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Growing attention is being paid to the generational differences in the work orientations of professionals, particularly among Baby Boomers and Generation Xers. It is suggested that the role that work plays in one's life is the most significant generational difference, where Generation Xers are viewed as less committed to work, careers and employers than Baby Boomers. Most of this literature however is supported at best by anecdotal evidence rather than empirical data. This paper empirically addresses two questions: (1) are Generation X lawyers less committed to their work than Baby Boomer lawyers?; and (2) do the factors related to work commitment differ for Generation X lawyers and Baby Boomer lawyers? The regression results show there is no significant generational difference in work commitment. The generations do differ in the factors that are related to their work commitment however. Work effort and extrinsic rewards are generally more highly related to Baby Boomers' commitment and intrinsic rewards to Generation Xers' work commitment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has been hypothesized that a degree of coercion is a necessary component in using outpatient commitment to attain therapeutic outcome for those people subject to mental health law. However, what degree of coercion is required and how it is sustained is poorly understood. There is speculation that patients' recognition of beneficial as well as unwanted aspects of outpatient commitment (ambivalence) maybe an indicator that the necessary level of coercion has been achieved to facilitate a therapeutic outcome. AIM: The aim of this study was to determine the level of coercion perceived by those under outpatient commitment in New Zealand. Emphasis was given to consideration of the presence of ambivalence and the role of interactive processes, including procedural justice, in influencing patients' perceptions of coercion. METHOD: A cross-sectional comparative study was undertaken to compare the perceptions of coercion of patients on outpatient commitment (n = 69) to a matched sample of voluntary outpatients (n = 69), using the Perceived Coercion Scale. The influence of a range of variables, including patients' knowledge of and beliefs concerning outpatient commitment, were considered. RESULTS: Although the level of coercion for involuntary outpatients was relatively low, it was significantly higher than that experienced by voluntary outpatients. Yet involuntary outpatients were more likely to espouse benefits of outpatient commitment. Although there was an inverse correlation between perceptions of procedural justice and perceived coercion, procedural justice did not feature in the linear regression analysis. DISCUSSION: In the New Zealand context, involuntary outpatients hold contrasting views to outpatient commitment. We suggest that this ambivalence is an indicator that the degree of coercion is suffice to achieve therapeutic outcome. Furthermore, this study suggests the impact of procedural justice on patients' perceptions of coercion may be more crucial during admission to hospital than in the context of on-going community care.  相似文献   

All cases of assaults with violence (n = 1639) from a well defined area were registered for 1 year. A positive alcolmeter test (% greater than 0.2) was registered in 488 cases (29%). A further 216 patients (13%) were found under the influence of alcohol according to a simple clinical judgement. In nine of ten manslaughter and murder cases alcohol was involved. Young men, 19-29 years of age, comprised the majority of victims. Of the episodes of violence 66% took place during the weekend. In 250 cases the alcohol concentration surpassed 1.5%. Almost 50% of the violence episoded took place in or around restaurants. Blunt violence was concerned in 73% of the episodes. Gunshot was registered in five cases, stabbings in two cases.  相似文献   

This study explored the similarities and differences of the perceptions held by chief legal and chief student affairs officers with regard to student legal issues. The study follows an earlier project published by Education and the Law (9(1), pp. 41‐49) which solely examined the perceptions of chief legal affairs officers. In the present study, there was a significant difference in the perceptions of chief student affairs and chief legal affairs officers with regard to which student legal issues will be litigated in the next 10 years. Chief student affairs and chief legal affairs officers prepare for student legal issues in a very similar fashion. Both officers make use of legal conferences, student affairs conferences, continuing education, and professional literature. There appears to be many chief student affairs officers who attend legal conferences and chief legal affairs officers who attend student affairs conferences in order to better prepare for future student legal issues.  相似文献   

