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为了更好地发展和建设本科警务指挥与战术专业,有必要认真研究和总结警务指挥与战术专业本科人才培养的模式,分析其人才培养模式构建结构的合理性、适用性、科学性,不断改进和完善该专业人才培养模式,使专业人才培养目标定位更为精准,培养规格更为清晰,培养过程更为有序可靠,培养质量更有保障,毕业生需求更为紧俏,就业途径更为宽广。  相似文献   


Most of the research focusing on sexual victimization on college campuses has focused on females as victims. This attention is warranted given that studies have consistently found that females are at more risk of experiencing victimization compared to males. However, a drawback of this emphasis is that laypersons may incorrectly believe that men cannot be victims too. This belief is directly challenged by various findings that indicate college men are also sexually assaulted. In order to draw attention to this under researched topic, we used data from a recent climate survey conducted at a mid-sized rural institution of higher education. The results of this study indicated that males, in addition to females, experienced various types of sexual victimization in this setting.  相似文献   

We investigated implementation fidelity of programmatic activities of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) among 2,022 teachers, 88.5% female, from 88 elementary schools located in Pennsylvania. Results indicated that the majority of respondents had attended the school kick-off event, posted the rules in the classroom, and explained the rules to students. Receiving booster sessions and activities involving parental involvement were the least likely elements to have been performed. Logistic regression analyses revealed that teachers with confidence in their ability to implement the OBPP had completed all of the OBPP programmatic activities. Similarly, multiple regression analysis results revealed that teachers with self-efficacy to implement the OBPP implemented more components than respondents without self-efficacy. In addition, teachers with more OBPP experience were more likely to have completed individual-level activities. Our findings reveal that certain OBPP components are easier to perform than others and that implementer characteristics matter.  相似文献   

根据我国刑法关于共同犯罪的规定,犯罪分子的刑事责任应按照其参与或者组织、指挥的全部犯罪处罚,此即"部分实行全部责任"规则。有学者认为这是由于共同犯罪具有更大的危害性而做出的加重处罚,但对其合理性却鲜有说明。经济分析表明,该规定的合理性主要在于它能够减少犯罪对社会的危害。  相似文献   

何军 《青年论坛》2008,(2):69-71
在高校和谐校园建设中,具有学生自我教育、自我管理、自我服务功能的学生社团发挥着重要的载体作用:为加强大学生思想政治教育提供了教育新载体,为校园文化建设提供了活动新载体,为和谐教学关系与师生关系的建立提供了沟通新载体,为大学生个性的全面和谐发展提供了锻炼新载体。  相似文献   

As tensions across the Taiwan Strait have risen in recent years, some have argued that the US policy of strategic ambiguity—under which Washington leaves unclear if and how it would intervene in a cross-Strait conflict—has outlived its usefulness because ambiguity may foster dangerous misperceptions about US intentions and hence contribute to future crises. In this essay I critically examine strategic ambiguity, and conclude that ambiguity remains the best policy available to Washington given current US goals in the Taiwan Strait. I argue that ambiguity remains essential both to deterring a Chinese attack and to restraining Taiwanese moves toward independence, but that it nonetheless carries with it inherent risks of conflict. I further argue, however, that these additional risks triggered by ambiguity per se are likely small, and hence are overshadowed by the strategic obstacles faced by the alternatives to an ambiguous policy. Moreover, I show that growing economic interdependence between Mainland China and Taiwan further reduces the risk that ambiguity itself would be a contributing factor to war in the Taiwan Strait. As such, the relative attractiveness of ambiguity has likely increased, rather than decreased as argued by its critics, over the past decade.  相似文献   

