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叙事文学文本是把一种价值姿态编制在一个故事之中。潘金莲故事的三个文本的不同叙述,就展现了三种完全不同的价值姿态。  相似文献   

本文对于反映潘金莲形象的三个文本进行了对比 ,对三个文本所蕴含的情结进行了分析  相似文献   

本文对于反映潘金莲形象的三个文本进行了对比,对三个文本所蕴含的情结进行了分析。  相似文献   

根据韩礼德的理论,语言由三元功能组成,即概念性功能、人际关系性功能和文本性功能。与传统的词汇比喻相对应,语法比喻就上述三种功能都单独发挥作用。本文围绕语法比喻的类型、与谈话方式、文本组织和语言类型的关系等几个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

佚名 《工友》2011,(5):52-53
三段故事,三段人生,三种爱情。 【一】第一段故事,太过奢华,也太理想化。忽然想起那句话"我希望绕了一圈后,遇见的那个人仍旧是你"。年少的感情,大多以失败告终,因为看不开,于是自我安慰,也许绕了一圈后,  相似文献   

传统的法学理论以内在论(立体论)方法探析法概念及其所涉及到的规范、价值和事实3范畴。因果论摒弃了内在论探究法的本质的方法,把法律事实、规范和价值看作是因与果、作用与反作用的关系,而非现象与本质的关系。法律的元概念是法律文本。政治与经济现象并非法律本质,而只是影响法律文本的作为原因的社会事实。规范文本尽管可能会受到自由裁量权的影响而产生词义错位,但只有立法才能从根本上改变规范文本的内容。  相似文献   

黄永乐 《福建工运》2000,(11):23-27
从企业生产经营的价值取向看,并存着社会利益高于一切、企业集体利益高于一切、职工个人利益高于一切这三个不同的着眼点。其实作为经营实体,追求的目标最终都是为了最大化的社会认同,并无本质区别,但不同的价值着眼点代表不同的价值实现方式,从而形成不同的企业文化。从不同的企  相似文献   

论工会干部教育培训的改进与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要把工会干部培养成“三家”,并具有“五种能力”,就要调整传统的培训内容和结构,围绕培养“三家”和提高“五种能力”的要求,设计工会干部培训的内容。按照不同层次和类别,设计培训目标和培训要求。要对不同层次类别的干部,采取不同的培训方式。  相似文献   

费嘉 《时代风采》2009,(4):30-30
讲一个故事:有一个从云南昭通参军入伍的新兵。某日见战友在津津有味读一本书,甚是好奇,便问:“你看的是哪样?”战友答:小说。新兵大惑:明明是那么大一本书,咋会叫小说?怪球事了。后来他不仅搞球懂什么是小说,还迷上了文学。上世纪80年代末,他退伍了,面对眩目的城市他只想回家——回到以贫困滋养他的故土,以厚爱呵护他的茅屋。  相似文献   

当代青年价值观的冲突及教育对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
每一次社会进步 ,都必然伴随人生价值观的论战 ,并且成为社会变革的先导。每一种社会形态 ,随着其经济基础的建立 ,都必然要在全社会形成共同的价值理论和价值原则。当代青年价值观矛盾和冲突主要表现在自我期望过高与实现自我价值能力不足 ;个人本位和集体本位的冲突与矛盾 ;价值取向多元化与价值评价多标准 ;轻理性追求与重感性体验 4个方面。当代青年价值观的教育 ,在于确立社会主义的价值理想、价值目标和价值原则 ;坚持“三个有利于”的价值标准 ;贯彻物质文明与精神文明一起抓的价值导向 ;提倡统一性与多样性相结合的价值取向。  相似文献   

