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南振中 《民主》2011,(11):10-14
四、学习主要是为了“寻找启发” 一些年轻同志问:“怎样将书本知识转化为自己的知识?” “转化”就是变化和改变。一本书在阅读之前,是一本普普通通的印刷品。阅读之后,从中受到启发。产生了新联想,有了新发现和新感悟,于是就产生了“阅读附加值”。“阅读附加值”越大,学习的有效性就越高:“阅读附加值”越小,学习的有效性就越低:没有产生“阅读附加值”,就属于“无效阅读”和“微效阅读”。  相似文献   

本文从小学生是学习美术的主体的角度,阐明了引导他们积极参与课堂教学全过程,并实现师生、生生之间的交往与沟通,启发创造性,以达到美术教学优化,提高美术教学实效的目的.  相似文献   

姜璐 《学理论》2013,(12):289-290
联合国教科文组织为研究即将到来的21世纪教育改革和发展提出的要求以及面对当前教育改革的挑战,专门成立了"国际21世纪教育委员会",1996年该委员会向联合国教科文组织提交了一份名为《教育—财富蕴藏其中》的报告,明确提出了21世纪教育必须围绕学生的四种基本的学习能力或未来教育的大支柱来重新设计,强调学生应学会求知、学会做事、学会合作、学会发展。基于此,结合《马哲史》课程学习,从自主学习的重要性及其与合作学习、研究性学习方式之间的关系、《马哲史》课堂的学习方法收获、现阶段学习方法不足之处及改进方式这三个方面来简述对大学生自主学习方法的理解。  相似文献   

崔巧红 《学理论》2012,(23):239-240,262
构建混合式教学模式,能有效整合传统成人高等教育教学与网络教学的优势,在教学过程中既能发挥教师引导、启发、监控教学过程的主导作用,又能体现学生作为学习过程主体的主动性、积极性及创造性,这也必将提高成人教育教学质量,推动现代远程教育的健康发展.  相似文献   

翻转课堂是指将传统的知识传授通过视频形式让学生自主完成,而将课堂时间用来进行互动性的合作学习的一种新的教学方式,近年来在世界范围内引起了极大的反响。这种重视知识应用的教学形式对高校英语专业的教学极具启发意义,为达到翻转课堂的教学效果,教师需要在课堂内容、形成性评估以及课堂活动组织方面根据课程和学生的特点做出相应的调整。  相似文献   

李婧华 《学理论》2012,(4):151-152
随着网络时代的发展,新时期大学生的思想政治教育面临着复杂多变的网络语境,尤其是全球化背景下不同思想文化的碰撞、市场经济条件下多元思想的博弈、教育改革背景下高校内部环境的变化,提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性就变得极为重要。混合式学习法是把传统学习方式的优势和网络化学习的优势结合起来,这种学习方法既能发挥教师在教学过程中的引导、启发的主导作用,又能充分发挥学生作为学习过程中主体的主动性、积极性与创造性,大大促进了教学效果和教学效率的提高。本文主要探索的是混合式学习法在《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程中各个环节中的具体运用。  相似文献   

陈爱华 《学理论》2011,(28):5-6
按照区委的要求,会前笔者认真学习了盖如垠同志在市委党校2011年春季学期开学典礼上所作的《对若干领导方法问题的学习和探讨》专题报告。读后很受启发,总体感受是,盖书记的专题报告站在全局和战略的高度,紧密结合哈尔滨实际以及多年来的领导经验和工作阅历,从制定工作目标、谋篇  相似文献   

韩瑞 《学理论》2011,(21):226-227
情境教学是高职院校实施新一轮课程改革中的重要内容之一,近些年越来越受到高等职业教育界的重视,当前已逐渐称为高职教学中比较常见的模式,而设计、构建学习情境的首要任务是综合设计情境学习目标。总结多年来的高职教育教学经验,说明了设计情境学习目标的重要性,提出了设计过程中应注意的问题,并对设计方法和设计原则提供了相应的策略。  相似文献   

钟丽萍 《学理论》2012,(17):229-230
自主学习就是学生自觉确定学习目标、监控学习过程、选择学习方法、评价学习结果的过程.网络环境给学生带来了更多的自主、协作学习的条件和空间,对学生的自主学习起到了较大的促进作用,同时也凸显许多不足.网络环境下高校加强大学生自主学习策略有:提高大学生自主学习能力;完善网络环境下的硬件载体设施;提高师资队伍的信息素养;设计有利于学生网络自主学习的平台.  相似文献   

积极心理学是美国心理学界最新兴起的一个研究范畴,它融合在教育领域中提倡:要创建一种全新的教学模式,在这种模式中,学生的主动性、思考能力能够得到最充分的发挥,进而激发学生的最大潜能。这种观念与主动学习教育中提倡的启发、引导和激发学生内在学习需求的观点不谋而合。而作为高职院校的辅导员,在立足于高职院校学生厌学现状的基础上,可以利用积极心理学所倡导的一些思想来指导学生的管理工作,并通过激发学生的内在心理需求促进学生主动学习。  相似文献   

提出师生二元主体和谐发展论,目的是突破过去教育理论的局限性,倡导一种新型的师生关系、新型的教育理论,以实现大学教育教学理论的创新。这种理论认为,教育教学的目标是实现人的全面和谐发展,任务是促进学生个性的和谐发展,教育教学不是单向传授、单向掌握,应是师生共同劳动的结晶;师生应在引导与体验的互主体性活动中实现教学相长,在民主、合作、平等对话中得以共同发展。  相似文献   

