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交易成本与区域经济合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交易成本对国家间的经济合作具有重要影响。区域经济合作的实质是区域内不同主体之间的权利交换,即交易。合作制度是对交易条件的相关规定。合作制度的选择,也就是现有条件下的交易成本最小化选择。区域的具体特点不同,相互之间所需的交易条件不一样,合作制度也不一样。  相似文献   

Taxes,Tradable Rights and Transaction Costs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With respect to market-based policy approaches, it is a widely held view that corrective taxation entails substantial, though far fewer transaction costs than tradable permit systems. This conclusion only holds if set-up costs are singled out. This paper explores all relevant market, managerial and political transaction costs associated with environmental taxes and tradable emission rights. It is argued that the prevalence of transaction costs is largely dependent on the design of the policy instrument, respectively the tax base or the trading regime chosen. Comparative analysis further shows that a cap-and-trade program of emission permits distributed for free, traded on a brokered market and monitored upstream is not only more effective, but also likely to entail fewer transaction costs than environmental taxes. Any attempt, in turn, to save the huge information, enforcement and compliance costs incurred by corrective taxation impairs its efficacy by severing the link between the environmental externality and the tax base.JEL Classification: K32, K34  相似文献   

论计算机信息交易的法律性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐爱民  周伟萌 《法律科学》2010,28(3):118-126
计算机信息交易是指以计算机信息为客体的在线电子交易,是电子商务的一种特殊类型。计算机信息交易包括计算机信息在线销售与计算机信息在线服务。从法律性质上讲,计算机信息交易是一种信息产品交易,而不涉及知识产权许可与知识产权转让。计算机信息交易的核心是信息产品上的信息财产权,而不是知识产权。  相似文献   

股权优先购买权研究:交易成本视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合民法的基本理论和现实的股权交易实际存在的问题,从法经济学尤其是交易成本的角度,对现行《公司法》的有关立法规定进行检讨,股权优先购买权现行立法中存在制度缺陷和操作难度,从便利股权流转和保护交易、降低交易成本的目的出发,应完善现行的股权优先购买权制度。  相似文献   

交易公平是市场经济的基本原则。然而,在我国今天的市场经济体制下,交易不公平处处都有,诸多因素造成市场交易中外部性问题的产生,以致于损害弱者的利益。经济法作为抑强扶弱的社会本位法,可以通过赋予交易中强势集团以较多义务、弱势群体以较多权利、直接限制有违交易公平的行为,直接强制有助于交易公平的行为等途径实现交换领域外部性问题的解决。  相似文献   

吴万军 《政法论丛》2012,(5):123-129
古玩交易方兴未艾,纠纷颇多,其行规与法律规定多有不合之处。古玩交易的主体、标的、目的与普通交易相比均具特殊性,具有专业性、非消费性、投机性的特点。有鉴于此,应将古玩交易的具体、特殊情形适用于抽象的法律,在意思表示错误中应考虑到交易主体的过失,有选择的适用欺诈规则,以此达到行规与法律的协调,实现公平,为古玩交易市场的健康有序发展提供保障。  相似文献   

《人民法院诉讼收费办法》第十七条规定的内容存在母法废止、违法不究、责任他负的弊端,容易导致滥用上诉权、诉讼费流失,可能违反当事人平等原则,应当在重新制定“诉讼收费(办)法”时予以修改。  相似文献   

非正当关联交易侵权责任分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贾军 《法学论坛》2004,19(3):52-58
由于关联交易的两面性 ,致使我国法律未明确规定其民事责任 ,导致非正当关联交易的泛滥。正确区分正当关联交易与非正当关联交易 ,进而追究非正当关联交易的侵权责任 ,是进一步规范上市公司行为的必要之举。  相似文献   

Economic Efficiency in a World of Frictions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the literature has given increasing attention to the roles played by transaction costs and bounded rationality in shaping economic outcomes, attempts have been made to redefine the concept of economic efficiency. The traditional criterion, which is linked to the standard Pareto conditions, is said to lead to the nirvana fallacy. The newer, alternative definitions, however, are also open to criticism on grounds that they involve contradictory assumptions. It appears that, for logical consistency to hold, only a loose, qualitative definition of allocative efficiency can be established for a system in which decision makers have limited cognitive capacity and both transaction and deliberation costs are positive. Given this interpretation, the analytical focus should shift from concern with narrow technical issues of allocative efficiency to a consideration of how legal, social and other constraints can be changed to improve economic performance.  相似文献   

强迫交易罪调整规制民事交易活动中交易一方利用威胁等手段迫使被害人非自愿接受交易的行为。垄断行为是反垄断法确定的违法行为,近年来问题日益突显。部分垄断行为特别是滥用市场支配地位和垄断协议等行为,迫使相对方"不得不"接受其不公平、不合理的交易,其中一部分行为有可能构成强迫交易罪。在认定垄断行为构成强迫交易罪时,既要符合通常的刑法入罪标准,同时须以反垄断法对违法行为的定性为前提,确定有关垄断行为能否构成犯罪。  相似文献   

