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The global financial crisis is far from over as world economic growth continues to decline. Can China stop the downward tendency of economic growth and reach an economic soft landing? Can China take the lead in getting out of the shadow of the economic crisis? Chen Huai, Director of the Economic Research Institute of China's Urban and Rural Development under the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, discussed these questions in a recent article in the Economic Information Daily. Edited excerpts f...  相似文献   

This mixed methods study used a snowball sample (n = 54) to capture retrospective insight from former public child welfare workers about job satisfaction and reasons they left their positions. Responses to open-ended questions suggested a theme of lack of organizational support as the primary reason they left. Former workers also reported that they wanted a voice and someone to hear their concerns, greater recognition, and opportunity to practice self-care. Quantitatively, workers in their positions 8 years or longer were the most satisfied on a 19-item global scale examining job satisfaction. Respondents were unhappy with their workloads and emotional impact of their positions.  相似文献   

<正>In contemporary international discourse,the “global China” concept,as it’s generally used,risks imagining China in the first instance as a hegemony-seeking project.Some explain this as a reasonable position to assert within a realist international relations perspective.It’s certainly guiding Washington thinking,becoming explicitly clear in a recently published summary fact sheet about America’s national defense strategy,obsessing over China as a rising threat.  相似文献   

WORLD foreign direct investment (FDI) fell significantly in 2012. Global data are unavailable for the second half of the year, but United Nations Conference on Trade and Development statistics show that FDI fell by eight percent worldwide in the first six months to US $668 billion. Many large economies suffered severe declines-FDI into the U.S. fell by 39 percent and into  相似文献   

大学招生平等不仅是考生的基本权利,而且也是重要的国家利益.只有遵守宪法平等原则,招生考试才能真正为社会服务,各地高校才能实现教育资源的最佳配置,中国高等教育才能实现国家利益的最大化.不论是为了国家、地方、学校还是个人的长远利益,招生平等都是我们不得不认真对待的宪政问题.  相似文献   

Why and How the CPC Works in China,edited by Xie Chuntao,a professor with the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC,records how the Communist Party of China established the People’s Republic and began the construction of a modern socialist country.This time span is  相似文献   

人类的现代化进程自文艺复兴就开始启动,而中国却迟至19世纪中叶才开始了被动式的启动。其中的原因固然十分复杂,但以下几个方面的因素对于中国现代化的发展起了非常重要的负面作用:一、过早形成的大一统国家观的影响;二、人口增长速度过快,阻碍了劳动生产率的提高和资本积累的增加;三、长期的重农抑商政策所带来的负面影响;四、中国的传统文化太注重人文精神、鄙薄科学精神;五、中国历史上对外扩张的政治性因素之动因远远大于其他方面的动因。  相似文献   

近代科技革命之所以与中国无缘,其主要原因在于:古代中国注重政治伦理的探讨,而缺乏对自然本源的探索;注重实用科学而排斥科学理论的研究;没有充分认识数学在科学发展中的重要作用;重农抑商的政策束缚了科学技术的产生和发展。  相似文献   

In an opinion article by its editorial board on February 19,Banished in Beijing,The Wall Street Journal(WSJ)obliquely questioned China deserving to be treated as a great power after China’s Foreign Ministry revoked the press credentials of three WSJ reporters over an insensitive article it published,titled China Is the Real Sick Man of Asia.At a press conference on February 24,the Foreign Ministry’s new spokesperson Zhao Lijian repeated the demand for an apology,saying China won’t be asilent lamb.Was the Chinese Government overreacting?You need to know the whole picture to understand that.  相似文献   

正THE announcement of the relaxation of China’s one child policy created great discussion in China and internationally.But its significance was widely misunderstood.Contrary to myth,the increase in China’s labor supply plays little role in China’s rapid economic growth.In reality,96 percent of China’s economic growth comes from factors other than a rising labor supply.Therefore,there is no reason why China’s economy should slow significantly because China’s working age population stopped growing in 2012.The mistaken view,sometimes expressed,that China will grow old before it becomes rich is therefore the reverse of the reality:China will grow rich before it grows old.To demonstrate clearly why,first the facts will be stated and then their implications analysed.  相似文献   

