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Through an analysis of Simone de Beauvoir's final novel Les Belles Images (1966), this article examines how a 1960s French technocratic class dealt with individual and collective traumas, particularly how they placed their faith in an undying hope in the future while simultaneously ignoring the horrors of wartime violence. The article contends that Beauvoir's novel is a story of not remembering—or, more specifically, attempting to forget—Algeria and all the conflict signified to the average French citizen, including decolonization, torture, racial difference and political tumult. Analysis rests on the novel's representation of its protagonist Laurence, who had been shaken to the core after reading a newspaper article about a (likely Algerian) woman tortured to death, ultimately causing a nervous breakdown that forever altered her interactions with her family and fellow technocrats. Gender and nationality also figure centrally in this examination of the broader role that images—not only belles images—played in the construction of French national identity at this historical moment.  相似文献   

While The Second Sex is usually taken as Simone de Beauvoir's major theoretical contribution to feminism, in the 1960s and 1970s it was very often through her autobiographies – especially Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, The Prime of Life, and Force of Circumstance, along with novels such as She Came to Stay and The Mandarins – that her feminist ideas were most thoroughly absorbed. The autobiographies became nothing less than a guide for the fashioning of a new kind of feminine self. Where The Second Sex had intimated that a significant aspect of human liberation lay in women not losing their identity or their sense of self in those of men, it was the autobiographies which suggested and demonstrated in great detail how this might be done. In them, the rejection of conventional marriage and children was no mere slogan, but the foundation of what seemed to young female readers to be a fascinating and challenging life. In this paper, I reflect on de Beauvoir and her historical and contemporary relevance: first through reminiscence and re-reading of the autobiographies themselves; then with an historical examination of how they were read, taking Sydney, Australia, as my example; and finally by offering some reflections on subsequent feminist critique.  相似文献   

The political and constitutional impact of the early twentieth-century British women's suffrage movement has been the subject of extensive research since the advent of second-wave feminism, yet the broader cultural impact of the movement remains a developing scholarly area. Murray examines the role of the Woman's Press, the publishing house established in 1907 as a strategic component of the Pankhursts' influential Women's Social and Political Union. The press is located within multiple and interpenetrative analytical contexts: examined in turn are its role in the various power struggles of the WSPU and the broader British suffrage movement; its significance as an independent means of cultural production around the contested site of the suffragette; and its ambiguity as a feminist publishing house run by male pro-suffragist and lobbyist, Frederick Pethick Lawrence. The Woman's Press and its central London retail outlet figured prominently in WSPU administration as a material concern-as literature packing department, revenue raiser and recruiting centre. Yet, symbolically, the Woman's Press was also integral to the campaigning of the WSPU to an extent that has generally remained under-examined. As an independent publishing house the press constituted a vital conduit guaranteeing the entry of suffrage arguments into public discourse, and a crucial tool for appropriating and refashioning the contested image of the suffragette in the wider politico-cultural landscape of the day. Acknowledging the significance of the Woman's Press provides both a necessary historical context for the post-1970 feminist press boom, as well as a counterpoint to the ongoing political-financial conundrums that beset its modern descendents.  相似文献   

反腐倡廉网络舆情制度化现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息化时代,网络舆情作为反腐倡廉建设的重要阵地发挥着越来越大的作用.其传播速度之快、影响力度之大,是任何媒介都无法比拟的.我国反腐倡廉网络舆情制度化建设经历了三个阶段,地方政府为反腐倡廉网络舆情制度化建设提供了丰富的经验,应认真分析网络舆情的优缺点,扬长避短,不断拓展网络反腐渠道,加快建立和完善网络反腐制度,正确引导网络舆论,推进反腐倡廉建设.  相似文献   

Violently differing views on Simone de Beauvoir clash—how not? Our own obsessional reading of and about her is all the more enhanced by her look and manner(s) of dressing, and her affairs, but, above all, by her towering intelligence and pioneering spirit. This piece tries to deal with as many aspects of her being and seeming and appearance to others, as critics and as readers, as behoves such a vital spirit.  相似文献   

Toril Moi, Simone de Beauvoir. The Making of an Intellectual Woman. 324 pp. Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell, 1994.

Margaret A. Simons, ed., Feminist Interpretations of Simone de Beauvoir. 324 pp. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995.

