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Legal context. Massively multiplayer online role-playing games(MMORPGs) are a craze that has swept the globe. Online gamershave been reported to spend 22 hours per week online playingtheir favourite games while there have been reports of playersspending up to 55 hours at a time playing. Not all gamers arehobby gamers, nor are they just teenagers having fun. A markethas grown around MMORPGs and a lucrative online market has emergedoutside the games for the sale of game characters and items.The value of this market has been estimated at US$880 million.At the heart of disputes concerning the sale of game charactersand items is the question of copyright ownership. Game providersclaim that the End User Licence Agreements (EULAs) give themintellectual property ownership and rights over any dealingswith the game characters and items. Many gamers on the otherhand are abhorrent at the assertion that they have no claimto characters and items that they have spent many hours developing. Key points. The first issue that needs to be considered is whethercopyright subsists at all in the game characters and items.The next question to be considered is who owns the copyrightin in-game characters and items. To answer the question, onemust look to the EULAs, but the EULAs do not provide all theanswers because issues such as moral rights cannot be governedby EULAs. Further, the practice of farming by companies runningdigital sweatshops complicates the relationship between gamersand game providers. Practical significance. There have been numerous disputes concerningthe game characters and items between game developers, gamers,and farming companies. This article examines the key copyrightissues at stake.  相似文献   

The greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme in the European Union primarily uses grandfathering until 2012, which means that polluters get emission rights free of charge based on their historical emissions. Energy consumers accuse energy producers of making windfall profits by incorporating the market value of those free rights into the energy prices. However, we develop a numerical example to illustrate that the reasoning of the producers is correct. We also explain why this market value is only partly passed on to consumers. We consider various measures and conclude that only auctioning the rights after 2012 nullifies the additional profits.  相似文献   

This study describes the characteristics of modacrylic fibres and includes over 80 samples (previous and current) representing 15 trade names. Fibre morphology was examined using brightfield microscopy. Signs of elongation were determined using polarised light microscopy. Fibre cross sections were also examined. The generic class of fibre was divided into sub groups using polymer composition as determined by FTIR-microscopy. Microscopically, some modacrylic fibres cannot be distinguished from acrylic fibres. Others display unusual optical and morphological features which are a strong indication of their generic class. The infrared spectra provide information about the co-monomer, termonomers added to produced dye sites, the presence of solvent residue, dyes, and additives, e.g. flame retardant material. The infrared spectra should always be recorded before and after any thin layer chromatographic examination of the dye, otherwise peaks attributable to dyes, which may be a valuable comparative feature in casework will be lost.  相似文献   

This is the first research article on expanding emissions trading in the EU to households in which law and economics is explicitly and systematically combined with behavioral science. The goal of the article is neither to plead in favor nor against emissions trading for households, but rather to provide an analysis of such a scheme. To that end, the article gathers relevant theoretical insights and discusses how established empirical findings can be used to design a potentially workable scheme. The analysis not only presents an overview of possible economic and behavioral barriers, but also creates a feedback to its institutional design by presenting possible solutions to overcome them. Downstream allocation creates a more direct and visible carbon incentive, whereas administrative costs can be reduced by concentrating monitoring and enforcement upstream. Behavioral acceptance can be boosted via strategic communication, for instance by stressing that emissions trading is both effective (emissions are capped) and fair (those who emit less, pay less). Energy conservation can be stimulated by frequently sending updates to households of their carbon transactions to make the consequences of their behavior more noticeable. Whether these necessary conditions are also sufficient to ensure political acceptance remains an open question.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that as crime scene location deprivation increases (lower socioeconomic status), the recovery of forensic material, principally DNA and fingerprints, also increases. However, this increase does not result in more crimes being solved by forensic means. In this study, we analyze stolen vehicle data and find a statistically significant positive association between deprivation and the amount of forensic material that matched either the victim or an associate of the victim on a criminal database. The nature of this association was investigated further by inspecting recovered stolen vehicles to establish whether the condition of a stolen vehicle and the tidiness of its interior influenced the recovery of forensic material that was attributed to the victim or an associate. Contradictory results suggest that other factors may contribute to understanding the association between the recovery of victim- or associate-attributable forensic material and crime scene location deprivation.  相似文献   

