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An influential strand in recent action‐theory employs constitutivist arguments in order to present accounts of individual agency and practical identity (and of the normative requirements that are constitutive of these phenomena). I argue for an extension of this framework into the interpersonal realm, and suggest using it to reassess issues in jurisprudence. A legal system is an instantiation of the solution to the inescapable tasks of self‐constituting action and identity‐formation in the presence of other agents. Law's validity and normativity can be enlightened when the constitutivist approach considers the external prerequisites of individuals' self‐conceptions qua agents. More specifically, this argumentative strategy allows a reassessment of Fuller's “internal morality of law.” Whereas, pace Fuller, morally substantive conclusions cannot be derived from formal criteria of legality, there are unconditional normative requirements that constrain law.  相似文献   

知识经济及其全球化对中国法律发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
秦国荣 《法律科学》2001,2(3):13-20
知识经济是以知识为基础的经济。迎接并参与知识经济及其全球化乃是中国经济发展的战略的需要 ,它将促进中国法律首先在经济法尤其是政府角色定位方面取得长足发展 ,促使中国与世界各国法律发展的交流与合作 ,推动中国社会内部结构的转型与变迁 ,推动中国社会的全面进步和文明的发展 ,从而为中国现代法治社会的实现提供最深厚的源动力基础。  相似文献   

Based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out between 2003 and 2005, this article examines how legality is constructed in present‐day Adamaoua Province, Cameroon. Focusing on an instance of a process locally referred to as la concertation, I analyze how state officials and cattle traders gather to discuss the practical fate of law. As a heightened moment of suspended enforcement, la concertation is productive for both officials, who work out the limits of their respective spheres of authority and imagine a trade based on business norms and practices that severely limit the scope of regulatory action, and traders, who manage to stave off the increased scrutiny that income tax law presupposes, while asserting their concern for the integrity and consistency of the law.  相似文献   

The Constitution of the USSR is the basis for the further improvement and development of all branches of law. One of the most important lines of development of the political system of Soviet society is the strengthening of the legal foundation for the affairs of government and society (Article 9, Constitution of the USSR). This provision expresses the need for further elevating the role of law and strengthening legality in the developed socialist society. (1)  相似文献   

国家治理现代化须以系统完备、科学规范、运行有效的规范体系为基础。而法律、道德和"组织规范"共同构成现代社会的规范体系。因而,高度重视"组织规范"并正确处理好它与法律道德的关系,就显得十分重要。"组织规范"具有民间性、自主和自治性,有权制定并实施"组织规范",约束组织本身及其成员的相关行为。这些"组织规范"上承法律下接道德,但又不是照抄照搬,而是依"法无禁止即可为"原则独立存在。在中国继续深化改革和努力实现国家治理现代化的背景下,有必要重新认识三大基础规范的关系,从而有效发挥"组织规范"的作用,构建良好社会秩序。  相似文献   

Thanks to the civil rights movement, women and racial and ethnic minorities increasingly hold positions of public authority—but they experience and exercise this authority differently from white men. Based on 162 narratives collected from 49 US local government officials (city administrators and police), I find that women, minorities, and younger officials in positions of authority face a paradox of rules. Because they have lower social status with the public and within their organizations, they must rely on formal and explicit rules as a key basis for their authority, but such reliance causes their very authority to be questioned. Social status based on implicit assumptions about social identities, including race or ethnicity, sex, and age, originates outside of organizations and has effects society wide. This study shows that social status continues to permeate US local government organizations in both subtle and explicit ways, even in bureaucratic settings that are formally committed to merit and professional norms.  相似文献   

In Kelsen's formalist and reductionisttheory of law, the concepts of `authority' and`competence' may be explained exclusively in termsof those norms on which the validity of other legalnorms or of legal acts is dependent. Kelsen describesthe nature of these norms in different ways; at leastthree different conceptions can be distinguished. Arational reconstruction of the most plausible of theseconceptions will understand sentences expressing such`norms of competence' either to state truthconditions for normative sentences of a lower level orto state criteria for an act to be a legal act. Inboth functions, norms of competence regulate thecreation of normative facts.  相似文献   

当代中国公民社会的长成及其法治化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公民社会理论主要致力于公民社会的结构性要素 /特征和法律文化特征 ,以及公民社会和国家之间的关系之研究。通过对社会契约论的重新解读可以认识到经济与国家之间的互动关系将导致第三法域的形成。承认当前我们正经历法律体系从二元结构向三元结构的嬗变 ,确立独立于公法和私法的第三法域的法律地位 ,无疑是理论法学对现实的最佳回应。我们有理由期待公民社会合法性的确立、制度的创新和全新权利体系的架构  相似文献   