Zhang Yiwu 《当代中国》2008,17(57):733-746
Globalization is an inescapable fact that conditions daily life in China today. To squarely confront this fact, two mythologies regarding globalization and China must be avoided. The first is the romanticization of globalization, which turns the trend into an all-purpose solution to China's problems that will introduce ‘universal’ values to the Chinese people. In fact, Chinese people should maintain a critical distance from the phenomenon and realize that so-called ‘universal’ values often turn out to be self-serving ‘Western’ values. On the other hand, there is also the mythology that globalization is not happening in China at all, but is rather a process occurring elsewhere that does not affect the daily life of the Chinese people. Various examples from contemporary fiction and film prove this observation to be wrong. Moreover, they point the way to a possible response to the challenges of globalization: a community ethic that keeps the Chinese people grounded in their local environment and dependent upon each other to face and overcome the difficulties of globalization together.  相似文献   

We examined student responses to three new instructors who taught a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) ally development course as described in a study by Ji, Finnessy, and Dubois (2009). Our analysis of the responses indicated that students did improve as LGBT allies in ways similar to those reported in the 2009 study. The findings suggest that the course could be disseminated provided that instructors actively encouraged students to engage in experiences that develop their LGBT ally identities.  相似文献   

证明责任自由裁量权研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在民事诉讼中,如果案件事实真伪不明,法官要根据证明责任规则处理案件。在我国,法官拥有证明责任自由裁量权,当依据法律与司法解释无法确定证明责任分配时,法官可以根据公平原则和诚实信用原则,综合当事人举证能力等因素确定举证责任的承担。这项权力存在很大问题,公平不宜作为证明责任的分配依据,会削弱司法的独立性。同时,这项权力的规定不符合立法法的宗旨,也不存在适用的现实性。  相似文献   

论民族自治地方行政发展的基本任务   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
方盛举 《思想战线》2004,30(3):84-88
民族自治地方行政生态环境规定着自治地方政府行政发展的基本任务是用好、用足、用活行政性自治权。建立起有利于促进经济社会发展、有利于民族问题有效解决的政府治理模式。在行政实践中逐步探索形成既体现科学化、民主化和现代化要求,又体现民族特点的地方政府体系和行政管理运行机制。  相似文献   

任树民 《青年论坛》2011,(3):133-136
马瑞辰一生曾历主多处书院。由于原始传记材料的表述有歧义,致使当下学界认为他是在黑龙江释归的道光二年之后主讲于白鹿洞书院。通过考辨,可以确认,马瑞辰曾于嘉庆十二年前后掌教过白鹿洞书院。但由于文献阙佚,还不能完全否定马瑞辰于释归后曾主持过白鹿洞。本文认为马瑞辰在一生当中曾主持过江西白鹿洞、山东峄山、安徽庐阳诸书院,而非"先后主讲"上述三处书院。  相似文献   

关于唐律"化外人相犯"条的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邹敏 《贵州民族研究》2006,26(5):157-161
唐律“化外人相犯”条是中国封建法律中一项具有重要意义的规定。目前比较流行的观点认为:“化外人”即外国人。另一种观点认为中国古代所称的“化外人”是指少数民族。通过深入分析,笔者指出:“化外人”包括外国人和部分少数民族。“化外人相犯”条不仅适用于处理外国人在大唐境内的犯罪,是唐代处理涉外案件的原则,也适用于与唐朝关系比较疏远的少数民族,是当时少数民族适用法律的特别规定。  相似文献   

促进党内关系全面和谐的重要着力点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费凡 《桂海论丛》2007,23(2):19-21
党的十六届六中全会强调,构建社会主义和谐社会,关键在党。并强调,要以党内和谐促进社会和谐,这说明党内和谐是社会和谐的前提。而要促进党内和谐,至关重要的是要从保持政令畅通、落实勤政为民、增强党务公开、保障党内选举和提升党内监督几个重要方面着力。  相似文献   