Liverpool Law Review - This article examines the rationale for the common law’s penalty rule and finds it lacking. It examines the rule as applied in different common law systems since the...  相似文献   

This article deals critically with the call for a comprehensive harmonization of legal rules, against the background of the lessons from the recent financial crisis. Before coming to the topic of harmonization of legal rules, it first briefly deals with the question of why rules are necessary at all, and what the functions of rules are. Then it deals with the lessons from the recent financial crisis for the topic mentioned. The article conducts a kind of cost-benefit analysis of legal harmonization by looking at arguments in favor of and against uniform rules. It shows that not only the arguments in favor have increased after the recent financial crisis, but also the arguments against. It also shows that integration of global markets has not only increased the need for new uniform rules but also decreased the chances of their implementation; and that therefore today it is often better to improve the implementation of current rules instead of laying down new uniform rules.  相似文献   

Shavell’s [Shavell, S. (1986). The judgment proof problem. International Review of Law and Economics, 6, 45–58] original model of the judgment proof problem treats costs of care to prevent accidents as non-monetary. Noting that this is unrealistic when injurers are firms, several authors have found that with monetary care costs, some judgment-proof firms perversely take excess rather than insufficient care. In this paper, we make explicit the quite specific assumptions required for the excess-care result to arise even in theory, and demonstrate that, even under these assumptions, the result is likely to be quantitatively unimportant. We also suggest an alternative model that, while treating care costs as monetary, avoids the excess-care result.  相似文献   

Based on several studies, the aim of the article is to compare trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation to trafficking in drugs. Women are recruited and drugs are bought in other countries and transported to Sweden. What are the similarities and differences between the recruitment phase (women) and the purchases (drugs)? Both sexual services and drugs are sold in local markets. This requires marketing, contacts and access to customers. Women need accommodation and often a place to sell the services, drugs must be stored somewhere and prepared for sale. Procurement, trafficking and the purchase of sexual services are illegal and in the case of drugs even consumption and possession for personal use is illegal and prosecuted. Facilitators often play an important role in connecting customers and providers. This article will further describe what kind of organizational structure is needed to arrange these logistics and some different strategies used by organizers and distributors.  相似文献   

This article conducts an analysis of director’s liability in listed firms using modern finance theory. The paper describes how the use of special general clauses in Danish law regulates director’s liability. It is shown how risk and return combinations may assist in determining whether management has violated the business judgment rule. The analysis shows that this legal doctrine is optimal from an economic perspective. The article introduces the concept of “temporal relatively of the shareholder equality principle” which can be used to determine whether the interests of minority shareholders have been set aside. It is shown that the principle of shareholder equality must be subjected to both an ex ante, as well as an ex post assessment. Moreover, courts should be reluctant to interfere in situations where there has been an unequal distribution of gain (or loss) ex post. The theoretical arguments are illustrated by analyzing a leading Danish court case that involved the squeeze out of minority shareholders in the Danish telecom company. The paper also analyzes the incentive effects of derivate suits and suits commenced by individual shareholders. It is shown that the former creates a free rider problem whereas in the latter situation, shareholders are not fully able to internalize their externalities.  相似文献   

This article is a first step to assess whether a self‐regulatory ‘Code of Conduct’, which has been in effect for European equities, should also be extended to derivatives. The aim of the code is to increase competition and customer choice in the European transaction process (trading, clearing and settlement). The article examines whether such a code is advisable for derivatives by evaluating potential market failures and inefficiencies in European derivatives markets. More specifically, the article: a) highlights the main differences in the clearing and settlement procedures of derivatives versus equities; b) outlines current and alternative market infrastructures in derivatives post‐trade markets; and c) evaluates the current level of competition among derivatives exchanges and also between the on‐ and off‐exchange trading segments. The article concludes that if imminent initiatives taken to increase the competitiveness of over‐the‐counter (OTC) derivatives markets vis‐à‐vis the incumbent derivatives exchanges—such as increased clearing house usage and new entry of multilateral trading facilities—are not effective in the near future, a code of conduct could be envisaged. This should entail promoting faster automation of OTC post‐trade processes and ensuring price comparability is maintained between derivatives exchanges.  相似文献   

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