A well-known conclusion from the standard model of litigation is that a transition from the American to the Continental rule for the allocation of legal costs will lead to an increase in the number of trials. The standard model, however, neglects the fact that the rule for allocating legal costs may also influence whether or not a potential injurer engages in a harmful activity. When this choice is endogenized, the conclusion derived from the standard model does not appear to be generally valid. A transition from the American to the Continental rule may lead to a decrease in the number of trials. Furthermore, the transition may result in an improvement in efficiency.  相似文献   

Using a simple bilateral trading example with discrete valuations and costs it is demonstrated that in the presence of private information the efficiency of Coasean bargaining may be strictly enhanced if initially no property rights are assigned.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore the relevance of some important aspects of transaction cost economics (TCE) to a better understanding and explanation of the autonomization of government organizations. As TCE, with its focus on economic efficiency, was basically developed for the profit sector, its main concepts have to be adapted for the public sector. This paper presents a 'political transaction cost' framework which emphasizes 'political rationality' and 'political efficiency'. TCE's main concepts—the transaction characteristics specificity, frequency/scale and uncertainty and its assumptions about human behaviour, i.e. bounded rationality and opportunism,—are discussed for politically governed organizations and they are related to autonomization. The results of exploratory case research into six government organizations in the Netherlands suggest that such factors as bounded rationality, opportunism, political efficiency, and social institutions may have played an important part in the autonomization of the organizations involved. It seems that strictly economic aspects were less relevant whenever a decision to autonomize was taken and a specific form of autonomization was chosen.  相似文献   

物权变动模式之选择与交易安全   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
于宏伟 《法律科学》2005,23(6):62-65
物权变动模式之争历时已数百年,交易安全在其中扮演着重要角色。但物权变动与交易安全是两个层面的问题,价值取向不完全一致,不应当合并在一起用一个规则来处理。意思主义的物权变动模式使物权变动和交易安全的问题都得到了较好解决,反对者所提出的诘难是不能成立的。  相似文献   

孙山 《河北法学》2012,30(5):89-96
通过考察各主要文明的发展历程发现,书写、传播成本在相当程度上决定了作者的身份是否独立,而身份独立则是思想自由的前提.一种文明要想长存,必须降低书写、传播成本,赋予作者独立的身份,使之能够凭借自己的创作而收获财富.著作权制度就是以法律的形式保障了这种独立身份.  相似文献   

业主与业主委员会之间就维权问题经常产生矛盾.由于业主掌握的信息不充分和搭便车行为导致了内部监督的缺失,而正向激励不足的业主委员会本身就存在着发生道德风险的可能.再加上政府在有效监督制度供给上的严重不足使得业主的实际监督行为面临着过高的交易费用,加剧了业主委员会机会主义行为发生的风险。因此,必须提高政府的制度供给能力,完善内外部监督机制,推进业主委员会服务的市场化和职业化,从而降低监督制度的运行成本,增加有效监督行为的供给。  相似文献   

排污权交易是近年来国内外的热点话题,我国政府曾针对排污权交易广泛实践,在科学研究、试点、管理等方面做了大量的工作,并取得了可观的成绩和经验。但是,对该交易潜在的失灵鲜有提及,缺乏及时和必要的立法准备。本文试图结合这一现状进行探索性的研究,以抛砖引玉,与同行探讨。  相似文献   

为克服信息不对称对交易的负面影响,人们采取了信息、信誉与法律三种应对机制。无论何种机制,其作用的充分发挥都有赖于法律制度的有效保障。在信息经济学语境下,商标的功能就在于标示和区分商品出处,在降低信息成本的同时,激励企业保证商品质量,但激励不等于义务,企业并不因为使用商标而承担额外的品质保证义务。而商标法则通过规定商标确权条件、制止混淆和淡化,确保市场上商标的相互区分,为信息与信誉机制的建立和运行提供法律保障。尽管如此,离开相关法律的协同作用,商标法也难以有效运行。这就决定了只有合理划分商标法与相关法律的调整对象与适用边界,才能完善我国商标法乃至整个市场法制。  相似文献   

高猛 《行政与法》2008,(5):67-69
在中国,“面子”是一种典型的文化产物,也是人际互动中重要的社会资本。面子资本参与权力再生产的过程类似于资本交易,其本质是将行政权力异化为权力资本,并将公共利益异化为特殊利益,其结果损害了社会的公平、公正和政府的合法性。从文化传统本源审视,这一现象与国人对儒家道德主张的形式化理解、以及我国传统人伦社会的特征紧密联系。要阻遏其造成的破坏作用,需建立和完善权力监督与制约机制、利益协调与表达机制.明确公务员的权利和义务。  相似文献   

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