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前不久,美国<时代>周刊著名评论家扎卡里亚写了一篇评论,叫做<他者的崛起>,文中提出,美国应该"加人世界".美国本身就是世界的一员,之所以提出要让其加人世界,扎卡里亚说,世界正在经历着近代历史第三次重大的力量转变.推动这种转变的力量是"他者的崛起".也就是说,世界其他国家、其他地区崛起后,世界重心已经不在美国,而是移向别处.但美国却仍然高居于世界之上,还在居高自赏,沉溺于"条条大路都通向自己门栏的世界".美国对世界正在发生的巨大变化很不适应,还没有接受这种变化,而是把这种变化看作是对自己的威胁,把新的发展力量当作异端.扎卡里亚明确建言:为了美国的利益,为了保持美国的领导地位,美国应该 加入这个变化的世界,成为这个世界的一员.扎卡里亚的这篇评论可以说是一语中的,看到了问题的本质,指出了美国应该做的正事.  相似文献   

His publications includeChina’s Development Experience in Comparative Perspective, and, with Allen Whiting,China’s Future. This is a revised version of a paper presented at a conference on “Problems of Peace, Security and Economic Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific” June 1987, in Beijing, P.R.C. The conference was co-sponsored by the Institute for Sino-Soviet Studies and the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, Beijing, P.R.C.  相似文献   

This article evaluates the role of Frank Lidgett McDougall, Australian economist, businessman and public servant, in the creation of the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO). It traces McDougall's development from an advocate of preferential trade within the British Empire to his embrace of a broader, more internationalist, concept of nutrition. By the mid-1930s, McDougall's advocacy of policies to improve nutrition worldwide through "marrying health and agriculture" led to the Australian government's advocacy of such policies in the League of Nations. McDougall was successful in persuading Australian policy makers that proposals to improveworldwide nutritional levels were also in Australia's best interest, by increasing demand for Australian agricultural exports. Finally, McDougall's significant personal role in the establishment of the FAO is assessed as the culmination of his career as a major behind-the-scenes architect of public policy.  相似文献   

李庆明 《美国研究》2012,(1):47-67,4
建国初期,美国国会制定《外国人侵权法令》,授予联邦法院对违反国际法或美国缔结的条约的侵权诉讼行使管辖权,希望新生的美国赢得外交尊重。20世纪60年代,美国民权运动蓬勃发展,涉及外国的国际民事纠纷成倍增长。在人权利益团体的努力下,加上美国法律制度中方便原告起诉的具体规则等因素,《外国人侵权法令》引起美国学界和司法界的广泛讨论。总体而言,《外国人侵权法令》对人管辖权和事项管辖权的范围一直不断扩张,美国联邦法院愿意执行国际法尤其是国际强制规范,但联邦法院倾向于非自动执行条约理论而不执行大多数国际人权公约或条约。  相似文献   

构建党内规范性文件的公开制度,有利于增强党内规范性文件的严肃性和权威性,有助于贯彻民主和监督思想推动经济社会科学发展,体现了完善党内法规制度体系推动全面从严治党、制度治党向纵深发展的制度价值,彰显了依法执政下推进党的治理体系和治理能力现代化从而提升党的执政能力和全面领导水平的战略价值。党内规范性文件的公开应坚持以公开为...  相似文献   


This article examines electoral competitiveness between the two main contenders in Morocco’s 2016 legislative elections, i.e. the Islamist Party of Justice and Development (P.J.D.) and the pro-monarchy Party of Authenticity and Modernity (P.A.M.). In contrast with electoral results at the national level, which reflect a high parliamentary competitiveness between these two parties, the analysis of competitiveness at the local constituency level (92 electoral districts) leads to quite different conclusions. The degree of local standard competitiveness between the P.J.D. and the P.A.M. was generally very low and, in most of the districts, the Islamists held a large advantage over the P.A.M. Other third parties also played a significant role and became the voters’ first or second choice in some districts, with the effect of increasing parliamentary fragmentation and decreasing competitiveness between the P.J.D. and the P.A.M. Thus, the proportional system used in a large number of districts contributed to achieving the monarchy’s aim of avoiding a predominant party. Also, the central role played by the loyalist National Rally of Independents (R.N.I.) in blocking the coalition government talks after the elections questions the idea that the Moroccan party system is becoming polarized between the P.J.D. and the P.A.M.  相似文献   

Armed Forces and Modern Counter‐Insurgency edited by Ian F.W. Beckett and John Pimlott Croom Helm, London, 1985. vi plus 232 pp. including maps, notes and index. £19,95.

Counter‐Insurgency in Rhodesia by J.K. Cilliers Croom Helm, London, 1985. 266 pp. including tables, figures, bibliography and index. £16,95.  相似文献   

美国的信息安全战略具有极强的扩张性.为实现扩张型战略目标,美国已组建全球最强大的"世界信息战略指挥中心",构建了"网络中心战"和覆盖全球的信息网络,正在培训全球最强大的信息化军队,精心研究开发信息战高新技术,研究探索信息战的规律并制定扩张型信息战战略战术.  相似文献   

Ki Moon Ban 《East Asia》1992,11(2):49-56
As a way of conclusion, let me get back to where I started, which is my observation on the U.S. presidential election. Despite the scant attention paid to foreign policy issues, certain common threads seem to emerge in the foreign policy platforms of the major presidential candidates. One is the intention to stay engaged in world affairs in closer cooperation with allies and other friendly countries. Another is the importance given to promoting the values of liberal democracy and market economy in U.S. foreign policy. As a major ally of the United States, Korea cherishes its security and economic ties with the United States and intends to develop these ties even in the post-cold war era. Most importantly, Korea takes pride in the common political and economic values it shares with the United States. Whatever challenges might arise in the days to come, the shared values between Korea and the United states will serve us so that the two countries can continue to develop their relationships in the twenty-first century and beyond.  相似文献   

在菲律宾对外政策中,对美国和对东盟的政策是其中最重要的两大组成部分.这其中,美国对菲律宾东盟政策的影响是巨大的.本文考察了菲律宾建国以来,在其制定和实施对东南亚(东盟成立前)/东盟政策时,美国所起的巨大作用以及同时期的菲美关系.  相似文献   

This article examines the nature of the emerging regional economic regime in the Americas and argues that the dominant approach to economic governance is one defined by the assertion of U.S. power in the region and oriented toward distinctively U.S. interests and preferences. This has been clearly evident in the evolution of the Free Trade Area of the Americas but also, with the deceleration and fragmentation of that process during 2002 and 2003, in the growing prioritization of bilateralism. The leverage afforded by the bilateral negotiation of trade agreements acts to situate primary influence in shaping the rules that constitute the regional economic regime, and the primary functions associated with governing in this context, firmly within the agencies of the U.S. state. This essay therefore explores how the hegemonic power of the United States manifests itself in the substance of the hemispheric project and the shape of the economic regime associated with it.  相似文献   

高海龙 《美国研究》2020,34(1):99-121,M0005
"单一行政官"理论是在对美国宪法有关总统权力条款的解读过程中产生的理论,其核心含义是,任何对总统掌控行政部门进行限制的企图都被视为违宪。"单一行政官"的概念形成于200多年前的制宪会议。后来,"单一行政官"理论不断地发展演变,为美国总统不断扩展其行政权力提供了理论依据。"单一行政官"理论通过证明总统扩张权力的正当性,对美国三权分立的权力制衡机制构成了威胁。要厘清总统权力的边界,必须参照宪法的文本和结构,同时也要考虑到现代社会对行政部门提出的新要求。  相似文献   

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