Eva Lundgren‐Gothlin, Sex and Existence. Simone de Beauvoir's “The Second Sex” (English text revised from Kön och Existens, 1991). 329 pp. London: Athlone, 1996.  相似文献   

This paper examines the National Woman's Party campaign for the Equal Rights Amendment in the 1920s as an important chapter in the history of organized feminism in America. The analysis focuses on the NWP's two major objectives: to create gender equality and female autonomy and to redefine the agenda of American politics to include women's special interests. Drawing on the work of women's historians and feminist anthropologists, this paper also suggests several new perspectives for studying the political history of women. The relationship between the public and domestic spheres in general, and the relationship between women's politics and women's culture in particular, are discussed as central components for any new theoretical perspectives on women's political history.  相似文献   

Challenging the influential view that the chapter on biology in the first volume of The Second Sex is exposing scientific myths in severe prose, in the view of this paper, the chapter is as much about scientific facts as it is an intriguingly open-ended dialogue between phenomenology and science. Beauvoir’s consuming epistemological and scientific preoccupation with the category of biology is analysed in a bid to advance a new, naturalist–feminist conception of Beauvoir’s theory of natural history. The analysis unravels the theoretical edifice, with its tensions between Beauvoir’s selective but brilliant appropriation of recent discoveries in evolutionary biology and genetics and certain deliberate rejections and omissions of Darwinian evolutionary thinking. Contrary to Beauvoir’s intentions, she ends up conflating the term biology with, in particular, reproductive physiology, and perpetuating the ill-fated division between body and psyche. In contributing to a reformulation of an empirically grounded approach to the embodied mind and situated body, this paper debates some promising insights from contemporary neuroscience and primatology. These insights are critical to theory development, based on a non-anthropocentric stance and non-dualistic understanding of the mind–brain continuum and the body as a situation.  相似文献   

私营企业工会在维护劳动者权益的同时,还要注意维护经营者的合法利益.工会组织应在私营企业中努力营造劳资双方合作的氛围,以形成"劳资两利"的双赢局面.  相似文献   

Simone de Beauvoir's fictional works of the 1940s and 1950s reflect the author's personal struggle to weigh her lifelong commitment to her writing against her growing conviction about the need to participate in political action in order to bring about a socialist society free of class distinction and privelege. Her female protagonists mirror both her reluctance to devote the necessary hours to the meetings and committee assignments which are an integral part of the political process and her experience of the euphoria of group action during and immediately after World War II. In moving chronologically through Beauvoir's novels and play, the reader finds a progressive disillusionment with the effectiveness of political activism which in no way diminishes the author's expressed determination to opt for the U.S.S.R. over the U.S.A., for socialism over capitalism. Just as her autobiography devotes many pages to explanations of Jean-Paul Sartre's political activities and the rationale behind them, the women in her fiction generally relate to the political arena by listening and reacting to decisions made by men. Several of them, however, go beyond the role assigned to them by the male protagonists to achieve a political identity of their own.  相似文献   

要把国际劳工组织倡议的体面劳动落到实处,需要下大力气关注体面劳动战略在我国企业用工管理中如何落地以及体面劳动如何与我国国情相结合这两个现实而具体的问题.劳资双方在工作场所形成的用工关系就是劳动关系,劳动关系管理就是对用工关系进行的管理,这种用工管理集中表现为薪酬与绩效两个方面.薪酬和绩效其本质是劳资双方的对等承诺和双向实现,这也是劳动关系管理的核心问题.让广大劳动群众实现体面劳动的关键在于如何构建和谐劳动关系协调机制的薪酬基础.  相似文献   

本研究运用北京市"新技术新业态新模式蓬勃发展对职工队伍和劳动关系的影响及应对举措"专题调研数据(1),通过整合定性和定量要素的混合方法,分析了共享经济平台劳动者就业的特征以及劳动关系的现状与问题。结果表明,共享经济平台就业呈现出低门槛、高灵活性、去劳动关系化的特点。共享经济平台为劳动者提供了大量就业机会和新的工作模式,在帮助劳动者提升收入水平的同时,劳动者可以较为自由地安排工作时间。但同时,共享经济的发展对传统劳动关系秩序产生了巨大挑战。传统劳动法律体系不适应共享经济的发展,劳动者与共享经济平台的法律关系不明确,平台从业者的劳动权益保护问题应引起重视。  相似文献   

新就业形态劳动者的劳动权益保障问题已成为政府和社会公众密切关注的重要问题。新就业形 态劳动者的劳动权益包括劳动就业权、劳动报酬权、劳动条件权和劳动救济权 4 类,并可以细分为 13 项权利。 本研究以外卖骑手为代表,进一步分析了新就业形态劳动者劳动就业权、劳动报酬权和劳动条件权中的社会保 障权的现状。研究发现,新就业形态劳动者的劳动就业权、劳动报酬权和社会保障权相比该群体劳动者的平均 情况都得到了改善。研究认为提升新就业形态劳动者的劳动权益保障水平需要更复杂的策略行动,包括继续发 挥好市场作用、处理好短期与长期的关系,以及政府与平台企业协同治理等。  相似文献   

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