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李言 《行政与法》2012,(1):50-52
精细化管理思想,从20世纪50年代由丰田公司提出之后,不仅成为全球企业提高管理质量和规范管理行为的重要思想,而且逐渐被引入到了公共组织管理领域,包括高校管理。高校工会所面临的员工群体比较特殊,在管理工作中引入精细思想的教育、规范和激励功能,可以提高高校教职员工的积极性以及建立和谐的校园人际关系。  相似文献   

要搞好高校学生管理工作,首先必须充分调动广大学生的参与积极性,作为学生管理的基层执行者,辅导员必须借助有效激励原理,运用各种有效的激励手段,满足学生成就感、自尊感,最大限度调动学生的积极性,为此本文提出了在学生管理中如何运用激励原理的若干问题。  相似文献   

激励原理是人力资源管理中一个十分重要的组成部分,其理论涵盖了组织激励的各个方面,所以激励的相关理论不仅适用于营利性的经济组织,对于非政府组织同样也具有积极的作用。本文指出对我国的非政府组织,可以尝试运用财团法人的概念明晰产权,并且可以引入相应的人才管理市场并对其进行评估,起到对非政府组织管理者独立客观的评估与激励作用,促进我国非政府组织的发展。  相似文献   

激励本是心理学上的一个术语,指激发人的行为的一种心理过程,即通过心理来影响或改变行为.企业实行激励机制和手段的根本的目的是正确地诱导员工的工作动机,使他们在实现组织目标的同时实现自身的价值,从而使他们的积极性和创造性得以保持和发扬下去.如今,企业竞争日趋激烈,每个企业都在对员工进行各式各样的激励,以使企业在市场竞争中立于不败之地,如何有效的通过科学的激励机制调动员工的积极性、创造性,成为企业管理重要课题.  相似文献   

辛纳  魏建 《法学论坛》2015,(3):127-133
财务困境是所有演艺组织面临的共同难题,中国的文艺院团更有着体制的约束.在表演艺术领域广泛采取非营利组织的方式构造市场主体是国际的共同经验,这不仅是因为非营利组织具有组织性、自治性、非营利性、利润不可分配约束等基本特征,更重要的是,非营利组织的制度设计形成了较强的激励,吸引资本和人力资本对艺术发展进行投资.因此,建议中国完善表演艺术非营利组织免税资格认定、准入、捐赠等法律,明确营利和非营利院团的权利责任,促进院团分化为营利和非营利组织形式.  相似文献   

村民委员会、村党组织、村经济组织的成员和村小组长、村民委员会下设各委员会委员等在农村基层组织中担任一定的职务、履行一定的职责的人都是"村民委员会等农村基层组织人员",其构成贪污贿赂犯罪必然发生在协助人民政府从事行政管理工作的过程中,具有时间性。而对如何认定协助行政管理行为的完成,论文提供了一种路径,即假设不存在村基层组织的协助管理行为,由人民政府直接完成现实中由村基层组织协助完成的行政管理工作,那么在假设条件下,认定人民政府某些具体行政管理工作完成所采用的标准,应适用于村基层组织人员协助管理工作完成的认定。  相似文献   

激励是罪犯思想教育中经常采用的一种方式。激励的内容有政治激励、情感激励、奖惩激励、榜样激励、前途激励等。激励方法的运用,能促进罪犯心理的良性转化,使其自觉克服不良行为习惯,成为新人。  相似文献   

贪污贿赂犯罪的原因从不同的角度可以得出不同的结论.组织行为学中有一种理论一组织激励理论,该理论又有不同的模式.运用组织激励理论来分析贪污贿赂犯罪成因,可以帮助我们从源头上遏制其发生,并以此为基础,建立健全相关制度.  相似文献   

毋庸置疑……从事商业活动必然要承担风险。管理者应当营造一种环境,使员工能够审慎地对待风险。对于任何商业活动而言,管理都是一门艺术,而不是简单的理论;投资银行的管理工作则更有其特殊性。——[英]菲利普·奥格(Philip Augar)  相似文献   

党的十五大提出要加快推进国有企业改革,“要加强科学管理,探索符合市场经济规律和我国国情的企业领导体制和组织管理制度,建立决策、执行和监督体系,形成有效的激励和制约机制。”我认为,在建立社会主义市场经济体制的进程中,建立和完善国有企业监督制约机制,要做好以下几方面工作。一、依法建立行之有效的制度。一是在对企业实行公司制改造过程中,要形成所有者、经营者和劳动者相互激励又相互制衡的机制,既使三者权力得以保障,又使三者行为受到制约。二是切实落实民主集中制,做到像中央纪委要求的“凡属重大决策,重要干部任免…  相似文献   

This article contributes to our understanding public art at the local level by providing analysis of local government public art programs. A survey was conducted with cities and towns in Arizona that have public art programs. The article begins by defining public art and explaining how government funding for public art began in the United States. Next, it highlights the benefits of public art. Public art program funding sources, budgets, maintenance, personnel, and promotion techniques are discussed for the cities/towns surveyed. Last, recommendations are provided for cities/towns seeking to create or expand their public art programs.  相似文献   

