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在劳务派遣、工程承包、分包、转包中,要结合劳务关系的具体情形认定犯罪主体。不构成劳动关系也可以适用该法条进行救济。在客观表现方面,涉及本罪罪状的叙述、劳动报酬的范围、"经政府有关部门责令支付仍不支付",以及"数额较大"、"造成严重后果"等法律适用问题。  相似文献   

宪法劳动义务规范传统上作为“不劳动者不得食”的体现已经失去其存在的意义,但其作为宪法的成文规范,简单地予以废除意味着法解释学的失败.实际上,宪法劳动义务规范完全可以成为行政给付界限的宪法依据.义务不仅意味着国家的强制,也意味着国家责任的豁免.宪法劳动义务就是在宪法上确立了公民自食其力、自力更生的基本义务以及国家在这一范围内物质帮助义务的豁免.这一规范构成了行政给付中国家责任范围的重要依据,并且已经在我国最低生活保障制度中有明确体现.  相似文献   

A methodological critique of Cantor and Land's (1985) approach to the time series analysis of the crime–unemployment relationship is developed. Error correction models for U.S. homicide and robbery rates for the years 1946–1997 are presented to illustrate procedures for analyzing nonstationary time series data. The critique is followed by a discussion of methodological problems in work by Devine et al. (1988), Smith et al. (1992), and Britt (1994, 1997) that builds on Cantor and Land's approach.  相似文献   

刘国旌 《政法学刊》2009,26(1):105-108
解教释放人员犯罪被判刑入狱后,并没有彻底改造,反而总结作案失败的经验,研究、揣摩侵害对象的心理和寻找立法及管理环节存在的漏洞,由入狱前的犯罪“一面手”变为犯罪的“多面手”。因此,研究解教释放人员重新犯罪的特点和审讯存在的问题,制定相应的审讯对策,是提高办案质量和对解教释放人员重新犯罪打击处理率的重要一环。  相似文献   

The paper begins with the question: how applicable are European and North American criminological theories to the situation in Asia? It takes a transnational and comparative perspective in relating contemporary and historical trends in crime, crime definition and crime control in a variety of Asian countries that comprise the so-called Confucian sphere. It provides a criminological critique of the ‘Asian values debate’ and, through an analysis of trends in crime, crime definition and crime control in China and Japan, of organised crime across the region, as well as selected examples of state-organised crime, seeks to provide a perspective on the developing criminological discourses of ‘the Orient’. The paper argues that, although cultural aspects are important and interesting in understanding the crime situation in the region, ultimately it is changes in politics and governance, economy and society that are most efficacious in explaining current criminological trends and developments.  相似文献   

《Women & Criminal Justice》2013,23(2-3):125-139

Research on the topic of consensual same-sex sexual activities within female prisons has been sparse in sociological and correctional literature. The purpose of the present study was to examine the characteristics and motivations which affect a female inmate's decision to engage in same-sex sexual activity. The most significant and salient variables associated with the same-sex sexual activity among female inmates were age and amount of time served. Younger inmates and those who had served longer periods of time incarcerated were identified as more likely than older inmates and women who have served shorter periods of time to engage in homosexual activity. Race and religion also had a significant effect on selected same-sex sexual behavior in the female correctional facility. The present study finds equal, but limited support for both the deprivation and importation models.  相似文献   

强奸罪立法的反思与重构   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
传统的强奸罪只将犯罪对象限定为女性,由于时代的不断发展,在强奸犯罪的领域出现了女性强奸等各种不同的新情况,而我国强奸罪的现行立法面对这些新情况则没有回应。本文通过对强奸罪的女性主体、男性犯罪对象、婚内强奸以及强奸罪的"自诉"化等问题进行探讨,指出:女性可以成为强奸罪的主体;强奸罪的犯罪对象也可以是男性;对未成年人应特别保护;强奸罪的一些情况可以纳入"自诉"案件的范围。  相似文献   

Part of the ongoing debate between Cantor and Land and Greenberg centers on differing opinions about the question of interest in Cantor and Land (1985). We begin this article with our opinion that Cantor and Land's theory relates changes in the business cycle to changes in the aggregate rate of crime. We then question whether year-to-year changes adequately reflect changes in the business cycle, which last on average 4 years, and we refer to an article by Cook and Zarkin (1985) which presents an alternative method of measuring business cycle changes. We also discuss how Greenberg's use of cointegration provides an alternative way of addressing the difficult statistical problem of nonstationarity without resorting to first differences. Our final contribution involves noticing that opportunity and motivational theories of crime can be structurally identified by focusing on different types of crime rather than temporal lags. We demonstrate this idea by splitting car theft into joyriding and theft for profit. We show that joyriding appears to be driven by opportunity, while the causal structure of theft for profit is less clear.  相似文献   

