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Forensic medicine services were resumed in the territory of the Soviet occupation zone in early summer 1945. One coherent legal system was established, following the foundation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), 7 October 1949. Forensic medicine was subject of teaching and examinations from the very outset. Sub-specialisation (fellowship) was introduced in 1955. The Gesellschaft für Gerichtliche Medizin der DDR (GDR Society of Forensic Medicine) was established in 1967 and began to organise with high continuity a wide-ranging variety of scientific events. Almost all administrative districts had their own institute of forensic medicine by 1990.  相似文献   

Data indicated that juvenile delinquency increased dramatically recently in the Republic of China. This paper seeks to explain this phenomenon by invoking Hirschi's Social Control Theory. However, such an explanation can be offered only when there is empirical evidence to verify the applicability of Social Control Theory to Chinese society.

Though Social Control Theory has received great empirical support from many American studies, cross-cultural verification remains to be seen. The study described here intends to test Social Control Theory by using self-reported data collected from 3717 Chinese junior and senior high school students of northern Taiwan. Major correlates of self-reported delinquency are presented and discussed. Apparently, Social Control Theory received much support from the Chinese data, while both strain theory and subculture deviance theory were not verified. Social Control Theory is said to be the most appropriate theory to explain the origin as well as the increase of juvenile delinquency in Chinese society.  相似文献   

Dr. jur., University of Munich 1963; Dr. jur. habil., University of Munich 1968.  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Dr. Buchholz is a regular contributor to this journal. He is a leading scholar on international law and has published numerous articles and book chapters not only in his own country but also in socialist countries and in the West. Some of his works are being translated into English, i.e., Socialist Criminology (with R. Hartmann, J. Lekschas and G. Stiller, published by D. C. Heath, 1974 edition). His most recent publication appeared in Vol. 9, No. 2, (Winter, 1985) pp. 59–70, entitled Some Aspects of the Development of the Penalty System in the German Democratic Republic. Currently Dr. Buchholz is the Director, Dean, and Professor in the College of Law, Humboldt University, East Berlin. He is a permanent member of the Presidency of the Council for Scientific Investigation of Legal Science at the Academy of Science of the GDR and the International Association of Penal Law. On behalf of the journal staff, we wish to take this opportunity to thank him for his contributions to the fund of knowledge in the field of criminal justice, here and abroad.  相似文献   

The implementation (execution) of punishment forms part of the system of combatting and preventing crime, and has the objective to contribute—by means of a strong influence exerted by the state as well as by society on the lawbreaker—to a positive development of the process of probation and compensation and, consequently, to the prevention of further criminal acts (Art. 2 (2) of the Penal Code). Of particular importance is the consistent implementation of the measures with regard to juveniles who have to experience in this way that the penalty which has been awarded them is actually implemented.  相似文献   

一、刚果(金)警务工作刚果(金)自2002年开始开展了警务改革,部分军队人员纳入国家警察部队,并成立刚果(金)国家警察部队(PNC)。三年后,刚果(金)国家政府成立了国家警察委员会,并就此提出一系列建议,为刚果(金)的警察改革议程铺平了道路。2007年,刚果(金)政府会同部分外国驻刚果(金)大使馆成立了警察改革委员会(CSRP)来领导国内警务改革。  相似文献   

The massacres that took place in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) between 1996 and 2003 have posed an interesting challenge to the global community, specifically to its more powerful members. Ironically, the Tutsi-dominated government of Rwanda enjoys international recognition and benefits based on the genocide, Rwanda suffered in 1994, but continues to deny the same benefit to Hutus as they were accused of leading a counter-genocide campaign then in the DRC. While the people of the DRC, as well as human rights activists, call for justice for all who were affected, the government of Rwanda, strongly backed by a number of powerful international powers, opposed attempts by the international community to pin charges of genocide perpetrated by its army in the DRC on it. Because of the clear negation of the genocide report by the Rwandan government, the nature of human rights, human rights violations, and genocide criteria proposed and defended by key members of the international community in relation to the mass killings in the DRC are examined.  相似文献   

In many industrialized countries there exist large idle production capacities. Conceivably, these might be used for increased economic aid to developing countries and for the stimulation of trade with incompletely convertible currency territories. Concurrently, a stimulation of the economic development of the industrialized countries might be achieved. In developing countries, there may be need for using available export resources in an efficient way to obtain required imports. In the Soviet sphere of influence, there is the problem of how the state foreign trade monopolies should allocate available export quantities and scarce convertible currencies, so as to obtain required import quantities. Related problems were encountered by Western boards of trade after the war in allocating import and export licences. This paper deals with the problem how to attain efficient allocations in foreign trade with the help of modern electronic computational technique. The computational system may be developed to account for inter-industry relations and industrial investments in order to achieve a high rate of economic growth.  相似文献   

作为海上货物运输法公约,《鹿特丹规则》重视国际货物买卖赖以实现的海上货物运输领域产生的利益冲突问题,并创设相应新制度以试图加以解决。通过对《鹿特丹规则》若干规定加以简要评述,认为《鹿特丹规则》对中国外贸既有积极的作用,也有不利的影响,这似乎是其平衡利益和寻求统一的必然结果。在对公约进行批判性研究基础上完善中国国内立法,为更好维护中国航运和贸易利益方根本利益提供法律保障是十分重要的。  相似文献   

The Republic of Korea, ironically known as “the Land of the Morning Calm,” has experienced drastic social changes during the past half century.1 Most experts agree that the catalyst for this change has been the country's remarkably swift modernization and urbanization, as Korean society has shifted away from its past agrarian traditions. What has resulted are major conflicts between its culture's traditional values and new values imported from social structures of the industrialized western nations. These conflicts as they relate to juvenile delinquency are the subject of this article.  相似文献   

我国外贸听证应当采取正式听证的方式。近年来我国外贸听证制度日趋完善,在立法宗旨、听证原则及发起程序方面取得明显的进步,但是仍然存在重大疏漏,在通知、职能分离、回避制度、禁止单方接触、阅览卷宗、言词辩论、案卷排他性和说明理由等方面还缺乏规定或者规定得不够充分,急需补充完善。  相似文献   

Abstract:  Most studies converge on the growth of processes of 'multilevel governance' (MLG) in policy making, related to the often combined trends towards supranationalism and regionalism. Such processes are usually analysed under the angle of their efficiency, while their impact on the quality of democracy is neglected. This article first defines the concepts of multilevel governance and accountability, and then identifies the various dimensions of the latter. It further argues that MLG generates novel forms of accountability, but undermines its democratic dimension mainly for the following reasons: the weak visibility of MLG networks, their selective composition and the prevalence of peer over public forms of accountability.  相似文献   

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