisanship has used roll‐call data to measure both member preferences and party effects. I investigate whether or not members' attendance at party caucus meetings immediately prior to key congressional votes imposes partisan cohesion beyond members' preferences. The results indicate that party coordination contributes to greater congressional party unity on key floor votes at both the bill and member level controlling for members' ideological preferences. This party coordination effect occurs even during a period of high intraparty preference homogeneity.  相似文献   

被害人诉讼当事人地位探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
因被害人与案件结局有实体上的直接利害关系,案件结局涉及被害人利益的维护,所以赋予被害人当事人地位是合理的.既然被害人与案件有直接利害关系,那么若让其被动地接受别人为其安排的诉讼结局,而其对自身利益的维护无能为力,则其主体地位就会受到贬损,这不符合程序公正的基本要求.因而,必须使被害人作为诉讼主体充分、有效的参与诉讼.而在诉讼的各角色中,只有当事人地位有此功能,所以赋予被害人当事人地位是必要的.这一合理性与必要性便构成了赋予被害人当事人地位的理论基础.  相似文献   

Abstract At times, the American political parties are so close in terms of policy positions that critics denounce the lack of a “dime's worth of difference” between them. At other times, the gap between them on a left‐right dimension is huge. How can we explain this variation? We argue that parties can behave rationally as collective units, and that shifts in divergence and convergence can be explained as rational responses to changes within governmental institutions and to shifts in conditions outside. We analyze this argument using adjusted ADA scores (Groseclose, Levitt, and Snyder 1999) to compare voting score differences between the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress from 1952 to 1996. We pose specific hypotheses for potentially important factors shaping party behavior and test them with a multivariate model. Our results support the argument that the variation in the behavioral gap between the two parties in Congress can be explained as rational party responses to internal and external stimuli.  相似文献   

我国的刑事诉讼简易程序不以对被告人减轻刑事处罚或者降格处理为条件,它主要通过实行独任审判、放宽证据规则、缩短审理时间等对审判程序进行简化,但是,简易程序仅是适用于某些特定案件的程序,其在理论和实践中尚有一些问题需要澄清.  相似文献   

One of the important measures taken in furtherance of the joint decree of the CPSU Central Committee and the USSR Council of Ministers "On Measures to Further Improve Certification of Research and Teaching Personnel" has been a revision of the "List of Specialties of Scholarly Personnel," in accordance with which degrees are granted. The new list, issued by the State Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR Council of Ministers in May 1977, introduced "Party development" as a distinct specialty for work in which the degrees of candidate and doctor of historical or philosophical sciences may be awarded.  相似文献   

论党员监督权   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
艾国 《政治与法律》2003,1(5):23-27
党员享有监督权是党员进行党内民主监督的前提。党员监督权包括批评权、检举权和要求罢免权。党员监督权具有工具性、综合性、重合性等特征,具有评价、免疫、善事、防变等功能。保障党员有效行使监督权,对于反腐防变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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