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CHINA'S three most visited cities each offer a distinct experience: Beijing is the central witness of the creation and growth of the People's Republic, Shanghai is the nation's pulsating 21 st century metropolis, while Xi'an is China's living monu- ment to the country's ancient past.  相似文献   

The progress of the strategy Great Development of the West was reaffirmed at a national coordination conference held by the State Council on July 5 and 6. Meanwhile, the Xi'an Railway Container Terminal has been established, signaling that a logistical center for Northwest China is taking shape.  相似文献   

THE Daming Palace Ruins Region will open to the public on October 1,2010 when renovations are completed. It is expected to brighten that quarter of the city for local inhabitants, and become a spectacle unique to this ancient yet modem city. Preservation of the Daming Palace Ruins has been listed as one of UBPA (Urban Best Practices Area) at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. "The project exemplifies a new way of thinking, prompting us to reconsider the strategic development of major ruins regions," Giora Solar, a member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), affirms, citing the role of the project as a fresh and new direction, commenting, "The Darning Palace preservation project is hoped to become an international model for the preservation of cultural heritage."  相似文献   

IN the heyday of the majestic Tang Dynasty (618-9o7), Xuexi Alley, in Lianhu District of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province was home to merchants and tradesmen from home and abroad. Across the country, it was dubbed "Foreign Trade Street," or sometimes "Diplomacy Avenue."  相似文献   

A building that recently appeared in the embassy area near the Lufthansa Shopping Center in Beijing's Chao-yang District has aroused the interest of local Beijing residents. It is the newly constructed Capital International School (CIS), sponsored by the Chinese government and the education authority of New Brunswick, Canada. The school, with its advanced, international standard teaching methods, offer the best opportunity for an international education in Beijing. Classes start this September.  相似文献   

It is indeed a great privilege to come to this ancient and fascinating city of Beijing to share views and to participate in what promises to be a high-quality debate at the initiative of one of China's most prestigious and respected human rights organisations. I have no doubt that in such a setting, and through the enrichment  相似文献   

在全球化进程中,城市的角色越来越得到各领域学者的关注,成为跨学科研究的对象。在世界城市的建设中,政治参与是衡量性别平等的重要指标之一。本文将首先对纽约、伦敦、东京和巴黎这四大城市女性参政现状进行数据对比,然后对其促进女性参政的机制进行分析与比较,主要包括国家法律保障、政党促进机制和民间促进机制这三个方面。在此基础上,我们试图从四大城市的经验中归纳出有益的经验,作为北京建设世界城市过程中性别平等目标实现的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

提高干部思想政治教育接受效果的关键在于学员接受内驱力的激活,化被动为主动。在施教过程中,首先要准确定位受教育者的角色,在内容上坚持正确的政治方向与促进干部个体素质全面提高的统一,在方法的选择上既要符合干部群体接受规律,更要贴近个体的接受特点。  相似文献   

林晓妹 《新东方》2008,(10):11-16
一、倡导“主体参与式培训”的缘由 苏霍姆林斯基告诉我们:“当学生发现你的教育是在教育他的时候,你的教育是苍白的。”人区别于动物的本质是人的意志的自由性、人的理性和人的认识的自主性、对象性。人不仅可以认识世界也可以把自己的自主思想也变成自己认识的对象,解释自我驾驭自我。基于这个规律,要使培训有成效,培训的主体必须是学员而非培训师。  相似文献   

BEN Nixon has a decade of experience working with NGOs in developing countries, but the year spent working with the Yunnan Institute of Development (YID) has been his most rewarding experience to date.  相似文献   

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