On the basis of the data contained in the European Sourcebook, this article tries to answer the question: 'What influences the prisoner rate most? The number of entries into prison, the length of sentences, or the crime rate?' The authors show that the crime rate is absolutely not correlated with the prisoner rate. The latter depends principally on the length of the imposed custodial sanctions and secondly on the number of those imposed prison sentences. Nevertheless, there are some indications suggesting that these results could be different from one type of offence to another. Unfortunately, this hypothesis could not be tested on the basis of the European Sourcebook data.  相似文献   

Technology, Criminology and Crime Science   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
Developments in technology have changed the environment of crime, which, in some of its new forms, poses a serious threat to society. At the same time the technologies of crime control are being transformed. If criminology is to respond adequately to this changed environment, it must make radical changes in its mission, its theories and its methodologies, the collective result of which would be to make the discipline more directly relevant to crime control and prevention. This would enhance the effectiveness of these activities and would also open up new and exciting career opportunities for criminologists. If criminology does not change, it will become eclipsed by crime science and will find it increasingly hard to survive – even in the protected environment of universities.  相似文献   

国际犯罪与涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪之间虽然在起源上具有不可磨灭的历史渊源,但它们在内容上并不具有同一或者包容关系,而是一种即相互交叉又彼此保持一定独立性的关系。只有当涉外犯罪、跨国犯罪具有"国际性"时,即它们的危害性达到国际刑法所要求的严重程度时,才能上升为国际犯罪。而在国际犯罪中,除了具有国际性的涉外犯罪和跨国犯罪外,还包括具有国际性的既不属于涉外犯罪又不属于跨国犯罪的单纯的国内犯罪。  相似文献   

"轻罪"之法价值取向与人身权利保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
屈学武 《河北法学》2005,23(11):18-23
从中外关于"轻罪"的不同语境及其确定涵义论起,指出国外学者视角上的中国的"轻罪",多指中国现行劳教体制所调控的诸种行为.进而阐述了近年来中国学界关于劳教制度存废之争的实质,指出改革论与废除论者本质上都是既要从形式上、又要从实质上改革现行劳教体制下的程序与实质不正义问题.因而改革论与废除论之间并无本质区别.进而,在阐述并评析了多种关于现行劳教体制的改革观之后,指出要解决劳教制度改革方案之争,须先行解决有关设计方案的价值取向问题.而各种改革之争,实质是功利主义优位还是人权保障优位之争.主张在不危及国家、社会根本利益前提下的"人权保障优位"的法价值观.指出单纯的"功利主义至上",势必导致功利而不公平、不公正,甚而有违法治的正义原则.而作为正义基本蕴涵的公民在一定社会经济条件下的最大限度的公平与自由,正是人权保障得以实现的基本路径和期寻方向.因而人权与正义并不必然冲突.惟其如此,在一定平衡条件下的"人权保障优位"的法价值观,值得作为我们重塑有关"轻罪"方案时的立法价值取向.在此基础上,进一步论证了改革现行劳教体制的法理思考和立法构想.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):719-745
Female offenders face many barriers to employment, including a lack of education and work experience. Correctional work programs offer skills training and exposure to work routines and norms, yet there is scant research on whether these programs can increase a woman's employability, and thus reduce recidivism, upon release. This longitudinal study examines whether employment in the federal prison industries program, UNICOR, reduces recidivism among a large sample of female inmates. Propensity scores are utilized to control for selection bias. This study finds no significant differences in rearrest or recommitment to federal prison between inmates employed in UNICOR and those who were not. Length of UNICOR employment is also not shown to have an effect on recidivism. The gender-specific needs of female offenders must be taken into account when developing correctional programming as factors other than employment may be more salient to a woman's ability to desist from crime.  相似文献   

