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黄倩怡 《学理论》2011,(29):29-30
人无信不立,国无信不昌,诚信作为几千年来中国传统伦理的重要内容,既是传统商业道德的基本准则,更是现代市场经济中商业运作的重要规范。然而,现代商业运作中诚信的缺失冲击着社会生活的各个方面,商业诚信的重建已经成为一个时代课题。尤其是在当前我国食品安全问题频频出现,这就迫使我们要深刻反思商业中的诚信问题,建设社会道德规范体系,完善各种法制法规,加强诚信道德教育,积极应对社会转型期的诚信危机。  相似文献   

商业贿赂是一种影响全球经济社会发展的腐败现象,通过美国控制组件公司商业贿赂案例的研究,分析美国在反商业贿赂领域的惩防制度体系。针对美国反商业贿赂法律的制定、执法机构的分工以及惩处体系等方面的研究分析,在借鉴美国反商业贿赂成功经验的基础上,结合我国反商业贿赂的现实情况,提出完善我国反商业贿赂惩防机制的政策建议,为加强反商业贿赂惩防机制的建设提供理论与实践参考。  相似文献   

鲜婷 《理论与改革》2007,(1):131-133
当前我国存在的商业贿赂已经严重影响我国经济健康发展和社会正常运行,运用法制手段大力治理商业贿赂刻不容缓。本文从我国治理商业贿赂的法律体系现状研究出发,仔细分析其中的不足之处,并从法律角度提出相关改善意见。  相似文献   

反商业贿赂中的问题及法律调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国市场经济发展的进程中,商业贿赂行为逐渐渗透于市场竞争之中,其社会危害程度也日益严重,并逐渐从一种普遍存在的商业惯例演变成为刑法所禁止的犯罪行为。因而研究探索反商业贿赂问题具有十分重要的意义,本文探讨了反商业贿赂存在的问题和难点,提出要在宪政理念之下构建反商业贿赂的防线,更要加强对对现行刑法的完善与修改。  相似文献   

商业贿赂是一种“权钱交易”的亚文化现象,对我国健康的行政伦理关系形成了严峻的冲击和挑战。为了从根本上防治这种腐败行为的滋生蔓延,必须加强对各级政府及其公务员的行政伦理教育。我们要坚持公平正义的行政伦理价值观,不断促进行政伦理制度化和行政制度伦理化建设,增强政府部门及其公务员的责任意识,提高行政能力和水平,从而建立起防治商业贿赂的长效机制和体系,推动我国社会的和谐发展与文明进步。  相似文献   

商业信用问题倍受关注,已成为制约我国国民经济快速发展的一大瓶颈。转型时期中国缺乏商业信用的原因可以从社会存在和人们的价值观念中去探寻。规范政府行为,整治经济环境,加强法制建设,完善道德引导机制,是加强社会主义市场经济商业信用的重要途径。  相似文献   

国内外商业集群研究现状及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭继增 《理论探讨》2007,(4):98-100
商业集群是流通领域中的一种特殊现象,查阅国内外相关文献,对集群的研究多数是运用产业集群理论对生产性企业的分析,鲜有对商业集群(聚)的论述。而商业集群(聚)对现代城市、产业园区、商务中心区(CBD)、贸易中心的建设和发展都有重要的现实意义。依据商业集群理论,研究商业集群(贸易集群)的一般规律,进行流通产业组织创新,促进商业集群(贸易集群)的成长,形成独具特色的以流通业为主的第三产业体系,是区域经济发展的重要课题;商业集群(贸易集群)研究对区域乃至我国各地流通业竞争力的提升和流通产业有序发展也具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

商业信托是以信托方式经营商业或荻取利益分配而成立的一种非公司的企业经营组织,集中了信托运作方式和企业组织经营的特征.在商业信托的组织结构中,存在多层次的法律规制,主要包括信义关系法、信托法、商业组织法以及合同法等法律规则的调整.我国发展证券投资信托以及将来开展多种形式的商业信托模式,应当从上述四个方面进行相关法律规则的设定.  相似文献   

商业贿赂中单位犯罪研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
我国司法实践中对于单位实施商业贿赂的认定,是将满足一定条件的个人贿赂行为转嫁给单位承担责任,而忽视了单位作为犯罪主体的自身特征和组织主体责任,难以有效地防止由单位自身不合理体制引发的贿赂犯罪。通过考察英美两国的相关法律和实践可以发现,对于商业贿赂行为,严惩单位犯罪且重视单位的合规计划已成为国际趋势。我国应转变商业贿赂中单位犯罪的认定模式,将单位作为与其成员相对的独立实体看待,以单位制定和执行反腐败合规计划的实际情况来认定单位自身过错,促使单位建立预防商业贿赂犯罪的多元防控体系。  相似文献   

李平  李立辉  苏军华 《学理论》2008,(22):37-38
经济全球化趋势下哈尔滨商贸流通业挑战与机遇并存。按照中国在加入WTO时的承诺,2004年12月11日这一天将宣告中国对零售市场全面向外资开放承诺的兑现。国际商业势力将源源不断地进入我国的零售市场,其良好的经营素质和强大的经营实力,将对国内商业企业形成了巨大的压力。哈尔滨市商贸流通企业只有顺应这个潮流,科学运用竞争战略,才能在竞争中取得主动权。  相似文献   

