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排污权交易是近年来国内外的热点话题,我国政府曾针对排污权交易广泛实践,在科学研究、试点、管理等方面做了大量的工作,并取得了可观的成绩和经验。但是,对该交易潜在的失灵鲜有提及,缺乏及时和必要的立法准备。本文试图结合这一现状进行探索性的研究,以抛砖引玉,与同行探讨。  相似文献   

肖爱 《时代法学》2005,3(6):73-77
“排污权”是社会个体的环境权益,排污许可权是环境公益集中代表,排污许可权由环保机关行使,其所有权属于人民。“排污权”及其与排污许可权之间必然有矛盾、冲突,排污许可证制度则是这些冲突相妥协的结果,也成为进一步协调这些冲突的工具。  相似文献   

An employer's prerogative to discipline and discharge its employees has been substantially infringed by the courts, state legislatures, Congress, and governmental agencies. In its recent Materials Research decision, the National Labor Relations Board has expanded the Weingarten principle by limiting the employer's ability to conduct investigatory and disciplinary interviews of nonunion employees. In addition, state courts and legislatures have begun to scrutinize the grounds for an employer's discharge of an employee, and Congress has statutorily prohibited the discipline or discharge of employees who "blow the whistle" on their employers under certain circumstances. This article will evaluate recent developments in this area of law and explore their impact on an employer's right to discipline and discharge its employees.  相似文献   

The observation of environmental particles similar in composition to gunshot residue (GSR) are not new to forensic experts and have been described in the scientific literature. In order to better define the origin of these particles, brake linings and their wear products were examined by SEM-EDX. The results obtained demonstrate that some types of brake linings contain lead, barium, and antimony and that they can represent a source of particles showing GSR-like elemental profiles. Most of these particles can be easily discriminated from primer discharge residue because of the high levels of iron or the presence of "prohibited" elements in the spectrum. However, particles with iron at minor or trace levels and lacking "prohibited" elements were also found. It is thus advisable to use caution when describing the composition of similar particles as "unique" to primer discharge residue. The strict application of a rigorous morphological criterion is also recommended.  相似文献   

The goal of the current study was to evaluate the extent to which abuse history predicted change in treatment in an inpatient setting. Poly-victimization and trauma severity were examined as predictors of treatment response measured by the Trauma Symptom Checklist-40 and the Symptom Checklist-90-R at admission, discharge, and 6-months follow-up. Data from 161 clients of an inpatient trauma treatment program were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results indicate that level of poly-victimization predicted treatment response from admission to discharge on two of four outcome variables; however, this relationship was not found at follow-up. Further analyses suggest that the difference in treatment response at discharge among clients with higher rates of poly-victimization was an artifact of scores at admission. Trauma severity analyses reveal that differing types of abusive experiences generally did not predict treatment response. Overall, results demonstrate that this inpatient treatment program is similarly effective for a broad array of patients, including those with a greater number, and higher severity, of victimizations.  相似文献   

Time was when an employer had the freedom to discharge employees for a good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all. As more and more employees bring claims of "wrongful discharge" to courts, however, employers' discretion to terminate employees at will is being restricted. This is particularly so where cases are presented before juries, which tend to be more sympathetic to the employee's plight. In the following article, the author examines the circumstances under which courts are now finding employers responsible for wrongful discharge. He also discusses ways in which employers can limit their exposure to wrongful discharge claims.  相似文献   

To explore the effectiveness of court-supervised drug treatment for California parolees, offender characteristics, treatment experiences, and outcomes were examined and contrasted to those of probationers. The analysis used statewide administrative data on 4,507 parolees and 22,701 probationers referred to treatment by Proposition 36 during fiscal year 2006-2007. Compared with probationers, parolee problems were more severe at treatment entry, more were treated in residential settings, treatment retention was shorter, and fewer completed treatment. Regarding outcomes, fewer parolees were successful at treatment discharge and more recidivated over 12-months post admission. Both groups improved in many areas by treatment discharge, but improvements were generally smaller among parolees. Significant interaction effects indicated that parolees benefited from residential care and more treatment days, even after controlling for covariates. Court-supervised drug treatment for parolees can "work;" however, parolees have more frequent and diverse needs, and their outcomes are enhanced by more intensive treatment. Findings suggest methods for optimizing the effectiveness of criminal-justice-supervised programs for treating drug-dependent offenders.  相似文献   

