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警察的军事化是指作为执法机构的警察,不断仿效军队思维和军队模式的过程,包括大量使用军用武器和装备:闪光弹、狙击枪、冲锋枪、特警组;用情报机构的方式,收集政治活动和政治人物的信息,以及采用更具有攻击性的风格进行执法等。美国警察军事化始于20世纪50-60年代,911后,由于突出保障国家安全,导致警察基金充沛,权力扩张,战争思维日炽。后果:(1)警察滥用枪械和暴力,每年被警察击毙的人数,保持在千人以上。(2)族群对立加剧。黑人被击毙的概率是白人的三倍,大多数是穷人。(3)军事化的警察频繁地被用来应对和平的游行示威,威胁和损害公民权利和媒体报道。美国学者认为,警察军事化是20世纪以来不为公众所警觉,但影响美国最大的侵犯自由的行为。虽然奥巴马总统声言要控制警察军事化倾向,但冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。  相似文献   

Despite extensive analysis of police militarization in the United States (US), the case in Canada has been overlooked. Building on Kraska’s (in Policing 1(4):501–513, 2007) framework of police militarization indicators, this paper examines militarization within Canadian police forces between 2007 and 2016. Drawing from data on deployments disclosed under freedom of information law, our research shows deployment of special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams have escalated in many major Canadian cities and are even higher in some cases than those reported by Kraska on militarization of US public police. We show how SWAT teams are increasingly used by public police for routine police activities such as warrant work, traffic enforcement, community policing, and even responding to mental health crises and domestic disturbances. We also analyze data on SWAT team growth, and benchmarking between police service SWAT units. We conclude by reflecting on the implications for public policing in Canada and avenues for future research on police militarization and police violence in Canada and other countries.  相似文献   

At‐risk and offending juveniles remain the most promising target group for crime reduction efforts. Many of the problems these youths faced in the 1960s remain or have intensified, and policies to address them have shifted. Yet, research on the causes, consequences, and best responses to juvenile crime has advanced considerably and provides important lessons for policy makers and practitioners moving forward. These include (a) help don't hurt; (b) provide better procedural protections; (c) continue to build, implement, and refine evidence‐based programming; (d) tailor services; (e) tackle community‐level problems; (f) really listen and work together; (g) build better data systems; and (h) invest resources in children and teens. Providing a retrospective on the 1967 U.S. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice report, I briefly summarize and update the Commission's findings on factors related to juvenile delinquency, outline the Commission's policy recommendations, review the research on policy and practice changes since the report, and consider current implications for policy and practice.  相似文献   

Alan Wertheimer argues that those who promulgate principles of research ethics have a responsibility to take into account the diversion effects of those principles. In this commentary, I argue that Wertheimer''s proposal that diversion effects should be considered when promulgating principles of research ethics makes sense, but it often may be best to deal with these effects once a principle has been accepted and implemented, rather than focusing on them at the outset.  相似文献   

Serious Youth Gun Offenders and the Epidemic of Youth Violence in Boston   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Boston, like many other major cities, experienced a sudden increase in youth homicides during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Research evidence suggests that the recent epidemic of urban youth violence was intensely concentrated among criminally active young black males residing in disadvantaged urban neighborhoods rather than all young black males residing in disadvantaged black neighborhoods. Other researchers, however, suggest that there was a diffusion of guns and gun violence from youth involved in street crack markets to youth outside the drug trade who armed themselves primarily for self-protection against the armed criminally active youth. In this paper, criminal history data are analyzed to determine whether the criminal profile of Boston arrested youth gun offenders changed over time and micro-level data on youth gun assault incidents in Boston are examined to unravel whether there were noteworthy changes in the nature of these violent events over time. The results of these analyses suggest that the youth violence epidemic in Boston was highly concentrated among serious youth gun offenders rather than a diffusion of guns away from the street drug trade, gangs, and criminally active youth.  相似文献   

The varying attention criminologists have paid to youth gangs over the past several decades cannot be explained completely by the actual seriousness of gang delinquency and its extent relative to other kinds of delinquency. In order to explain this changing focus of attention by delinquency researchers, this article explores the interrelationships among four types of factors: social and political conditions, ideology, current sociological theory, and available methods. We focus on ideology and methodology, and argue that when ideology is largely centrist, such as during the 1950s and 1960s, theory would most likely be interactionist or subcultural and gangs would likely be of interest. During periods of greater ideological polarization, such as the late 1960s, however, we would expect to find more theoretical and empirical concern with either the individual or with social and economic structure and little interest in gangs.  相似文献   