和谐社会是法治社会,法治政府在构建和谐社会中起主导和保障作用。建设法治政府是时代赋予的历史使命,法治政府依法管理社会,维护社会秩序,把冲突控制在秩序范围内,是构建和谐社会的基础;法治政府依法规范自己的权力,各级政府都要对自己作为或不作为的行为负责,打造负责任的法治政府是构建和谐社会的关键;完善立法,调适政府与公民的关系,解决人民内部矛盾纠纷是法治政府的职责,也是构建和谐社会的保障。  相似文献   

刘水林 《现代法学》2006,28(1):43-51
作为经济法的重要学说之一的“需要国家干预论”,因其影响大,而争论和分歧也多,分歧的焦点在于对“谁之‘需要’”与“‘干预’什么”存在不同理解。对此问题,按整体主义理解,国家干预是社会基于整体经济发展的“需要”,这意味着“需要”的主体是社会,干预的内容是具有全局性和社会公共性经济关系。正因“需要”的主体是社会,就防止了国家干预的恣意性,同时,社会整体利益因有国家代表而得以保障,从而彰显了经济法的社会本位属性。另外,社会的“需要”决定了经济法的目的,目的作为指针指出了经济主体的行为准则,同时,整体构造的复杂性预示了经济法技术规范的复杂性与多样性。  相似文献   

论作为高层次伦理规范的正义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周旺生 《法学论坛》2003,18(4):29-38
正义是古往今来人们所憧憬所讴歌的景状 ,从柏拉图到罗尔斯 ,西方学人叙说了数不清的关于正义的见解 ,既贡献了种种经典性论说 ,也使正义成为一张普洛透斯似的脸。正义实际上不是虚玄的事物 ,它也像法和道德一样 ,是为社会生活提供标准和指明方向的规范 ,不过不是普通的规范 ,而是高层次伦理规范。正义对主体的精神和行为都予以调整。正义不取文本形式 ,不是明文记载的制度 ,而是以观念化的形态存在于人的头脑、心灵、社会舆论和历史文化的积淀之中。正义是人们无法捧读的 ,但它却像时间一样 ,时刻就在我们身边。正义是伦理规范体系中规格和境界最高的规范 ,它以一系列美德或善为其基本内容。正义要求个人具备公平、公正、公道、正直、合理的美德 ,要求国家和社会体现自由、平等、安全这一类善 ,而法如果与正义结合便成为良法。正义的强制力比法更深刻 ,它以理性为强制力量 ,不以国家强力和法定程序保障其实现。正义的触角或统辖范围远远大于法的范围 ,它是关涉领域最广、时空跨度最大、尤具普适性的社会规范。在迄今衍生的形形色色正义理论中 ,亚里士多德和罗尔斯的学说 ,影响尤为深远。正义具有绝对和相对两重性 ,是绝对和相对的统合 ;具有主观和客观两重性 ,是主观和客观的统合。正义是以具体的形式  相似文献   

羁押制度是刑事诉讼中的重要制度。它的存在既有正当性道德基础 ,又有正当性法律基础。它的运作既需符合并遵循正当性标准 (正当程序 ) ,又不可避免地受诸多因素的影响。我国羁押制度的存在也具有正当性 ,但在规范层面存在某些正当性缺失 ,在实际运作过程中也有与法治社会不符的情况发生。因此 ,在修改刑事诉讼法时 ,有必要在法治的视野下研究如何对其进行完善  相似文献   

Sociolegal theorists since Weber have postulated that state law operates by interacting with and responding to nonstate legal orders. This article, examining conceptions of injury and compensation in Thailand, analyzes two ways of mapping law onto the landscape. The first is associated with state law and legal institutions established at the turn of the twentieth century. The state legal system imagines space from the outside in, drawing a boundary line and applying law uniformly throughout the jurisdiction it has enclosed. A second type of mapping, which has been more familiar over the centuries to ordinary Thai people, imagines space from the inside out. Nonstate legal orders are associated with sacred centers and radiate outward, diminishing in intensity and effectiveness with distance. This article, based on extensive interviews with injured persons and other actors and observers in northern Thailand, examines the interconnections between these two ways of imagining the landscape of law. It suggests that recent transformations of Thai society have rendered ineffective the norms and procedures associated with the law of sacred centers. Consequently, state law no longer interacts with or responds to nonstate law and surprisingly plays a diminished role in the lives of ordinary people who suffer injuries.  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(九)》第120条前置化规制的法理探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王新 《北方法学》2016,(3):41-53
《刑法修正案(九)》第120条的前置化规制是保护重大法益的必要手段,对其正当性的讨论为当前立法和司法突破和扩张的态势提供了法理依据。敌视社会基本规范和恐怖犯罪的预备或预备的预备行为已呈现出侵害重大法益的抽象危险,具备了前置化规制预备行为的前提要素;在识别敌人刑法争议的根源并加以理性辨别的基础上,从立法目的都是社会要保护自身免受该违法者的侵犯之角度,前置化规制的依据与某些敌人刑法的理念存在有限的内在暗合,但不可否认,尚未成熟的敌人刑法亦与前置化规制存在疏离之处;而敌视基本法规范且具有抽象危险的实质预备犯满足了前置化规制现实依据的要求。其处罚边界亦需遵循,应根据行为方式和特征进行司法定量限制及限缩解释。  相似文献   

