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2008、2009年,北京、香港两地已先后成功举办了第29届奥运会和第5届东亚运动会,2010、2011年,广州、深圳两地也将先后举办第16届亚洲运动会和第26届世界大学生运动会。北京奥运志愿者、香港东亚运义工(志愿者)在国际(地区)体育赛会中,已发挥了举足轻重的作用,引起世界关注,受到广泛好评。  相似文献   

目前,中国大陆地区高校志愿者组织存在一些问题,如行政化管理制约组织功能发挥、志愿者招募注册制度作用有限、绩效评估与激励保障存在缺陷等。而港台地区志愿者服务工作起步早,更加规范和专业,社会认可程度高,台湾志工组织的"智库学习营"培训模式和香港义工组织的注册信息数据库系统尤其值得大陆借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>广州市人民政府办公厅文件穗府办[2010]76号各区、县级市人民政府,市政府各部门、各直属机构:第16届亚洲运动会(以下简称亚运会)、广州2010年亚洲残疾人运动会(以下简称亚残运会)将分别于今年11月12日至27日、12月12日至19日举行。为保障各项赛事、活动顺利进行,尽量减少对市民群众生产、生活的影响,让全市人民分享亚运会、亚残运会的快乐,经国务院批准,现就亚运会、亚残运会期间增加放假的安排通知如下:  相似文献   

<正>广州市人民政府文件穗府[2010]33号为保证第16届亚洲运动会、广州2010年亚洲残疾人运动会(以下简称亚运会、亚残运会)期间交通正常运行,提升空气质量,履行申办亚运会时的承诺,根据《广州市人民代表大会常务委员会关于保障亚运会和亚残运会筹备和举办工作的决  相似文献   

何国良,男,28岁,广州义工联注册义工。自2004年加入到广州义工以来,他积极奉献,几乎将全部业余时间都用于义工服务,矢志不渝地践行“参与、互助、奉献、进步”的义务工作精神。  相似文献   

第16届亚洲运动会于2010年11月12日至27日在中国的南部中心城市之一广州进行。亚运会是亚洲地区规模最大的综合性运动会,每四年举办一届。广州是第二个取得亚运会主办权的中国城市,北京曾、于1990年举办第11届亚运会。  相似文献   

王爱文 《青年探索》2009,(5):F0002-F0002
随着亚运会志愿者在广州地区招募工作的有序推进,对志愿者进行专业化的培训显得日益迫切,为此,亚组委志愿者部决定:广州市团校作为主要的志愿者培训基地,将定期开展亚运会志愿者的相关系列培训。  相似文献   

根据笔者所在的研究中心(以下简称研究中心)对广州义务工作发展的调查发现,目前在义务工作发展中面临的最大困境就是:注册义工人数多,但实际参与率低。研究中心对32位各层级的义务工作负责人进行调查访谈,结果发现,一般一个街道如有五六千人注册,积极参与的人数大约只有二三百人,只占总数的5%左右。超过90%的注册义工是参加几次义工活动就再没参加,或者偶尔在接到大型活动义工服务通知的情况下被动参加。  相似文献   

<正>第六届东亚运动会将于2013年在天津举办。12月13日晚,在第五届东亚运动会闭幕式上,市长、第六届东亚运动会组委会执行主席黄兴国代表天津市郑重接过会旗,在观众的热烈掌声中,东亚运动会由香港来到天津,开始续写新的篇章。  相似文献   

<正>第十六届亚洲运动会在广州圆满闭幕第十六届亚洲运动会11月27日晚在广州圆满闭幕。闭幕式当天,广东全省社会治安秩序良好,没有发生重大刑事、治安案件及交通、火灾事故。至此,"平安亚运"的总目标圆满实现,广东警方获得了一枚闪亮的亚运会安保工作"金牌"。"十年法治人物"评选结果揭晓由全国普法办、司法部、中央电视台  相似文献   

War Games     
<正>The PLA demonstrates greater transparency and a willingness to learn Between October 29 and November 1, nearly 200 foreign cadets from the University of National Defense, Nanjing Army Command College and the Air Force Command  相似文献   

Serious Games     
When Ye Wei,a postgraduate from Macao University of Science and Technology,decided to join the game industry three years ago,his family was up in arms.Nevertheless,against his parents'wishes,Ye moved to Beijing to pursue his dream.  相似文献   

Golden Games     
China is not expected to sweep the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games the way it dominated the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics.However,it has made Chinese Olympic history after winning three gold medals when the Games passed the halfway point of scheduled competition on February 20.On that day,18-year-old Zhou Yang overcame three South Korean rivals to win the women's short-track speed skating 1,500-meter final.  相似文献   

War Games     
The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is exploring larger and new types of military drills to identify shortcomings and improve training capabilities as it strives to integrate all its services and civilian support into seamless operations.  相似文献   

L IQUOR was originally a main feature of ancient ceremonial rites in China. As to drinking habits, Chi- nese people regard moder- ate tippling as good for the health. There is a tradition of soaking traditional Chinese medicine in liquor in order to achieve a better effect, and its success in this respect has been proved. Alcohol has also been the preferred remedy for keeping out the cold for thousands of years. In imperial times, alcoholic bever- ages had direct connections with the milit…  相似文献   

"Their commitment to inspiring people throughout the world to open their minds and accept people with in- tellectual disabilities serves as a shin- ing example of how to change not only attitudes, but also the world." - Timothy Shrivers Chairman, Special Olympics International X IAO Kun is a new Chi- nese hero. A student at Chongwen Special Education School since 1992, the 25-year-old won several awards for trying hard at school. But Xiao came into his own on the sports field, winning me…  相似文献   

The Asian Games are not only a sports but also a cultural gala Twenty years after the 11th Asian Games were held in Beijing in1990,the sports gala again came to China,putting  相似文献   

Guangzhou gears up for the 1 6th Asian Games in November new roads are being built. Old venues are being overhauled. Interior decorating in new venues is proceeding smoothly. Guangzhou, capital of  相似文献   

<正>Intensity reigns over contentious climate change negotiations Against ominous news of sinking Pacific islands,Beijing smothered in pollution and fearsome droughts in California,the leaders of 150 countries hastily crowded the 2015United Nations climate change conference.At the meeting in Paris,the heads representing each country have attempted to cement their  相似文献   

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