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It is well known that transgender youth in foster care often face egregious discrimination and victimization based on their gender identities. Unfortunately, transgender youth in foster care have also been deprived of transgender-specific medical care that is vital to their health and well-being. This Note advocates that child welfare agencies adopt legislation that will demonstrate their commitment to fulfilling their constitutional duty to provide medically necessary care to transgender youth in their custody. This Note examines recent case law on the topic and addresses counterarguments to the proposal, including risks associated with treatment, high cost, and the stigma of gender identity disorder. Ultimately, this Note concludes that adopting the proposed legislation is a necessary step toward securing health care rights for transgender foster care youth.  相似文献   

劳动权的平等保护及禁止就业歧视的法律思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞铁力 《法学杂志》2012,33(3):118-123
目前我国社会就业歧视现象愈演愈烈,劳动权作为公民的基本权利之一,其内在包含的就业平等权要求禁止就业歧视,因此禁止就业歧视是劳动权的题中之义。本文将以劳动权的平等保护为出发点,界定就业歧视的概念和主要表现形式,论述禁止就业歧视的必要性。我国禁止就业歧视的相关立法存在不足,应从立法、执法、司法三方面完善禁止就业歧视、维护劳动者的就业平等权的法律保障。  相似文献   

刘婕  吴军辉 《行政与法》2007,(10):106-110
在劳动力市场就业环节中,雇员(包括求职者)和雇主有着不同的权利和利益,用人自主权和平等就业权是就业歧视现象所隐含的利益结构中最核心的内容。在分析这两者的法学基础上,本文剖析了美国反就业歧视法律制度是如何有效地在就业歧视的例外性规定、举证责任配置、赔偿制度等方面平衡协调雇主和雇员各自利益的。针对目前我国反就业歧视法律制度的现状和缺陷,作者就价值取向、适用主体、保护范围、救济途径、赔偿制度及就业准入制度和劳动力市场基础等几个方面提出了完善和创新的相关思路。  相似文献   

Every year thousands of children are discharged from the foster care system and find themselves ill prepared for the responsibility of adulthood. Providing enhanced employment opportunities to both current and former foster care youth will allow them to become economically self-sufficient and therefore have an improved transition from foster care. This Note proposes that states incorporate a foster youth employment program in the one-stop career centers mandated by the Workforce Investment Act. Through this program, foster youth will be provided with the tools they need for success while maintaining control over their own future.  相似文献   

乙肝歧视与我国未来的反歧视立法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现实生活中,乙肝病毒携带者在入学、就业等领域遭受着不同程度的歧视性待遇。为了保护乙肝病毒携带者的宪 法平等权,我国未来的反歧视立法应当在立法模式、基本制度和具体规则等方面精心设计。  相似文献   

The relation between work and families is undergoing extraordinary levels of change at the current time. Most of the policy discussions assume that it is possible to continue moving in the directions which dominate at the end of the century: commitment to long hours of work which then permits obtaining a high standard of living. The basic problem is that there is now overwhelming evidence that continuation of current trends is tearing cultures apart. Some are capable of earning larger and larger incomes. Those at the bottom are both money and knowledge poor. And the middle class is shrinking. If we are to benefit from the potential of today's world, we can only do so by moving outside our current thinking and asking how we want to define the quality of life in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

反就业歧视及其法律建构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
就业歧视是一个世界性难题,它在我国有愈演愈烈之势,并正日益成为妨害我国市场经济健康发展和建构社会主义和谐社会的消极因素,亟待我们采取相应的制度措施进行规范和干预。针对就业歧视的现状,我国应当完善反就业歧视法。  相似文献   

The Family Law Education Reform Project Report calls for shifting the family law teaching paradigm from a focus on case‐based analysis toward a problem‐solving, interdisciplinary approach. This essay encourages law professors to take seriously this shifting teaching and learning paradigm. Aligning family law curriculum with the realities of practicing family law is a critical step in this process. This essay discusses the numerous intellectual challenges family law professors will face as they reflect on the proposed FLER Project curriculum.  相似文献   

制度性歧视是指由国家的正式规则所形成或被国家的正式规则所接受和保护的歧视。城市化进程中针对农民的歧视性制度安排,主要表现在经济和社会领域。具体可分为如下几类:户籍制度;农地征用制度;社会保障制度;教育制度;就业制度等。上述歧视性的制度安排严重侵犯了农民财产权、劳动权、获得物质帮助权、教育权等基本的宪法权利。通过立法的方式建立专门的以反歧视为目的的平等权利保障机构或职能更宽泛的人权保障机构,既是国际人权法所倡导的,在世界上许多国家以及我国的香港地区已有成功的实践经验。平等权利保障机构就其功能而言,适合于以大多数农民为代表的弱势群体的生存状态和权利诉求。  相似文献   

The emergence of genetic screening techniques will permit employers to exclude hypersusceptible individuals from potentially hazardous workplace environments. The denial of employment opportunities to these individuals, however, may constitute discrimination. This Note analyzes genetic screening cases with respect to currently available remedies contained in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Note concludes that Title VII claims may succeed but only in limited circumstances and that Rehabilitation Act claims will encounter numerous obstacles to relief. Additionally, the Note discusses some of the implications of the use of genetic screening in the workplace.  相似文献   

