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随着冷战的结束和世界两极对峙格局的消失,亚洲的战略格局及各个主要国家的状况也发生了巨大的变化.正在走向世界的中国所面临的国际环境尤其是周边环境,日益变得更为复杂.  相似文献   

Can economic growth turn overpopulation from a liability to an asset? China and India tantalize investors as the “last frontiers” of emerging consumer markets; together, they hold 37 percent of the world's 5.7 billion people. Despite their many contrasts, China and India face similiar, immense development hurdles. Mired in economic stagnation and poverty, both countries undertook economic reforms that gained momentum in the 1980s. In this comparative study, IIPS Senior Research Fellow Eimon Ueda analyzes their ongoing economic liberalization efforts and prospects. Ueda comes to IIPS from the Ministry of Finance and has served at the Japanese Embassy in India.  相似文献   

王齐超 《当代韩国》2015,(3):106-116
韩国电影"朝韩梦之队"(英文名As One,韩文名(?))是由历史上朝韩在体育界合作的真实事件改编而成。影片讲述了1991年在日本千叶县举行的世界乒乓球锦标赛中,由朝鲜和韩国联合组成的历史上第一支乒乓球南北联队在女子双打项目上艰难取得冠军胜利的过程,以及在这一过程中两国选手们充满汗水和眼泪、冲突和友谊的故事。对身份和国家认知以及"朝韩梦"是如何实现的,都反映在以乒乓球这一体育运动为媒介,同时必须要和中国这一邻国和大国竞争,以上几点使这部电影有别于其他有关朝鲜半岛题材的电影,成为本文研究的案例。本文将提出如下问题:电影的名字蕴含着什么样的政治意味?不同但相关联的身份认知如何互动?"朝韩梦"是如何反映在电影之中的?朝韩两国又是如何在电影中看待邻国的?  相似文献   

Framed within a discussion of boundary work and its many facets, this article develops a critical understanding of the discourses that shape the material and symbolic hierarchies of power asserted by employers of domestic workers in Indian households. We analyze the nature of discourses that are mobilized in the boundary work practiced by different groups of employers in India as they negotiate their relationships with their domestic workers. Drawing on fieldwork in Mumbai and Chennai, our analysis outlines two different discourses within the nature of boundary work – one centered on the trope of benevolent maternalism and another which mobilizes a market-based trope – and delineate how these diverge and converge in the relationship between employers and domestic workers. We also show how these discourses differ according to two key factors: on the one hand, whether the employers hire full-time or part-time workers, and on the other hand, the specific positional attributes of the employers in terms of age, occupation, and family background. We argue that these two discursive categories are not watertight compartments, but are located on a spectrum, and that employers therefore exhibit elements of both maternalism and market-based approaches within the relationship with their workers.  相似文献   


Yiwu, known as the largest commodities market in China and in the world, is becoming the destination of choice for Africans doing business in China. In this article we compare how Africans are received in Yiwu and Guangzhou, home to the largest community of Africans in China. We argue that the relatively negative reception of Africans in Guangzhou, compared to the more efficient and civil treatment of Africans in Yiwu, is one reason why Yiwu is eclipsing Guangzhou. How the state interfaces with Africans on migration matters has consequences for broader Africa-China relations.  相似文献   

Zhihong Zhang 《East Asia》1999,17(3):61-87
This article examines the development of rural industrialization in China from the late 1950s to the mid-1990s. The initial attempt to industrialize China during the Great Leap Forward resulted in a short-lived rural industrialization program, epitomized by the frenzied establishment of hundreds of thousands of backyard furnaces. The second wave of rural industrialization came in the late 1960s and gave rise to the development of local “five small industries” aimed at providing goods and services for agricultural development. Since the introduction of economic reforms in the late 1970s, rural enterprises, known as township and village enterprises, have experienced explosive growth. They are no longer limited to the five small industries, but are engaged in producing consumer goods for both domestic and international markets. This article looks into the driving forces behind the growth of TVEs during the 1980s and examines the evolving roles and challenges they face in the 1990s. Li tu bu li xiang jin chang bu jin cheng. (Leave the land but not the village; enter the factory but not the city.) —A popular Chinese saying about rural industrialization in the 1980s This is based on a background review chapter of his doctoral dissertation, entitled “Industrialization and Energy Use: An Emprical Study of China's Township and Willage Enterprises,” University of Pennsylvania, 1997.  相似文献   

This article explores and assesses the ongoing American effort to elicit Chinese adherence to the guidelines and parameters of the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). In 1991 and 1992, the United States employed mainly economic pressure in pursuit of this goal, an approach that resulted in China’s first written commitment to respect the regime’s restrictions. Subsequently, although economic pressure has remained the primary tool, Washington has also begun of necessity to discuss Chinese proliferation concerns, American arms sales to Taiwan in particular. This development led to China’s reaffirmation of its MTCR commitment in 1994. Despite these agreements, however, this aspect of the Sino-American relationship remains fraught with potential problems and will require sustained diplomatic attention in the future.  相似文献   


Unlike the period before World War II, the Malaysian Chinese no longer look towards China as a home they will ultimately return to. This is seen in the flow of funds to China from the Malaysian Chinese. Before the war the motivation was patrimonial. The funds were in the form of patriotic bonds and collections and remittances that went to the home provinces of the Malaysian Chinese mostly in Fujian and Guangdong. Since the 1990s the funds flow has mainly been in the form of investment meant for gaining profit. This motivation was not different from that of business investors from other nations investing in China. It is important to demonstrate this motivation in order to allay suspicions by indigenous Southeast Asians that the Chinese who live in Southeast Asia are diverting funds meant for Southeast Asia to China.  相似文献   

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