行政强制执行,作为行政强制的一方面,关系到行政相对人的人身、财产等重要权利。在强调法治和人权的今天,这些属于公民的重要权利越来越受到统治者的重视。同时,行政权存在被滥用的危险,行政强制执行中也可能出现不法或不当情形。因此,法律应当对行政强制执行进行有效控制,从而维护公民合法权益。为实现此目的,法律应运用多种调整方法,法律救济就是其中的重要部分。在很多行政法治国家,行政强制执行的法律救济制度都比较完善,并各具特色。对于国外的一些成功经验,我国应当在立法过程中予以关注和参考。鉴于我国目前的法律救济制度存在某些方面的问题和不足,提出相关的立法构想。  相似文献   

和谐社会是一个发展、公平、民主、文明、法治的社会,需要以良好的社会秩序为稳定器,为了获得良好的社会秩序,是对人们的行为进行控制还是应着眼于使人们的行为具有可信度呢?现代社会的发展,人们之间的利益冲突逐渐激化,构筑一个现代化的和谐社会,应面对现实中存在的问题,在理念、制度和实践中寻求和谐音符,以诚信为逻辑起点,以法治为保障,通过行为和谐、制度和谐、利益和谐,实现和谐利益。  相似文献   

本文通过对“法律效果与社会效果的统一”相关概念的辨析,通过探讨这一提法的本意,引用者的目的以及受束的理解,笔者将“法律效果”界定为法律本身对法律行为合法性的评判,将“社会效果”界定为社会各阶层从其自身利益出发对法律及其实施的合理性评判,认为法律效果与社会效果相统一的载体不应该只是法院的司法行为,而包括普遍的法律行为。法律行为的法律效果和社会效果相统一是法治社会、和谐社会的一种状态:这种状态的实现是一个渐进的过程,是整个社会走向真正法治,趋向和谐的漫长过程,不是某一个机构在短时间内能够实现的。因此,实现法律效果和社会效果相统一,是权力机关、行政机关、司法机关乃至每个公民的共同任务。法院将其作为自身独自完成的目标是其角色定位的失误。  相似文献   

章剑生 《法学论坛》2005,20(4):95-98
一国的宪法是支撑行政程序正当性的规范基础.从世界范围看,作为支撑行政程序正当性的宪法规范主要有三种表述即"正当法律程序"、"法律(定)程序"和"法律规定".我国现行宪法虽然没有直接为行政程序正当性提供规范依据,但是我们可以从"主体参与"和"法治国家"的宪法规范表述中,获得行政程序正当性在宪法规范上的逻辑起点.  相似文献   

民间法与裁判规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
谢晖 《法学研究》2011,(2):173-181
裁判规范是法官在司法中援引或运用一定规则以直接适用于个案的规范。裁判规范分为两种:一种是法官援引一定规范所直接形成的裁判规范;另一种是法官运用一定规范而构造的裁判规范。民间法作为法律渊源,既可以被法官直接援引作为裁判规范,也可以被法官作为构造裁判规范的“原材料”加以运用。民间法作为法律渊源有一些制约性条件,需要法官识别民间法,也给法官增加了论证义务,以便使民间法作为裁判规范或者以民间法为据构造裁判规范时,获得当事人及其他社会主体的接受。  相似文献   

How does law change society? To gain new leverage on this long‐standing question, this article draws on two lines of research that often ignore each other: political science research on the mobilization of law, and sociological research on the diffusion of organizational practices. Our insights stem from six case studies of diverse organizations' responses to the accommodation provisions in the Americans with Disabilities Act and related state laws. We found that different modes of exposure to the law combined with organizational attributes to produce distinct “rights practices”—styles of standard operating procedures and informal routines that reflect the understanding of legal requirements within an organization. The diversity of the organizational responses challenges simple dichotomies between compliance/noncompliance, change through deterrence/change through norms, and mobilization/nonmobilization, and it underscores the importance of combining political science and sociological perspectives on law and social change.  相似文献   

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