This final rule sets forth requirements for how hospitals must notify Medicare beneficiaries who are hospital inpatients about their hospital discharge rights. Notice is required both for original Medicare beneficiaries and for beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans and other Medicare health plans subject to the MA regulations. (For purposes of this preamble, these entities will collectively be known as "Medicare health plans"). Hospitals will use a revised version of the Important Message from Medicare (IM), an existing statutorily required notice, to explain the discharge rights. Hospitals must issue the IM within 2 days of admission, and must obtain the signature of the beneficiary or his or her representative. Hospitals will also deliver a copy of the signed notice prior to discharge, but not more than 2 days before the discharge. For beneficiaries who request an appeal, the hospital will deliver a more detailed notice.  相似文献   

本文以CNKI数据库中1992-2020年发表在"核心期刊"和"CSSCI"期刊上的3449篇应急管理研究文献为分析样本,以CiteSpace软件为主要分析工具,对应急管理文献分布状况、学术共同体、研究类型以及热点主题进行分析后发现,与应急管理有关的研究文献在数量上呈波浪式、总体上升状态,研究主题日益丰富,研究规范性不断提高。但应急管理研究的拓展空间仍然很大,未来要进一步强化应急管理基础理论、应急管理责任伦理、应急管理跨学科间合作以及国际间合作研究。  相似文献   

姜颖  李文沛 《河北法学》2012,(8):75-76,77,78,79,80
劳动合同解除是劳动合同法律制度的重要问题之一,作为行政法学"帝王条款"的比例原则,试图研究其在劳动合同解除中的应用可能性与具体机制,以期为完善我国劳动合同解除制度提出有益的建议。  相似文献   

目前,突出的食品安全问题与政府管理机制的运行缺陷、内在矛盾有着密切关系。政府在管理职能、管理手段、治理过程、信息传播、法规执行上存在着诸多的问题。因此,厘清矛盾关系,找出监管"失灵"的根源,转变监管理念,调整监管行为,提升监管效能,这样,才能提高政府对食品安全监管的公信力。  相似文献   

试论政府治理模式转变下公民参与机制建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陶学荣  林琼 《行政与法》2006,(11):11-13
20世纪80年代以来,随着全球化时代、信息时代的来临,政府治理变革运动正在不断地走强,在这种政府治理理念的倡导下,当代公共行政越来越关注“公民导向,”重视公共问题解决过程中的公民参与。但在公共管理中公民参与的实际操作过程中,存在着“效率”与“回应”的两难处境。如何走出“效率”与“回应”的两难处境,构建政府治理模式转变下的公民参与机制,是本文探讨的主要内容。  相似文献   

比例原则不仅是行政法的"皇冠原则",而且是社会管理和国家治理的基本原则。该原则要求政府在社会管理中应当注意管理手段与管理目的之间的适当性、必要性和相称性,不能欲治反乱,不能为了某一管理目标而付出极端高昂之成本,不能给人民加诸过重之负担。今天的比例原则已经为全球宪政主义提供了一个"共同的话语",惟有在社会管理和国家治理中尊重和落实该原则,公民权利才能得到有效保护,社会管理才能有条不紊,国家才能和谐稳定。  相似文献   

Governments, like business organizations, are exposed to risks of many kinds and have a wide range of options how to respond–from bearing the full risk themselves to obtaining full insurance coverage. The author discusses some of the traditional approaches to governmental risk management in the light of new and increasing risks–such as the liability risk–and the growing sophistication of risk management methods. He notes in particular how a government's risk management decisions differ from those of a business organization because of the unique characteristics of government entities: perpetual existence; taxing power; the need to prevent nepotism, bribery, and corruption in government administration; and political mandates and pressures of all kinds. These forces account for restrictive procurement rules and for various forms of "self-insurance" arrangements. The author finds, among other things, that in most states the rules have not kept pace with the multiplication of risks and the development of new risk management and insurance techniques, and that small and medium municipalities, especially, suffer from inadequate access to sound risk management services. On the basis of an examination of European municipal risk management practices, the author then suggests as an appropriate solution the formation of special mutual insurance organizations for municipal governments, controlled and administered by local government officials.  相似文献   

