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The earliest case of acupuncture In the Neolithic Age more than 8,000 years ago,the forefathers of the Chinese began to use stone needles to treat illness. This is how acupuncture originated.  相似文献   

Functions of Herbal Medicines According to traditional Chinese medicine, all diseases are the result of imbalances between yin and yang and dysfunctions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.The basic functions of herbal medicines are to dispel pathogenic factors, regulate yin and yang, and restore normal functions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.  相似文献   

Meridians and Collaterals More than 2,000 years ago the Chinese people had discovered and studied the main and collateral channels. According to The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, the earliest TCM book, which was written during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.):  相似文献   

NOW in its 60th year of publication,China Today debuted as an English-language bimonthly under the name China Reconstructs at the beginning of 1952 (It adopted its current monthly format in 1955). The magazine’s founder,Sun Yat-sen’s wife Soong Ching Ling,was personally involved in every detail of the magazine’s creation,and regarded it as one of her major tasks after the founding of the People’s Republic.  相似文献   

SOONG Ching Ling knew well that marketing is critical to the survival and success of a publication.She appointed Talitha Gerlach as marketing chief of China Reconstructs,and insisted that it set up its own distribution channels.  相似文献   

HowHongkongdevelopedfromanagrariancommunityintoamodern,internationalcenterOftradeandfinance.DURINGTHElastcenturyHongkongdevelopedfromaself-sufficientagriculturalareaintoamodernmetropolis.ItsrapideconomicgrowthwassoimpressivetheworldhasdesignateditoneofAsia's"FourDragons."RetrospectivePre-EntreP6tPeriod(184o-186o):IntheearlystagesofBritishrule,BritishmerchantsinHongkongwereprimarilyopiumtraders.HongkongwasthelargestopiumtradingportinAsia.AccordingtoareportbyColonialTreasurerR.M.Mart…  相似文献   

(上接本文第一部分<原文及注、译、按>之162,载本刊2008年第3期) 163.子曰: "饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!不有博弈者平?为之犹贤手已." 注 "博弈":据焦循<孟子正义>, "盖弈但行棋,博以掷采而后行棋." "已",行为终止,没有行动或活动.  相似文献   

The third phase covers from 1991, when Jiang Zemin attended the 10th anniversary of the Xiamen SEZ, to the beginning of 2006. Jiang made an important speech at the celebration,  相似文献   

xiamen is situated on the southeas coast of Fujian Province along the Jiulong River estuary. Behind the city lies the Zhangzhou-Quanzhou Plain and facing the city across the Taiwan Straits are the island of Taiwan and the Penghu  相似文献   

试论婚内强奸(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从婚内无“奸”到婚内有“奸”,经历了一个漫长的过程。然而在现代社会,婚内强奸行为是否构成犯罪?这已成为当前社会探讨的焦点问题。婚姻关系存续期间的男女两性关系的特殊性和已婚妇女相对于丈夫是否享有性的自由权利以及我国是否具备将婚内强奸行为认定为强奸罪的社会基础都将成为决定婚内强奸行为是否构成强奸罪的决定因素。  相似文献   

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