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埃及爱资哈尔大学与云南穆斯林的渊源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马利章 《思想战线》2000,26(1):102-105
埃及爱资哈尔大学是伊斯兰世界历史最悠久的高等学府.从成立迄今1∞0多年来,它不仅为埃及培养了大批的人才,也为世界各国培养了众多的学者.地处祖国边陲的云南,早在本世纪30年代,就有穆斯林青年远涉重洋到该校求学,他们学成归国后,成为国家的栋梁之材.爱大为新中国培养了大批急需的阿拉伯语专业人才,同时,为沟通中埃两个文明古国的传统友谊起到了桥梁作用.  相似文献   

Math is the foundation of everything. The Chinese know this too well and have dominated international math competitions for years. So when the news came that U.S. high school students had won the first prize for a second consecutive year at the Romanian Master of Mathematics 2019, it was no laughing matter.  相似文献   

我们党要带领人民夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利,开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面,关键是要抓好党的自身建设。这是胡锦涛  相似文献   

We examined school sense of community (SSOC) between university students who are first-generation U.S. citizens (n = 936) or students who are non-first-generation U.S. citizens (n = 3,556), and between first-generation college students (n = 1,114) and students who are non-first-generation college students (n = 3,378), both attending an urban and diverse Roman Catholic university. Participants reported their SSOC and whether the school was innovative and inclusive, examining whether a higher sense of school community and positive notions of one's campus mission related to being a first-generation U.S. citizen or a first-generation college student. Results showed that a lack of belongingness may lead to lower academic achievement, school dropouts, and less school involvement. Future research should explore why there is a differing impact on school sense of community and campus mission perception for students who are first-generation U.S. citizens or first-generation college students.  相似文献   


A central premise of this paper is that the training of women for leadership roles is a critical component of the development of communities as a whole. This was the central point of departure for a study that aimed to review women's leadership training programs in South Africa. This paper reports on this study in which 38 organizations from across the country participated. Three main data sources were used: Organizational materials, interviews and questionnaires. The analysis examined the following key features: Motivation for leadership training, approaches to leadership, understandings of gender difference, training techniques and strategies and outcomes. The findings revealed trends that may have implications for best practice frameworks in interventions targeted at leadership, gender and development.  相似文献   


This article describes the critical role of interdisciplinary programs in addressing the mission of the Society for Community Research and Action. In the past decade, interdisciplinary approaches to graduate education have increased in importance yet the makeup of the Society does not reflect this change. The mission, organization, and curriculum focus of five programs are described. They include human development and family studies, social welfare, law/psychology, and community-social psychology. Prevention research and program evaluation are highlighted as key areas for program development.  相似文献   

傅端林 《湖湘论坛》2004,17(4):71-73
汇率通常是一国宏观经济实现外部均衡的政策工具。这种政策工具的调节方式、特点和效果 ,又依存于该国实行的汇率制度。人民币汇率制度经历了从固定汇率制到单一的有管理的浮动汇率制的变革 ,人民币的汇率水平从 1994年以前的大幅贬值到目前的相对稳定 ,我国的国际收支也从长期逆差转变为 1994年以后经常项目与资本项目的长期双顺差态势。汇率调节的积极效应得以发挥 ,但也产生了一些负面效应。追求汇率的相对稳定作为政府的政策选择与目标 ,需要汇制的变革完善与相应的配套政策 ;汇率市场化作为人民币汇制改革的长远取向 ,需要循序渐进 ,逐步创造条件  相似文献   

清末社会发生裂变,各种社会力量重新洗牌.在清末变革的环境下涌现出来的学生群体,突破传统士子属性,形成一个新的阶层.学生阶层主要由国内学堂学生与海外留日学生组成,两者集体意识的形成以1902年上海南洋公学学潮与1903年东京春节恳亲会反满演说为标志,学生阶层在拒俄运动中走向成熟.清末学潮的涌动、学生阶层的崛起及集体的反满倾向,标志着拥有先进文化的社会阶层开始背离满清政府执政者的意愿,对清末社会转向起到决定性作用.  相似文献   