目前化妆品越来越成为一种生活必需品,由于化妆品质量导致侵权的案件也呈上升趋势,其中,化妆品外包装标注的保质期是否为开封后的保质期,即化妆品开封后的保质期限是否属于消费者的知情权范围成为消费者和商家争论的一个焦点.尽管我国法律明确规定消费者享有知情权,但对知情权的范围规定得比较笼统,导致实践中知情权不当扩大,从而威胁生产经营者利益的情况.针对这一现状,司法审判中有必要根据不同类别的消费对象对消费者知情权的范围作出界定.这样不仅有利于消费者知情权的实现,也有利于保护生产经营者的合法权利.  相似文献   

In the wake of repeated crackdowns on the 'three disorders' and 'small treasuries', it is obvious that local governments in China collect substantial amounts of illegal monies. What is not immediately obvious is how illegal monies matter. In this article, I assess both the amount of illegal monies that local governments collect and their significance relative to local autonomy. I find that because illegal monies are not rival to legal monies but rather complementary, although illegal monies may give local governments a greater ability to pursue their own particularistic agendas, they do not fundamentally alter the principalagent structures that link the localities to the center.  相似文献   

中国古代信访制度萌芽于原始社会末期,发展于西周至秦汉,基本完备于唐代。它所体现的"无讼"、"人治"等传统法律思想也伴随着中国社会的发展一直影响至今,当今社会信访问题已成为影响社会和谐稳定的一大因素。本文拟通过对信访的追根溯源,解读中国传统法律思想对当今中国信访制度产生的影响,以期从中找出促进现代法律文化建设的重要的现实价值。  相似文献   

The incremental decentralization of economic and fiscal authority within the Chinese state has led to a debate over the extent to which the central government retains authoritative control over the provinces. Using detailed budgetary data, this paper argues that even though fiscal reforms may have given provincial governments independent sources of income, they remain dependent upon the center for budgetary subsidies and that without central subsidies provincial government would face serious budgetary shortfalls. This is true not only for provinces that receive more in central subsidies than they transfer to the center, but also for provinces that were net exporters of funds to the center prior to the 1994 fiscal reforms. Fiscal dependence is important because it gives the center a source of leverage that supplements the political leverage it gains from the nomenklatura system, allowing it to not only punish insubordinate provincial leaders as individuals, but to also punish recalcitrant provincial governments as institutions by either cutting or withholding budgetary subsidies.  相似文献   

Large administrative data systems are powerful tools that can aid child welfare decision making by allowing populations, trends, and risks to children to be described. But realizing the value that this “big data” can bring to improving the lives of children and their families requires one to (a) start the process by asking a question, (b) take a disciplined approach to converting data to evidence, (c) commit to the cyclical process of improvement using evidence, and (d) arrange and analyze the data in ways that maximize evidence yield. This article describes how these four principles can help agencies and researchers use big data wisely and in accordance with scientific standards as an instrument to generate evidence that fuels the cycle of continuous quality improvement.  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产的保护与开发利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈莉 《贵州民族研究》2007,27(2):97-101
本文认为非物质文化遗产的保护工作是在科技和经济有了长足发展的时代背景下,人为地保护那些濒临消亡的文化遗产。而对非物质文化遗产进行包装、改造,使其适合现代消费者的口味,适合时代的需要,并带来经济效益是对非物质文化遗产的开发利用。保护和开发利用可以并行不悖,但是开发利用代替不了原汁原味的保护和传承。  相似文献   

回顾党执政的历史,以史为鉴,探讨从毛泽东同志到胡锦涛同志所面临的时代任务,寻出历史发展的规律。一个政党执政的有效性在于能够抓住时代的关键任务。以毛泽东同志为核心的党的第一代领导集体抓住了怎样建立新中国,建立什么样的新中国的时代任务。以邓小平同志为核心的党的第二代领导集体抓住了什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义的时代任务。以江泽民同志为核心的党的第三代领导集体抓住了建设一个什么样的党,怎样建设党的时代任务。以胡锦涛同志为核心的党的新一代领导集体抓住了建设什么样的社会,怎样建设这样的社会的时代任务。  相似文献   

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