中央与地方关系法治化之基本问题研讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对于中央和地方关系的处理,有必要采用理论创新和制度创新相结合之新途径进行分析,从探讨"中央与地方关系法治化"的命题高度出发,高屋建瓴对影响我国中央与地方关系的现实问题予以研究。在处理中央与地方关系中涉及的地方自治和垂直管理等问题上,应该通过宪法和其他宪法性法律坚定不移又循序渐进地推行和拓展地方自治制度,并严格控制垂直管理的设定,从而使我国中央与地方权力划分和关系处理中充分体现现代法治精神。  相似文献   

社会管理创新与公共服务体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李巍 《行政与法》2012,(3):48-51
目前,我国正处于"黄金发展期"与"矛盾凸显期",如果不能很好地解决发展过程中积累的各类社会矛盾和问题,势必会严重阻碍经济社会的协调发展,因此,我们要加强和创新社会管理,加快政府对社会的管理由统治型行政向服务型行政转变。本文阐明并厘清了社会管理和公共服务的内涵及其二者的关系,分析了我国社会管理和公共服务的现状及存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了社会管理与创新公共服务体系建设的对策。  相似文献   

谢伟 《法学杂志》2020,(5):91-98
当前我国实施"一证式"的综合性排污许可证制度改革虽然有效地提高了行政管理效率,但在具体实施中出现了"一刀切"执行问题,影响了环境污染排放治理绩效,乃至危及民生。深入分析管制者的成本效益逻辑、管制者和被管制者之间的博弈、以及排污许可政策的公共选择,可以发现一刀切实施的经济动因。要根除一刀切模式,同时改进排污许可证实施效率,应从命令控制型手段主导渐次过渡到可交易的排污许可证,从政府集中管制主导渐次过渡到国家治理主导,从环境政策主导渐次过渡到环境法治主导。  相似文献   

This editorial introduction advocates the need to learn from experiences with crisis management in enhancing crisis preparedness and crisis management capabilities. It introduces the concepts of crisis, crisis management, and crisis decision making and goes on to present the method of reconstructive logic as a method of promoting learning about crises. In particular, it stresses the importance of developing alternative scenarios of crisis development and crisis management on the basis of empirical reconstruction of historical cases. Using what if methodology may challenge analysts and practitioners alike to achieve a more sophisticated understanding of crisis events and how they may be handled.  相似文献   

The authors present the case of a man who was hospitalized after claiming that he was about to become a serial killer. The patient presented with extensive written homicidal fantasies and homicidal intentions without evidence of actual homicidal acts. In addition to routine assessments, hospital staff members used case conferences, psychological testing, outside forensic consultation, and a forensic review process to make decisions regarding diagnosis, treatment planning, and discharge. The patient was discharged after 8 months of inpatient treatment and was apparently free of homicidal impulses or symptoms of severe mental illness. A 2-year court commitment allowed for the enactment and potential enforcement of a discharge plan that was endorsed by the patient, the hospital, and community care providers. The authors review diagnostic and risk management issues. Comparisons with known features of typical serial killers are made.  相似文献   

郭继 《法学论坛》2012,(4):95-101
现行法律未分别规定集体土地所有权及土地承包经营权的征收补偿标准,给《物权法》第42条第2款及第132条的适用带来了困惑。出于多方面因素考虑,集体土地征收应采取"二元化"的补偿模式;基于法经济学分析,在未设置土地承包经营权的假设下,集体土地所有权征收应以其市场交易的均衡价格作为补偿标准;家庭土地承包经营权征收应分别采用年平均产值、失地农民转业培训标准、居民社会保障标准,作为其收入、就业及社会保障效用减损的补偿标准;其他土地承包经营权征收应以延期收益损失作为补偿标准;分别考量未设置土地承包经营权的集体土地所有权征收补偿标准及土地承包经营权征收补偿标准,即可确定已设置土地承包经营权的集体土地所有权之征收补偿标准。  相似文献   

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