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本文从民族文化的历史进程与民族间互动的社会环境入手,探讨了东南亚民族问题的历史由来;从经济和文化这两个视角考察了东南亚民族问题的现实缘由;分析了东南亚民族问题从国际化到全球化的时代转型。本文指出:导致民族矛盾扩大化的“涟漪效应”与对民族冲突起抑制作用的“阻滞效应”,共同构成了推动东南亚民族问题全球化的两股动力。  相似文献   

论俄罗斯混合市场经济模式的形成及特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于学术界对于俄罗斯经济发展模式存在不同观点,本文首先分析了俄罗斯从建立自由主义市场经济的政策取向到混合市场经济模式的转变过程,然后分析了俄罗斯混合市场经济模式的突出特征.在此基础上,文章对俄罗斯混合市场经济模式作出评价.最后得出结论,认为以强国富民为目标的混合市场经济模式是俄罗斯经济取得新发展的正确途径,进一步兴利除弊是保持经济增长速度和实现经济多样发展的重要前提.  相似文献   


Using reflexive accounts from her own research, the author of this article discusses her struggles as a Japanese feminist anthropologist with what “contribution” actually means in different research contexts. The author compares her dissertation research on a feminist group with her ongoing research project on right-wing opponents of feminism. As a feminist, the author found it relatively easy to practice the idea of contribution with feminists as her research subjects. The situation was much more complex, however, when studying conservative opponents of feminism, whose views were directly oppositional to the author's views and to the human rights principles supported by the American Anthropological Association. By examining her fieldwork experiences on these two types of activists, the author discusses the possibilities and constraints of ethnographic practices such as participant observation, archival research, and contribution to the people anthropologists study and to feminism. The author also discusses the role that the internet is playing in current research contexts, and argues that the distinction between home and field is increasingly blurred. This study complicates the notion of “native anthropology,” contending that as the anthropologist engages deeply in politically charged situations in the field, the distinction of native versus other may no longer be accurate. By illustrating complexities surrounding the practice of fieldwork, the author complicates the notion of contribution, and shows that one possible way to grapple with the difficult question of what and to whom to contribute is to listen to diverse, complex voices, not only of feminists but also of their political opponents, antifeminist conservatives.  相似文献   

石宝洁 《东南亚研究》2001,(3):55-57,62
高台教是越南唯一土生土长的宗教。本文通过对高台教的基本教理、教义的分析 ,揭示了越南文化融合力强及创造力弱的特征 ,同时通过对高台教产生背景的分析 ,揭示了高台教包含了越南人渴望国家强大的文化心态  相似文献   

文化产品和文化服务已经成为现代国际文化交流的主要表现形式。东南亚地区曾受到中国文化的深刻影响,形成了中国文化消费的传统和群体。本文以2000年至今中国文化产品和文化服务输入东南亚的情况为基础,分析利用文化消费的形式扩大中国文化影响的可能性。笔者认为,中国文化产品在强调传统文化特点的同时,应该充分考虑东南亚民众文化消费的取向,兼顾文化宣传和娱乐受众的目的,从而达到扩大中国文化影响力的目标。  相似文献   

George Dutton 《亚洲研究》2013,45(3):365-392
This article contributes to recent scholarship on modern Vietnamese historiography by examining the ways in which twentieth-century historians have manipulated their representations of collective actions during the French colonial period. Following studies by Patricia Pelley, Christoph Giebel, Peter Zinoman, and others, the author offers a critical reading of narrative accounts of the period between the late nineteenth century and the late 1930s. The article is inspired by Prasenjit Duara's work on modern Chinese historiography, in which he showed how early twentieth-century Chinese historians viewed their history through the simplifying lens of the nation-state. Here the author argues that most post–1954 communist historians in Viet Nam were influenced by similar impulses, leading them to construct a highly teleological account of this period, obscuring its true complexity. The author uses case studies of the representations of secret societies, ethnic minority groups, and new religious movements to demonstrate how this obscuring has worked, while suggesting alternate readings of the collective actions by these groups that place them outside of a convenient teleology leading directly to the triumph of the Communist Party. The author argues that the complex histories of these groups were a challenge to the Marxist dialectic and were thus regarded as a threat to the narrative. As such, modern historians had to reimagine or even erase these complexities for political purposes. The author concludes by suggesting that historians must continue to probe these types of collectivities as complex actors in a complicated historical landscape, rather than accepting them as part of a linear narrative.  相似文献   

本文选取《东南亚研究》、《南洋问题研究》和《亚太评论》三份学术期刊,根据东南亚问题研究论文的载文量、内容(国别与主题)和作者三个指标,对这三份刊物2000—2005年的载文进行了统计、对比与分析,并由此管窥中国东南亚研究的成就、视角与问题。  相似文献   