Family lawyers are major beneficiaries of the reforms set out in the Family Law Education Reform Project (FLER) Report. This commentary from a veteran family law practitioner explores the needs of the family law bar for the training of law students in practical, interdisciplinary, client‐centered lawyering that goes beyond the traditional case method. I trace many of the current innovations evolving in family law practice and how FLER reforms will not only benefit law schools but also have a major impact in the courts and private practice sector.  相似文献   

"Fetal vulnerability programs," which are employer attempts to protect employees' unborn fetuses from harm caused by the mothers' exposure to hazardous material in the workplace, have been challenged as a form of employment discrimination. This Note analyzes the recent judicial application of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) and the disparate impact theory to fetal vulnerability cases. The Note also examines the business necessity defense's accommodation of legitimate employer interests. The Note concludes that a more potent business necessity defense, a stricter standard for evaluating alternative protective measures, and a judicial interpretation of the PDA which is more consistent with congressional intent are necessary for fair and reasonable resolution of these cases.  相似文献   

梁晓春 《政法学刊》2006,23(5):71-75
作为国际社会的重要成员,我国批准、加入了一系列禁止歧视的国际公约,但由于种种原因,就业歧视已成为我国当前一个突出的社会问题。解决这一问题,除了传统观念的更新、相关制度的变革外,主要还得从法律制度上着手,借鉴国际反歧视立法之成功经验,构建适合中国国情的反就业歧视法律制度。  相似文献   

禁止就业歧视的"人本"之维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禁止就业歧视的"人本"价值在于:实现人的生存权和发展权,维护人格尊严、实现正义,维护人类共同利益、实现社会和谐。我国禁止就业歧视的法律较好地体现了"人本"精神,但也有一些不足,应当加以完善。  相似文献   

周伟 《政法论丛》2007,(3):13-21
就业中的年龄不属被劳动法禁止的歧视种类。据对1995年我国《劳动法》施行到2005年这11年期间30万份报刊广告招聘条件的统计,用人单位录用劳动者主要集中在35岁以下,40岁以上普遍受到用人单位的差别排斥。年龄歧视成为劳动法规定的平等就业与现实差距最大的一个现象。用人单位对劳动者实行不合理的年龄差别,严重限制、剥夺并影响到劳动者平等就业权利的实现。消除这个普遍的、严重的歧视种类:一方面可以在制定劳动就业促进法中增加禁止年龄歧视的种类,另一方面可以考虑在制定反歧视法中明确把年龄歧视作为法律禁止的歧视类型。  相似文献   

英国反就业歧视制度及实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国习惯法并不禁止歧视行为,但随着英国加入各种国际组织及国内平权运动的高涨,在20世纪70年代后,英国对于禁止性别、残疾、年龄等制定了大量的法律。当前英国反就业歧视的法律渊源主要包括:欧盟立法和专门性法律。这些法律中就有关就业歧视的违法行为进行了详尽和周密的规定,包括直接歧视、间接歧视、骚扰和受害等四种歧视形态,禁止在雇佣关系中各个阶段的任何歧视。为了有效地防止就业歧视,英国依据《平等法》成立了人权与平等机会委员会。平等机会委员会在应对英国社会中相对突出的就业歧视问题扮演了重要角色。  相似文献   

According to crime pattern theory, offenders are likely to select crime locations within their awareness space. Previous studies have shown that offenders often commit crimes within their current and former residential areas and in areas they previously targeted. However, offenders’ awareness spaces obviously consist of more locations that potentially influence their crime location choices. This study examines the importance of the residential areas of offenders’ family members. Most offenders visit their families at least occasionally and consequently get familiar with the areas in which their families live. It is hypothesized that family members’ residential areas are at increased risk of being targeted. Unique data were used to reconstruct residential histories of the parents, siblings, and children of 7,910 offenders who committed 19,420 offenses. The results of discrete spatial choice models showed that residential areas of family members are indeed at increased risk of being targeted. Current familial residential areas had stronger and more consistent effects than had former familial residential areas. Effects were strongest for the residential areas of offenders’ children compared with those of their parents and siblings. The residential areas of male and female family members affected the crime location choices of male and female offenders equally.  相似文献   

In April 2010 the New Zealand Family Court introduced the National Early Intervention Process (NEIP) to diversify its previous unitary dispute resolution pathway into two tracks (standard and urgent). A “triage” model is now in use to assess and assign cases appropriately. This article outlines the key milestones in the Family Court's 30‐year history which have led to this new initiative to reduce delays and help avoid the escalation of family conflicts over the care of children into bitter and intractable disputes. NEIP represents the most overarching reform of the Family Court since the Court's inception in 1981.  相似文献   

Located within a context of widespread change social work professionals are required to navigate tensions between organisational imperatives and developing effective relationships with families. Achieving effective partnership working is premised on the development of relational ways of working where trust is formed through co-creation. The recent emergence of 'Fast-track' approaches in education and training reflects a shift away from developing skills in critical/analytical reflection, towards an employer-led approach that prioritises the need for 'ready practitioners'. Simultaneously there has been change in the family justice system, culminating in the Children and Families Act 2014 and the 26-week time frame for the completion of care cases. This paper explores current contradictions within social work practice. Pivotal is defining the role of social work within a contemporary English jurisdiction. Adopting deeper relational ways of working with families may help to define the boundaries of a profession that appears to have lost its identity. Rather than facing the prospect that the door is closed on the possibility of reclaiming practice that prioritises and values professional judgement and discretion, this paper reflects upon some positive examples of relational work with families by social workers within different sectors of practice.  相似文献   

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