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Spatio-Temporal Interaction of Urban Crime   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Over the past decade, a renewed interest in the analysis of crime hot-spots has emerged in the social and behavioral sciences. Spurred by improvements in computing power, data visualization and geographic information systems, numerous innovative approaches have materialized for identifying areas of elevated crime in urban environments. Unfortunately, many hot-spot analysis techniques treat the spatial and temporal aspects of crime as distinct entities, thus ignoring the necessary interaction of space and time to produce criminal opportunities. The purpose of this paper is to explore the utility of statistical measures for identifying and comparing the spatio-temporal footprints of robbery, burglary and assault. Functional and visual comparisons for spatio-temporal clusters are analyzed across a range of space–time values using a comprehensive database of crime events for Cincinnati, Ohio. Empirical results suggest that robbery, burglary and assault have dramatically different spatio-temporal signatures.
Tony H. GrubesicEmail:

夏德才 《犯罪研究》2006,(2):25-31,38
长江三角洲、珠江三角洲、环渤海三大经济圈地区是当前我国经济最发达、人口最稠密、城市化程度最高的地区,同时也是我国犯罪高发、万人犯罪率最高的地区。三大经济圈地域环境与犯罪之间具有一定的内在联系。本文分析了三大经济圈地区东部沿海沿边位置、交通枢纽地位、城市空间环境、地域气候环境对犯罪活动的影响,从而对全面把握三大经济圈区域犯罪特点,因地制宜地采取针对性措施,预防和减少犯罪,具有积极意义。  相似文献   

By applying the symbolic perspective to the context of Chinese urban society, this paper examines how three dimensions of social capital—social trust, social bonds, and social cohesion—are associated with satisfaction with crime control among Chinese urban residents. The individual-level data from the 2005 China General Social Survey (CGSS) are linked with provincial-level data on arrest rates and economic and demographic characteristics. The analysis shows that bridging trust and neighborhood cohesion are significantly positively related to satisfaction with crime control. The effects of bonding trust and social bonds on satisfaction with crime control are not significant. The results provide partial support for the symbolic theoretical perspective and extend our understandings of the impact of diverse forms of social capital on crime control attitudes to a non-Western context.  相似文献   

犯罪现场环境是相对于狭义犯罪现场的外部条件,不仅是一个延展空间,更是内外在要素与联系的拓展。犯罪现场环境是犯罪嫌疑人犯罪及社会活动的基础。狭义的犯罪现场环境是指发生犯罪行为的场所以外的地理空间环境。广义的犯罪现场环境是指与犯罪行为有关的人、事、物、时、空、信息在具体犯罪行为以外的客观存在。研究犯罪现场环境可以从地理空间环境、时间环境、心理环境、物质环境、数据空间环境等维度来系统构建。犯罪现场环境与犯罪嫌疑人犯罪行为的关系不是直接的因果关系,是一种相关性的跨界关系。研究犯罪现场环境可以从犯罪嫌疑人的活动轨迹及外部条件来分析侦查方向和范围,不仅对于个案发现侦查线索和破案证据具有指引意义,有助于犯罪现场分析与重建,也能够从类案或整体上映射犯罪自然和社会条件。  相似文献   

在危害环境罪中,往往存在两个相互联系的危害后果,对这两个危害结果,行为人的主观心态也多有不同.因而,危害环境罪存在复杂罪过的情形.我国也应在刑法典中对危害环境罪的因过形式进行明确的规定,同时同一罪名中应当分别规定故意犯罪与过失犯罪.  相似文献   

城镇化进程中的政治与经济问题对城市犯罪的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城镇化是人类社会现代化的必然趋势。但是,城镇化进程中产生的各种城市问题却对城市的生存与发展造成了诸多困扰。城市问题是城市犯罪孕育、发生和发展的温床,从整体层面上研究城市问题对犯罪的影响具有重要的现实意义。在所有的城市问题中,城市政治问题和经济问题是两种主要的"城市病",而且二者之间联系密切、关系复杂,其互动效应与联动效应对城市社会治安大环境的形成,对城市犯罪问题的衍变,对犯罪行为的主体与受体的塑造等,都有十分深刻的影响。建国后我国城市犯罪在政治与经济问题的综合影响下,曾形成了4个犯罪高峰期,目前仍居高不下。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):283-312
Hypotheses from General Strain theory are addressed using data from a random sample of adults in Raleigh, NC. Analyses examine three issues: (1) whether strain predicts self‐projected criminal behavior; controlling for past self‐reported crime; (2) whether negative emotions mediate the relationship between strain and projected crime; and (3) whether social support and criminal peers serve as contingencies or mediators for strain in predicting criminality. Results are generally consistent with previous studies focusing on youth. Three of four measures of strain are found to predict the crime measures. However, that relationship is not mediated by negative emotion and the measures of social support and criminal peers do not act as contingencies or mediators. The results suggest that strain may not operate through negative emotions and that theoretical refinement is needed to identify which potential contingencies are likely to be operating under various circumstances.  相似文献   

