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Qinghua Wang 《当代中国》2013,22(80):332-350
Party control over higher education in reform-era China has been a relatively neglected topic in the extant literature. Seeking to remedy this neglect, this article focuses on an aspect of the topic that has remained unstudied in Western scholarship: namely, the post-1989 regime's efforts to strengthen and professionalize political education (PE) in universities by intensifying the ‘disciplinary construction’ of PE. The article finds that these efforts have been partially successful in meeting the regime's objectives. The training of PE teachers has been considerably professionalized; PE courses have become more attractive and effective; and more students tend to accept the Party-sponsored views and policies taught in PE courses, and to support Party leadership.  相似文献   

XUE JINWEN 《人权》2010,(1):22-25
Human rights are the rights and freedoms of humans in their nature, and represent the basic conditions for the free and complete development of the humankind. The educational develop- ment level is an important mark of the level of realization of human rights. China's higher education realized the historic development in the 1998- 2007 period, and the number of the enrolled students at common colleges and universities across the nation had exploded from 3.4 million to 18.85 million, the number one in the world.  相似文献   

正The Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO) International Investment and Trade Expo and the SCO Qingdao Forum on Local Economic and Trade Cooperation took place in Qingdao, Shandong Province, on April 26-28. During the events, Yuri Senko, Belarusian Ambassador to China, who was taking part in a dialogue session on cooperation between the two countries, spoke to Beijing Review reporter Tao Xing on related issues. This is an edited excerpt of the interview:  相似文献   

在70年的历程中,我国民族高等教育在遵循国家整体高等教育发展规律的基础上,形成了中国特色民族高等教育体系。我国民族高等教育70年的发展经历了初步建立(1949-1965年)、遭受挫折(1966-1976年)、恢复与初步改革(1977-1991年)、调整与优化(1992-2000年)、规模与质量并举(2001-2014年)、交融与创新(2015-至今)六个阶段。每个阶段都有相应的标志性事件与发展任务。在新时代中国特色社会主义建设背景下,民族高等教育应以增强中华民族凝聚力为基本价值取向,以更精准的发展方式和更完善的结构为保障,进一步深化改革,从而实现可持续发展,迈向普及化。  相似文献   

正Flying the flag of America First, the United States, the largest beneficiary of economic globalization, seems bent on sailing against the trend of the times toward its imagined destination of "making America great again."As it stirs up trade disputes, withdraws from international organizations and treaties, and rebuffs interdependence, the sole superpower in the world has become a lone wolf with unilateralism and protectionism as its credo.That has put the global village on edge, particularly as the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century with raging conflicts, unbal-  相似文献   

沈旸 《思想战线》2007,(4):107-110
在大众化背景下,成人高等教育质量观发生了变化。成人高等教育质量的评价标准包括:正确的培养目标和科学的评价标准,社会效益与经济效益并重,优良的教学质量,主动适应社会经济和办学市场发展需要,高效的管理体制和良好的发展机制。要改进和提高成人高等教育的质量,应转变教育观念,突出成人教育特色;提供多元化的办学服务,建立多样化的质量评价体系;与时俱进,树立发展的质量观。  相似文献   

西方高等教育的经验是经过长期摸索得到的 ,借鉴他们的经验 ,可以降低我们在推进公安教育改革和发展中的风险和代价 ,有利于我们用很少的时间和很小代价去完成自己的发展目标  相似文献   

正Premier vows to grant greater independence to universities in a quest for greater innovation On April 15,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang visited China’s two most prestigious universities,Tsinghua University and Peking University,a week before the former celebrated  相似文献   

国内外高等教育消费市场模式比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国外四种高等教育消费市场的典型模式进行了分析,对比我国高校教育消费市场的特点,提出国内外在高等教育经费渠道及构成、公众参与高等教育投资力度、学费比重、学生资助制度等方面存在的较大差异,提出我国高等教育消费市场的发展方向.  相似文献   

董云川 《思想战线》2001,27(3):118-121
如果换一个角度进行观察与思考,"把一个什么样的高等教育带入21世纪"?就有了不同的答案.进入新世纪的中国高等教育除了满载的业绩硕果外尚附着一系列顽症、难题.办学的自主权、德育的有效性、决策的随意性、法制化进程与中介的建立、无法再回避的质量矛盾以及产业化的误区等问题,势必成为"十五"期间高等教育发展的阻碍因素,理应给予高度的关注.  相似文献   

正CHEN Hangjie,a sophomore student of Chinese at Zhejiang University of Technology,logged on last April to Coursera,the world’s biggest MOOC website–a chance encounter that transformed his college life.After poring over the impressive array of courses at world famous universities that the website  相似文献   

ON September 1,Luo Lan became a freshman at Tianjin-based Nankai University.Unlike most of her schoolmates,she did not gain entry merely on the strength of her results in the entrance examination.Luo Lan got a spot thanks to her musical talent.  相似文献   

文章介绍了英国大学的教学方法和特点,以及大学人性化教育的具体作法,阐明了现代化的教育应以人为本,着重培养人的生存能力和创造性,展示了东西方文化的差异。  相似文献   

我国的高等教育事业在新形势下有了很大的发展,有些学校在财务管理和核算方面出现漏洞与弊端。如何强化高等学校财务管理是高等学校发展的重要前提。  相似文献   

中国警察取消学历教育将直接造成已有教育资源和人才队伍的大量流失,不利于警察教育的可持续发展。高等院校的办学模式呈现出多元化的格局。按照党中央构建和谐社会的重大战略部署与当代公安工作的实际需要,全面构建"学历教育 在职培训"的复合型办学模式,是警察高等院校的现实选择。  相似文献   

Aimed at eliminating all forms discrimination against women, ensuring human rights and fundamental freedoms for women in all fields and realizing de-facto equality between men and women, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women adopted by the U.N. General Assembly is a most significant and most comprehensive legal document concerning the protection of human rights of women, which is called "The Charter of the Human Rights of Women." This thesis reviews the achievements and problems in the fulfillment by the Chinese government of obligations under the Convention after signing and ratifying it; and also puts forward some feasible approaches for improvement thereof.  相似文献   

本文就公安高等教育进行现代远程教育的网上教学平台和教务管理平台的系统结构、主要功能特点、实际操作应用等提出研究意见。  相似文献   

人类已进入以知识为基础、以创造性人才的数量和质量决定民族竞争力的知识经济时代,伴随着科技的发展和知识经济对创造性人才的需求在整个世界范围内的日益迫切,积极开展创造教育已成为各国培养年轻一代的教育战略。为此,与青少年创造力鉴别、选拔、开发、培养相关的研究已引起教育和心理学工作者的高度重视。许多研究表明,一个人创造力水平的高低在很大程度上取决于学生时期创造力的发展状况。因此,研究青少年创造力发展的状况,不仅在理论上有助于对创造力本质的深刻认识和对人类创造力发展规律的揭示,而且对于及早发现和开发青少年…  相似文献   

北京奥运会日益临近,奥运场馆建设日新月异,开、闭幕式准备,吉祥物发布热火朝天,而有关“迎奥运、讲文明、树新风”的宣传教育,尽管早已开展,但力度不够,效果不明显,社会文明水平等软环境仍相对滞后,应引起各有关方面高度  相似文献   

高职教育若干问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高等职业教育大众化起步较晚,但发展很快,这给高职院校的从教人员提出了挑战,要求从教人员树立科学发展观,提高教学质量,以适应社会发展的需要。要完成这一历史重任,高职院校除了继续加大硬件投入外,还应迅速提高教学管理水平和从教人员的职业素质。  相似文献   

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