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The paper contributes to the discussion about policy advice, initiated by Falk et al. in PVS 2/2007. Based on a differentiation between output- and input oriented politics, several notions of advice and knowledge are discussed. This leads to the insight that the relevance of studies in political science does rely on the careful consideration of the strategic influence of knowledge in the political process. The fruitfulness of such a perspective is exemplified by a short view on some institutional developments in the field of political advice. A detailed analysis of the newly organised economic policy report “Gemeinschaftsdiagnose” then reveals that the diagnosis of new cooperative modes of governmental acting, as postulated by Falk et al., has to be modified. Particularly with regard to core fields of governmental acting, like economic and social policy, there is an unbroken continuity of hierarchical forms of governing.  相似文献   

In recent years, the field of political consulting and policy advice has gained growing attention and, thus, has been subject of important debates regarding its key concepts and theoretical foundations. This paper sets out to defend the authors' original thesis which has been challenged in the course of these debates. We argue that, along with classical oneway modes of consultation, a new way of interaction between political decision makers and consultants has emerged. The knowledge deriving from these cooperative discourses is not merely an external source for the preparation and legitimation of political decisions. It is integral part of the policy process and may unfold its potential as long as it meets the standards of epistemic and political robustness.  相似文献   

夜深了,某部导弹连的战士大都按时就寝,只有二排六班的两个床铺还空着。班长高翔再也忍不住了,一跺脚,气咻咻地向连部走去。空床铺的主人是壬军和孙坤兵。平时,两人作风稀稀拉拉,有时不请假就外出。这不,已经到了熄灯时间,还不见回来。连里干部正心急火燎的时候,大约十一点钟,两人终于回来了。高班长真想把他们狠狠克一顿。指导员瞿网富摆摆手说:“先让他们休息吧,有事明天再说。”第二天,不等把王军、孙坤兵叫到连部,驻地小张庄木匠高传登就送来一封感谢信和10元钱,并  相似文献   

正吃素?吃肉?这事放到几十年前就不是问题,为啥?那时家里经济都不咋样。粮食配给,买肉凭票,大家普遍吃素,偶尔吃肉。虽然大家普遍吃素,但心里可是盼望着能有肉吃,不用顿顿红烧肉,但天天有荤菜都是开心的事。60年代人想吃肉没肉吃,70年代人好点,想吃肉有肉吃,但不能可劲吃,80年代人最好,想吃肉就吃肉,随便吃,挑着吃。90年  相似文献   

眼下,进城打工的年轻人在城里很难交到朋友,一些心里话也没处说,这样对他们的心理健康特别不利,难怪他们发出"城里何时是我家"的感慨。仔细想想,城市真  相似文献   

桃源  力扬 《瞭望》2007,(18)
魏武将见匈奴使,自以形陋,不足雄远国,使崔季珪代,帝自捉刀立床头。既毕,令间谍问曰:“魏王何如?”匈奴使答曰:“魏王雅望非常;然床头捉刀人,此乃英雄也。”魏武闻之,追杀此使。  相似文献   

忽如一夜春风来,成百上千公司开.大概从2014年三四月份开始,好像是事先谋划和准备好了,沈阳城里一下冒出上千家大大小小的投资管理公司,这些门面整齐划一的公司,很惹人注目,但许多人并不知道他们是具体做什么的.随之而来的是,这些公司在各自的门口摆上各种礼品招徕客户,有的还免费发放蔬菜等物品,一时间,公司门庭热闹,车水马龙.但没几个月,人们就不断听说某某公司卷款跑路的不幸消息.最近笔者对此进行了一些调查.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that positive and normative beliefs about economics are largely unrelated. Using questions from two national surveys, this study finds that: (a)?the underlying determinants of positive and normative beliefs are strikingly similar; (b)?education is by far the strongest overall determinant of both positive and normative beliefs; and (c) the variables known to push positive beliefs in the same direction as formal economic training—education, male gender, income growth, and job security—also push normative beliefs in the same direction. These results strongly suggest that the positive-normative connection has been underestimated.  相似文献   

