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苏联的干部委任制始于列宁时期 ,形成于斯大林时期。委任制作为俄国文化的积淀在苏联一定历史时期的存在 ,有其合理性。但是委任制毕竟要被现代社会所抛弃。斯大林非但未能及时进行改革 ,反使之登峰造极 ,最后给后代留下了遗患。  相似文献   

中国正处于国内经济体制深化改革、社会结构深刻变动、利益格局深入调整、思想观念深度更新之中,党的作风建设和反腐倡廉工作的长期性、艰巨性、复杂性日益突显出来。在这样的背景下,来重新审视苏共亡党的原因对我国当前的党风廉政实践具有重要的价值。从苏共亡党教训可知,党风廉政建设是立党之本。  相似文献   

2007年1月11日,“2006年拉美国家大选及其政治走向”课题结项暨拉美大选的影响与左派发展问题研讨会在拉美所召开。中国社会科学院副院长李慎民与会并发表主旨演讲,深刻分析了当前的世界格局和政治走向,拉美左派的发展对该地区形势的影响。现全文发表如下。  相似文献   

由美国引发的经济危机已经席卷全球,无论是西方发达国家和地区如日本、欧盟,还是发展中国家如印度、中国,都已笼罩在全球经济衰退的阴影中。本文探讨作为正在崛起的亚洲大国——印度和中国,应采取怎样的措施遏制全球经济危机对本国经济造成更严重的伤害,以及印中两国如何借鉴对方在应对经济危机过程中采取的有效政策以尽快重新走上经济发展的正轨。  相似文献   

Democracy in the Netherlands, like in so many other Western countries, is under substantial reform pressure. The problem with the democratic system in the Netherlands, according to democratic reformers, is that it is out of step with the fast and major changes taking place in modern society. Champions of democratic reform in the Netherlands mostly look to sweeping, large-scale, and all-encompassing plans for democratic reform, achieving, however, little success. Major structural changes have been planned time and again, but eventually the institutional structure has remained largely the same. This article presents a critical analysis of the standard recipe that democratic reformers often prescribe – radical makeover – and outlines a viable alternative that can also be derived from the Dutch case – reinventing tradition. Reinventing tradition implies a mixture of change and preservation, of movement and counter-movement. It is, arguably, the only way for democratic reform to go, at least in a consensus democracy like the Netherlands. Dutch history demonstrates that large-scale blueprint reform runs a serious risk of non-implementation, and that small-scale adaptive tinkering, part of the incremental ‘reinvention of tradition’, can be significantly more successful as a reform strategy.  相似文献   

东北经济落后原因诸说评析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
振兴东北经济必须准确找出其落后的原因。现学术界提出的“结构说”、“体制说”、“国企比重过大说”、“项目怪圈说”及“东北人观念落后说” ,都有一定的合理性 ,但又都不很全面、完整 ,尚有其他原因需加以分析说明。国家在改革、发展战略与政策抉择上“失算” ,使东北地区收入过低 ,人才大量流失 ;在东北改革与发展的关键时期 ,缺乏必要的资金补偿与支持 ,这都是造成东北经济落后的决定性因素。只有全面科学地找出东北经济落后的真正原因 ,才能保证应对方针策略的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

Previous quantitative research on mediation in intrastate and interstate conflicts has highlighted the role of external mediators. This study represents the first effort to systematically explore the role of internal—insider-partial—mediators. We suggest that the insider-partial mediators bring important indigenous resources to a peace process and that they can complement external mediators by mitigating the bargaining problem of information failure. Exploring new data on the occurrence and effect of mediation in unarmed insurrections from 1970–2006, we find that the insider-partial mediators significantly increase the likelihood of negotiated agreements. This applies even after controlling for so-called selection effects, where external mediators are selected, or self-selected, into the most difficult conflict situations, whereas insider-partial mediators are utilized in conflict situations that are less severe; and where insider-partial mediators have a substantially higher frequency of activity in unarmed as compared to armed insurrections. We therefore conclude that the insider-partial mediators play an important and positive role in peacemaking that merits further exploration.  相似文献   

<古兰经>树立伊斯兰教与伊斯兰文化之根,塑立教义教法与教理学理之本,确立穆斯林伦理道德与行为纲常之据的文化价值和社会功能,因语言障碍没有得以全方位展现.于是,穆斯林学界基于<古兰经>和圣训的创制原理与基本精神,严格遵循<古兰经>注释学学理原则,展开了译注<古兰经>的长期学术工程.<古兰经>译注解读了伊斯兰教的基本知识,使<古兰经>真正成为人类共享的文化财富;丰富了伊斯兰文化,使之成为世界范围的一大文化系统;加速了伊斯兰教植根于许多国家和地区的步伐,使之顺应所在国的国情,并不同程度地实现本土化与学说化;增进了伊斯兰文明同其他文明之间的理解与包容,认同与交流,对于多元文化和谐相处具有非同寻常的意义.  相似文献   

论明至清中叶滇缅贸易与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要分析了明至清中叶滇缅贸易的概况和明清政府对滇缅贸易的管理情况,说明了滇缅贸易是随着中缅关系的变化而或开或禁,其管理亦随之或严或弛,从而得出和平、通商才有利于民生,有利于国家的长治久安。  相似文献   

1911年(农历辛亥年),在经过4月广州起义、10月武昌起义之后,爆发了全国规模的辛亥革命。两个月内即有鄂、湘、陕、赣、晋、滇、黔、苏、浙、桂、皖、粤、闽、川等省宣布独立,清政府迅速垮台。12月,孙中山先生出任中华民国临时大总统,成立中华民国临时政府,清帝被迫宣告退位。  相似文献   

