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<正>Amid the uncertainties of the global economy, China’s e conomic slowdown this year has triggered worries that the country’s growth engine is losing steam. Some even anticipate a hard landing. Lu Zhongyuan, Vice President of the Development Research Center of the State Council, dismissed the worries at a recent briefing in Beijing,saying the slowdown is the result of the government’s macro-control and is still within the normal fluctuation range. Edited excerpts of his views follow:  相似文献   

Tough 'Love'     
In today's American politics, being hard on Russia and China seems to be the new politically correct suit to try on. As if a reincarnation of McCarthyism, politi-cians dove right in, regardless of the negative effects of this apparent hard lesson in the past.  相似文献   

When I arrived in Beijing nearly three months ago, the unexpected happened.Before coming to China’s mainland, I had lived in the Asia-Pacific for over three year——South Korea, the Philippines and Taiwan, where I studied Mandarin and interned at a newspaper.  相似文献   

As the United States’ largest trading partner, China represents an increas-ingly important issue in the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Both presidential candidates, Democratic incumbent Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, have pledged a strong stance against unfair trading practices, concerns over human rights and intellectual property.  相似文献   

Nation tries to curb pollution by imposing harsher penalties Pollution in a river in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has caused a stir. Fengkai County authorities in neighboring Guangdong Province reported thallium and cadmium contamination in the Hejiang River on July 6. Fengkai is downstream fromGuangxi’sHezhouCity.Deadfishhasbeen seenfloatingintheriversinceJuly1.Authorities prohibited about 30,000 Fengkai residents from using river water for three weeks, and tens of millions more in the Pearl River Delta were put on  相似文献   

A Love Too Tough     
<正>Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, by Amy Chua, has captured global attention and aroused heated debate. Since the author, a professor at Yale Law School and a mother of two daughters, is a Chinese-American and stresses throughout her book the merits  相似文献   

Critical Tasks     
Han Changfu,Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,interpreted the No.1 Central Document of 2019,the first policy statement of the yearjointly released by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council,and summarized its key points at a news conference held by the State Council Information Office on February 20.Edited excerpts of his remarks follow.  相似文献   

New Tasks     
正The third plenary session of the 19th Communist Party of China(CPC)Central Committee was held in Beijing on February 26--28,during which a communiquéwas issued.The following is an article by Xinhua News Agency on the meeting and the contents of that communiqué:  相似文献   

<正>Although challenges remain,China’s economic future is still optimisticBefore 2014,China was cautiously enthused by the high-speed economic growth of the past two decades.As its economic growth rate is expected to decrease by 0.5 percentage points compared to last year,is China’s economy going to face a"hard land-  相似文献   

正In early October,transport authorities in Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and Shenzhen—four mega-cities—separately issued draft local regulations on qualifications for drivers who provide ridesharing services.The new rules feature restrictions on drivers’place of residence,car registration locale,vehicle model and age,and insurance.In Beijing,for example,only residents who have a locally registered car  相似文献   

透视腐败1、社会上腐败现象越来越普遍和严重。海洋生物的灭绝性捕捞,森林资源的破坏性采伐,矿产资源的损害性开采,自身和眼前利益胜过一切,一些地方、企业和个人根本不顾及社会持续发展和子孙后代;社会交往和商业交易不稳定性增强、安全系数降低,据不准确测算,超过30%的合同缺乏诚意,将近一半产生纠纷,信任少了、信用减低,社会、经济关系越来越不稳定;走私猖獗,上个世纪末的最后一年,走私额超过1500亿,假冒伪劣泛滥,总值也已超1330亿,严重损害了国家利益、经济秩序、人民的健康和生命安全。债务拖欠、偷税漏税…  相似文献   

A brand-new color TV set stands in Shi Yunguo's house. "The set cost me RMB 1,350, and the government gave me an RMB 175 subsidy," said Shi Yunguo, a farmer in Linyi, Shandong Province. Beginning in February 2009, Chinese farmers qualify for a 13 percent govern.ment subsidy on TV, mobile phone, refrigerator and washing machine purchases.  相似文献   

中共北京市委十届七中全会提出了建设世界城市的发展战略,这是新时期首都经济社会发展的重大战略举措.今后,北京进入全面建设世界城市的新阶段,城市建设与管理的任务更加繁重,标准和要求更高更严.  相似文献   

善治理论是21世纪针对经济全球化、世界多极化和国际关系民主化等世界性发展趋势而提出的,善治的基本定义是指在政府和民间组织之间,公共部门和私人部门之间建立合作管理和伙伴关系,以促进社会公共利益的最大化。在一定意义上说,善治也是进一步法治化的过程。善治,作为一种新的管理方式,更新了城市治理模式和衡量管理成效的规范性标准,被越来越多地应用于城市管理实践中。扬州城管在工作实践中,以城市善治理论为指导,创新城市管理体制机制与运作方式,有效破解了城市管理长期存在的难题,大大提高了城市品位和质量,改善了城市人居环境。  相似文献   

中国传统价值观经过一个半世纪的现代转换,取得了历史性成就,但还面临着繁重而复杂的创造性转化和创新性发展任务。尊道贵德、仁爱、推己及物、五福、修身等观念需要大力弘扬,家国天下同构、家长制、官本位、忠君、经权等观念需要进一步深刻更新,个体、公民、权利、社会、现代法治等现代观念需要进一步加强。完成这些任务是构建中国当代主流价值观的客观要求。  相似文献   

The Soft Link     
An NGO's efforts to promote people-to-people diplomacy between Chinaand the United States It was on Harvard's campus that Liu Xi hit upon the idea to set up a program to bring the real China to more Harvard students.Liu attended a master's program at the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) from 2013 to2015.While studying in the U.S.,she realized that many Americans have a biased view of China.  相似文献   

Taijiquan, an ancient Chinese martial art recently listed as a world intangible cultural heritage, builds both physical and mental strength Upon receiving the news that Taijiquan was decorated with a world intangible cultural heritage accolade on December 17, 2020, Chen Ziqiang was teaching a Taijiquan class in his hometown.  相似文献   

Soft as Silk     
In AD 300 a Chinese princess smuggled a silkworm out of the country.It was this treasured dowry item that brought the secrets of silk industry to the rest of the world,at least as legend would have it.  相似文献   

区域软实力的概念、要素及评估指标体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜运仓 《桂海论丛》2010,26(3):113-117
区域软实力在中国受到越来越多的关注,不少学者对其概念、涵盖的要素及评估指标进行了探讨。文章认为,区域软实力是指在一个国家内一个区域可用以动员区内外的资源来实现其经济、社会、文化等全面发展的非物质力量。其构成要素主要有:政府管理和服务、区域文化、人力素质、区域形象和生活环境。为此,应构建由三级指标构成的区域软实力评估体系。  相似文献   

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