This paper studies the determinants of MPs?? expense claims and of their attendance at Parliamentary meetings. Using a multiple regression framework, we correlate the expenses with three sets of variables: constituency characteristics, political variables, and individual characteristics. We then look at the ratio of parliamentary expenses claimed to votes cast in Parliament as a crude measure of value for money. This take on the data provides a somewhat benign view of the usage of expense claims. We use the results to reflect on two views of the motivation of MPs??the public choice view and the public service view.  相似文献   

复兴国学的人们到底要做什么。国学是什么?我们从国学中学什么?如何学习才不会迷失方向?这些问题不搞清楚,总给人一种炒作的感觉。儒学首先是一种典籍文化。典籍文化是经过学者系统化的符号文化,在过  相似文献   

要讨论就业优先还是增长优先,首先要澄清两个概念:经济增长与经济发展。二者有本质的差别,经济发展要以一定的经济增长为基础,但是,单纯的经济增长与公众的福祉并没有必然联系。发展的战略目标也不仅仅是追求经济的增长,其最终目的是增进全体人民的福祉。诺贝尔经济学奖获得者阿马蒂亚·森指出,作为涉及政治、经济、社会与价值观念的诸多方面的综合过程,经济发展意味着消除贫困,人身束缚、各种歧视性压迫与缺乏法治权利和社会保障的状况,同时发展要提高“人们按照自己的意愿来生活”的能力,其目标等同于“判定社会中所有人的福利状态的价值…  相似文献   

今年“五一”节前后,广西邕宁县镇龙乡政府,三次强行放火焚烧了1500亩农民承包山林和自留山,烧毁马尾松十万余棵,造成农民直接经济损失近20万元。事情的起因是该乡政府背着农民,以连片开发经济林为名,把江万坡村、新塘坡村部分由农民承包的山林转包给南宁市一家私营公司,随后未经林业部门批准,“采用行政手段”,违法烧山。有关报道认为这破坏了国家承包政策,严重损害了承包户的经济利益;我认为比这更严重的,是让人“官”“匪”难分。杀人放火,是土匪强盗之所为;这里虽还没有杀人,但以强行放火烧山为“行政手  相似文献   

Loukas Balafoutas 《Public Choice》2011,146(1-2):185-203
This paper studies how income tax rates are determined and how they are related to government corruption in the form of fund capture. A?model is presented where rich voters can block redistribution by buying the votes of some poor voters. In equilibrium there is only limited redistribution and income tax rates are a negative function of government corruption. When rich voters can bribe the government, an additional equilibrium with zero taxation is possible. The link between corruption and tax rates is tested using cross country data; the empirical evidence is fully consistent with the predictions of the model.  相似文献   

实行厂长负责制后,厂长和党委书记的位置如何摆,成了人们议论的话题之一;厂长和党委书记的工作如何分,也成了实际工作中经常遇到的难题之一。当前,绝大多数企业党的工作者是拥护这一重要的企业改革决策的。他们认识到突出和强化厂长在企业生产经营活动中的领导地位和作用,有利于改善企业运行机制,提高企业活动效率,是搞活企业的一个重要改革。  相似文献   

中国在第七个五年计划里继续奉行对外开放政策。据估计,到一九九○年,中国进口总额将比一九八五年增加百分之四十到百分之五十。无疑,中国的对外开放政策将为外国商人提供越来越多的机会。最近几年来,开放政策已经取得相当的成功。但在对这个政策的理解上,仍有些不够精确。例如,有些人认为这个政策仅仅意味着中国向外国产  相似文献   

国际政治中的"左"与"右"宛若钟摆,当摆到一 侧的极点时,也就意味着新的一轮调整的开始。  相似文献   

每年农历正月十五到二月二日,是河南浚县一年一度的大型庙会。主办者意在物资交流,搞活商品经济。但是,事与愿违,庙会几乎成了大搞迷信活动的拜神会。 2月25日上午10时,庙会开始。天气阴沉,寒风刺骨。满载着人的汽车、马车、拖拉机、架子车从四面八方涌向大伾山;自行车和行人搅在一起,象长蛇  相似文献   

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