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The earliest case of acupuncture In the Neolithic Age more than 8,000 years ago,the forefathers of the Chinese began to use stone needles to treat illness. This is how acupuncture originated.  相似文献   

Functions of Herbal Medicines According to traditional Chinese medicine, all diseases are the result of imbalances between yin and yang and dysfunctions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.The basic functions of herbal medicines are to dispel pathogenic factors, regulate yin and yang, and restore normal functions of internal organs and meridians and collaterals.  相似文献   

Meridians and Collaterals More than 2,000 years ago the Chinese people had discovered and studied the main and collateral channels. According to The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, the earliest TCM book, which was written during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.):  相似文献   

The Earliest Etiologic and Symptomatologic Monograph In 610 Chao Yuanfang and some other imperial court physicians summarized and compiled previous medical theories and practices into the General Treatise on the Causes and Symptoms of Diseases.This was the earliest extant medical monograph dealing with the etiology and symptomatology of disease. It divides diseases caused by external factors into four types:exogenous febrile diseases,seasonal epidemic diseases,heat-induced diseases,and epidemic febrile diseases.This classification system was in accord with clinical pathology of the time.  相似文献   

NOW in its 60th year of publication,China Today debuted as an English-language bimonthly under the name China Reconstructs at the beginning of 1952 (It adopted its current monthly format in 1955). The magazine’s founder,Sun Yat-sen’s wife Soong Ching Ling,was personally involved in every detail of the magazine’s creation,and regarded it as one of her major tasks after the founding of the People’s Republic.  相似文献   

SOONG Ching Ling knew well that marketing is critical to the survival and success of a publication.She appointed Talitha Gerlach as marketing chief of China Reconstructs,and insisted that it set up its own distribution channels.  相似文献   

Ⅴ. Upholding Ethnic Equality and Unity
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is multiethnic region. According to the fifth national census in 2000, it is home to 55 ethnic groups including the Uyghur, Han and Kazak. In 2008, it had a population of 21.308 million, 12.945 million of whom were of ethnicities other than the Han, representing 60.8% of the total. In 2007, three ethnic groups in the region had a population over one million each. They were the Uyghur with a population of 9.651 million, the Han, 8.239 million, and the Kazak,  相似文献   

A few years ago, Beijing's Summer Palace put together a unique exhibition that featured neither the precious antiques and works of art collected by successive imperial families, nor the sumptuous knick-knacks and everyday utensils used by the emperors and their empresses. On display, rather, were clay figurines usually identified as "folk art" -- that is, art made by and for the lower classes. However, these particular clay artifacts were unique in that their collector was none other than Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908),  相似文献   

IN the West, red roses are a symbol of romantic love, yellow roses of friendship. To observe Valentine's Day, various kinds of roses are marketed on China's streets and lanes. In ancient China flowers symbolized sentiments. For instance, twin lotus flowers on one stalk or two trees with branches interlocked were imagined to be devoted couples. The lotus flower connotes nobility, and the peony, wealth and rank. For thousands of years these flowers have been key elements in the composition of bird-and-flower paintings.  相似文献   

III. Steady Development of Social Programs
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, Xinjiang had but one college, nine secondary schools and 1,355 primary schools. Only 19.8% of school-age children in the region attended primary school, and the overall illiteracy rate was a shocking 90%. Since the founding of the People's Republic,  相似文献   

THE free-hand painting Liu Zhongxin (1948-) did to celebrate the beginning of a new business has encoded in it best wishes for the proprietor's success in the years to come. A litchi branch loaded with crimson red fruit signifies a prosperous business, for the branch conveys an image that stands for a "line" of business, while the fruit is a play on the word "profit," which in Chinese is a homonym for "litchi." ff a rooster is added under the tree, the artist said,  相似文献   

MY intention for Part 2 ofBeijing parks was that Iwould present a shortoverview of each park,highlight some new parks, and ofcourse include photos! However...As I was walking in a park onedayOn a very hazy day in MayI fell off a raft, and injured mycalf...Resulting in my park reportdelay!  相似文献   

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