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Presented is a case where the death was attributed to the deliberate ingestion of an overdose of verapamil (V). Blood, urine, and gastric concentrations of the drug were determined by gas chromatography with nitrogen phosphorus detection (GC-NPD). Identification of norverapamil (NV) was made. A presumptive identification of o-demethylnorverapamil (DNV) was also made.  相似文献   

There are no published reports that include both timely antemortem and postmortem carbamazepine concentrations after massive overdose. We report a fatal overdose of carbamazepine with both timely antemortem and postmortem carbamazepine concentrations. Carbamazepine concentrations were 47.7 mcg/mL 2 h antemortem and 53 mcg/mL at 9 h postmortem. The slight rise in drug concentration may reflect continued absorption of the drug in the last 2 h before death. Postmortem carbamazepine concentrations drawn from a peripheral vessel in this patient appeared to reflect drug concentrations at the time of death.  相似文献   

A suicidal poisoning committed by a 19-year-old pregnant woman, who ingested an unknown quantity of an aqueous solution mecarbam (trade name includes 'Murfotox') containing 68 g/l of S-(N-ethoxycarbonyl-N-methylcarbamoyl methyl) O,O-diethyl phosphorodithioate (C.R. Worthing (Ed.), The Pesticide Manual, 6th end, BCPC, 1980) is described. The pesticide crossed the placental barrier and caused the death of the fetus. Toxicologic analysis of mecarbam in several tissues and fluids of mother-fetus revealed its distribution. The analysis was performed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and gas-liquid chromatography (GC). The case described serves to point out the ease with which mecarbam crossed the placental barrier, its high concentration in the lungs and the considerably higher concentrations in fetal than in mother's tissues.  相似文献   

A case is presented of a 26-year-old female who died as a result of cocaine intoxication. A blood cocaine concentration of 330 mg/l, about 1.5 times greater than the highest concentration previously reported, was found. Blood benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester concentrations were 50 and 18 mg/l, respectively. The unusually high blood concentrations of cocaine and the metabolites are suggestive of a massive administration, however, the history suggests a series of recreational uses. The manner of death was undetermined.  相似文献   

Two cases of fatal overdose with morphine are presented. Large amounts of the drug were involved in both cases, one by oral ingestion, the other by intravenous injection. Morphine concentrations in various body fluids and tissues are compared to those in the literature.  相似文献   

A 79-year-old woman, with Parkinson's disease treated with cabergoline, was admitted to a hospital due to jaundice and weakness. She was found confused, absent minded, and died after 2 weeks. Autopsy showed an extrahepatic bile duct adenocarcinoma with spread to the gall bladder, the liver, and regional lymphnodes. While cleaning the hospital bed after her death, the nurses found several tablets hidden in the bed. Biological samples obtained at the autopsy were screened for common drugs and narcotics. Several drugs such as buprenorphine, codeine, paracetamol, and propranolol were detected in the blood at therapeutic levels. A method to determine cabergoline in whole blood and other forensic matrices was developed, and further investigations determined cabergoline concentrations in whole blood and liver tissue of 94 and 3100 microg/kg, respectively. The blood concentration was 100 times above the therapeutic level reported on cabergoline in plasma and in combination with her symptoms, suggest she took a fatal overdose of cabergoline.  相似文献   

The process of swallowing or inserting illegal packets of drugs for the purpose of evading law enforcement officers carries risks other than criminal charges. It can be fatal. Individuals engaged in such activities are called "Body Packers" or "Mules". The most frequent cause of the death among body packers is acute drug intoxication due to rupture of the package(s) within the gastrointestinal tract. We present the first documented case of a body packer that died from cocaine intoxication following the rupture of packets of cocaine in Western Pennsylvania.  相似文献   