This article surveys American literary responses to the rise of Japan as an economic power during the period from the late 1970s to the early 1990s, and examines how these responses were anticipated in the writings of the South African author Laurens van der Post. Paying particular attention to van der Post’s autobiography, Yet Being Someone Other (1982), I suggest that the author’s formative experiences aboard a Japanese trading vessel in 1926, coupled with South Africa’s close-knit trading relationship with Japan in the 1980s, enabled a perspective on Japan’s economic ascendancy that was markedly less reactionary than those in the USA. By emphasizing the historical contexts that held true at the time of publication, I situate Yet Being Someone Other in a framework that deliberately circumvents—without necessarily confronting—van der Post’s preferred version of his life story. Rather than “recovering” the author’s ‘place in the canon of South African literature, this article is intended to incorporate the author’s work into ongoing discussions of the representation of Japan and the Japanese in twentieth-century Anglophone writings.  相似文献   

Gareth Evans 《圆桌》2017,106(1):61-69
This article recounts the struggle that those fighting for an end to apartheid in South Africa faced and the role that the Commonwealth played in that struggle. The author recounts the contribution of the Whitlam, Fraser and Hawke administrations in Australia in bringing down the apartheid regime but stresses that these leaders chose the Commonwealth as their primary vehicle for change. In the author’s view, the fight against apartheid was, arguably, the finest achievement of the modern Commonwealth.  相似文献   

Stimulated by his participation in two recent museum exhibitions concerning the Cultural Revolution the author of this article offers his contrarian views on the history and lasting significance of China's ten-year-long Cultural Revolution. Acknowledging that there was indeed senseless and brutal acts of violence from 1966 to 1976, the author asks whether the violence ever rose to the level of a “holocaust,” as commentators inside and outside China have charged. He next explores the charge that the Cultural Revolution resulted in the deliberate destruction of Chinese culture and tradition. The picture the author paints of this turbulent period in China's history is one not often aired in academic circles or in public discourse. He closes by putting the violence of the Cultural Revolution in the broader context of violence that was happening elsewhere during that period, e.g., in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.  相似文献   

金向德 《当代韩国》2014,(1):105-114
本文从都市民间文化的角度解读朝鲜现代作家朴泰远的长篇小说《川边风景》,揭示20世纪30年代首尔的世态景象,探索朴泰远的都市民间情怀,最后认定他有别于启蒙文学和左翼文学的民间价值取向,为研究朴泰远文学提供一个全新视角。  相似文献   

Based on the conception of democratic aspiration as hegemonic, the author argues that democracy and its reproduction are doomed to exist in a constant tension. Anchored on a critical review of the ideas of Pierre Rosanvallon, Colin Crouch, Klaus Von Andreas Schedler and Klaus Von Beyme, the author analyzes the particular configuration of this form of government and the challenges it must confront, both those that are inherent to its design and those that are derived from its development in contemporary societies and political systems. Thus, democracy is approached from different conceptual perspectives, although favoring the one that views it as a political-institutional arrangement enabling coexistence and competition of/within political diversity. In turn, and taking as referents the undp and eclac diagnoses, the author analyzes the specificity of democracy in Latin America, its structural weaknesses and the possibility of building a new social pact in order to provide an answer to the prevailing breakdown of social cohesion and exclusion.  相似文献   

中央-地区-地方自治:当代俄罗斯的中央再集权政策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
俄罗斯中央再集权政策的源头、基本观念和利益是什么?这些因素又是如何影响了它的进程和结果?中央再集权对俄罗斯政治发展的意义到底有多大,前景如何?本文旨在探寻这些问题的答案.本文首先纵览俄罗斯1990-2000年变革背景下的地区化趋势;接着考察2000年以来中央再集权进程中各政治力量的理念和利益所在,及其对俄罗斯联邦改革政策的影响,该政策可以称之为"新中央集权"(区别于苏联时期的"旧"中央集权).接下来分析"新中央集权"政策的基本特征及其对俄罗斯国家改革进程的影响.在总结部分,就中央再集权对俄罗斯政治制度的意义加以总结.  相似文献   

现有国际关系理论从不同视角或层面解释了中欧合作现象,不过这些理论难以对历次中欧战略合作提供前后一致的解释。针对这一不足,本文提出了威胁认知-主权干预的理论解释模式。该理论解释认为,如果中国和欧洲大国之间具备共同的威胁认知,并且满足互不进行主权干预的条件,双方就能实现某种形式的战略合作,包括近年来建立的中国和欧盟之间的战略伙伴关系。文章通过选取外交史典型案例以及有关数据库检验了该理论解释,并从对象和时段两个维度扩展了其解释范围。在结论部分,作者总结了该理论模式之不足以及未来值得进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

