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薛磊 《国际展望》2010,(3):49-59
冷战结束后,国家内部的武装冲突或无政府状态成为国际和平及安全面临的主要威胁。作为全球性国际组织,联合国在应对这些新的威胁和挑战方面负有重要责任。以联合国关于和平、发展、人权三大支柱的新表述为标志,其领导和组织的维和行动正在发展成为一种全球伙伴关系,这要求联合国各主要机构、区域组织、利益相关国以及非政府实体等建立更为紧密的联系。维和行动的执行也需要更具长期性和广泛性的战略规划。作为联合国安理会的常任理事国,中国需要对国际形势的变化作出积极应对,更为充分和广泛地参与联合国和平行动,进一步提升联合国在维护国际和平及安全方面的地位和作用。  相似文献   

分析联合国成建制维和警队的的起源、现状及发展趋势,总结中国成建制维和警队的经验,找准中国成建制维和警队在发展建设方面存在的不稳定因素、缺少外围支持和胜任能力短板,提出了从政策保障、资源整合、人才培养三个方面提高中国成建制维和警队发展建设能力。  相似文献   

中国对联合国维和行动的认知态度大体上经历了三个阶段拒绝阶段、接触感知阶段和认同阶段,这种态度的转变是与中国国家安全利益结构的变化分不开的.中国的安全利益由重点强调以阶级斗争为纲,保护国家的政治利益转变为强调经济建设和政治安全并重,优先考虑经济建设,再到提出新安全观,强调国内利益与国际利益相结合,构筑和谐世界.外交是内政的延续,安全重点的转移推动了中国在联合国维持和平行动中的不断的角色定位.  相似文献   

中国的发展是和平发展,至今大多依靠广义的软权力并且取得伟大成就的和平发展有越来越明显的根本大战略裨益,并且在世界政治很大部分变化着的基本性质中有其坚实基础。然而,中国大体上依然缺少狭义的软权力,特别是其中关于基本发展方式和社会生活方式的软权力(或曰最大的狭义软权力)。与和平发展密切相连的和谐世界理念基于四大要素:世界政治基本性质正在经历的变迁;中国和平发展的伟大实践经验;中国的世界秩序理想;中国的大战略需要。"国际责任"正在成为中国大战略问题的首要关键词,而当前一种新的对外政策形势——重要的新麻烦迅速多样化增生和分散化表现——蕴含着中国正在面临的意味深远的新挑战。目前和今后一段历史时期里最重要的,就是要鉴于中国目前内外瓶颈问题的一大共同来源,在"科学发展观"引领下转换改革开放以来不平衡的发展模式。  相似文献   

怀工 《工会博览》2010,(17):37-37
本刊讯 "今年年初,怀柔区总工会、区体育局、区卫生局就联合下发了《2010年开展工间操活动方案》,并在基层掀起了工间操健身热潮。"怀柔区总工会主席付宝兰说,"今后,全区各单位将开展每日一次、每次不少于20分钟的工间操活动。医院、商业、部分企、事业单位,这些无法工间抽出时间的,就利用工前或其他时间组织大家做操锻炼。除开展做广播体操活动外,  相似文献   

"世界著名华人美术家环球绘画和平之旅组委会"(简称"和平之旅"),自2003年成立以来频繁活跃在国际舞台上。2013年9月12日,"和平之旅"与吉尔吉斯共和国文化信息部在古代"丝绸之路"名城比什凯克共同主办了"2013上合组织比什凯克峰会——国际和平艺术家绘画作品展"大型主题画展,为上合组织各成员国和来自世界多国的艺术家提供了一个人文交流的平台。  相似文献   

刘娟娟 《当代世界》2012,(10):35-37
2012年9月20—22日,2012年国际和平日纪念活动暨中国—东南亚和平发展论坛在深圳市隆重举行。本次会议由中国人民争取和平与裁军协会(简称和裁会)、联合国驻华系统和深圳市人民政府共同主办,  相似文献   

中东是全球安全问题最集中的地区之一,中东地区的冲突解决主要有三种路径——以实力促和平以民主促和平和以发展促和平。以发展促和平强调发展赤字是引发冲突的主要根源,经济社会发展有助于维护国家稳定、化解社会矛盾和推动地区冲突解决,从而在国家和地区层面上将发展带来的经济红利转化为安全红利。该理念倡导发展与和平的联动性、输血与造血的两重性、短期目标与中长期目标的渐进性。中国在中东以发展促和平的实践分为国家和地区两个维度。在国家层面,中国主张尊重中东国家的发展权,以重大基础设施建设和民生项目为抓手,通过发展援助等增强对象国治理能力;在地区层面,中国以一带一路建设为平台,促进区域设施联通,建立利益共同体,逐步实现地区和平。以发展促和平理念基于改革开放40年治国理政经验的总结,是中国参与中东安全事务的重要方略。  相似文献   