Kratom is a plant originating in Southeast Asia that has been used for its dose-dependent stimulant and opioid effects. The main active compound in kratom is mitragynine, an alkaloid with affinity for the mu-opioid receptor. Toxicity and fatalities related to kratom use have increased substantially in recent years. In this case report, we describe a 44-year-old man who was found deceased in bed. The only significant finding at autopsy was abdominal distension with >4 L of ascites. Toxicology testing was performed on femoral blood which showed 79 ng/mL of hydromorphone, 560 ng/mL of mitragynine, and 240 ng/mL of olanzapine. In addition, creatinine and urea in vitreous humor were significantly elevated, consistent with renal impairment. Death was attributed to hydromorphone toxicity with mitragynine being a contributing factor.  相似文献   

This is a report of postmortem false-positive reactivity using an enzyme-multiplied urine phencyclidine (PCP) immunoassay (EMIT II+) due to a single-agent fatal tramadol overdose. An autopsy of a 42-year-old male who died alone at home revealed no identifiable lethal anatomic abnormalities, thus leading to toxicologic analysis. Femoral blood was obtained for drug testing by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and showed a tramadol level of 14.0 mg/L, 2 orders of magnitude greater than the therapeutic range (0.1 to 0.3 mg/L). Urine was also obtained and EMIT II+ immunoassay revealed positivity for PCP at 88 mAU/min. However, confirmatory testing by HPLC failed to identify PCP in either the urine or serum. To verify the suspicion that this was a false-positive PCP result, stock solutions of tramadol and its major metabolite (O-desmethyltramadol) at concentrations of 100 mg/L in 10% methanol/H2O were compared with a blank solution (10% methanol/H2O) for EMIT II+ PCP reactivity and demonstrated reactivities of 44 mAU/min and 27 mAU/min, respectively. While these individual results were below the cutoff reactivity for a positive EMIT II+ PCP result (ca. 85 mAU/min), they were much more reactive than the blank calibrator (set at 0 mAU/min). Therefore, we conclude that the immunoreactivity of tramadol and its metabolites in aggregate is responsible for the PCP immunoassay interference and false-positive result.  相似文献   

目的建立尿中2,4-D、2,4-DP、MCPA、MCPP等4种苯氧羧酸类除草剂的分析方法;方法液液提取分离,乙醚为提取液,DCPA为内标,硫酸正丁醇酯化衍生化,气质联用分析法分析;结果尿中4种除草剂添加样品的相对回收率在80%以上,检测限都在5ng/ml以下,对中毒兔尿样进行了分析;结论对实际发生的中毒案件分析有足够的灵敏度。  相似文献   

The recreational use of amphetamine derivatives has become increasingly popular in our country in past recent years. Their use is especially common among young people participating in dance parties known as "raves." As a direct consequence of their increased use, the number of fatal cases in which these compounds have been involved have increased dramatically since the second half of the last decade. In our laboratory, we have registered 25 cases related to amphetamine derivatives use since 1996. Three of them were deeply studied and the results obtained are presented in this paper. This information may be useful for the interpretation of the results obtained in toxicological analysis in the cases in which death may be attributed to MDMA use.  相似文献   

Intestinal ischemia induced by cocaine abuse is a rare condition. To this date, only three cases have been described. The diagnosis of bowel ischemia should be suspected whenever a cocaine addict has severe abdominal pain. A pathological examination of the resected bowel segment was performed in one case, and the diagnosis was confirmed microscopically. However, the existence of pathologic alterations of the intestinal vessels was not confirmed. Why the intestinal injury is segmental and whether it is related to the dose ingested, the administration route, or the combination of cocaine with alcohol, caffeine, or marijuana remain unclear. The authors report one fatal case associated with cocaine-alcohol overdose. The postmortem examination demonstrated the existence of segmental intestinal ischemia. Microscopic study failed to demonstrate thrombosis in the mesenteric vessels; however, we found an unusual lesion affecting the arterioles located in the intestinal submucosa of the hemorrhagic areas.  相似文献   