‘War’ has become a common model and metaphor for biodiversity conservation in Africa. By discussing the specific challenges of wildlife crime enforcement in Uganda, this article challenges the ‘war on wildlife crime’ discourse. It concludes that in the context of Uganda, the discourse is profoundly unhelpful because of a lack of alignment between the problems highlighted by Ugandan law enforcement officers interviewed and the solutions typically favoured in the ‘wars on crime’. Most wildlife crimes are subsistence-driven and interviewees’ requests are for basic equipment and conventional capacity building. Findings demonstrate that the language of war, militarization and securitization should be used with caution as it risks constructing an image of wildlife crime that is misleading—and one that prevents responses that are effective in the long term.  相似文献   

对浙江省1998-2000年刑满释放的青少年连续7年的追踪调查显示:5年内重新犯罪率为7.2%。影响归正青少年重新犯罪的有现实表现、安置就业、社会态度、首犯案由、回归婚恋、家庭关系、家庭住址、户口落实、捕前职业、家庭经济、刑期、首犯年龄、判前婚恋等13项因素,而性别、帮教情况和文化程度等3项因素与是否重犯无关。控制归正青少年重新犯罪的基本路径是:促进归正青少年加入职业团体,通过职业团体对其进行社会整合。  相似文献   

There is increasing concern over the behaviour and accountability of international personnel, including CIVPOL contingents, deployed in peace-keeping and peace-building missions throughout the world. From the point of view of local populations the ??internationals?? are typically perceived to be ??above the law??. This is directly related to the fact that under status of forces or mission agreements (SOFAs or SOMAs) they are exempt from local host state jurisdiction. There are also significant practical problems in gathering and presenting evidence for disciplinary or criminal proceedings in their home states. This paper will analyse these problems in detail, based on a study of some recent European Union and international missions and suggest how a more co-operative home and host state approach to monitoring, investigation and adjudication of alleged misconduct might achieve more effective accountability and thus contribute to the overall success of CIVPOL missions.  相似文献   

The need for an international regime to protect intellectual property creations can be traced back in history to the Industrial Revolution during which new manufacturing techniques and new industrial products were developed and exported, thus increasing commercial and cultural relations between countries. For most people, intellectual property is either an unknown, misunderstood, or mysterious term. Technology and creative arts pervade modern society, yet few actually realize that their daily lives are surrounded by intellectual property creations from which legal rights of all sorts, including their own, arise. Building public awareness of the role of intellectual property is key to fostering a broad understanding of what intellectual property is and respect for the system that promotes and protects intellectual property rights. This article provides a survey of the current worldwide response to intellectual property crime and raises policy considerations for the future.  相似文献   

新生代电影导演在创作青春电影之时,与第六代电影导演的青春叙事呈现出继承、改写与新变的关系,是一种新青春叙事。具体表现为:以纠结于青春的西西弗斯为对象,在继承对残酷青春状态的摹写中呈现假定性失忆和替代性转移的新气质;以悬而未决的仪式抵抗为故事情节内核,通过回答怎么做?,对第六代导演反复探讨的为什么?问题进行一定程度的回应和改写;受商业语境、大众文化以及国际交流等因素的影响,这种叙事呈现出资本符号化、喜剧性表达和跨地域书写等时代特征,具有新变意味。  相似文献   

The last century has witnessed the creation of a number of strategies regarding youth justice and the young offender. With each change in policy has come a redefinition of the role of the youth court judge. This article discusses the traditional role of the judge, the unique role of the youth court judge, and how history has and is likely to continue to define and influence this role.  相似文献   

The development of a new human being, the active builder of communist society, the shaping in him of a scientific worldview, of profound ideological conviction, and of a communist attitude toward work has been and remains central to the attention of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In pointing to the immense importance for social life of ideological socialization work with youth, Comrade L. I. Brezhnev, in his speech at the XVIII Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist League of Youth [Komsomol], emphasized that successful solution of the whole range of tasks of communist socialization is associated with "enrichment of people's world within and the development of a correct understanding of the goals and meaning of life." (1)  相似文献   

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