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IT was April 1964 when the f irst Africa-bound Chinese medical team touched down in Algeria, at the invitation of its govern- ment. Since then, Chinese med- ics have landed in 48 African countries. By the end of 2005, the total number of Chinese medical personnel that had vis- ited Africa had amounted to 15,841. Be- tween them, they had treated some 170 million African patients. Today, there are 98 Chinese medical clinics in 35 Af- rican nations. During the past four decades, Chi- nese m…  相似文献   

正President Xi Jinping and President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania held talks on October 24.Xi welcomed President Kikwete’s visit to China on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.He said that China  相似文献   

妇女和发展的范式是西方女性主义与发展主义在建构和实践中结合而形成的,是针对发展中国家在发展中赋权的理论体系和实践框架。这一范式本身对于充分发挥妇女的能动性、提升妇女的地位有着积极的意义,但由于其在本质上存在着西方女性主义思潮和发展主义的建构性,虽然针对了发展中国家妇女的现实,但在不同的发展社会文化语境下依然出现了一系列实践困境。在中国和非洲坦桑尼亚的实践显示了这一框架与当地社会文化可能产生的不适应性。在中国,应用妇女和发展范式的干预在技术层面出现了不适应性,在结果上出现了"机会和福利异化"的现象;而在坦桑尼亚推广非国际主流妇女和发展范式的中国玉米密植增产项目,却使当地妇女提升了收入,产生了"逆向赋权"现象。这都显示出妇女和发展范式遭遇到发展中国家性别社会关系的复杂性景观。  相似文献   

HAVE you ever ordered cofee in China? Like chocolate,wine and champagne, cofee originated in the West.How did the words for these alien things arrive in the Chinese language? What about when it comes to more complicated or even abstract vocabulary, like scientiic terms or sociological concepts based on the particular cultural or ethical background of other peoples? When an established brand enters the Chinese market, one of the irst it has to do is to pick a name in the native language. What is the best translation?  相似文献   

This article investigates the status of educational equality in China in the context of the reform of major Chinese economic, political, and social institutions at the turn of the twenty-first century. In the first part of this article, the authors address the importance of the theoretical issue of equality in education and explore the relationship between theories of human capital, modernization, and political culture. They begin with a general introduction of the theme, and then explore the linkages between basic education (literacy and numeracy), the increasing productivity of the labor force, and the essential guarantee of basic human rights—necessary for survival. They then discuss how advanced education provides people with the necessary adaptability and creativity to perform in a world characterized by rapidly developing technology and a complex management system. The second part of the article uses statistical data to describe current educational conditions and the extent of the variance in educational attainment for different groups. They conduct the analysis from two perspectives: (1) comparing the effects of gender, ethnicity (minorities), and disability status on educational attainment; and (2) by comparing the effects of gender, minority status, and disability status on educational attainment in four types of regions, as defined by economic and social development. In the final part of the paper, the authors try to find the particular government policies that are responsible for exiting discrepancies in educational achievement. The article concludes with a number of policy recommendations.  相似文献   

This January 15,a team of fifteen young Chinese people headed for myanmar to work as volunteers in the sectors of agricultural technology,agricultural equipment manufacture,agricultural software devel- opment and rice quality analysis,also to teach swim- ming.Having lived in this beautiful,unspoilt country for six months,they have many stories to tell.  相似文献   

中国要借鉴西方的公共治理理论,必须考虑中国的文化特点、历史传统和具体国情等特殊因素.为此,不仅要改革政治行政体制,转变政府职能,而且要积极消除差序性的文化影响、人情化的关系社会、官本位的政治传统、集权化的思想观念和形式化的工作作风的阻滞作用.  相似文献   

Culture and tradition are the soul of a country.When a country loses its culture and tradition,it is difficult for it to make progress.Chinese people protect their culture and traditions.I have learned about Chinese culture and tradition at school.It is visible everywhere in China but I did not really understand it in the beginning.Then I realized sometimes I have to experience something in order to understand it.  相似文献   

