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我国现行立法无法有效规制虐童行为,主张扩大虐待罪、故意伤害罪的适用范围或增设虐待被保护人罪存在理论上的缺陷。基于罪名所具有的针对犯罪人的特殊预防功能和针对社会公众的一般预防功能,以预防为本位增设"虐童罪"是规制虐童行为的最佳选择。借鉴域外法之规定并结合我国当前立法现状,"虐童罪"的罪状应表述为"以报复、取乐或侮辱为目的,虐待不满十四周岁的未成年人,情节恶劣的"。  相似文献   

虐童是整个社会发展中的毒瘤,不仅直接侵犯儿童利益,也间接损害了国家的人力资源。针对虐童问题,中国与日本采用了不同的刑事立法模式,日本形成了以刑法典为主、以单行刑法和附属刑法为辅的多轨制的混合模式,为儿童保护构建了一套成熟、全面、细致的刑法规制体系。相较之下,中国单轨制的法典化模式并不能有效防止虐童行为,尚未形成系统合理的刑法规制体系,因而,完善中国关于虐童的刑事立法模式势在必行。  相似文献   

虐童行为主要表现为躯体虐待、情感虐待、性虐待及忽视等形式,对儿童身心健康会造成潜移默化的损害,进而阻碍儿童身心的健康发展。《儿童权利公约》规定了儿童的生命权和发展权等基本权利,上述权利免受一切形式的暴力侵害是其应有之义。当前,我国已构建以宪法为统领、以未成年人保护法为核心的防治虐童行为法律体系,同时以司法机关和行政机关出台的司法解释文件、部门规章予以补充。在法治社会建设过程中,以法教义学的研究方法为切入点,结合相关案例对我国防治虐童行为法律体系进行全面梳理并进行体系化的分析,可以为我国防治虐童行为法律的进一步完善提供有益的思路。  相似文献   

近年来我国严重侵犯少年儿童权益的恶性事件频发,但在有关反虐童领域的制度化建设却多年原地踏步,缺少实质性变革。这在相当程度上是由于在反虐童制度,尤其是反虐童刑事政策方面的研究落后于社会发展需要所致。本文意图展开对我国反虐童刑事政策之全面考察,探讨以刑事司法制度建构为手段,打击,遏制虐待儿童行为,保护少年儿童合法权益的各种可行性政策选择,站在公共政策体系的高度,全面考察针对虐童行为刑事对策的社会文化需求,法理基础,立法技术以及综合性制度保障体系。希望能够为我国刑事司法机关提供充分全面的决策依据,促进未成年人权益保护制度的发展。  相似文献   

闽言 《人大论坛》2013,(5):38-38
河北三河燕郊“幼幼”幼儿园老师对孩子针扎、刀划甚至逼喝尿等虐童行为被媒体曝光后,当地教育行政部门曾表示“管不了”。随着舆论的持续升温和家长的不懈维权,教育行政部门的态度转为力促“私了”,包括联系孩子转学,帮助协调赔偿等。(4月1日《中国广播网》)  相似文献   

今年清明假期,南京某高知夫妇涉嫌虐待9岁养子一事被社会各界关注。在针对此事的种种议论中,呼吁设立虐童罪的呼声再次响起。社会发展到今天,只要是保护儿童权益的呼声,听起来总是美好的,但为何总得不到立法的回应呢?在一定意义上,虐童现象和所有的违法犯罪一样,不仅仅是单纯的个人或者家庭行为,通常还有广泛的社会原因。基于刑罚后果的严重性,刑法只能作为治疗犯罪的最  相似文献   

解读35起学前教育机构"虐童"案件文书发现,学前教育机构"虐童"犯罪具有侵害行为形式复杂且较为隐蔽、犯罪发生地点位于学前教育机构内的隐蔽地点、犯罪人往往具有正当身份等明显特征。现有法律对该类犯罪的惩罚力度不足,学前教育机构从业审查制度缺位,犯罪人心理和被害人身心具有特殊性,共同促成此类犯罪的发生。相应犯罪预防应从规范罪名适用,从严把握量刑;规范开办学前教育机构要求,落实安全制度;严格落实学前教育机构从业人员入职审查;引入心理测试,提高职业准入标准等方面入手。  相似文献   

作为互联网行业的飞速发展所带来的新生事物,“人肉搜索”自诞生以来,就长期游离在法律边缘.本文从“人肉搜索”的概念和性质等出发,阐述“人肉搜索”行为对于社会发展的意义,探讨“人肉搜索”的法律规制现状,以析“人肉搜索”行为存在的弊端.在此基础上,从完善隐私权立法等角度提出对“人肉搜索”行为的民法规制:明确界定“人肉搜索”行为的合法事由与非法事由;完善民法领域对隐私权的法律保护;对“人肉搜索”行为中侵权主体的法律责任进行明确界定.  相似文献   

温岭市幼儿园教师“虐童”行为的法律意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
温岭市一幼儿园女教师"虐待"儿童的行为未必构成犯罪,在判定是否构成犯罪的问题上,我们应该以事实为依据,严格区别法律和道德,坚持无罪推定原则和罪刑法定原则,坚持刑法的谦抑性,坚持正确的侦查逻辑。此案启示我们:要综合评价各方的错误,虐童罪应纳入刑法。  相似文献   