Community-based rape prevention programs have received little attention in the research literature. In this study qualitative methods were used to describe such programs and to assess the degree of homogeneity in their practices. In-depth interviews were conducted with representatives of 10 community-based prevention programs in a single state. Findings suggest that two typologies exist: short programs and extended programs. Homogeneity across programs was common as most programs emphasized secondary and tertiary prevention and relied on short curricula that are implemented with mixed-gender groups of students. A comparison to practices found in the research literature indicate that they are mostly using the same practices and these practices have not been demonstrated to have sustained behavioral effects that would reduce the incidence of sexual violence. Implications for future practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Remarkable changes have taken place in China-U.S. relations over the past three decades Since China and the United States established diplomatic relations 30 years ago, their relations have  相似文献   

中国历史上不存在一个年龄群体的青年阶层.但是,在历史文献中很早就有对青春的描述,接着有渐进的对青年的认识,甚至有对青年崇拜的记载.至于在农民起义中青年群体的作用、大学生议政举行学生运动的作用更是明显.当然,为专制君权服务的宗法人伦罗网日益增加对青年的压抑,使分散在家庭中的广大青年缺乏主体性、创造性,似乎成了青年缺席的历史.这导致两代人在历史上就存了代沟.期待新的历史的来临.  相似文献   

The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, convened from November 8 to 11, systematically reviewed major achieve-ments and historical experiences of 100 years of Party endeavors. It is an important strategic decision and presents the CPC's confidence in remaining true to its original aspirations and firmly adhering to its found-ing mission. The CPC is a Marxist governing party that attaches great importance to and ex-cels at summarizing past happenings. At every critical historical juncture, what the CPC must do, is to reflect upon history and draw strength from its lessons to ensure the Party's continual progress. In 1945 and 1981, the CPC adopted two resolutions on its history respectively, and both went on to play an important role in advancing and leading the Party's development.  相似文献   

建设公安院校学生干部队伍,必须坚持“以人为本”的思想,重视选拔和培养工作,建立有效激励机制,做好警察意识教育和警务化管理,充分调动和发挥学生干部积极性、主动性和创造性,从而不仅推动公安院校学生管理工作,而且促进公安院校学风、校风建设。  相似文献   

国际NGO项目与云南妇女发展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
沈海梅 《思想战线》2007,33(2):116-123
自20世纪80年代以来,一些国外非政府组织(NGO)在云南少数民族地区实施了一些以妇女为目标人群的发展项目。这些项目涉及对女性的扶贫济困、妇女生育健康的技术支持、小额信贷、妇女发展及能力建设、扫盲及教育培训、反对拐卖妇女儿童等,总体上看,效果是好的,但在管理上还需要进一步加强和完善,在操作方式上也需要更具针对性和地方特色。  相似文献   

正August 11,2015:The PBOC improved the yuan's central parity rate formation system to better reflect the market changes in the exchange rate of the yuan against the U.S.dollar.Daily central parity quotes reported to the China Foreign Exchange Trade System before the market opens for the day should be based on three  相似文献   

资本流动的逻辑基础 这里不去讨论国际货币基金组织(IMF)最初迫于西方发达国家,尤其是美国的压力而推出资本项目可兑换的动机。对国际货币基金组织极力主张资本在中等收入和发展中国家自由流动的一个言简意赅的解释是,它更能控制西方国家跨国公司生产资源。...  相似文献   

马克思创建唯物史观,将辩证方法发扬光大。唯物史观方法论每前进一步,对人民历史主体地位的认识和实践就加深一层。以人为本的科学发展观,冲破了以往人本主义所存留的那些抽象迷误,纠正了对马克思主义关于人的理论的模糊认识,把人民社会历史主体地位这个唯物史观的基本命题,用“以人为本”定位为马克思主义科学的基本原理。  相似文献   

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