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生产劳动与非生产劳动问题在被重商主义学者关注后逐渐成为政治经济学研究的重要问题。马克思在批判继承资产阶级古典政治经济学的基础上,从商品经济条件和资本主义生产条件的角度分别对生产劳动进行考察,在得出商品经济条件下生产劳动的一般规律后,通过对资本主义生产劳动研究,指出生产劳动与非生产劳动的区别不是由劳动所得的物质形态决定,而是由劳动所赖以实现的社会生产关系决定。社会主义的生产目的决定了一切有利于社会主义建设的劳动都是生产劳动。  相似文献   

赵茂林 《理论探讨》2004,23(2):98-99
马克思的生产劳动理论正确解决了古典政治经济学所没有解决的难题,是创立科学的劳动价值论和剩余价值论的有机组成部分,具有重要的学术和现实意义。生产劳动作为人类社会为满足自身利益需要而有目的的活动,随着人类社会需要的发展,其涵义也是不断发展的。现阶段,只要是有利于发展我国社会生产力,有利于增强我国的综合国力,有利于提高人民生活水平的劳动,都应该视为创造财富的生产劳动而加以保护和提倡。  相似文献   

邹广文  王璇 《理论探讨》2023,(1):117-125+2
不同于以往对“劳动”“生活”进行单一范畴的讨论,可从关系视角出发,回到马克思思想的原初语境来探讨劳动与生活的关系。马克思从人的现实生活入手,切入到对资本主义社会的分析,从中发现劳动与生活关系的历史形态。首先,在“人的依赖关系”下劳动与生活处于朴素同一的关系中。其次,“以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性”下的劳动与生活处于紧张对立的对象性关系中。作为劳动与生活关系的理想状态,“劳动本身成为生活的第一需要”并不是设定的,而是生成发展的,实践提供了发展的可能性空间。在这种形态下,劳动的谋生性质并没有消失,反而获得了更加丰富的内涵,成为真正的“劳动”,是人的自由自觉的类活动,劳动与生活的关系达到真正的和谐的理想的统一。实现劳动与生活的统一,通往真正的美好生活有赖于人的解放,而这一理想的实现本质上指向当代人的生活信念与劳动意义的重建。  相似文献   

我国处于社会转型期,也是矛盾凸显期,高频的事实劳动争议案件引发社会的高度重视,同时也成了学术研究的热点,如何完成我国事实劳动关系的争议案件的立法体现,逐步完善劳动程序立法,对于保护劳动者的合法权益,维护和保障社会平稳发展有重要的现实意义。本文通过对事实劳动关系的概念、成因、特征和其认定,以及相关法律法规的具体法条诠释,对事实劳动关系问题进行深入探讨与研究。  相似文献   

劳动伦理关系不等于合伦理的劳动关系,而应理解为一定道德观念与规范维系下的客观劳动关系。劳动伦理关系论是马克思劳动伦理思想的重要内容,资本主义社会劳动伦理关系是其分析的重点。马克思指出:资本主义生产方式对劳动伦理关系发展既有积极的促进作用,也有消极的阻碍作用;对立、不平等、异化是资本主义社会劳资伦理关系的根本特征;合作竞争是工人阶级之间劳动伦理关系的根本特征。马克思劳动伦理关系思想对于揭示现代劳动关系不和谐的深层原因、探析现代和谐劳动关系建设的根本意义、思索现代和谐劳动关系建设的根本路径有重要的理论启示意义。  相似文献   

中国特色劳动关系是社会主义性质的劳动关系,从类型上来说属于政府主导型劳动关系。同西方发达市场经济国家相比,中国特色劳动关系的特征主要表现在劳动关系协调中的作用发挥、劳动关系协调的逻辑基础、市场化劳动关系的变迁过程、劳动关系双方力量对比、劳动关系的形态、劳动关系协调方式等方面。关于中国特色劳动关系的走向,将是"趋于一致"与"特色更鲜明"同时并存。  相似文献   

姚德奎 《理论导刊》2002,23(7):31-33
关于劳动的生产性和非生产性问题,是马克思主义政治经济学的重要问题之一。马克思在其巨著《资本论》中,在批判地继承资产阶级古典经济学说的基础上,科学地、全面地研究了资本主义制度下的生产劳动与非生产劳动的基本原理,这一原理对于我们在新形势下认识和理解社会主义劳动的生产性与非生产性问题仍具有重大意义。  相似文献   

在后金融危机时期,我国的政治、经济和社会方面都出现了许多新情况、新问题,劳动关系也相应地出现了一些新变化。劳动立法应该积极适应这种变化,迅速作出回应,以促进劳动关系和谐,进而推进我国政治、经济与社会的全面进步。  相似文献   