A question that emerges from recent research on the relationship between economic conditions and street crimes committed for monetary gain concerns the effect of changing economic conditions on violent crime. I propose that the economy stimulates violent crime indirectly through its effect on acquisitive crime. This hypothesis is evaluated in fixed-effects panel models of change in acquisitive crime and homicide rates between 1970 and 2006. The analysis indicates that collective perceptions of economic conditions have a significant effect on an index of acquisitive crime and an indirect effect, through acquisitive crime, on homicide. Consistent with this result, the effect of collective economic perceptions is stronger for felony than argument-related homicides. A promising focus for future research is the role of underground markets in the production of both property and violent crime.
Richard RosenfeldEmail:

为了应对环境犯罪的新挑战,充分发挥刑法防范风险的机能,刑法的介入时间必须提前,介入范围必须扩大。以截短的犯罪构成理论为视角,分析我国环境犯罪的立法现状,提出了转变立法理念、改进罪刑体系与犯罪构成要件,以及完善污染环境罪、破坏植物资源犯罪、与环境相关联的走私犯罪、渎职犯罪等个罪的建议。  相似文献   

工业化、城市化与犯罪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
工业化、城市化进程中,我国社会犯罪出现了犯罪数量大幅上升,犯罪性质日趋严重,犯罪区位大量增多、犯罪类型发生新变化等特点。工业化、城市化进程对犯罪原因的影响更为明显,这主要表现在与经济全球化同步发展,促进经济社会结构变革,加剧文化冲突,引发空间环境发生变化,因而使诱发犯罪的因素大量增多。在工业化、城市化进程中,必须采取有效的对策,才能遏制犯罪发展。  相似文献   

王发曾 《河北法学》2007,25(11):18-21
移动空间的依托——公共交通工具,是城市人的活动发生空间位移时的主要运载体,对其犯罪盲区实施科学的综合治理是防控城市公共交通载体犯罪的有效途径.移动空间是一种很特殊的空间实体,存在许多犯罪盲区的致盲因素.对移动空间盲区实施综合治理,既要注重对所有类型移动空间盲区的共性对策,也要注重不同类型移动空间盲区的综合治理各有侧重.  相似文献   

The paper begins with the question: how applicable are European and North American criminological theories to the situation in Asia? It takes a transnational and comparative perspective in relating contemporary and historical trends in crime, crime definition and crime control in a variety of Asian countries that comprise the so-called Confucian sphere. It provides a criminological critique of the ‘Asian values debate’ and, through an analysis of trends in crime, crime definition and crime control in China and Japan, of organised crime across the region, as well as selected examples of state-organised crime, seeks to provide a perspective on the developing criminological discourses of ‘the Orient’. The paper argues that, although cultural aspects are important and interesting in understanding the crime situation in the region, ultimately it is changes in politics and governance, economy and society that are most efficacious in explaining current criminological trends and developments.  相似文献   

This article presents the initial results of a 5‐year longitudinal study of police officers’ attitudes about themselves, their profession, crime, and their role in society. The study sample was comprised of graduating classes at l'École Nationale de Police du Québec in 2003. Graduates completed an anonymous multiple choice questionnaire designed for a similar study conducted in the 1990s in France (Monjardet & Gorgeon, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1999). The complete study will track attitude change in these recruits over the first 5 years of their police careers. Results from the first year point to a change in officers’ attitudes resulting from the shock of actually working as police officers and the recruits’ preconceived notions of what police work would be like. Training and education could be adapted to better prepare police recruits for this transitional shock, including changes in mechanisms used to integrate recruits, improvements in police organizations, and increased organizational support for new members. We also suggest ways of identifying areas where continued education would improve the overall quality of police work.  相似文献   

This paper examines current developments in the social control of youth crime and delinquency in England and Wales. It argues that the usual critical explanations of these developments, in the form of the dispersal of discipline or the social authoritarianism thesis are inadequate. Instead, it is suggested that the punishment has taken on a more effective and efficient format in the management of this problem group than either of the above would have made possible.  相似文献   

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