Child death due to repeated episodes of physical assault or neglect has been termed the child abuse-maltreatment syndrome (CAMS). We characterized the injuries in a series of fatally abused or maltreated child to delineate objective diagnostic criteria for the CAMS for use by clinicians and pathologists. All deaths (age <17 years) investigated by the Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario, Canada during the time period 1990-1995 were reviewed. Cases of CAMS were defined as death due to lethal recent injury or malnutrition in the presence of significant old (healing or healed) injuries indicative of repeated episode of inflicted trauma. The nature and frequency of the various injuries was determined. The frequency of the shaken baby syndrome, and the types and frequency of ano-genital injuries were also studied. Twenty-one cases of fatal CAMS were found in the study period. Most cases had significant recent head injury with intra-cranial hemorrhage (71%). Other significant recent injuries commonly observed included blunt injuries of the skin and soft tissues (67%), blunt abdominal trauma with visceral injuries (14%), and fractures (18%). Eight cases (38%) fulfilled accepted criteria for the shaken baby syndrome. Many children with fatal head injuries had evidence of older head trauma (38% of all cases). A significant minority of cases had evidence of malnutrition due to neglect (10%) or ongoing ano-genital injuries (10%). Most cases of child homicides due to repeated episodes of abuse or maltreatment involve head trauma including shaken baby syndrome. Fractures of long bone and ribs, the classical markers of child abuse, were relatively infrequent compared with head injury. A proportion of cases had ano-genital injuries due to repeated sexual abuse or punitive maltreatment. All clinicians and pathologists must recognize the wide spectrum of injuries in child abuse to ultimate protect the victim or other children in an at-risk situation.  相似文献   

The current study compared the public confidence in legal authorities in two different political entities: China and Taiwan. Data from the 2005 World Values Surveys were used, and the results from the ordinal logistic regression models indicated that the Chinese had significantly more confidence in their police and the courts than did the Taiwanese. The variable, nation, was found to be the strongest predictor of the levels of public confidence in legal authorities between China and Taiwan. In addition, interests in politics and a sense of anomie were two other significant predictors of the confidence. Those who were interested in politics showed a higher level of confidence in legal authorities whereas those suffered from anomie demonstrated a reduced level of confidence in both societies. It is concluded that public opinions must be understood within the broader entity contexts and data from an authoritarian state should only be used with caution.  相似文献   

We describe 240 consecutive homicidal deaths that occurred in Marion County, Oregon, over a 28-year period (1963-90). An epidemiological assessment of the homicides yielded the following information: More than 91% of these deaths were primary homicides. In primary homicide, 63% of the victims and 88% of the offenders were male. In secondary homicide, 76% of the victims and all of the offenders were male. A high percentage of victims (83%) and offenders (84%) in primary homicide were Caucasian, as were 100% of victims and offenders in secondary homicide. About 12% of victims and 10% of offenders in primary homicide were Hispanic. Fifty-nine percent of primary homicides were intrasexual, as compared to 87% of secondary homicides. An intraracial pattern was found in 90% of primary homicides and in 100% of secondary homicides. The most frequent means of death in both primary and secondary homicides were firearms, physical beating, and stabbing. Strangers committed 80% of secondary homicides. This was in marked contrast to the victim-offender relationship found in primary homicides, where strangers were responsible for approximately 16% of the total, acquaintances for approximately 36%, and family members for approximately 48%. The overall clearance rate (i.e., the identification and charging of a suspect for the death) was 88%.  相似文献   

‘Electronic Monitoring’ (EM) uses devices to monitor individuals’ whereabouts. In 2010, South London and Maudsley medium secure unit introduced EM to monitor individuals on leave. Analysis after two years revealed EM was associated with increased unescorted leave and reduced leave violation; however, comparative costs were not established. This study aims to compare costs of EM for patients on leave by comparing average total cost per patient with and without EM. Costs were compared before and after implementation of EM. Total cost of leave for each group was divided by number of patients to generate average total cost per patient. The average total cost per patient without EM was £1702; £1617 with EM. Although cost decreased, this was not statistically significant. The results showed no significant difference between average total costs per patient before and after EM. The finding of EM being cost-neutral is cautiously optimistic. Further trials are recommended.  相似文献   