正James Peck,visiting professor at New York University and founder of the Culture and Civilization of China project at Yale University Press and the China International Publishing Group,shared his views on China’s rising role in dealing with global inequality in a world dominated by the U.S.-centric globalism.An edited excerpt of his article fol ows:In the words of the great African-American abolitionist,Frederick Douglass,"To understand you have to stand under."Today many of us live in the United States in a world of  相似文献   

FORTY-FIVE~YEAR~OLDZhangMianisI.75meterstallandweighs70kilograms.ThisdriverandveteranmemberoftheWinterSwimmingAssociationhailsfromNejianginSichuanProvinceandhaspracticedwinterswimmingfor13years.Hispanef,43-year-oldLuoDesong,isabitshorterandstockierat...  相似文献   

I was a little bit uncertain choosing They Need to Work! as the title for this article. Do they really need to work? Do they want to work? Do they care? I’m talking about young people of course. Theoretically they need jobs, right? They should want to join the workforce and they should care about this issue, but this doesn’t seem to be the truth, at least not the whole truth. Generation Y, the Net Generation, the Echo Boomers, the Millennials. Whatever you want to call them, one thing is for  相似文献   

中国古代为什么有重视历史的传统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国古代重视历史的传统,在世界上绝无仅有.从殷商至满清洗如烟海的史料中,史官记载了历朝帝王及当时社会的史实.甚至下至社会多个层面,均重视历史的记载与评论.中国古代之所以重视历史,盖固帝王的"群权神授"与敬畏无常使然;但帝王中世有窥视本朝史官记载历史的例子,如庙太宗.孔子则开创了历史服从于传统的先河.纵观历史,新建立的朝代均将为前朝修史作为国家政治的大事,足见历史影响社会的巨大作用.  相似文献   

正America's greatest existential threat today is not China;it is making China into America's existential threat.The war of words launched by the U.S.over the coronavirus is a sad commentary on the lack of necessary cooperation,not to mention a lack of compassion initially for the severity of the epidemic in China in the early months.The escalating hostility toward China now so evident in Washington will all but ensure a competitive rather than any collaborative search for vital solutions.The result will be wasted resources,duplicative research,insufficient financing,and the undermining of international dissemination of advanced green technologies.And this is only to note the consequences for coping with just one of humanity s looming crises.  相似文献   

<正>Editor’s Note:During his recent state visit to the United States,President Xi Jinping dismissed fears that China and the United States might fall into the"Thucydides’trap,"a theory that claims China’s rapid rise would prompt it to challenge the leadership of the United States and the two may resort to war.In an editorial published by Xinhua News Agency in late September,Xinhua writer Li Zhihui cited 10 reasons why the two major powers can avoid the trap.Excerpts of the piece follow:  相似文献   

正The military standoff between China and India in the Donglang region has lasted for almost two months by far,and there is still no end in sight.China has made it clear that there is no room for negotiation and the only solution is the unconditional and immediate withdrawal of Indian troops from the region.  相似文献   

近代西方废除独身制与中国提倡独身制的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了自由,在西方宗教改革时期,教会妇女废除独身制,而中国近代一些妇女提倡独身制,本文将从时代的作用、传统文化的影响和行为主体(妇女)的觉醒三个方面来对这种实同形异的现象进行分析.  相似文献   

李军红 《青年论坛》2007,(1):124-128
20世纪30年代中国左翼电影以对思想意识性的注重、对社会整体性和社会分析性的追求、对质朴的民族化风格的探究,形成了其基本美学特征,创构了自己独特的现实———理性景观。其美学价值对后来的中国电影产生了巨大的影响。  相似文献   

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