张凯 《当代世界》2013,(10):23-26
彩云之南,秋沐春城。2013年9月21-22日,“2013年国际和平日纪念活动暨中国-南亚和平发展论坛”在昆明隆重举行。本次会议由中国人民争取和平与裁军协会(简称“和裁会”)、联合国驻华系统和云南省人民政府共同主办,  相似文献   

5月30日,北京青少年法律援助与研究中心公布2009-2010年度中国未成年人保护十大事件评选结果,“中国确立打击拐卖儿童新格局”位列十大事件之首。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes Colombian foreign policy over the last three decades with specific emphasis on Bogota's peace diplomacy from 1978 up to 2000 in the context of an ongoing and degrading internal war. Initially, it assumes a modified realist perspective that links international relations with domestic structures. Then, the text defines three models of Colombian peaceful diplomacy according to the purposes, the means, and the rationales employed by the administrations that covered the above-mentioned period. After empirically evaluating the governments of Presidents Turbay, Betancur, Barco, Gaviria, and Samper and the first two years of the presidency of Pastrana, the article concludes with an assessment of the country's peace diplomacy and its impact on internal violence and instability. The foreign policies of the six different mandates show that Colombia never developed an overall, consensual state strategy towards peace, that the multiple peaceful diplomacies were partially successful in terms of sustaining the political regime and that, notwithstanding the latter, the successive governments failed to achieve a genuine resolution to domestic war. Finally, the article calls for a serious, active, and simultaneous state foreign policy and citizen's diplomacy in favor of peace.  相似文献   

From the signing of the Oslo Peace Accords in September 2000 to the eruption of Al Aqsa intifada in September 2000, the international community allocated an estimated $20–25 million for people-to-people (P2P) projects. Since September 2000, almost all P2P projects came to a halt. Many people have asked why this had to happen? Why did the P2P projects cease to work when they were needed the most? Why did the P2P projects fail to produce the desired goals? How could P2P projects have greater impact? Why are some activities continuing, while others have ceased? This article will attempt to deal with these questions. It is based on a research project that involved Israeli and Palestinian non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and Civil Society institutions; Israeli, Palestinian, and international academics; and other expert conflict resolution and conflict prevention practitioners. A joint team of Israeli and Palestinian researchers was appointed to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the P2P process; two workshops were held to conduct subjective analyses of the P2P process from its start until today. An interactive web site was also produced, and some 40 interviews were conducted with initiators and implementers of P2P projects. We present here the findings of this study.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explore some of the security and conflict dimensions of the China-Africa relationship, illustrating what the challenges are, why they are important and what has been done to meet them. Section one provides a brief overview of the different manifestations of conflict and insecurity on the African continent, highlighting that Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) proliferation is a problem that links them all. Section two explores the reasons why China has a stake in the peace and security o...  相似文献   

This article unpacks the renaissance of interest in ‘the local’ in peace building. It pays increased attention to local dimensions of peace in a wider context of increased assertiveness by local actors as well as a loss of confidence by major actors behind international peace-support actors. The article sees the ‘local turn’ in peace building as part of a wider critical turn in the study of peace and conflict, and focuses on the epistemological consequences of the recourse to localism in the conceptualisation and execution of peace building. The local turn has implications for the nature and location of power in peace building. This article is largely conceptual and theoretical in nature but it is worth noting that the local turn is based on reactions to real-world events.  相似文献   

随着全球化的深入发展,民间组织在全球治理中的作用不断加强,在这一趋势下,开展各国民间组织之间的交流与合作,对于探讨和解决全球性问题具有非常重要的意义。而当前全球性金融危机的爆发和蔓延,以及目前地区和全球安全形势的不确定,使得各国之间,特别是力量在不断上升的发展中国家之间有了更明确、更紧迫的合作议题。  相似文献   

Textbooks are not only meant to deliver subject knowledge; they are also a medium to convey universal and community-specific values. Aiming to explore the social and emotional development goals of English for Ethiopia Student Textbook Grade 9, this study reviews the content and activities of the textbook by searching for embedded peace values and prejudices. Textual, contextual and sociological discourse analyses were conducted to characterise, understand and explain the nature of the textbook’s discourse. A positive self-concept; good health and compassion (inner peace); tolerance, solidarity and social responsibility (social peace); and respect for life in all its forms and care for the environment (peace with nature) were found to be recurring peace values. However, some content reflected gendered stereotyping, which goes against the peace value of equality.  相似文献   

纪春鹏 《当代世界》2010,(11):32-35,39
在美国大力斡旋下,巴勒斯坦民族权力机构主席阿巴断与以色列总理内塔尼亚胡于2010年9月2日在华盛顿会晤,这标志着停滞了20个月之久的巴以直接谈判艰难重启。巴以恢复直谈是各方面因素综合作用的结果,其中起决定作用的是美、巴、以三方出于各自政治需要所作的外交抉择。  相似文献   

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