This article deals with the issue of how the national parliaments might be strengthened in order to decrease the democratic deficit within the EU. It examines the parliamentary European committees in the Danish and Swedish Parliaments and concludes that their potential to influence and control their respective governments’ EU policies mainly depends on the Government's parliamentary base and opportunities for legislative influence open to parliamentary oppositions. Moreover, it examines various organisational aspects of the European committees, including distribution of tasks and internal co‐ordination within the Parliament, at what stage in the decision‐making process the European Committee and the Parliament are involved and information management. With some conspicuous exceptions, Denmark and Sweden have chosen the same organisational arrangements for dealing with EU affairs both in the Parliament as a whole and, specifically, in the European committees. The principal conclusion is that the European committees in Sweden and Denmark are effective means for giving the national parliaments a voice in EU matters, but the article also addresses some reforms to strengthen their positions.  相似文献   

Over a 9-year period, 30 cases of positional (or postural) asphyxia were identified in the Dade and Broward County (Florida) Medical Examiner Offices. The victims had an average age of 50.6 years with no significant sex or racial differences as compared with the general medical examiner population. Chronic alcoholism or acute alcohol intoxication was a significant risk factor in 75% of cases and these had an average postmortem ethanol concentration of 0.24 g%. Signs of mechanical asphyxiation (petechiae and/or combined lung weights greater than 900 g) were present in 93% of cases. Victims were commonly (43%) found in a restrictive position producing hyperflexion of the head and neck. Two deaths involved restraint vests ("poseys") in elderly, demented, wheel-chair-confined victims. Scene photographs of the undisturbed decedent are extremely helpful in confirming a suspicion of postional asphyxia.  相似文献   

The paper aims to show the different suicide mortality rate between 1997-1998 and 2000-2001 in Nantou County of Taiwan with earthquake on September 21 (often referred to as the "9-21 earthquake") in 1999. In additional, it also identifies the preventive strategies for the high-risk suicide population. The age-standardized mortality rates for suicide in Nantou County were calculated for the years 1997-1998 and 2000-2001. The suicide standardized mortality ratio (SMR for townships in Nantou were calculated by "type of township" as the standard rate). There is a statistically significant difference in male suicide rates for the years prior to the earthquake (1997-1998) when pooled and compared to the suicide rates for the years after the earthquake (2000-2001). The rate for four age groups (under 25, 25-44, 45-64, 65 and above) all increased, yet all but one (the group of age 45-64) was not statistically significant. The male SMR has slightly increased after the 9-21 earthquake. Yet there are no statistical significances in most townships, except in Kaohsiung and Puli after the 9-21 earthquake. The Kaohsiung SMRs were 1.36 (95% CI: 0.54-2.80) before the earthquake (1997-1998) and 2.01 (95% CI: 1.04-3.52) after the earthquake (2000-2001). The SMRs before and after the earthquake in the Puli Township were 1.51 (95% CI: 0.95-2.29) to 1.56 (95% CI: 1.03-2.27). This study suggests that monitoring high-risk population, especially males or 45-64 years of age who experienced the highest statistically significant suicide rate in this study. The study provides support for providing both the psychological restoration program and, to the extent feasible, financial support for the unemployed as useful public health strategies for suicide prevention in Taiwan.  相似文献   

Through a comparison of fingermark sweat corrosion of α phase brass in both the U.K. and Iraq, we show how samples from Iraq have improved fingermark corrosion over U.K. samples that require no additional enhancement prior to visualization. Over 50% of Iraqi samples produced fingermark corrosion with full ridge detail compared with 0% from the U.K. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of the fingermark corrosion products showed that Iraqi samples exhibit more dezincification with the Zn:Cu ratio averaging 1:1.82 compared with 1:3.07 for U.K. samples. Auger spectroscopy showed the presence of both zinc oxide and copper (I) oxide. No copper (II) was observed on the surface of the corroded brass. Opportunities to exploit the optical properties of these thin film oxides to enhance the visualization of fingermark corrosion are considered, and the potential to use fingermark corrosion of metal as a means of visualizing fingerprints in war zones is discussed.  相似文献   

