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干青  唐正玲 《思想战线》2011,(Z2):396-397
EBay, as one of the typical enterprise of e-commerce, is also becoming more and more popular with worldwide people. EBay is regarded as the number one in the field of online auction business. It is well-known that nowadays the college graduates have to face fierce employment pressure. Therefore, doing business on eBay may be a good choice for college graduates to start their colorful lives. This paper tries to study the business English applied in doing eBay business with the aim to help the new sellers and know about the procedures of starting business on eBay. The results presented in this paper are based on the experience of some long-term sellers of eBay and the Hands-on of the author. From this paper the readers can easily realize that the every steps of begin business on eBay depends on the help of business English.  相似文献   

干青 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):410-413
In the 21st century,education reforms in China are encouraging,different concepts such as innovation and the introduction of different forms of assessment were introduced to the university.The importance of formative assessment is emphasized.This paper aims to study the teacher’s implementation of formative assessment in English lessons during the teaching practise.Commonly used assessment methods,alignment of learning and assessment activities,student teachers’ intervention after receiving feedback from studentss,difficulties encountered,perception of the teacher on formative assessment and students’ feedback are reported in this study.It is hoped that the study will provide insight into the practice of formative assessment in university classrooms.It is also hoped that the study will regard as one aspect othe professional development of teachers driving by the innovation concept.  相似文献   

干青  周东龑 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):340-343
Short story is an an exquisite works of art in American traditional literature and Langston Hughes was one of the brightest stars in the night sky.Early autumn is the showcase of masterpiece of Langston Hughes.The work is the representative of real distill.It is a sad short story.After first contacted with it,the reflection of tragic elements on it made the author think deeply.Life is full of ups and downs.The lost love can not come back..A strong sense of frustration sometimes forms a kind of beauty and it is one part of our real life.The reason of frustration sometimes comes from unimportant reasons and things which hinder a happy ending,so the interpersonal communication can give the power and overcome it.  相似文献   

刘丹丹  李文涛  王玲 《思想战线》2013,(Z1):208-209
The Blindside comes from a figure in true life.Michael Oher,a football player of National Football League(NFL)from Memphis,grows up in the ghetto full of violence and robbery.The film follows his impoverished upbringing,goes through his years at Wingate Christian School and finally adopted by a white family-the Touhy’s.The Blind Side is certainly a touching story,but it also displays the issue of racial discrimination in various aspects in modern America.Social and educational discrimination are two major factors that result in all.To break the vicious circle of racial discrimination needs people’s joint efforts.At the same time,helping benefits both the helped and the helper.Leigh Anne Touhy’s family also feel the change and enjoy more meaningful and valuable life.  相似文献   

(上接本文第一部分《原文及注、译、按》之41,载本刊2004年第5期)42 子曰:“宁武子,邦有道则知,邦无道则愚。其知可及也,其愚不可及也。”注 宁武子,卫国大夫宁俞。两个“知”字皆同“智”。译 孔子说:“宁武子,国家政治昌明,就(显得)聪明;国家政治混乱,就装作糊涂(不公开发表意见)。他的聪明是可以达到的,他的糊涂是(别人)不容易比得上的。”按 孔子是主张用学问、智慧实现政治抱负的,无论邦有道、邦无道都应如此。但这里他似乎羡慕宁武子依个人安危取舍智愚的态度,反映了他当时一身学问难有用武之地的无奈和苦衷。(参见36)(素来有…  相似文献   

孔子治学思想是孔子认识论和教育思想的突出重要的组成部分,在孔子世界观复杂矛盾的背景下,这一部分又具有朴素唯物论和辩证法的倾向,特别是其中的乐学观达到了极高的审美境界。一一解析《论语》中孔子及其弟子的治学思想,彰显其当代价值,应是建构现代治学学的一件基础性准备工作,也有助于思考认识论的有关问题。  相似文献   

(上接本文第一部分《原文及注、译、按》之15,载本刊2004年第1期)16 子曰:“攻乎异端,斯害也已。”注 “攻”,攻击,尖锐地批判。“异端”,异乎寻常的意见、主张,在传统的理解中主要指与主流思想的基本立场有分歧的观点、理论和学说;而按孔子的说法,“异端”就是谬说。“已”,止息,消失。董仲舒有“诗无达诂”之说,刘向又有“诗无通故”之说,看来《论语》的训读也有大异其趣的情形。据《译注》介绍,不少学者把“攻”字解释为“治学”之“治”,那么“也已”也就成了句末肯定语气词。(见该书第20页)译 (由于注释不同,行文分为两种。)(1)…  相似文献   

谢萍 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):491-492
Jacob’s Room is a forerunner of Virginia Woolf’s stream-of-consciousness novels.The characterization of the novel is different from the traditional clear-cut presentation.By analyzing some incidents in the novel,this paper is to illustrate Woolf’s understanding of the impediments in truthful and realistic characterization.  相似文献   

