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The international nuclear arms control process is facing stern challenges due to America's pursuit for a mono-polar world and  相似文献   

With the Democrats-controlled new congress starts to function in 2007, the United States enters a new period in which the Republicans govern the White House while the Democrats control the Congress. In view of the orientation of interests of the Democratic Party and the struggles between the two parties, it is  相似文献   

Whither Sino-American relations in 2007? This is one of the focal questions for many Chinese. In my opinion, we can predict the developments of Sino-American relations in 2007 from the changes that happened to the bilateral relations in 2006. According to quantitative analysis, one of the prominent features of Sino-American relations in 2006 is that the relations are  相似文献   

Since 1990s, the economic and trade relations between China and the United States have been developing steadily and rapidly. In 1996, China became the fourth largest trading partner of the United States and rose to the third largest in 2003. In 2006, the bilateral trade relation entered a new stage when China, by  相似文献   

1. The development of China-U.S. relations in 2007 will be influenced mainly by the following factors: (1) The trend of U.S. economic development; (2) The changes in U.S. domestic politics; (3) the Iraq issue; (4) The Taiwan question; (5) The way China deals with China-U.S. relations.  相似文献   

The words and deeds of the U.S. government vis-à-vis China since 2006 indicate that the United States has notably enhanced its recognition on the importance of China to the world as well as to America itself. It seems that the United States begins to consider and inclines to accept or to some extent reluctantly accommodate  相似文献   

2007年,国际恐怖活动持续高发,且呈现出一些新情况、新特点;国际反恐合作及立法加强,反恐斗争取得一定成果。由于恐怖主义产生的原因复杂,国际反恐斗争仍受诸多因素的制约,未来反恐形势依然严峻。  相似文献   

The twenty years after the end of the Cold War have witnessed a transformation of the mode of Sino-US relations from Security Issue-dominated to Complex Interdependence. Today, conflicts of interest between China and the US can be classified and resolved through normal channels, which protects the roots of good Sino-US relations instead of constantly placing them under threat. However, shifts in the relative power of the two countries, and shifting preferences in their interests continue to highlight the fragility of Sino-US relations. China needs to manage this fragile relationship carefully if it is to achieve its aim of a peaceful rise.  相似文献   

非传统安全与中美反扩散博弈——在朝鲜及伊朗核问题上   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"非传统安全"这一当代流行的术语或概念既过度宽泛,又过度狭隘.过度宽泛导致安全研究的过大广泛性和难以操作性,过度狭隘则导致忘记或轻视此类安全问题在政治史上历来有的重大地位和政治思想史的相关教益,同时使之难以容纳核武器问题所需的特殊对待.从辨析"非传统安全"概念和界定当前中美关系之中主要的非传统安全问题开始,本文集中于防扩散/反扩散问题,将关于朝鲜的有关事态当作在此领域的中美博弈的首要案例,揭示和考察中美各自的政策和被设想的利益的汇合与分离.它们与在伊朗核问题上的中美汇合与分离并存,共同显示中美两国在非传统安全方面的关系已成为一套多层面和多场地的博弈"体系",并且例解中国在对美关系中的基本行为方式的复杂性或丰富性.  相似文献   

2006年印尼民选总统苏西洛.班邦.尤多约诺(Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono)上台执政已有两年多。在过去的一年,他依靠政党、军队和广大穆斯林的支持,继续理顺了政府与国会的关  相似文献   

The world of 2007 will be a world of constant changes,with the international situation characterized by complexity and volatility. Regional hotspot issues are hard to solve,but the general situation of the world will remain stable. Peace and development are still the mainstream of the world.  相似文献   

2007年国际形势的基本特点:多极化趋势发展明显:“国际关系民主化”和“发展模式多样化”不可逆转;大国关系中“不确定因素”增多;中国国际影响力进一步提升,同时也引发美日及欧盟一些国家对华心态及政策上的矛盾。  相似文献   

To predict the future development of China-U.S. relations, w should attach importance to the three new characteristics of this bilateral relationship. First, we should see clearly the changes of the principa contradiction in Sino-American relations, which is the key link in understanding the bilateral relationship from the strategic and  相似文献   

In the year of 2007, while maintaining general political stability and steady economic growth, Africa also enjoyed enhanced role and leverage in international affairs. It also once again demonstrated the power of Africa by strengthening itself through unity.  相似文献   

Development and use of nuclear energy was undoubtedly one o the greatest accomplishments by mankind in science and technology during the 20th Century. Once discovered, atomic energy, like other technological discoveries, has brought about mixed results: by its military application, man produced deadly nuclear arsenals; but at the same time it became a major energy  相似文献   

2007年东北亚地区形势出现新的变化。六方会谈取得实质性进展,朝鲜半岛南北关系迅速改善.影响朝核问题的不确定因素依然存在。朝鲜半岛正在酝酿着对地缘政治产生深远影响的变化。建立符合本地区各国长远利益的永久性国际合作机制.将是避免朝鲜半岛再次成为大国角逐势力范围场所的有效措施。  相似文献   

After the Cold War, hegemony and power politics remained the major obstacles in the process of establishing a fair, just, inclusive and orderly global political volatile international and economic order. Due political and economic to the complicated and situation, promoting democratization of intemational relations as well as establishing a fair and reasonable global political and economic order have become the appeal of people in more and more countries. The Chinese government duly put forward its proposition of democratization of international relations to safeguard the basic interests of people in China and other countries in the world. It became one vital theoretical innovation in its diplomatic strategy. Under the guidance of this idea, the Chinese government is actively pushing forward democratization Of international relations with many developing countries.  相似文献   

2007年以来,美国对香港事务的介入不断深入,美国非政府组织逐步扩大在香港的社会基础.美国介入香港事务主要瞄准2012年之后的香港特首选举和立法会选举.此外,香港社会的“二元认同”和香港政治生态的“二元结构”也为美国提供了利用之机.美国的行为不仅对中国在香港的权益带来危害,也不利于香港政治派别弥合分歧.  相似文献   

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