In this article we examine how post-industrial Britain and Denmark undertake vocational training for low-skilled retail workers. Specifically, we evaluate whether leaders in training skilled industrial workers are also doing the best job with low-skilled service workers. While Danish retail is increasingly becoming a haven for low-skilled workers, British workers are gaining in skills levels with the transition to services even in the retail sector. While some suggest that social democratic countries have sacrificed the political interests of low-skilled workers in order to protect core manufacturing workers, we find no evidence of this. Rather, the high expectations of vocational training in Denmark have forged barriers to the easy admission of low-skilled service workers, while the British system provides more entry points for vocational training at different levels. The structures of coordination that had narrowed the gap between white-collar and blue-collar manufacturing workers during the industrial age are creating new cleavages in the post-industrial economy.  相似文献   

王加昌 《学理论》2011,(2):73-75
三明市创建国家级创业型城市需要创业文化的支撑,海峡西岸经济区建设为三明市培育创业文化带来了难得的机遇。三明市应当抓住机遇,培育创业文化。三明市政府的领导和规划是培育创业文化的重要条件,通过开展三明市的创业文化节活动、在地方课程中对三明市中小学生进行创业文化教育、在三明高校内进行切实有效的创业教育是培育三明市创业文化的现实途径。  相似文献   

由莉颖 《学理论》2008,(20):52-55
培植中国大型零售企业的核心竞争能力,对促进企业生存和发展、抢占流通高地都具有重要意义。但中国大型零售企业的核心竞争力(战略管理、组织管理、营销、规模扩张、企业文化凝聚等能力)与世界先进企业相比仍有不小的差距。培植中国大型零售企业核心竞争力的重点应放在构建企业的营利模式、组建学习型组织和加强企业文化建设等方面。  相似文献   

当前非公经济面临六大转折点:二次创业;新旧经营模式转换;人员新老更替;参与世界经济循环;经营竞争升级;增长模式转变。完成六大转折,对非公经济乃至我国经济的健康发展均有重要意义。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to examine how corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices of foreign multinational enterprises in China contribute to China's national priorities, by discussing the relationships between CSR and the building of a ‘harmonious society’ in China. This paper is based on personal reflections, extensive literature review, and 8 years of experiential field work in China by the author. Many CSR programs are found to superficially complement China's harmonious society policy. Only four exemplars out of 20 multinational enterprises surveyed are committed to fostering green growth, improving livelihood, developing outwardly into the west, and promoting a general integration of Chinese business into global markets through social innovations and collaborative projects. The paper posits that it is possible to use CSR as a change agent in China when enlightened public concerns are brought back to business operations through the involvement of non-government organizations, local government, and local citizens and a greater degree of transparency of information. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘严宁 《学理论》2009,(20):153-155
通过对基督教和佛教中国化的历史考察可以发现:外来文化本身能否认同和接纳中国本土文化的基本精神是其能否实现中国化的内在根源;能否满足中国社会统治阶级的需要和中国民众的需要尤其是精神的需要,是外来文化能否存在和传播的现实基础;外来文化在保持基本精神的同时,必须与中国传统文化相结合,适应中国社会的现实状况和需要,才能真正实现中国化,并成为中国文化的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

The influence of external organizations and pressures on business risk management practices has hitherto been examined through the influence of state regulatory regimes on businesses. This article concentrates on key socio‐legal concerns about the influence of the law in social and economic life. We know that the sources of regulation and risk management are diversifying beyond the state. What we do not have is much empirically informed research about the range of sources influencing the business world and in particular the weighting of influence exercised by them. In this paper we explore the understandings regulatory actors have of the different external pressures on business risk management through an empirical study of the understandings of those in the food retail sector about the management of food safety and food hygiene risks. A broader objective is to throw some further light onto the debate about regulation within and beyond the state.  相似文献   

This empirical study investigates the compliance of 344 Chinese listed companies with the Accounting Standard for Enterprises No. 20‐Business Combination, a mandatory reporting standard applicable to companies involved in business combinations. China has recently reformed its auditing sector, enabling private firms to provide auditing services. The results of the study show a low level of compliance by Chinese listed companies. While companies audited by Chinese domestic auditors have significantly lower compliance than companies audited by Big Four auditors on supplementary disclosure that is mandatory under the Chinese accounting standards, compliance remains low even after companies receive unqualified reports from these international auditors. There appears to be a lack of commitment, and possibly expertise, among Big Four auditors, in fully applying the reporting requirements of the business combination standard in a Chinese setting. This raises concerns about the independence of Chinese auditing in disclosing reliable information about business combinations. Broader theoretical contributions of the paper go beyond the Chinese context by problematizing whether well‐resourced international auditors uphold internationally expected standards or succumb to local non‐compliant practices.  相似文献   

商务区经济的发展有赖于政府发挥其宏观调控、监管和有效服务的功能,而商务区政府功能的发挥离不开合理的管理与服务模式的构建。本文认为,通过理顺商务区政府与相关职能部门、企业的关系,发展各种企业协会组织,搭建政府、企业、社会合作的有效平台,有助于建设和谐商务区,为商务区经济的发展营造良好的软环境。  相似文献   

Chinese outward foreign direct investment (COFDI) has captured the imagination of international business academics, journalists, and analysts of Chinese foreign economic policy. While these students of COFDI have added greatly to our knowledge, they have not adequately considered the politico-economy of COFDI. Specifically, they have not sufficiently evaluated the degree to which COFDI is driven by political versus economic considerations, the extent to which political considerations influence the overseas operations of Chinese multinational corporations (MNCs), or the political ramifications of COFDI for host countries, international institutions, or China’s interactions with third parties. Reviewing the Western literature, this article provides useful background information about COFDI, distills two general schools of thought about the politico-economy of COFDI—i.e., the “Beijing as Puppeteer” camp and the “Business of Business is Business” camp, and highlights a number of shortcomings with each. As well, it suggests a number of ways in which the extant literature can move forward and makes clear the importance of tracking the development of Chinese MNCs.  相似文献   

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