The distance between anterior chest surface and intrapericardial surfaces of the heart and great blood vessels was measured on 37 cases (seven with acute fatal hemopericardium) at autopsy and on 24 live persons by computerized tomography. At autopsy, the apex of the heart was always closest to the skin surface except in cases with acute fatal hemopericardium, where the heart was displaced backwards by 10-40 mm. At computerized tomography, chest-heart distances were approximately 16 mm shorter than at autopsy. Changing the position of the patient from supine to prone decreased the distances by about 10 mm. The data presented demonstrate that the topography of the heart and great vessels is changing with the position of the body in vivo and that chest-heart distance tend to increase postmortem; therefore, the depth of a stab wound in the anterior surface of the heart as measured at autopsy should be regarded as a maximal estimate of the length of the stabbing weapon actually having penetrated the tissues.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the representation of the Italian mafias (Cosa Nostra, Camorra and 'Ndrangheta) in a purposive sample of Spanish, German and Dutch newspaper articles between 2000 and 2013. The main aim is to understand how Italian mafias are perceived abroad, and particularly in Europe. The analysis shows that the Italian mafias attracted much European interest in recent years and that this interest is related to specific events. The 'Ndrangheta received significant attention in Germany, while the Camorra is prevalent in Spain. Cosa Nostra records a low amount of domestic attention in the three countries under consideration. Here, the Sicilian mafia is sometimes referred to as a synonym or a definitional term to describe other criminal organizations or criminal methods. More in general, Italian mafias abroad are frequently described as a foreign problem.  相似文献   

Forensic anthropologists are frequently asked to assess partial or badly damaged skeletal remains.One such request led us to compare the predictive accuracy of different mathematical methods using four non-standard measurements of the proximal femur (trochanter–diaphysis distance (TD), greater–lesser trochanter distance (TT), greater trochanter width (TW) and trochanter–head distance (TH)). These measurements were taken on 76 femurs (38 males and 38 females) of French individuals. Intra- and inter-observer trials did not reveal any significant statistical differences. The predictive accuracy of three models built using linear and non-linear modelling techniques was compared: discriminant analysis, logistic regression and neural network. The neural network outperformed discriminant analysis and, to a lesser extent, logistic regression. Indeed, the best results were obtained with a neural network that correctly classified 93.4% of femurs, with similar results in males (92.1%) and females (94.7%). Univariate functions were less accurate (68–88%). Discriminant analysis and logistic regression, both using all four variables, led to slightly better results (88.2% and 89.5%, respectively). In addition, all the models, save the neural network, led to unbalanced results between males and females. In conclusion, the artificial neural network is a powerful classification technique that may improve the accuracy rate of sex determination models for skeletal remains.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper is to show how the long-run preferences for industry and agriculture of the planning bodies in six C.M.E.A. countries can be analyzed by using data on factor allocations in these sectors. Indicative results describing these preferences are obtained and existing inefficiencies in labor allocation and the relative domestic prices of industrial and agricultural goods are discussed. The conclusions suggest that the preferences of the planning bodies have stayed completely constant over 1950–1980 only in the case of the GDR, and that allocations of labor and domestic price ratios have mostly been far from optimal over that period in the countries that were analyzed.  相似文献   

I document 25 consecutive years (1963-1987) of unnatural deaths within the State of Oregon's mental and correctional institutions in Marion County. This study includes 93 unnatural deaths in the Oregon State Hospital, 18 in the Forensic Psychiatric Program, 52 in the Fairview Training Center, and 45 in the Corrections Department facilities. These institutional unnatural deaths are compared with the 2,618 unnatural deaths that occurred during this same period in Marion County (exclusive of these state facilities). Death rates are shown in five 5-year blocks of time to illustrate death trends. Accidents and suicides were the predominant types of unnatural death in the Oregon State Hospital; suicides predominated in the Forensic Psychiatric Program and the corrections facilities; and accidents predominated in the Fairview Training Center. Extremely high total unnatural death rates were found in the Oregon State Hospital (approximately 520/100,000 or 8.46 times that found in Marion County) and the Forensic Psychiatric Program (approximately 561/100,000 or 9.13 times that found in Marion County). The overall accident death rate for the Fairview Training Center was approximately 119/100,000 or 2.84 times that found in Marion County. The overall total unnatural death rate for the corrections facilities was approximately 75/100,000 or 1.23 times that found in Marion County. I compare these data with those of other investigators in the United States, Canada, and western Europe. The total unnatural death rate appears to represent a valid criterion of violent death within a community.  相似文献   

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