周玲 《政法学刊》2013,(6):31-34
近年来性侵幼女犯罪案件频发已经引令人瞩目,究其原因是多方面的,社会道德沦丧致使道德底线崩溃、传统文化的心理模铸、职业道德意识淡漠部分幼儿监管不到位、防性侵意识弱、不少施暴者应该说有着猎奇甚至是变态心理、家丑不可外扬思想作怪等等不一而足。这就要求我们必须有针对性地采取防范措施,严惩犯罪犯罪嫌疑人,坚决杜绝类似事件的发生,保持高压的态势,在人们的心里筑起一道不可逾越的鸿沟,让胆敢以身试法之人得到应有的下场;细化和完善有关的法律法规,使不法分子无机可乘;加强职业道德建设,设置更高更合理的选人门槛和用人评价机制,注重从业人员道德品格的考核和评价;加强对于未成年孩子的安全意识的教育和引导。  相似文献   

在校大学生犯罪的原因与预防   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
魏丽  吕娜  王金兰 《河北法学》2005,23(7):154-157
近年来,大学生犯罪率呈上升趋势。纠其原因,和大学生的生理特点、心理特点以及大学生所处的社会环境有着密切的关系。鉴于大学生犯罪原因的复杂性,对大学生犯罪应实施预防的系统工程。在这一系统工程中,包括预测系统、预防系统与控制系统。具体的措施为:从心理咨询工作的开展到校园文化的净化,从关注高校管理体制到增强大学生的法制教育,从深化高校的全面改革到治理高校的周边环境。  相似文献   

在我国城市化发展进程中,伴随着犯罪率的显著上升,二者具有显著的长期趋势的一致性和短期波动的差异性。"严打"运动的外部冲击对协整模型具有显著的结构影响,"严打"运动在短期也起到了遏制犯罪的震慑效果。  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study conducted in prisons in the city of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, investigated the association between the presence of psychiatric disorders in 462 prisoners and the types of crimes committed by them. Psychiatric diagnosis was obtained by means of the Brazilian Portuguese version of the Mini‐International Neuropsychiatric Interview. A statistically significant association was found between some psychiatric disorders and specific groups of crime: lifelong substance addiction with sex crimes and homicide; antisocial personality disorder with robbery and with kidnapping and extortion; borderline personality disorder with sex crimes; and lifelong alcohol addiction with fraud and conspiracy and with armed robbery and murder. It was concluded that the mental disorders considered more severe (psychosis and bipolar disorder) were not associated with violent crimes, suggesting that the severity of the psychotic disorder may be the factor that has caused psychosis to be associated with violent crimes in previous studies.  相似文献   

A question that emerges from recent research on the relationship between economic conditions and street crimes committed for monetary gain concerns the effect of changing economic conditions on violent crime. I propose that the economy stimulates violent crime indirectly through its effect on acquisitive crime. This hypothesis is evaluated in fixed-effects panel models of change in acquisitive crime and homicide rates between 1970 and 2006. The analysis indicates that collective perceptions of economic conditions have a significant effect on an index of acquisitive crime and an indirect effect, through acquisitive crime, on homicide. Consistent with this result, the effect of collective economic perceptions is stronger for felony than argument-related homicides. A promising focus for future research is the role of underground markets in the production of both property and violent crime.
Richard RosenfeldEmail:

张泽涛 《法律科学》2005,23(2):97-103
美国学者帕卡的犯罪控制模式与正当程序模式对我国的理论研究和立法实践都产生了深远的影响。但帕卡的学说还是有不足之处 :忽视了被害人的存在 ,也没有意识到对犯罪除了运用国家的刑罚权外 ,还有大量的私力救济以及官方的非正式惩罚与预防行为 ;在诉讼模式与具体制度的设计上 ,犯罪控制模式与正当程序模式学说过于强调了二者之间的对抗 ,而没有注意其相互统一和兼容之处。帕卡学说对我国的启示体现在 :学界过于强调了职权主义与当事人主义之间的差异 ,对它们在侦查制度上共同之处的研究失之准确 ;刑事诉讼法的再修改应该以职权主义模式为主 ,适当借鉴英美当事人主义中的合理因素 ;对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人与被害人的利益应该同等尊重 ,保障被害人参与诉讼过程并影响判决结果的权利  相似文献   

"用人单位"本是劳动法中的概念,但是,经过《刑法》第244条的进一步确认,又赋予其刑法意义。根据罪刑法定原则,"用人单位"可以构成强迫职工劳动罪的单位犯罪主体。对此,不论从刑法与其他部门法的关系,还是按单位犯罪的代罚制原则,以及根据适用刑法人人平等原则,乃至从司法解释的合法性上来看,劳动法中的"用人单位"概念在刑法上均可以得到合理、合法的解释。  相似文献   

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