The author discusses a survey of companies with art collections in German-speaking countries—Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Drawing on the data collected in the survey, he highlights the differences between two groups of curators currently responsible for corporate art collections, the "new professionals" and the "management administrators." First, organizational changes in corporations that occurred during the "founding boom" of the 1990s had a significant effect on the roles of corporate art managers, introducing the art-educated "new professional" into the process, which before then had been controlled by the corporate-trained "management administrators." Second, the nature, content, and styles of current corporate art collections reflect specific "corporate cultures." Third, the "new professional" corporate art curators purchase contemporary art for their collections at art fairs, a reality that has significant impact on the art market. The author concludes with an analysis of the relationship between these new professional corporate collectors and the contemporary art market by highlighting significant changes in pre- and post-1990 corporate art collections.  相似文献   


This article analyzes the relationship between the growth of large Australian Aboriginal art fairs and shifts in the fine art market and state policies; audience and art insiders' experiences; and the implications of art fair participation for artists and art centers. In contrast to the traditional gallery model, the art fairs draw buyers and artists together in regional centers, along with families, managers, curators, commentators, administrators, and politicians. Using the assemblages concept, we analyze the emergence of a new engagement that prioritizes social, cultural, and interpersonal aspects of art making and where buyers consume “relational goods” linked to their purchasing context.  相似文献   

Although Howard Becker defines art worlds as networks of cooperating people and a broad range of studies has applied this idea of the network to art markets, research on fairs remains a neglected issue. This article aims to advance the idea of the network and the art fair with regard to the art fair boom, the differentiation of art fairs and their interlinking, and the role of networks with regard to the participating galleries and their interlinking within art fairs. Quantitative and qualitative data are brought forward to shed some light on these issues, including statistical information, along with interviews.  相似文献   

从 2 0世纪下半叶开始 ,利用现代科学技术手段来解决岩画的时代问题成为岩画学家的首要问题。通过半个多世纪的努力 ,用 1 4 C、阳离子比、AMS以及微腐蚀等各种现代技术手段来进行岩画断代的方法 ,不断尝试性地运用于实践 ,并逐渐走向成熟。本文通过微腐蚀断代法对青海岩画时代的测定 ,取得了与综合分析断代法基本吻合的结果。表明用微腐蚀断代法对岩刻画进行断代 ,有着光明的前景  相似文献   

A training partnership was established with the Florida Department of Corrections in 2003, and over the ensuing years, art therapy graduate student interns from Florida State University's Graduate Art Therapy Program have been placed in local prisons at different times. Recently, the art therapy interns worked closely with the supervising psychologist in one prison to alleviate and redirect aggression by integrating cognitive-behavioral techniques with art therapy directives. The art therapy interns and the psychologist developed a curriculum using a combination of workbook exercises and art tasks to develop and increase the participants' anger management skills, the Art Therapy Anger Management Protocol. This article provides an overview of art therapy in prison, the cognitive-behavioral approach to anger management with prison inmates, and how art therapy was used to support this approach. Examples of completed art tasks designed to correspond with the workbook curriculum are presented. Overall, this article presents the successful collaboration between the psychologist and art therapists and demonstrates how they facilitated improvement in the participants' anger management skills through this program.  相似文献   

学校艺术教育是由专业艺术教育、师范艺术教育和普通艺术教育三个部分组成,不同的培养目标决定三拥有各自独立的教育教学体系。艺术教育的意义之一就在于:通过教育的手段最大限度地实现艺术的价值,发挥艺术的影响力。艺术体现人性渊源,连接人类世代承传,与时代及人类生活密不可分。随着时代及社会的发展,普通艺术教育从边缘到中心已是大势所,学校艺术教学内容的日趋统一和专业与非专业艺术教育之间的相互影响,昭示出学校艺术教育一体化的发展趋势和方向。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine the legal possibilities available to creators of children's games, enhancing art education. It focuses on the type of games that enrich the learning experience by means of works of visual, verbal or musical art. I do not deal with the technology of the digital age, but examine the educational art game as a ‘derived game’, containing the original work of art (as a component of the game), and discuss in depth the issue of the use of works of art, integrated in children's games. The situation in this sphere is murky. In the toy shops there are no games providing enrichment in the understanding of art, and shops in art galleries have only a few games with reproductions of pictures in those galleries. The subject is particularly important in view of the fact that children are not exposed to works of art contributing to their cognitive development and critical perspective, and when they do see works of art, they are usually behind some barrier and not easily accessible. The complex situation created by strict copyright laws deters the planners and producers of games and makes such games expensive. As a result, we as a society, fail to exploit a powerful experiential means to enrich the cultural world of the younger generation. This article examines the possibilities of establishing a right of fair use of reproductions of works of art in children's games.  相似文献   


While previous researchers have attempted to explain the uncertain quality of visual arts with reference to branding theory, they have overlooked the role of art fairs. Socio-cultural approaches to branding allow us to explore the function of intermediaries in valuing contemporary arts. This article aims to analyze the role of art fairs in the process of branding young and emerging artists. In particular, a prestigious art fair, Frieze London, serves as an instrumental case study for developing a systematic understanding of art fairs in terms of valuing and branding contemporary art.  相似文献   

Art crime refers to criminally punishable acts involving works of art and includes a spectrum of phenomena as diverse as art thefts and confiscations, faked and forged art, vandalism, and illicit excavation and export of antiquities and other archaeological materials. This paper provides a cursory introduction to a variety of art crimes, and discusses the consequences of such crimes.  相似文献   

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