LASTJuly,oneofChina'sleadingeconomicnewspaperswarnedagainstinvestinginISP(InternetServiceProvider),becausethesectorwasstillrunningataloss.Thiswassurprising,ascustomers,advertisersandinvestorsarepouringintothishigh-techbusiness.Butthen34-year-oldZhangZhaoyang(CharlesZhang)camebackfromtheUS,andfoundedSohu,partofInternetTechnologyChina(ITC).InOctober1998,Timemagazinenamedthe50mostinfluentialcyberspacepeopleintheworld.Ofthem,twoareChinese.OneisLiuYunjie,whoisinchargeofthedatacommunicat…  相似文献   

BEFORE coming to China, I learnt Chinese for almost two years in a Confucius Classroom sponsored by China Radio International (CRI) in Yekaterinburg, Russia. This is one of 12 CRI Confucius Classrooms worldwide. I quickly developed a strong interest in China and its language, and was excited to learn that my program offered its students the chance to study free of charge in the Middle Kingdom under a scholarship. In Russia, the teaching was lively and inspiring, and we were quickly immersed in Chinese culture through multi-media and other IT tools, as well as a  相似文献   

北京的古都风貌——古槐、紫藤、四合院 作为六朝古都的北京,无论是在公园名胜里,还是大街小巷以及庭院中,到处都种植着国槐。尤其是自元代建大都城起,国槐就一直是北京行道树的当家树,所以北京的古槐很多。它们苍老遒劲、嵯峨挺拔的姿态,给古老而又繁华的北京平添了一种静穆安谧的天然之美,尤其是在盛夏,它们的巨冠浓荫,给人们带来一丝丝凉意,一缕缕温馨。人们在古槐的浓荫下乘凉,已成为京城盛夏的一景。古槐确实是京城的一大特色,所以人们一提起北京的古都风貌,总是说起:“古槐、紫藤、四合院”。可以说,古槐、紫藤、四合院也是北京的“符号”。  相似文献   

On August 24, the U.S. announced that it would raise tariffs on about $550 billion worth of Chinese exports to the U.S. by an additional 5 percent. The U.S. move harms both countries’ interests, threatens the security of ttie global industrial and supply chains, and drags down global trade and world economic growth. China has urged the U.S. not to miscalculate the situation.  相似文献   

Approaching China Through Its Architecture Compiled by Li Qiong, Reviser: Qin Ling 275 pages Published by New Star Press in July 2012T HE architecture of a civilization is an expression of its culture at a speciic time and place. Chinese architecture itself has a distinctive position in the world’s architectural heritage, developing in parallel with Western architectural traditions originating from ancient Greece and Rome. While Western architec- ture generally puts emphasis on the size, shape, and  相似文献   

正The"Chinese Classicsr"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chuf Selections from Records of the Historian,Too Yuanming Selected Poems,Du Fu Selected Poems,and Selected Tang Dynasty Stories,and five works by Lu Xun(1881-1936),a leading figure of modern Chinese literature,which include Dawn Blossoms  相似文献   

正The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao Yuanming Selected Poems,Du Fu Selected Poems,and Selected Tang Dynasty Stories,and five works by Lu Xun(1881-1936),a leading figure of modern Chinese literature,which include Dawn Blossoms  相似文献   

正The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao  相似文献   

正The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao Yuanming Selected Poems,Du Fu Selected Poems,and Selected Tang Dynasty Stories,and five works  相似文献   

正The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao Yuanming Selected Poems,Du Fu Selected Poems,and Selected Tang Dynasty Stories,and five works  相似文献   

正The"Chinese Classics"series published by Foreign Languages Press is a collection of ancient Chinese classics and great works of modern Chinese authors.The first set comprises nine ancient classic works including Selected Elegies of the State of Chu,Selections from Records of the Historian,Tao Yuanming Selected Poems,Du Fu Selected Poems,and Selected Tang Dynasty Stories,and five works by Lu Xun(1881-1936),a leading figure of modern Chinese literature,which include Dawn Blossoms  相似文献   

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