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“成功的办好普法简报,办一份真正属于老百姓自己的普法简报。”是孔老师的愿望和梦想,而如何成为像老师那样的人则是我的愿望和梦想。  相似文献   

周国平 《政府法制》2008,(17):53-53
如果我是一个从前的哲人,来到今天的世界,我会最怀念什么?一定是这六个字:善良,丰富,高贵. 看到医院拒收付不起昂贵医疗费的穷人;看到商人出售假药和伪劣食品,制造急性和慢性的死亡;看到矿难频繁,矿主用工人的生命换取高额利润;看到每天发生的许多凶杀案,往往为了很少的钱或很小的缘由夺走一条命,我为人心的冷漠感到震惊,于是我怀念善良.  相似文献   

2005年7月12日下午,北京大学英杰交流中心阳光大厅。窗外骄阳似火,室内热情如火。国际司法桥梁与北京大学法学院联合举办的“法律援助与公益论坛”将在这里开讲,北大学子与青年律师正翘首等待着一位贵宾的到来。这位贵宾就是来自美国的露丝·拜德·金斯伯格大法官,她将在本次论坛上作主题演讲。开幕式上,北京大学法学院院长朱苏力教授与国际司法桥梁总裁谢凯伦女士分别致辞。金斯伯格演讲之后,北京大学法学院贺卫方教授与《中国律师》杂志社总编刘桂明围绕金斯伯格大法官的演讲并结合本次论坛主题“中国未来的公益性法律事业”分别作了点评。金斯伯格大法官是由克林顿总统在1993年任命的。她是美国联邦最高法院的第二位女法官,并且因其学术功力和敏锐的思想而著名。作为世界范围法律趋势研究学者和敏锐的历史分析家,金斯伯格大法官清楚地意识到司法独立和准确解释法律的必要性。为了达到最终目标,金斯伯格大法官非常慷慨地为此次活动提供她的建议、智慧以及声望,帮助国际司法桥梁成功地实现其目的:为中国刑事司法体制的发展培养国际支持,鼓励对司法平等的尊重。  相似文献   

关于财富,谁是我们这个时代的真正榜样?当岁月迈进2002年时,杰克·韦尔奇已经67岁了,可全球经理人几乎人手一本《杰克·韦尔奇自传》:沃伦·巴菲特已经72岁了,可华尔街的新生代重新拜在了这位投资界老前辈门下;彼得·德鲁克已经93岁了,可世界顶尖商学院再次把他的著作奉为管理经典而最新研读。  相似文献   

2002年6月10日,乌鲁木齐市发生了一起绑架人质案件。在该案处置过程中,虽然现场指挥始终坚持“确保人质安全,把解救人质放在第一位”的原则,但是解救工作还是以失败告终。回顾该案,其中有许多经验教训值得总结和借鉴。  相似文献   

破案简况 2004年10月23日.安徽省马鞍山市当徐县丹阳镇山河内发现漂浮的尸块(两只胳膊、一条大腿),后经马鞍山市公安局指纹自动识别系统比对.确认死者为当涂县姑孰镇人王继孝(男,31岁);10月26日.当涂县年陡乡企管办副主任朱玉真(男,38岁)被人杀害抛尸于当涂县护河镇万山。市公安局迅速成立专案组,全力以赴开展侦破工作,工作中,  相似文献   

最新全球富豪排行榜上,长期占据世界首富位置的美国微软公司董事长比尔·盖茨威风不再,被美国百货连锁店“沃尔码(Wal-Mart)”总裁罗伯森·沃尔顿一举超过。目前沃尔顿的财富高达453亿英镑,比盖茨足足多出80亿镑。那么这位人们还不太熟悉的世界新首富是一个怎样的人呢?  相似文献   

燕子 《中国律师》2004,(6):39-39
美国霍兰德·奈特律师事务所(HolLmd&Knight LLP)于2004年5月10日正式宣布其中国代表赴在北京设立。霍兰德·奈特律师事务所是美国最大的六家律师事务所之一,在全球最大的15家律师事务所排行榜中更是榜上有名。该所创立于18世纪早期.  相似文献   

2003年7月21日17时许,湖南省怀化市鹤城区“佳加家”超市发生一起恐怖性敲诈案件:“佳加家”超市总经理杨某接到一个不明电话,对方声称已在超市安放了3枚定时炸弹,威胁杨某交出30万元,否则就引爆。案件发生后,怀化市各级领导高度重视,在市、区各级公安机关的共同努力下,对案发现场进行了紧急处置,排除了险情,防止了爆炸后果的发生,并综合运用多种侦查措施、手段,侦技结合,设计用谋,循迹追踪,仅用13天时间,将两名涉嫌恐怖性敲诈的犯罪嫌疑人周峻峰、刘红初抓获归案,为怀化市社会治安消除了一大隐患。“2003·07·21”案件是较为典型的恐怖性敲诈案件,分析此案的规律特点及侦破过程,有利于制定打击与防范类似恐怖性敲诈犯罪的对策。  相似文献   