Penny Welch 《政治学》2000,20(2):99-104
The character and scope of changes in UK higher education in recent years make it likely that when we as academics stop to think about teaching, we dwell on the pressures and the frustrations more than on the excitement and the pleasures. This article advocates personal reflection on teaching politics that takes into account institutional and national constraints and explores the space that is left for initiative and innovation.  相似文献   

The Speaker's Conference on Parliamentary Representation reported in January 2010. The report calls for a host of measures to improve the representativeness of the House of Commons and to revitalise political parties, as well as to enhance citizenship education, develop youth and community citizenship engagement programmes, and more generally to revitalise British democracy. Early responses indicate that the government and political parties will take the report seriously. The report is thoughtful, thorough and extensive, a treasure trove for policy makers, advocates and researchers. If it has a weakness, it is that it shows a better understanding of parliamentary reform than of party reform.  相似文献   

Mark Kear 《Economy and Society》2017,46(3-4):346-368
This paper is about how people are learning to ‘make themselves up’ in response to the market’s new algorithmic ways of seeing. More specifically, it explores how the self-datafication of informal financial relations is being used to affect the calculation of credit score. I argue that credit score functions as a legal technology of arbitration beset with contradictions that are giving rise to inchoate struggles over the distribution of calculative agency in consumer credit markets. Drawing on an ethnographic case study of credit building peer ‘lending circles’, the paper explores how financially marginalized groups and financial inclusion advocates are reacting to the blind spots and biases of credit-scoring algorithms through compensatory and transgressive data-generation practices.  相似文献   


Despite recent progress made by the human rights education movement in the United States to bring human rights education into curriculum standards, textbooks, and classrooms, preservice and in-service teachers have few opportunities to receive human rights education themselves. I argue that future teachers urgently need to receive preservice human right teacher education for a number of reasons. First, social studies curriculum standards in forty-two US states include human rights standards (Advocates for Human Rights 2016). Second, human rights education allows learners to engage with the human rights framework and gain skills to advocate to end human rights violations. Third, for human rights education to be effective in ending human rights violations, teachers must teach in a way that can help to dismantle oppression rather than perpetuate it. Thus, teacher educators must implement preservice human rights teacher education thoughtfully. I address challenges to, critiques of, and recommendations for implementation. Following this, I build on these ideas with my own recommendations for implementation. These recommendations are based on interviews I conducted with members of Human Rights Educators USA, a national volunteer network of educators and advocates who promote human rights education in the United States (HRE USA 2018).  相似文献   

This article advocates the use of discourse instruction as a means of integrating issues of social justice into the classroom and transcending the debate over politicization in academia. The field of political science is at an uncomfortable juncture; it is faced with an obligation to ourselves and our communities to critically engage and push back against the more toxic components of the political moment, staying relevant and accurate and providing students with the tools they need to process the political world; while, also resisting the dual pressures to either stay apolitical/non-partisan, or to become a current events class, ceding class time to deciphering the day’s political events. We argue that discourse instruction can be used to teach the skills of social justice in political science classrooms. In addition, the infusion of diversity into the classroom through discourse instruction is both a means of enhancing student learning by engaging in high-impact practices of teaching and learning and political activism.  相似文献   

Basic income advocates propose a model that they believe will dramatically improve on current welfare programmes by alleviating poverty, reducing involuntary unemployment and social exclusion, redistributing care work, achieving a better work–life balance, and so on. Whether these expected social effects materialise in practice critically depends on how the model is implemented, but on this topic the basic income debate remains largely silent. Few advocates explicitly consider questions of implementation, and those that do are typically dismissive of the administrative challenges of implementing a basic income and critical (even overtly hostile) towards bureaucracy. In this contribution we briefly examine (and rebut) several reasons that have led basic income advocates to ignore administration. The main peril of such neglect, we argue, is that it misleads basic income advocates into a form of Panglossian optimism that risks causing basic income advocacy to become self‐defeating.  相似文献   

Electric utilities have typically enjoyed a close and cooperative relationship with the state regulatory bodies that oversee them. In 2001, the Colorado Public Utilities Commission mandated that the largest Colorado utility build a wind power plant as part of its conventional generating capacity, despite the utility's vigorous objections. Local environmental groups, intervening in a form of rule making called Integrated Resource Planning, succeeded in overturning regulatory capture. This paper explains this anomalous case and highlights the role of knowledge and learning in the outcome. The case shows the opportunities and limitations of using contested technical knowledge to push for institutional learning. The case also suggests the importance of repeated policy processes. Wind energy advocates perceived that they had acquired participation equity, ownership in the process akin to Kingdon's “softening up,” which led policy makers to take their arguments more seriously, opening up the possibility of institutional learning.  相似文献   

高校学习型党组织建设思路初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校学习型党组织建设,是新时期高校加强党的建设的深层探索和有益尝试,更是促进高校科学发展的助推力.分析了高校学习型党组织建设的重大意义和主要特征,探讨了高校学习型党组织建设的方法和途径.  相似文献   

This article reviews the IPPR commissioned report ‘Securing the Future of Higher Education in England’. It is argued that the report identifies key shortcomings in contemporary higher education policy, and develops some important recommendations for shaping the sector in the future. However, several of the proposed recommendations would create new divisions in the sector and reinforce existing ones. Moreover, the report maintains and reproduces the ideological status quo of contemporary higher education policy, which can broadly be described as the organisation and provision of higher education along ‘quasi‐market’ lines. Crucially, although the report advocates reform based on social justice, in the contemporary context of fiscal retrenchment, the majority of recommendations are underpinned by, arguably necessary, economic rationales.  相似文献   

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