战略反攻阶段,苏联因素在国共两党的关系中作用日益增强,究其原因,主要有以下几个方面:苏联国际地位提高,在重大国际事务处理上举足轻重,这是苏联因素再度受到重视的最主要因素;蒋介石集团出于战略考量,主动改善与苏联的关系;美国的推动,也是促使苏联在中国政局再度受到关注的因素之一;就中国共产党而言,为抗衡英美对国民党的支持,中国共产党有必要保持同苏联的友好关系,这也是苏联作用增强的因素之一。在错综复杂的国际关系中,联合一切可以联合的力量,利用一切积极因素,有利于推进革命事业的发展,同时,在处理国内党派之争时应最大限度地避免外部消极因素的介入;处理国家间关系时,要时刻以国家利益为重,不应以意识形态和党派之间矛盾为重,这是历史给予我们的昭示。  相似文献   

南海局势与应对海洋法的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年以来,南海局势发生了很大变化。菲律宾国会通过了"领海基线法案",把中国的黄岩岛和南沙群岛部分岛礁划为菲律宾领土;马来西亚前总理巴达维登上南沙群岛的弹丸礁、光星仔礁宣示主权等。这些情况的出现与海洋法的新发展有着密切的联系。因此,如何应对海洋法的新发展就成了捍卫领土主权、维护合法海洋权益的关键。  相似文献   

Nigeria presents an important case for examining the interaction between economic emergence and (in)security on account of the Boko Haram-led insurgency. This paper interrogates long-standing theoretical assumptions about the economic consequences of violent conflict in such a complex space. It analyses the cost of North-East Nigeria’s conflict on development by considering its impact on the economy at the national and subnational levels. Generalised assumptions about the ways through which conflict affects development appear to hold in some regards but not in others. Evidence suggests some disruption in fiscal adjustments at the macro level, trade and investment as well as agricultural production and commerce within the North-East but less so with regard to economic growth and foreign direct investment flows at the national level. The paper finds evidence of a dichotomy in terms of the impact of the conflict on the national and subnational economy. There is a high degree of containment of the repercussions of the conflict at the subnational level. However, there remains a degree of interconnectedness across these strata that are influenced by both domestic and international political economy dynamics.  相似文献   

Despite hopes that it would act as a transformative tool in the South Caucasus to strengthen democracy, stability, security and regional cooperation, the Eastern Partnership (EaP) has produced limited results, with the region more fragmented today than it was five years ago. Russia’s war against Ukraine has further exacerbated the situation, raising concerns over the extent to which South Caucasus countries can genuinely rely on the West. Today, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan have different geostrategic trajectories. While Georgia has stuck to the Euro-Atlantic track, Armenia joined the Russian-led Eurasian Union in January 2015. Meanwhile Azerbaijan has the luxury of choosing not to choose. Developments in the region have demonstrated that a ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work and a more differentiated policy is required.  相似文献   

高科 《东北亚论坛》2005,14(6):36-40
冷战后的世界地缘政治形势发生了深刻变化,形成了界线比较清晰的四大地缘政治板块。这其中单极与多极竞争是冷战后时期世界地缘政治格局调整的主要内容。“9.11”事件与反恐战争使传统地缘政治观的影响有所淡化,但地缘政治本质并未发生实质性改变。  相似文献   

论苏联失败的经济根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏联的崩溃无疑是一种社会性失败,社会性失败必须从经济基础找原因,根本的原因在于苏联的基本经济制度--计划经济制度.苏联计划经济制度的种种弊端实际是这一制度内在的不可克服的矛盾的反映,这一矛盾就是计划的指令性与个人消费的不可计划性之间的矛盾.把社会再生产的各个环节--生产、交换、分配、消费纳入统一计划,是苏联计划经济制度的存在前提.个人消费的选择性特征,决定了个人消费不可能由社会统一计划.由此便形成了否定苏联计划经济存在前提的计划与个人消费的对立.在苏联计划经济制度下,解决这一矛盾的惟一办法是压制个人消费,用供应短缺方式使原本不可能由社会统一计划的个人消费变成可以统一计划的,这实际上并没有消除这种对立.计划与个人消费的对立对社会再生产产生了致命的影响,使社会经济陷入危机循环,而危机积累到一定程度就会以猛烈的形式爆发出来,最终导致经济基础乃至整个苏联社会的崩溃.压制个人消费是苏联计划经济赖以存在的内部条件,与外部世界的制度性隔绝是其存在的外部条件,从长期看这些条件都是难以为继的.  相似文献   

资源战略历来是全球地缘政治战略的重要组成部分,石油安全也成为世界各国在考虑经济安全和国家安全最先关注的问题之一。 石油是“能源中的能源”、现代工业的“血液”和现代经济的命脉。在当前,石油不仅象征一种财富,更是一种战略物资,具有政治特性,能够产生种种政治效应,影响国家的稳定与安全。正是由于石油对现代社会的重要性,  相似文献   

来自印度的锡克教徒移民菲律宾已有百余年的历史。随着一批又一批移民的到来,菲律宾锡克教徒不断增多,锡克教徒群体在形成的同时,锡克教在菲律宾传播开来。他们在菲律宾主要经营商业,以求扎根于当地;还进行各种宗教活动,以传播和继承锡克教文化。但在与印度家乡宗教与文化都截然不同的天主教国家里,锡克教徒作出了一定的调适,以缩小与当地主体民族之间的文化鸿沟。  相似文献   

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