Studies have described measures associated with assault in the community, but few have identified measures associated with assault in prison or prison psychiatric treatment. In this study, prison assault histories and assaults while in prison psychiatric treatment for 222 randomly selected male inmates were evaluated. Using record reviews, interviews, neuropsychological, Rorschach, and psychopathy measures, risk factors for assault in prison and in prison psychiatric treatment were identified. Youth Authority placement, inhalant use, antisocial lifestyle, neurological injury, neuropsychological impairment, and higher PCL-R Factor II ratings were associated with assault in prison. Absence of major mental disorder, neurological impairment, or psychotic thinking, but presence of psychopathy was associated with assault in prison psychiatric treatment. In identifying risk for violence, the importance of (1) the context in which violence occurs; (2) the need for clear admission criteria for prison psychiatric treatment; and (3) the need to develop risk assessments that are specific to prison environments are emphasized.  相似文献   

In the Dutch prison system, motivational treatment is seen as one of the key contributors to a dignified and humane prison climate, stimulating inmates to assume personal responsibility and to change their lives. Staff are seen as the crucial factor to attaining this goal. The assumption is that the staff’s work situation has an impact on how inmates are treated. How inmates are treated in turn influences how they perceive prison conditions. In this study, we will examine the correlations between work situation, treatment styles and perceived prison conditions by means of a multilevel linear regression. The results show that a good work situation for prison staff is a precondition for practicing an active approach to inmates. In addition, inmates are more satisfied with the prison conditions if the various treatment styles are thoroughly applied. A balance between providing support and structure for inmates appears to be very important. Motivational treatment proves to be significantly correlated to the inmates’ satisfaction regarding prison conditions.  相似文献   

Our aim was to investigate whether early detection was feasible in prison and whether it could improve mental health outcomes in young prisoners. A secondary aim was to explore whether it can reduce returns to prison. Between 2011 and 2014, a total of 2115 young prisoners were screened, 94 (4.4%) met criteria for ultra-high risk for psychosis and were offered an intervention, 52 actually received it. Return to prison data were sought on the 52 participants, receiving a formal intervention. Of the 52 prisoners who received an intervention, 30.8% returned to custody compared to national average reconviction rates of between 45.4 and 66.5%. Our results suggest that early detection is a feasible option in a prison setting, improving mental health outcomes and reducing returns to prison. Mental health outcomes were recorded for a sub-sample of those receiving the intervention. The results indicated statistically significant improvements on measures of depression, anxiety and psychological distress.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mental health of pregnant women in prison in England or the factors which impact admissions to prison mother and baby units (MBUs). Research from the UK suggests women with more ‘stable’ backgrounds and lower prevalence of mental disorder are more likely to be admitted to prison MBUs. Eighty-five pregnant women were interviewed in eight different prisons. Schedules for the Clinical Assessment of Neuropsychiatry (SCAN) and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) were used to assess mental health; Severity of Dependence Questionnaire (SOD-Q) for drug misuse; Alcohol Use Identification Test (AUDIT) for hazardous drinking; and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-II) to identify personality disorder. Fifty-one per cent of participants had depression and 57% had anxiety. Those who were working prior to imprisonment were more likely to be admitted to MBUs, and those with a prior social services involvement, diagnosis of personality disorder or history of suicidality were less likely to be admitted. The high levels of depression and anxiety can have negative impacts on both the mother and her unborn child. Factors which influence MBU admission suggest those who might benefit most from MBU placement are least likely to be admitted.  相似文献   

Health care staff are instrumental in prisons given their roles in aiding security and the growing demand for medical services among prisoners. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to this prison staff subpopulation. This study examined perceptions of supervision among 424 prison health care staff in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Participants felt that prison supervisors were most effective in clarifying expectations and least effective in giving feedback for performance, involving staff in planning, and extending job autonomy. Using hierarchical linear models (HLM), some unique findings emerged. Efficacy in dealing with inmates was the strongest predictor variable: health care staff who felt more positive and effective with inmates had more favorable feelings toward supervision. Staff working in high- and medium-security prisons had more positive feelings toward supervision than those in minimum security, and younger staff had more favorable attitudes toward supervisors than older staff. The implications of these findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

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