The accumulation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and its metabolite 2,4-dichlorophenol (2,4-DCP) in the kidneys of rats was investigated. Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were given 2,4-D in drinking water and food for 30 days. Group A (control group) was fed a normal diet, Group B was fed 50 ppm 2,4-D in 15 g food, Group C received 100 ppm 2,4-D in 15 g food, Group D received 25 ppm 2,4-D in 15 ml drinking water and Group E was given 50 ppm 2,4-D in 15 ml of drinking water. Levels of 2,4-D and 2,4-DCP in kidneys were determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was observed that at low doses of 2,4-D, the metabolite, 2,4-DCP found in the kidneys.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定人血液、尿液中的2,4-D丁酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的建立检测血液、尿液中2,4-D丁酯的高效液相色谱分析方法。方法采用正己烷为样品萃取溶剂,色谱柱为Zorbax SB-Aq柱,流动相为V(甲醇)∶V(水)=60∶40。结果 2,4-D丁酯在血液和尿液中的线性范围分别为0.10~10.00μg/mL(r≥0.999 8)和0.08~8.00μg/mL(r≥0.999 5),检测限分别为0.002 0μg/mL和0.001 8μg/mL,准确度为94.5%~104.5%,日内、日间精密度≤4.5%。结论本研究建立的血液、尿液中2,4-D丁酯的提取和HPLC检测方法,可应用于2,4-D丁酯中毒的快速检验和中毒死亡的法医学鉴定。  相似文献   

腋臭手术中2%利多卡因局麻过量致死1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
某男 ,1 6岁 ,因患腋臭于某日在一乡镇卫生院行双侧腋臭手术。上午 8时 30分 ,医生先于右侧腋下注射2 %利多卡因 7支 (每支 5ml,1 0 0mg制剂 )后 ,切除毛囊区皮肤 ,止血缝合。 8时 5 5分患者诉头晕 ,但未引起手术者注意。继续于左侧腋下注射 2 %利多卡因 3支 ,9时 0 5分 ,在准备切除毛囊区皮肤时 ,患者突然抽搐 ,继而剧烈呕吐 ,吐出米汤等食糜样液体 ,量约 4 0 0ml,出现呼吸困难。术者立即停止手术 ,将患者侧卧 ,清除口腔呕吐物 ,症状无好转。此时患者呼吸极度困难 ,心音微弱。又给予人工呼吸、胸外心脏按摩、吸氧、插管、肌注药物等…  相似文献   

某男,16岁,因患腋臭于某日在一乡镇卫生院行双侧腋臭手术.上午8 时30分,医生先于右侧腋下注射2%利多卡因7支(每支5ml,100mg制剂)后,切除毛囊区皮肤 ,止血缝合.8时55分患者诉头晕,但未引起手术者注意.继续于左侧腋下注射2%利多卡因3 支,9时05分,在准备切除毛囊区皮肤时,患者突然抽搐,继而剧烈呕吐,吐出米汤等食糜样液体,量约400ml,出现呼吸困难.术者立即停止手术,将患者侧卧,清除口腔呕吐物, 症状无好转.此时患者呼吸极度困难,心音微弱.又给予人工呼吸、胸外心脏按摩、吸氧、插管、肌注药物等抢救无效,于9时30分死亡.患者家属对死因提出疑问,引起医疗纠纷.  相似文献   

Pulmonary edema complicating heroin overdosage is a well recognized entity and regarded as the major mechanism contributing to death in heroin addicts. It's pathogenesis is unknown, several mechanisms are discussed: hypoxia-induced increase of pulmonary capillary permeability, depressed myocardial contractility, centrally induced respiratory depression, primary toxic effects on the alveolar capillaries and acute anaphylactic shock. The present study included opiate-related deaths (n=23) and a control group of sudden cardiovascular deaths (n=12) to verify the hypothesis, that defects of the alveolar capillary membranes and/or an acute anaphylactic reaction leads to pulmonary congestion, edema and hemorrhages. Lung specimens were obtained from these 35 autopsies of persons autopsied in the Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Bonn, in 1997 and 1998. All specimens were examined with hematoxylin-eosin, prussian blue and investigated with immunohistological methods using primary antibodies against collagen IV, laminin and IgE. Defects of the basal laminae of the alveoli were found, demonstrated by laminin and collagen IV, and the number of IgE-positive cells was counted in both groups. There was an increased but not significant number of IgE-positive cells in the heroin-group and defects of the epithelial and endothelial basal laminae were found in both groups without significant differences.  相似文献   

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