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Frontier city in northeast fights to contain imported coronavirus cases As most areas in China started to lift lockdowns and incrementally resume normal life,Suifenhe,a sleepy border city in the northeast of the country,was put on the map by a surging number of imported corona virus cases.  相似文献   

Thanks to preferential policies and government assistance for rural residents and ethnic minorities,the residents of Yujiazhai,a frontier Lisu community,now have higher incomes,better education and broader exposure to the outside world.  相似文献   

Setting the Tone     
正At the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping,U.S.President Donald Trump paid a state visit to China from November 8 to 10,during which the two state leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations and important international and regional issues of common concern and reached a major consensus.  相似文献   

正Mark Levine, a sociologist with Minzu University of China, was invited to attend two major events marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China(CPC), including the grand gathering at the Tiananmen Square on July . He is also the author of an upcoming book entitled Singing My China Stories to the World. In an interview with Beijing Review reporter Li Nan,  相似文献   

The annual Central Economic Work Conference held on December 19-21, 2018,in Beijing summarized China's economic work in 2018 and mapped out 10 key tasks that will top the country's economic agenda in 2019.  相似文献   

A generational shift impacts how moms view local customs in China Whenever Carol Richman went ou tside for a walk with her newborn Liliana Meiin Beijing,  相似文献   

<正>A boom town on the western border of China By Yuan YuanHundreds of coaches carrying tourists in and out every day;cargo buses from China and Kazakhstan shuttling across the border 24/7;Khorgos,a city sprouting from barren dunes,is moving into the spotlight.Located in northwest China's Xinjiang  相似文献   

本文就限制出境措施的性质、实施的理据以及存在的现实问题进行了全面分析,认为在该措施的具体执行过程中公民的出境自由没有得到应有的保护、公安行政管理与服务关系错位、中央事权被分散,进而提出应该把公民的出境权写入宪法、正确处理好管理与服务的关系、强化出入境管理的中央事权性质。  相似文献   

China takes precautions against conflicts in the East China Sea The Japanese Government ultimately decided against publishing the socalled"related evidence"collected by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces regarcling Chinese ships using fire control radar(FCR) against its warships.A Chinese proverb says that he who makes the initial offense always files the suit first—which may also describe the fuss recently made by Japan.However,Japan’s attempt to hype the FCR incident also brings to the forefront issues that should be considered.  相似文献   

The China-Viet Nam land border demarcation is a breakthrough for bilateral relations chinese and Vietnamese officials unveiled new boundary markers on February 23.  相似文献   

DAIXIAN is an ancient town in central Shanxi Province,just a few hours by expressway from Beijing.People have been living here since the New Stone Age in around 7,000 BC.Marking the border between ancient China and the northern lands of nomadic tribes,it was once a place of considerable stra- tegic importance that witnessed many significant battles.In times of peace, it was a prosperous nexus of trade and  相似文献   

付永丽 《贵州民族研究》2020,41(10):134-140
国家级边境经济合作区是我国拓展与周边国家交流合作的主要窗口,在国家区域协调发展战略中发挥着重要作用。文章从国家级边境经济合作区相关的研究回顾入手,系统考察沿边开放战略背景下中缅边境地区国家级边境经济合作区的发展历程,客观总结"一带一路"倡议下中缅边境地区国家级边境经济合作区的发展特征,初步提出中缅命运共同体构建中的中缅边境地区国家级边境经济合作区的发展目标,力求为中缅边境地区国家级边境经济合作区向更高水平发展和更高质量迈进提供参考。  相似文献   

正China’s proposals on U.S. ties show the way out of the current strain At a China-U.S. think tanks and media online forum on July 9, Wang Yi, State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China, said China-U.S. relations, one of the most consequential bilateral relationships in the world, is facing the most severe challenge since the establishment of diplomatic ties.  相似文献   

边境突发事件具有影响大、蔓延快、突发性强、涉及面广等特点,一旦在处置指挥中出现较大问题,其后果不可预测。因此严密组织、灵活指挥是成功处突的关键。指挥控制是指在指挥过程中指挥员及其指挥机关为实现处置行动决心进行的掌握处置现场情况,调控处置行动,落实处置行动计划的活动。其在处置行动中发挥协调多方力量,维护整体合力,纠正行动偏差,调整处置任务以及加强信息交流,促进部队凝聚的作用。本文主要对处置边境突发事件中指挥控制的作用、内容、程序以及要求进行简要分析,以提高部队处突成效。  相似文献   

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