实现劳动关系法治化,既是构建和谐劳动关系的基本途径,也是劳动关系是否和谐的基本的衡量指标。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the development of the ratio of corporate taxes to wage taxes using a simple political economy model with workers and capitalists that own internationally mobile and immobile firms. Among other results, our model predicts that countries reduce their corporate tax rate, relative to the wage tax, when preferences for public goods increase, or when the share of capital employed in multinational firms is rising. We further show how an increase in the wage share changes both the relative size of tax bases and the political influence of different income groups. The predicted relationships are tested using panel data for 23 OECD countries for the period 1980 through 2004. The results of the empirical analysis support our main hypotheses.  相似文献   

新技术革命和知识经济的蓬勃发展,需要深化对劳动和劳动价值论的认识.为此,要拓宽劳动范畴的内涵和外延,拓宽生产劳动者的概念,更新价值创造的观念.深化对劳动和劳动价值论认识有主要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

张英姣  孙启军 《学理论》2010,(16):26-28
人权、主权、球权是当今人类社会最为重要的三项权利。三者中,人权是核心;主权是人权的延伸,目的是为了保护人权;而球权则是人权和主权的让渡,根本目的是为了在全球化时代维护国家主权和保护基本的人权。因此,可以认为人权是目标,主权和球权则是达成这一目标的手段。  相似文献   

Using a new series of data on occupational fatalities compiled by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the authors reassess value-of-life calculations based on labor market tradeoffs between fatality risks and wages. The new data are less subject to the problems of measurement error that plague previously used measures of risk. They indicate higher risk levels than previously believed and a significantly different composition of risk levels within industries. The more comprehensive risk data yield value-of-life estimates of $5 million or more—at least twice as large as estimates obtained using the Bureau of Labor Statistics risk data employed in previous studies.  相似文献   

Key policy documents relating to the 'knowledge-driven economy' show that policy makers, university heads and other interested academics have come to view the task of creating science-based industries through the lens of enterprise ideology.Proceeding on the assumption that the scientific fundamentals are already in place, the belief is that industrial applications can be achieved by infusions of enterprise. Such a framing is attractive to those unwilling or unable to engage with the complexities of scientific research or new product development. It offers a surface intelligibility combined with an apparent amenability to straightforward policy interventions. At the same time it is quite unclear, apart from the taking of risks, what attributes and behaviours are actually involved in enterprise. Even the relevance of risk is questionable. Despite the ideological pressure to demonstrate a link between entrepreneurship and risk, none of the relevant research has succeeded in doing so. Nor has risk been a prevalent feature of new venture creation in general and science-based start-ups in particular. The policy is an act of faith, based neither on research nor on experience. Its reliance on enterprise is less a solution than a hope that one will spontaneously appear.  相似文献   

This study explores the nexus between financial development, access to electricity, and CO2 emissions in Pakistan over the period from 1990 to 2015, incorporating the role of natural resources and population growth. We checked the stationarity of the data by using three different unit root tests (ADF, Phillip Pesaran, and DG‐FLS). Long‐ and short‐run elasticities have been determined through auto‐regressive distributive lag (ARDL) method. The empirical results confirmed that financial development and access to electricity increase CO2 emissions and deteriorate the environmental quality. In addition, the population growth is responsible for growing CO2 emissions in Pakistan, while natural resources have insignificant relation with CO2 emissions. Furthermore, bidirectional causality exists between population growth and natural resources, whereas unidirectional causality is detected among financial development and CO2 emissions, natural resources and population growth, and financial development and population growth. The newly developed findings suggest helpful policy implications to adequately address the issue of CO2 emissions without compromising economic development.  相似文献   

School officials and policymakers have grown increasingly concerned about their ability to attract and retain talented teachers. A number of authors have shown that in recent years the brightest students—at least those with the highest verbal and math scores on standardized tests—are less likely to enter teaching. In addition, it is frequently claimed that the ability of schools to attract these top students has been steadily declining for years. There is, however, surprisingly little evidence measuring the extent to which this popular proposition is true. We have good reason to suspect that the quality of those entering teaching has fallen over time. Teaching has for years remained a predominately female profession; at the same time, the employment opportunities for talented women outside teaching have soared. In this paper, we combine data from five longitudinal surveys of high school graduates spanning the classes of 1957 to 1992 to examine how the propensity for talented women to enter teaching has changed over time. While the quality of the average new female teacher has fallen only slightly over this period, the likelihood that a female from the top of her high school class will eventually enter teaching has fallen dramatically. © 2004 by the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management.  相似文献   

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