The Call of the Wild is one of the masterpieces of Jack London.The hero,Buck,is a dog.The dog is not only an animal but has features of human beings.By comparing Buck's attitudes and behavior to its masters with the way the masters treat Buck,and analyzing Buck's response to John Thornton's death,we can see that the author expresses the desire for loyalty in this novel.  相似文献   

(上接本文第一部分《原文及注、译、按》之99,载本刊2006年第2期)100·南容三复白圭,孔子以其兄之子妻之。注南容,孔子弟子南宫适,字子容。“白圭”:代表《诗经·大雅·抑》篇中的两句诗———“白圭之玷(diàn,白玉上的斑点),尚可磨也;斯言之玷(转喻污点),不可为也(无法消除掉)”。“子”,这里指女儿。译南容反复诵读“白圭”诗句,孔子便把自己的侄女嫁给他。按孔子赞成为人、治学都要牢记不苟言妄言,做到对己对人负责。“白圭”诗句确实好,那些“玩”学问而不是“做”学问的公子哥儿派头的“学者”不妨学学南容,“三复”之,警醒之。101·…  相似文献   

“贝叶文化”十论   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
张荐华 《思想战线》2000,26(5):36-38
"贝叶文化”的研究代不乏人,近年已有专书专论出版.综观研究所及,史论俱佳,但略嫌细碎;评价公允,但疏于定位.时人对博大精深的"贝叶文化”,还等待着一种框架性的描述和恰如其份的定位,这便是"十论贝叶文化”的归旨.  相似文献   

英国作家萨克雷的成名作《名利场》中一位重要的主人公,追慕虚荣、损人利己的女冒险家靠着自己的姿色在上流社会的浮华世界里左右逢源,生活腐败糜烂,冷酷自私、虚伪狡诈而又泼辣能干,具有自由竞争时代资产阶级的冒险、投机精神。沿着追求名利这一性格脉络,作者多方面地勾画出她的丰富复杂的性格特点。本文从多视角剖析这位主人公复杂的性格特点。  相似文献   

对女性身体再造行为的文化评析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
作者从文化的视点切入,分析了关于女性身体美的文化是怎样控制了妇女的生活方式,以及是怎样的再现了历史深远的审美关系中两性权利和地位的不平等。作者认为,如果不能改变让妇女为自己身体痴狂的文化,那么,妇女对自己身体的看法和身体再造行为的改变将是非常有限的。  相似文献   

刘长 《思想战线》2004,30(2):72-75
浮士德是歌德一生都在庸俗与伟大、妥协与叛逆的两极之间痛苦摇摆的产物。作者的双重性格使得浮士德身上呈现出二元对立的性格倾向:看思想伟大而崇高,看行动卑劣而渺小。浮士德的意义正在于揭示了当时追求进步的新兴资产阶级想有作为而又不知如何去实现自己的理想,以致行动起来总是与理想背道而驰的困惑,乃至于生活在那个时代的人类的困惑。  相似文献   

Liu Shijin,deputy director of the State Council Development Research Center:"Prices should play a role in reducing pressure on resources."Power generators at the Three Gorges are beinbuilt on schedule.China Today:What do you thinkof the"frugal society"concept cur-rently being promoted by the Chi-nese government?Liu Shijin:Thrift,improved effi-ciency and building a frugal economyare measures that China should andmust take.Economic consumption ofresources,now and in the foreseeablefuture,i…  相似文献   

胡建次 《思想战线》2003,29(6):62-65
新时期以来的唐诗学研究,在学科的理论性探讨上取得了初步的成绩,在唐诗学史的考察上呈现出多方位展开的态势,标示着唐诗学研究正日益成为甚具生长性的古典文学分支学科。同时,也存在研究视域不够开阔、理论探讨尚嫌单薄等不足。  相似文献   

论公共行政责任的实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
权力的行使课以相应的责任是公共行政基本的理论逻辑,公共行政必然是责任的行政.而公共行政的责任规定是多方面的,本文在研究公共行政具体责任形态的基础上,提出公共行政责任的实现.应严格追究消极责任,依法规定客观责任,大力弘扬道德责任.  相似文献   

民族期刊编辑工作具有十分重要的作用。本文分析了民族期刊编辑人员在新时期应具备的素质 ,认为要使民族期刊编辑工作适应 2 1世纪的发展 ,必须建立一支高素质的编辑队伍  相似文献   

钟超 《理论月刊》2003,(4):53-54
从凯恩斯的"管理通货论"到货币主义的"单一规则",货币控制的效果不是导致通货膨胀就是引起经济萧条;特别是近年来金融业与网络业的飞速发展为货币创新提供了现实的可能性,无论货币处于何种运行模式中,制度框架的构筑与信用权威的建立都是保障货币功能的前提.  相似文献   

西部民族职业教育论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐敏 《贵州民族研究》2001,21(2):151-155
西部大开发既为民族职业教育提出了新的要求 ,也为其发展提供了机遇。本文通过对民族职业教育存在问题的分析 ,提出了民族职业教育适应西部大开发的发展思路  相似文献   

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