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The CAFIU secretariat organized the Executive Council symposium on her 30thanniversary on the morning of October 20th, 2011. Fifteen Executive eeeCouncil members attended at the invitiation and spoke at the symposium. The members had enthusiastic discussions on the topic of Great  相似文献   

(April 24, 2009)Entrusted by President Li Guixian and on behalf of the 9th council of CAFIU, I now submit a report onthe work of CAFIU for your examination and  相似文献   

正The 10th Executive Council of the Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU)was elected in April of 2009.In the past five years,CAFIU has not only given full play to its traditional advantages in promoting people-topeople diplomacy,but also tapped into new resources and channels to establish new platforms,open up new horizons and forge new brands for  相似文献   

正On the morning of April 2,2014,CAFIU held the 11th Executive Council Meeting in Beijing.Present at the Meeting were Member of the Politburo of the 17th CPC Central Committee and Vice-Chairman of the 11th CPPCC National Committee Mr.Wang Gang,ViceChairman of the 11th NPC Standing Committee and President of CAFIU Mr.Zhou Tienong,ViceChairpersons of the NPC Standing Committee Mme  相似文献   

Mr.Wang Jiarui,Minister of the International Department of CPC Central Committee,Vice-Presidents of CAFIU,Council Members of CAFIU,Colleagues and friends,On such a beautiful spring day,I am so glad to be here to attend the second plenary session of the 10th Executive Council of CAFIU.I would like to start by extending warm welcome to all of you,who have made time out of your busy schedule to be present today.I also want to thank you for your trust and support to me in my past two years as president of CAFIU.  相似文献   

ProfileofHonoraryPresidentLeiJieqiongLetJieqiongwasborninGuangzhou,GuangdongProvinceonSeptember12,1905andherancestralhousewasTaishan,GuangdongProvince.SheiscurrentlyHonoraryPresidentoftheCentralCommitteeoftheChinaAssociationforPromotingDemocracy,professoranddoctoratetutorattheDepartmentofSociology,BeijingUniversity,HonoraryPresidentoftheChineseAssociationforinternationalUnderstanding,memberoftheAdvisoryCounciltoHenryYingTungFokEducationFund,HonoraryPresidentoftheChineseSociolog…  相似文献   

Entrusted by President Li Guixian and on behalf of the 9th council of CAFIU, I now submit a report on the work of CAFIU for your examination and approval.  相似文献   

The 10th Executive Council of CAFIU was elected in April 2009.In the past two years,focusing on the overall state diplomacy,and under the guidance of its leadership and the support of the Executive Council members,CAFIU has made thoughtful plans and active explorations in external relations in a solitary and down-to-earth manner.  相似文献   

正I am very pleased to attend the 11th Executive Council Meeting of CAFIU,and would like to express my hearty congratulations to President Yan Junqi,the new leadership and the newly-elected Executive Council.I also want to express my sincere thanks for choosing me to be the Honorary President of CAFIU!  相似文献   

正The meeting of the 11th Executive Council of CAFIU is convened successfully today.We have reviewed the achievements of the 10thExecutive Council,approved the amended Constitution and elected the new leadership.It is a great honor for me to serve as the President of CAFIU.Therefore,I would like to express my thanks for the trust given by all Council members and the colleagues present  相似文献   

<正>Zhang Xuejun,member of the Standing Committee of CAFIU’s Executive Council and Directorgeneral of Jiangxi Provincial Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office,participated in the entire events of the Jiangxi Session of the Dialogue and presided over the Nanchang Dialogue.Jin Canrong,member of the Standing Committee of CAFIU’s Executive Council and Deputy Dean of the School of International  相似文献   

TheChineseAssociationforinternationalUnderstanding(CAFIU)convenedits8thCouncilConferenceonFebruary10,1999inBeijing.Vice-PremieroftheStateCouncil,Mr.QianQichen,MemberofthePoliticalBureauoftheCommunistPartyofChina(CPC),waspresentattheconferenceanddeliveredakeynotespeech,expressingwarmcongratulationsontheeventonbehalfoftheCPCCentralCommitteeandtheStateCouncil.Altogetherover120participantsattendedtheConference.AmongthemwerestateleadersLiGuixian,WanGuoquan,DingShisun,LuoHaocai,Jia…  相似文献   

1.DaoShurenMemberoftheChinesePeople'sPoliticalConsultativeCooference(CPPCC)andVice-PresidentandSecretary-GeneraloftheChineseBuddhistAssociation2.MaLiangjiMemberofCPPCC,Vice-PresidentoftheChineseIslamicAssociationandAhungoftheGreatIslamicMosqueofHuajueLane,Xi'an3.MaJiantangHeadoftheGeneralDepartmentoftheStateEconomicandTradeCommission4.MaEnchaoformerSecretary-General,InternationalDepartmentoftheCentralCommitteeofCommunistPartyofChina(CPC)5.BianQingzuSecretary-Generaloft…  相似文献   

正I.Political Parties and Government Sector Bie Tao Deputy Director-General,Department of Policies and Laws,Ministry of Environmental Protection Dong Jinyi Vice-President andSecretary-general,Associationof FormerDiplomatsof China,formerChinese Ambassador to Italy,Republic of San Marino and Switzerland Fan Yufei Deputy Director,Foreign Affairs Office of Shanghai Municipal People’s Government Gu Jianxin Deputy Director,Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government  相似文献   

The Chinese Association for International Understanding(CAFIU) held the 2nd Plenary Session of the 10th Executive Council in Beijing on April 29.Present at the Session were Vice-Chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and President of CAFIU Mr.Zhou Tienong  相似文献   

Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentlemen,It is a great pleasure to attend this meeting today to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Chinese Association for International Understanding, which has maintained long-time sound cooperation with my organization, the  相似文献   

The Symposium commemorating the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) with the theme of "international exchanges, connecting the world" was held in Beijing on the 30thof September.  相似文献   

First of all, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations on the successful holding of the meeting of the 10th Council of the Chinese Association for International Understanding, and the election of the new leadership headed by President Zhou Tienong. Furthermore, I would also like to present my heartfelt thanks to you all for giving me the confidence and great support when I served as the president of the 8th and 9th council of CAFIU.  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection of South Africa,CAFIU VicePresident Ai Ping attended the 4thMeeting of China-Africa Think Tanks Forum(CATTF IV)cosponsored by South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation and China’s Zhejiang Normal University held in Pretoria,South Africa from September 9thto 10th,  相似文献   

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