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流动儿童是伴随中国民工潮出现的一个特殊群体,是城市的第二代移民.根据1998年国家教委、公安部发布的《流动儿童少年就学暂行办法》.  相似文献   

Get Smart     
<正>Despite domestic success,Chinese phone makers will have to change tactics to ensure their survival in a fast changing market Han Yu,a 24-year-old postgraduate student in Beijing,is a rabid fan of Xiaomi Inc.,a Beijing-based maker of smartphones,tablets and televisions.He,like hundreds of thousands of other Xiaomi wor-  相似文献   

NGOs Get Active     
COMPARED with their counterparts in Western countries, China's environmental NGOs are still in their relative infancy,but they are growing up fast, as is public awareness of environmental protection.  相似文献   

Time to Get Fit     
China tries to boost citizen involvement in sports to become an international power in competitions Retired 56-year-old Beijing resident Chu Lirong stood outside the city's National Stadium,the site of the Beijing Olympics  相似文献   

UNITEDStatespilotsfromthe"HumpAirlift"returnedtoChina57yearsaftertheyfoughtasvolunteersinChinaduringtheWarofResistanceAgainstJapaneseAggressionunderthecommandofGeneralChennault.TwentyHumppilotsreunitedinBeijingonDecember5,1998.AdelegationofsevenmembersfromtheHumpPilotsAssociationheadedbyRichardE.Park,presidentofthegrouP,receivedawarmwelcomebytheBeijingAviatorsAssociation.TheUSHumppilotsareheretodiscusswiththeirformerChineseteammatesdetailsforaHumppilots'reunioninthenextcentury."D…  相似文献   

大连外国语学院(以下简称“大外”)秉承“崇德尚文、兼收并蓄”的校训,已经建设发展成为以外语为主的多科性外国语大学。学校的影响与日俱增,学子遍布各地。多年来.大外一直保持着高就业率,走出了一条成功的就业之路。  相似文献   

<正>China's two largest online travel companies Ctrip and Qunar are merging.Where does that leave the smaller players? Two leading online travel booking giants—Ctrip.com International Ltd.and its archrival Qunar Cayman Islands Ltd.—agreed to a share swap and partnership that will create China’s biggest online travel service.The tie-up came amid fierce competition for online travel bookings in China,where rising incomes and an expanding middle class are fueling a  相似文献   

In May 2010, Zhao Zuohai, a farmer from Zhaolou Village, central China’s Henan Province, became a household name in China overnight. After languishingin jail for 11 years as a convicted murderer of a fellow villager, Zhao was declared innocent and released after his alleged victim returned home on April 30.  相似文献   

Minor offenders in China receive rehabilitation through communityservice and education for a teenage girl pseudonymed Tian Zi,life took a turn on February 18. On that day,  相似文献   

Title: The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends That Will Disrupt the World Author: Shaun Rein US$ 24.95 224 pages, hardback Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012  相似文献   

解读"学生网民"   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2000年1月18日,中国互联网信息中心(CNNIC)发布的一份关于中国互联网发展的权威报告中,关于网络行业数据中的网民分布问题,其中最引人注目的一个变化是计算机行业和邮电通讯行业的人员比例从原来的50%下降为不到18%,位居第一位的是学生网民(21%)。学生网民的上升提示了中国互联网的平民化趋势,说明网络正成为一种个人消费,昭示着从学生网民开始,今后的中国互联网拥有了更广泛的用户基础。这些20岁左右灵动激情的网虫网迷们在网上主要作些什么呢?说来竟如此简单,三分之二的学生网民主要是:在线聊天和结交新朋友;泡“伊妹儿”和贴…  相似文献   

Part1[BasicSentences]a.他什么时候结婚?(Whenwillhegetmarried?)b.你打算今年结婚吗?(Areyougoingtogetmarriedthisyear?)c.祝你们新婚快乐,白头偕老!(Wishyouhappy,andremainhappilymarriedtoaripeoldage!)d.这是我的一点心意,恭喜你们!(Thisisatokenofmyregard.Congratulations!)e.欢迎你参加我们的婚礼!(Welcometoourweddina!)Part2[WordsandExpressions]1.结婚(v)togetmarried2.恋爱(n.)tobeinlove3.婚姻(n.)mardage4婚礼(n.)wedding5.婚期(n、)hunqiweddingday6.新娘(n)xinni…  相似文献   

Judges resolve disputes via online mediation Although the Internet seems to exist as a lawless frontier of identity fraud,anonymous slander and hardcore pornography, some law makers are eagerly bringing justice to the world’s wild Web.  相似文献   

As the novel coronavirus situation in the U.S.worsens,President Donald Trump's March 16 tweet calling the virusChinese virusinflamed an already rampant xenophobic sentiment in the country.The racist tweet put the large Asian community in a dangerous position,and experts warned that racism could hamper the global efforts to curb the spread of the disease.  相似文献   

休谟关于道德观的论述是其人性论哲学的重要组成部分.休谟一反西方伦理观的理性主义传统,建立了其独特的情感主义道德正义观,他特别突出了正义法则对稳定社会经济生活和人的精神生活的功利性,其道德学说对于现代社会具有重要的理论和实践方面的启示.  相似文献   

政治权力是社会的中枢神经,欲取消之而获得充分自由--此为无政府主义之论调,在现代文明背景之下,已无人再幻想之.但是,这并不表明政治权力可以高枕无忧,天下欲稳固,还是要做好一些事的.按照唯物史观,经济是社会存在之基础,恰如马克思恩格斯所说: “生产力的这种发展之所以是绝对必需的实际前提.还因为如果没有这种发展,那就只会有贫穷、极端贫困的普遍化;而在极端贫困的情况下,必须重新开始争取必需品的斗争,全部陈腐污浊的东西又要死灰复燃.[1]  相似文献   

When Liao Dan,a 41-year-old Beijing resident,appeared in the Dongcheng District People’s Court on July 11,2012, facing charges of defrauding Beijing Hospital of medical fees,sympathy was so overwhelming that some netizens called for his acquittal. Liao had forged an official stamp to evade medical fees for his wife,Du Jinling,who suffered  相似文献   

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