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Ian Ward 《Law and Critique》1995,6(2):257-271
A review essay of P. Crowther,The Kantian Sublime: From Morality to Art (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989); P. Crowther,Critical Aesthetics and Postmodernism (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993); P. Crowther,Art and Embodiment: From Aesthetics to Self-Consciousness (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993).  相似文献   

《Ratio juris》2011,24(4):494-495


When third parties judge the deservingness of outcomes experienced by others, what role does their appraisal of others' character play in their judgments? Two experiments examined this question by locating it within the framework of Feather's (1994a) theoretical analysis of deservingness. In both experiments, participants read 16 stories in which (a) people of good or bad character (b) experienced positive or negative outcomes in events (c) over which they had high or low control, then rated the extent to which each outcome was deserved. All three factors were found to affect ratings of deservingness, but the dominant influence was the Valence of Character × Valence of Outcome interaction. Outcomes were judged to be deserved when the valences attached to actors' character and their outcomes were congruent (either ++ or ??) and undeserved when the valences were incongruent (either +? or ?+). Most of the results supported Feather's formulations and, in addition, suggested how people integrate several perceptions into a composite judgment of deservingness.


Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

一、執法辦案數據2011年,最高人民法院共受理各類案件11867件,同比下降1.81%;審結10515件,同比下降1.04%;審限內結案率為95%。地方各級人民法院共受理各類案件12203703件,同比上升4.3%;審結11478505件,同比上升4.36%;審限內結案率為99.01%;案件標的金額16559.22億元...  相似文献   

一、終審法院 (一)終審法院的案件量及結案數目 2011年香港終審法院共受理各類案件155件,同比下降了13.4%。其中受理申請上訴許可的案件為122件,同比下降了17.6%。受理上訴的案件為33件,同比上升了6.5%。香港終審法院2011年結案數目為157件,其中申請上訴許可的結案數目為122件,包括申請上訴許可被駁...  相似文献   

侵权行为法中的诚实信用原则研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侵权行为法是维持整个私法权利体系平衡的最为重要的法律部门。现代社会经济生活的飞速发展造成各种侵权行为的泛滥,保持侵权行为法体系的开放性已是当务之急。诚实信用原则在法律中的作用在当代呈不断加强的趋势,成为整个私法领域的"帝王条款"。侵权行为法与诚实信用原则的结合具有特殊的意义。文章从自然法的角度考察了侵权行为法中的诚信观念,在介绍三种诚信观——主观诚信、客观诚信和裁判诚信的内在逻辑关系的基础上,分析了侵权行为法的程序特征,论证了侵权行为法与诚实信用原则结合的合理性,提出了侵权行为法诚信原则的实现途径、制度基础以及注意义务的判断标准。  相似文献   

This article presents the main elements of Directive 2011/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 March 2011 on the application of patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare, commonly known as the Patient’s Rights Directive. It is the latest EU initiative with regard to European Health Care and the Single Market. The main elements of the Directive contain provisions related to the prior authorisation of health care in another Member State, the reimbursement of such health care and the removal of unjustified obstacles to achieving these aims.These provisions largely reflect the recent case law of the European Court of the Justice (ECJ). Amongst these are provisions involving the use of personal data. Such provisions will engage data protection issues and will have to be carried out according to the data protection directives. Alongside this primary aim of codifying ECJ case law the Patient’s Rights Directive also introduces novel initiatives aimed at fostering cross border cooperation between various elements of national healthcare systems.Part 1 of this contribution will describe the legal basis and the aims of the PRD, Part 2 will describe the principle obligations placed on the Member States with regard to reimbursement, Parts 3 and 4 will describe other informational and procedural requirements placed upon the Member States of Treatment and Affiliation. Finally Part 5 will outline some of the novel initiatives that have been included in the PRD.The increases in the frequency of cross border-treatment that this directive attempts to facilitate are likely to see a concurrent increase in cross-border patient information flows. Such data flows will be subject to the Union’s provisions on Data Protection. It remains uncertain whether the EU’s Data Protection regime will act as inhibitor to cross-border medical treatment or rather represent a gold standard that allows patients to engage in such activities with peace of mind. The Patient’s Rights Directive will form part of the EU’s future e-Health strategy which envisages a large increase in the fluidity of patient data. A discussion of this directive is therefore merited in this journal.  相似文献   

The considerable amount of piracy of computer programs which has taken place recently has shaken the software industry's confidence in legal methods of protecting their products. If nothing more, the new Act should restore some of this confidence, but the industry must be prepared to take the legal measures now available. The stronger criminal sanctions provided for by section 3 of the Act emphasise the criminality of software piracy and it is hoped that the police will also begin to take software theft seriously. But there are some grey areas in copyright law as amended by the new Act; the precise scope of ‘material form’ and ‘adaptation’ are unclear - will the making of a duplicate of a program stored on magnetic cassette tape infringe copyright? A wide definition of ‘material form’ could have put protection beyond doubt whilst allowing for future developments in computer storage media. The new Act is seen as an interim measure pending a comprehensive review of copyright law (per Lord) Lucas of Chilworth, Hansard House of Lords, 10 May 1985 p. 873; he said that the Government hoped to bring forward a comprehensive Copyright Bill no later than the 1986/7 session). Furthermore, the whole area of computer storage of more traditional works of copyright such as literary and musical works, is not specifically mentioned in the new Act. Other questions such as the ownership of works including computer programs produced by or with the aid of a programmed grammed computer (first identified as being a likely problem as early as 1977 by the Whitford Committee) are not dealt with all by the Act. Lord Macmilland of Ovenden recently called for new legislation to deal with the copyright problems caused by new technology (The Times 18th September 1985 p.3), and it is hoped that full consideration will be given to the effect of computers on all forms of intellectual property when copyright law is rationalised and re-codified.  相似文献   

德国民法典中动产所有权的善意取得制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、概述《德国民法典》第 93 2 -93 6条规定了动产所有权的善意取得制度。根据该规定 ,善意受让人可从非所有人处取得所有权。善意取得这一规定从表面上看是令人费解的 ,因为早在罗马法时期就有一个法则 :“任何人不得以大于其所有的权利转让于他人。”(nemoplusiurisadaliumtransferepotestquamipsehaberet)罗马法的这一法则比善意取得规则更令人信服 ,因为人们一般会认为 ,一个人只有对属于自己所有的物进行处分才是合理、合法的。罗马法的这一规则在德国土地法中很容易得到贯彻 ,因为德国的土地制度很详尽 ,在一般情况下土地登记簿反映…  相似文献   

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