This articles emanates from the observation that realms like theory and broad comparison have typically focused onWestern concerns and geography while actors such as China and Turkey have been relegated to the undervalued field of areas studies. Noting that this inhibits our ability to uncover important cross-regional comparisons, the author suggests that “former empires/rising powers” (FERPs) across (Eur)Asia are a promising unit of analysis. To make the case for the FERPs, the author embeds four cases—Turkey, Iran, Russia, and China—in a common problematique, showing that their encounter with Western hegemony/ modernity engendered three waves of confrontation vis-à-vis the legacies of empire. These confrontations entailed Eurocentric denial as well as Occidentalist reification of native pasts, both of which are being superseded by what the author calls “authenticist” histories empowered by the crystallization of multiple modernities. The author then develops a theoretical framework to capture how reinvented pasts serve as sources of identity, normativity, and action. This approach enables an in-depth account of the Turkish case to show that both official and market actors claim continuity with an Ottoman-Islamic heritage from which a homegrown humanism is said to emanate. These narratives—and the tools through which they are promoted from the cultural industries to public diplomacy—may be helping Turkey and other erstwhile (Eur)Asian empires recalibrate national identity and international purpose at a time of global transformation.  相似文献   

Miriam Sharma 《亚洲研究》2013,45(2):279-294
In this essay—an earlier version of which was delivered as a lecture at a session cosponsored by Critical Asian Studies and the Alliance of Scholars Concerned about Korea (ASCK) at the annual conference of the Association for Asian Studies, San Diego, California, on 23 March 2013—the author argues the need to go beyond the current state of perilous confrontation and volatility on the Korean Peninsula and examine how and why the current division of the peninsula into North and South has evolved into a “division system.” The author contends that “civic participation” (broadly defined to include business entrepreneurs, corporations, NGOs, and private citizens) is necessary to deal with the durable enormity of the division system. He calls this body of nonstate actors the “third party” (the first two parties being those of North and South Korea). Going beyond strictly Korean affairs, this third party, the author concludes, can play a crucial role in creating a larger framework of East Asian cooperation and solidary.  相似文献   

Lei Guang 《亚洲研究》2013,45(3):391-411

This article analyzes the actually-emerging market in contemporary China as an institution that is shaped by the exercise of government power and by the social interaction of migrants, officials, and urban consumers. The author argues against understanding the market as an autonomous and de-contextualized institution brought about by the actions of rationally calculative individuals. Drawing on the insights of economic sociology about the socially embedded nature of market, the author pictures the emergence of the market in China in general, and that of the home renovation market in particular, as a messy social process full of distorted information, social bargaining over price, deception and manipulation, state repression, creative learning, and adaptation on the part of various agents in the marketplace. Using the life story of one migrant worker in Beijing's home renovation industry the author critiques the prevailing discourse about the market as an autonomous institution and illustrates the processes of social construction of the market in China.  相似文献   

Neither well-being nor suffering can be understood without understanding how the two experiences are related. In this paper, the author focuses on the experiences of well-being and suffering in everyday, mundane contexts, such as food preparation, cleaning and hospitality. Data presented are drawn from fieldwork conducted among ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks in southern Kyrgyzstan, shortly after independence. The author discusses how the experiences of well-being and suffering are informed by symbolic systems that are linked to religious beliefs. This examination contributes to an understanding of the power of religious symbols, arguing that the expectations of well-being or suffering make systems of religious symbols more compelling.  相似文献   

二战后,海外华侨华人社会经过几十年的变迁,在完成从"过客型"到"定居型"的转变后,因应政治身份的变化,在文化上也逐渐融人所在国社会.笔者认为海外华人的认同,主要是文化认同,目前还处在一个过渡时期,这一时期融合与冲突并行.同时,在全球化时代,存在加速认同与冲突的二律悖反的现象,即海外华侨华人的文化认同一方面有强化的趋势,另一方面,这一趋势则有可能导致潜在的冲突.  相似文献   

Wang  Chia-Huang 《East Asia》2007,24(4):381-398
This paper explores whether Taipei is an innovative city by critically examining Taipei’s industrial and economic performance, developmental visions and spatial planning, as well as institutional settings and political contexts. With the aid of institutionalist perspective, the author argues that Taipei’s innovative efforts are mostly policy innovation, rather than institutional innovation. The author also describes the institutional dynamics that have caused the lack of Taipei’s institutional innovation. The case study of Taipei could be helpful in conducting comparative studies on urban innovation.  相似文献   

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