This article explores the problems of international, collaborative feminist research by telling the story of two Canadian academics who embarked on a journey to do feminist research with a group of Chinese academics. The literature warns of the difficulties of collaboration and the dangers of power imbalances that are positional, procedural and representational. In this instance, the Canadians, despite their positional advantages, experienced little power in the planning of the research, feeling themselves as a burden rather than a boon at many points during the process. They analyze the reasons for this, and conclude that the content of their conversation mattered less than the form in which it was delivered. Despite a number of difficulties, the project was of value for the collaborators. For the Chinese, it was a chance for women faculty in less privileged universities to work together, with new resources, on a topic that needed validation. For the Canadians, it resulted in an increased appreciation for the specificity of North American feminism, varieties of Chinese feminism and the contextual nature of research methodologies. The article concludes with a discussion of the value and limits of universities' new emphasis on internationalism and its meaning for feminists with an emphasis on the value of such projects, if appropriately conceived and managed.  相似文献   

This chapter provides a context for the concept of not-knowing, including a discussion of how the concept was framed. The experience of not-knowing in professional youth work is framed in relationship to other concepts explored by the social work and therapeutic literature (including vicarious trauma, helplessness, secondary trauma, and burnout), as well as those offered by the limited youth work and nursing literature discussing similar concepts (disruption and hurt, suffering, commitment in spite of conflict, and the struggle to go along when you do not believe). The standing of youth work in the professions and its own struggles to professionalize are explored, with attention to how not-knowing affects and is affected by these efforts.  相似文献   

How women remember, represent and write about their own lives and each other's lives is a central problem in the field of feminist auto/biography. Eglantyne Jebb (1876–1928) did not live long enough to write her own life story, but she is known as the founder of the Save the Children Fund in 1919 and as the author of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the League of Nations in 1924. Women who had a great deal invested in the telling of Jebb's life story provide the only accounts we have of her life. This article contributes to the field of feminist auto/biography by providing a fuller depiction of the life of Eglantyne Jebb. Today, the value of Jebb's private writing lies in its wit and honesty. Her letters and diaries illustrate the familiar hard and heroic struggle to accommodate to the ordinary and extraordinary demands of family relationships, the search for adult intimacy, the desire for a meaningful career and the acceptance, in the final years of her life, of new challenges and possibilities whereby Eglantyne Jebb became a notable humanitarian and children's rights activist.  相似文献   

Recent scholarship on sati has stressed the fact that the ‘problem’ of sati is that the problem extends far beyond and begins far before the act itself. One of the things that lies prior to and post the act is language, yet sati is an act that stands in a curious relationship to language. I will examine the relationship between the physical act of sati and the language that surrounds it: the ‘story’ prior to the act which gives the act its meaning; the act itself which stands in an ironic relationship to the story – I will argue that the act is in fact possible only because it displaces the original story, so that every act of becoming sati presents itself not as a radical act in experience, but as an ‘acting out’ of the original story. It is in this acting out of a displaced story, that the boundary between the physical act and language becomes obscured and the body doing the act begins to occupy a liminal position, as it itself begins to function as a language – a language, which in its aspect of an ‘acting out’ obscures its own act. Lastly, I will consider the implications of the symbolic language of sati for the contemporary woman.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that the concept of metabolic rift situated in ‘the labor theory of value’ is not an adequate theoretical tool to historically explore capitalist development as a socio-ecological process and socio-historical domination of ecology. It situates the concept of nature in Marx’s critique of political economy and the concept of the metabolic rift in relation to his theory of value. Then, it explores two distinctive historical approaches to the relationship between ecology and capitalist development within the world-historical studies, i.e. the world-ecology perspective and the uneven ecological exchange perspective, in relation to their theoretical and epistemological premises. How they operationalize or recast Marx’s theory of value in understanding this relationship opens a realm to rethink the value theory in relation to nature and the socio-ecological nature of capitalist relations of production. Based on this, it proposes to reconsider the value theory as a value theory of nature in order to recognize the historical specificity of socio-ecological relations, and their historical transformation and alienation, as an integral constituent of the historical narrative of capitalist development.  相似文献   