程灏  王梦婕 《浙江人大》2012,(12):68-70
最近一段时间,各地频频曝光幼儿园虐童事件,引发公众对师德的考问。但实际上,在屡禁不止的虐童事件背后,幼教资源不足、超前教育泛滥、虐童罪入刑等更多问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

少年之于国家的重要性是不言而喻的,我们理应保证未成年人有一个健康安全的成长环境,然而近年来越来越多虐待儿童事件的爆发,引起了人们对于儿童健康成长的强烈关注。目前,我国尚未设立虐童罪,然而调查表明90%的人支持设立虐童罪。随着虐童事件的发酵,关于虐童罪的讨论成为最受关注的话题之一。鉴此,分析虐童现象及其产生的原因,通过立法增设"虐童罪",无疑是遏制虐童现象的重要举措。  相似文献   


Two successful public health efforts of the last third of the twentieth century-tobacco control and automobile injury controlare reviewed for relevance to the problem of child abuse. Potential lessons for child abuse prevention are identified and the following approaches are suggested: Investigate varied logic models or conceptual frameworks to identify new opportunities for effective intervention. Use a multi-disciplinary, multi-sector approach. Normalize desired behaviors and denormalize undesirable behaviors. Balance efficacy, feasibility, and cultural appropriateness. Develop strategies for effective policy advocacy based upon who benefits and who shoulders most of the burden.  相似文献   

This study conducted telephone interviews with a random sample of adults (N = 509) in a state with a universal child abuse reporting law. A substantial proportion of the interviewees (39%) were not aware of this law. Findings indicated that the public's understanding was mixed. Most respondents knew that reports could be made anonymously and that their identity could be kept private. However, most believed that children are automatically removed from the home if there is maltreatment and more than 50% were not aware they could be charged with a misdemeanor for failing to report a suspicion of child abuse. The respondents who had ever made a report (19%), had a greater knowledge of the laws than those who had not made a report. Older adults and those with less education had the least accurate perception of child abuse reporting policies. When asked about barriers to reporting, respondents cited worries that reporting would not help the child. Findings suggest that efforts to increase the public's comfort with reporting may require strategies to increase their confidence that the benefits will outweigh the risks for the child.  相似文献   

Many studies have documented the deleterious effect of substance abuse on the child protection system. The lack of collaboration between child protection and substance abuse treatment professionals has been identified as a contributing factor related to poor outcomes among parents with histories of addiction. The purpose of this study was to identify key components and conflicts of interdisciplinary practice between 21 child protection and substance abuse treatment professionals. The interdisciplinary components and conflicts were: having a shared vision, presenting as a unified team, having different goals, taking sides, and limited information sharing and involvement. Moving toward an interdisciplinary model of practice is vital to providing families with histories of addiction with the optimal chance for success.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to use logistic regression and examine factors that influence charging decisions by the police during child maltreatment investigations. An estimated 4,808 substantiated child maltreatment investigations that involved police were obtained from the 2008 Ontario Incidence Study of Reported Child Abuse and Neglect. Of the 4,808 cases examined, police laid charges in about one-third of the cases. Controlling for all other factors, police were 1.6 times more likely to lay charges in physical abuse cases and 2.5 times more likely to lay charges in sexual abuse cases. Other factors associated with police charging decisions include: older victim, cases with multiple types of maltreatment, cases opened for ongoing services, and cases of the child living in a house known to have drugs or household hazards. The article discusses the results and their implications for child welfare policy and practice.  相似文献   


The application of the ecological paradigm to the potential prevention of child abuse is discussed, using two examples of consultation services designed to increase social support. The examples illustrate the principle of designing different interventions according to the ecologies of different communities. Principles of the ecological paradigm that guided the interventions are discussed. A follow-up assessment of the interventions, based on interview and questionnaire results obtained from participants in the projects, is presented.  相似文献   

Few children disclose sexual abuse and participate in a formal investigation. Furthermore not all children that disclose abuse during a forensic interview receive services to address trauma or safety. Despite the importance of such outcomes little is known about which factors may influence when children will receive services. Through content analysis of 139 case records findings indicate that a child's race/ethnicity abuse-related factors and level of family support are all significant in predicting service and placement outcomes in child protection cases. Implications for social work practice include the need for ongoing engagement in culturally sensitive strengths-based practice with families  相似文献   

Using an in-home services program model, Project Connect works collaboratively with the child welfare system, substance abuse treatment providers, the courts, and other community agencies to support parental recovery, enhance safety and permanency, and strengthen family relationships. Results from the most recent evaluation of the program, which used a dosage level design to examine project outcomes for 415 families, are presented here. Data indicate that the program was particularly helpful in strengthening parenting capacity. Child safety and permanency were also positively correlated with program participation.  相似文献   

This paper outlines prevention strategies using mar keting techniques in the area of intrafamilial child sexual abuse for the Hispanic community. Data from a study of child sexual abuse in the hispanic community are presented. These data point out a few of the sociocultural similarities and differences between Hispanic and non-Hispanic cases. The paper suggests the use of broadcast media, Spanish language formats targeting audiences, and the use of spokespersons as factors in prevention program development.  相似文献   

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