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Multinationals on pollutant BlacklistMore than 100 multinationals, suchas Pepsi, Whirlpool and Bosch, are onthe Institute of Public and Environ-mental Affairs blacklist for infringingChinese anti-pollutant regulations. Mostof them are Japanese, US and Euro-pean companies that are engaged in themanufacture of foodstuffs, chemicals,electronics and machines. One third ofthem are located in Shanghai, the restin other cities. A large portion of the7,000 pollutant companies listed are do-mestic. Ma Jun, director of the institute,  相似文献   

China Completes Phase-I Clinical Trials on First AIDS Vaccine The rst AIDS vaccine developed by Chinese scientists has completed its phase-1 clini- cal trials. The results show it to be safe and e ective. None of the 49 healthy volunteers exhibited negative reactions to the vaccine over a 180-day period of observation, and appeared immune to the HIV virus 15 days after injection. The participants were 33 men and 16 women aged between 18 and 50, divided into eight groups. A total of 344…  相似文献   

More than 600 Poisonous TreesFound in HainanAccording to workers at the Hainan Provincial Forestry Bureau conducting a survey of Category-Ⅱ forest resources, more than 600 Antiaris toxicaria-poisonous trees-have been found growing in the northern part of the province. Their ages range from several decades to several centuries old. One tree, estimated at 500 years old, in Yunlong Town is 32 meters tall, and the diameter of its crown is in excess of 24 meters. Local inhabitants have been warned that this tree's sap is poisonous and can cause heart failure if it comes in contact with an open wound. It is, however, of value within medical research.  相似文献   

Beijing to Begin Second Airport Construction Before 2010;Central Bank Implements Tighter Monetary Policy;Schemes Being Solicited for Chinese Cultural Symbolic City;Eight in 10 Believe Chinese Employees Treated Unfairly by Foreign Companies.  相似文献   

Thirty Chinese Companies in the Fortune 500 Thirty Chinese companies are listed in the Fortune 500 2007-six more than in 2006. Apart from two Hong Kong companies  相似文献   

正Photo News February 17,2014Ballet dancer Zhang Yashu performs in front of Australia’s iconic landmarks,the Opera House and the Harbor Bridge,in Sydney.She is among a group of celebrated Chinese artists who will give a series of performances in Sydney and Melbourne.  相似文献   

The First Boeing 777-200LR Named After Zheng He The world's longest-range commercial airplane, the Boeing 777-200LR, was of- ficially named in honor of Zheng He at Beijing International Airport to commemo- rate the 600th anniversary of the great Chinese navigator and explorer's voyages of discovery to the West. The Boeing 777-200LR started its journey to 20 cities around the world in May. Boeing dedicated the Beijing leg of the aircraft's journey to Zheng He in the spirit of his bold…  相似文献   

When, two years ago, the Ministry of Agriculture invited nutritionists to Beijing to sample 20 cacti dishes, it was predicted that this plant would become the new Chinese staple vegetable. Today, the cactus is a chief ingredient of over 100 Chinese dishes, and cacti planting bases have sprung up throughout the country. Edible cacti have no prickles or toxins, and are very nourishing. A non-pollutant vegetable, the cactus is becoming ever more readily accepted.  相似文献   

Living Costs in Beijing Highest on the Mainland According to the latest survey of urban living costs, Beijing has moved to 14th place among 144 cities around the world. It takes the lead in China's mainland, followed by Shanghai, which is 20th on the world list Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo and Hong Kong are the top four most expensive places on earth.  相似文献   

Chinese Happier in 2005The Social Survey Institute of China (SSIC) has released a report that concludes Chinese people were happier in 2005 than in the previous year, but were less satis- fied with family life. The survey was carried out among 2,000 people across 17 of the country's provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities. It was based upon six indices: career, sense of happiness, family life, sense of security, social security and social involvement. The results show that 47.6 pe…  相似文献   

正Photo News January 1,2014 A snow castle and other works on display at the first Jingyuetan National Snow Sculpture Contest in Changchun.  相似文献   

Dialogue Begins between Chinese Communist Party and Kuomintang Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang (KMT) Jiang Bingkun paid an historic visit to the Chinese mainland on March 29, leading a delegation of 30 KMT members. The visit was the first of a high-ranking KMT delegation since the KMT moved to Taiwan 56 years ago. Jia Qinglin, Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, held talks with the delegation. "It was Vice Chairman  相似文献   

Chinese Highway “Zero Milestone” Laid The Chinese highway “Zero Mile- stone” has been laid in front of the newly renovated Zhengyang Gate Tower on Tian’anmen Square. It identi es the start- ing point of China’s trunk roads. China currently has more  相似文献   

The difficulty university graduatesexperence finding jobs has been a hottopic in recent years,A possible reasonfor this could be one of attitude.Thewrong attitude and approach on the partof students who have found employmentnegatively influence the chances ofnewly graduated applicants.  相似文献   

The water diversion project is one of the four major projects that will stimulate the Chinese economy. China News ServiceThe Chinese State Council recently discussed and approved the general plan for the south to north China water-diversion project. The first phase of the project for the eastern section began at the end of 2002. Zhang Jiyao, Vice Minister of Water Resources, announced to the press that the eastern section  相似文献   

汽柴油价每吨下调300元国家发展和改革委员会10月8日宣布,从9日零时起下调成品油最高零售价格,汽柴油均下调300元/吨,大约每升分别降0.22元、0.26元。这是成品油价格16个月来首次下调,此前已连涨4次。重庆移动原董事长涉嫌受贿361 6万受审10月10日,备受关注的电信反腐窝案之一——原全国  相似文献   

正Photo NewsJuly 9,2014The 6th round of China-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue opens in Beijing.The forum is co-chaired by Vice Premier Wang Yang(front,third right),State Councilor Yang Jiechi(front,second right),who is the special representative of President Xi Jinping,U.S.Secretary of State John Kerry(front,far left)as President Obama’s special representative and U.S.Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew(front,second left).  相似文献   

President Xi Jinping talks with researchers during his visit to the School of Medicine at Tsinghua University in Beijing on March 2.Xi,also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission,inspected the research work on the novel coronavirus disease as well as diagnosis and treatment that day.  相似文献   

On July 8, 2010, the troubled U.S. residential mortgage funds providers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said goodbye to the New York Stock Exchange. Despite gloomy future  相似文献   

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