This article describes the place of Women's and Gender Studies programmes in Australian universities as a way of thinking about the place of feminism in the academy. It begins with a story of one such small programme at a time of stress and locates this story in an account of change in Australian universities over the last 20-plus years. The narrative traces a contradictory domain in which women, feminist scholarship and Women's and Gender Studies are enmeshed. The article draws on feminist literature about Australian universities to argue that while neo-liberal university environments are clearly places where masculinist values prevail, the flows of power around individual Women's and Gender Studies programmes cannot be simply predicted. Women's and Gender Studies programmes are thriving in some universities (on a small scale). As well as institutional imperatives Women's and Gender Studies programmes are engaged by specific intellectual challenges and some of these are sketched with reference to the Australian context. Asserting the need for dedicated research and teaching that focuses on gender, the article concludes that Women's and Gender Studies programmes in Australian universities are energetic places for this to occur. It proposes an ambivalent optimism to describe its assessment of these programmes and their viability as future places of work for feminist scholars.  相似文献   

The central issues raised in much of feminist literary theory's early scholarship remain prescient: how does narrative engage with the social‐historical? In what ways does it codify existing structures? How does it resist them? Whose stories are not being told, or read? In this article I use Doris Lessing's novel The Fifth Child (1988) as a text with which to begin to address the above questions by reading with attention to the mother story but also the ‘other’ stories operating both within and outside of the novel; in particular I am concerned with the convergence of maternity, disability and narrative. The novel's co-implication of sexual difference and corporeal difference reveals the ways in which the mother's story is both made possible and authorized by the disabled body of her child, and by his inability to tell his own story. Yet, if The Fifth Child is a horror story that uses the disabled child's body as its ground, it is also about the horror of maternity, in its conception and attendant choices. In this fictional story as well as in the social‐historical narrative circulating at the time of its publication in the late 1980s, both child and mother are indicted in their otherness and it is ultimately impossible to separate one from the other.  相似文献   

In critically re-examining the concept of food regime this article argues for an alternative formulation thatposits the concept on the foundation of the theory of value, rather than the developmentalist framework of the regulation theory within which it was originally posed. This is possible because while the insights of food regime analysis were rooted in a world historical perspective on global value relations, its presentation always subordinated the latter to the more abstract stage theory of the regulation school. Disentangled from regulationism, the concept of food regime is central for a labour-oriented perspective on imperialism as a relation of production embedded in global value relations. This is part of a broader methodological critique that locates the problematic of development (and consumption, in the postdevelopmentalist era) within the discourses of bourgeois modernity (and postmodernity) and seeks to differentiate these from the problematic of labour and labour emancipation. The article addresses the problem of a conflation of theory and history in connection with a developmentalist/positivist reading of Marx, and suggests 'global value relations', 'global working day', 'global worker', as world historically informed concepts that capture the 'unity of the diverse'. Global value relations include the politics of state relations, the world market, colonization and imperialism, and the (often geographically segregated) labour regimes of production of relative and absolute surplus value. The latter is posed as a contemporary relation of neo-liberal capitalism involving (postmodern) over-consumption on the one hand and (still modern) forced under-consumption on the other hand. 'World hunger amidst global plenty' is an expression of these relations.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned to challenge the category ‘peasantry’ as defining a distinct and general type of economy. It is divided into three sections: i. an examination of the work of Lenin and Kautsky on capitalism in agriculture which shows that they investigated economies in which peasant production was important without using such a concept; ii. it is argued that no rigorous concept of a ‘peasant’ mode or ‘peasant’ relations of production can be constructed which has the general applicability of the common‐sense notion of ‘peasantry'; iii. the treatment of ‘peasant’ economy in non‐Marxist literature is considered.  相似文献   

My aim in this essay is to explore the politics of one of the seemingly least political forms of literature, the woman's magazine. Specifically, I will analyze the ideological content of the Lady's Magazine, one of the most popular and profitable of British monthly miscellanies in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth‐centuries.1 In this essay I will explore the role the Lady's Magazine played in the development of the idea of the “tender mother,” a concept which was key in the formation of the cult of domesticity and in the development of the ideology of “woman's sphere” as a realm distinct and separate from the man's world of work.2An underlying assumption informing this essay is that the concept of motherhood was (and still is) culturally constituted,3 and that literature, including popular literature found in magazines, has played an important role in this process.4 In the Lady's Magazine's portrayal of motherhood we can see one of the means by which the ideology of motherhood, in particular, the concept of the tender mother, was created, legitimated, and perpetuated.5  相似文献   

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