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The Ministry of Education recently announced the priorities of its work for 2010. One is to ensure migrant workers’ children’s access to compulsory education  相似文献   

正Individuals,Internet companies and the government work together to promote science‘Knowledge is power"was one of Sir Francis Bacon’s most powerful sayings,one that is resonating even stronger today thanks to the advent of the Internet,and its ability to empower individuals.According to a  相似文献   

<正>Every day Pei Rui,a 30-year-old project supervisor,goes to the construction site of the Beijing-Qinhuangdao Expressway in Beijing to inspect the work and discuss its progress with other staff members.Though Pei’s job title is director of the project management security department,he is actually in charge of all procedures of the Beijing leg of the project.  相似文献   

Finnair Finnair is supporting the Baltic Sea Action Group (BSAG) in its work to improve the state of the Baltic Sea. The world’s most polluted sea needs immediate help. "Through cooperation, the best possible  相似文献   

China’s permanent observership to the Arctic Council is clearly a great step forward for all Arctic states and indigenous groups.Going further,it offers indisputable proof of what Chinese strategists have understood since 2009 in terms of how one non-Arctic state must act to work its way into a region in  相似文献   

RAGYA DHONDUP 《人权》2012,(4):36-39
In eras of revolution and development, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has scored notable achievements, including in ethnic affairs, one aspect of the Party’s work. as one of China’s three fundamental political systems and an important part of the Party’s ethnic affairs policy, the system of regional ethnic autonomy is the Party’s great creation that integrates Marxist-Leninist theory with China’s national conditions. it has been conducive to promoting the development of different ethnic groups and fostering harmony among them, which displays its superiority and vitality. This  相似文献   

Education is the life’s work of Zhang Baoqing, but money now is his top concern. The former vice minister of education supervises the China Education Development Foundation (CEDF), the country’s first publicly funded organization of its kind. By the end…  相似文献   

正SUCCESS in the manufacturing industry demands as much hard work as farmers need to grow rice–they sow the seeds one by one and reap the harvest one by one.Despite its cautionary tone,this well-known metaphor in industry circles has never shaken the resolve of the managers of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group(XCMG),a respected pioneer of China’s manufacturing industry.Wang Min,chairman of XCMG,said that China’s equipment manufacturing industry would not be as successful as it is today without the people at its helm who stick to  相似文献   

FATE endowed China’s diminu-tive, landlocked province of Guizhou in its southern interior with an outsized significance to modern China. Several factors have conspired to largely shield the region from foreign eyes, and being one of Chi-na’s poorest provinces, it has been slow to modernize and shape its future. That is precisely what transfi xes certain kinds of travelers. The sense is that much of the region is "untouched," and that  相似文献   

The course of China’s modern history,revolution and nation building has been indelibly impressed by the selfless contributions of Party members.The following "hall of fame" highlights a few names from that huge galaxy.From disparate backgrounds and in varied occupations,their common denominator is the desire to work for the greater good of the country and its people,and to do all in their capacity to achieve this goal.To reflect on their stories is also to remind us that what qualifies them for inclusion is intimately bound up with the values and conditions of the various periods in which they lived.  相似文献   

管辖权异议制度既是对当事人权利的救济制度,又是对法院行使权力的监督制度,其设计应当兼顾程序公正和诉讼效率两方面的价值追求。文章提出管辖权异议的主体应限于被告,原告和第三人不可作为异议的主体;除了地域管辖外,级别管辖也应当被作为管辖权异议的客体,由此进一步完善了我国管辖权异议制度。  相似文献   

审判实践中,有的被告人提出侦查人员在侦查讯问等庭前审判阶段有刑讯逼供行为。行使侦查权的部门往往出具自己开出的没有刑讯逼供的书面证明,法院也会予以采纳。笔者认为,侦查部门出具的这种没有刑讯逼供的书面证明不具有合法效力。应当从观念和具体措施上杜绝刑讯逼供行为的发生,切实保障嫌疑人和被告人的合法权利。  相似文献   

社会工作在20世纪80年代后期才重新传入我国。处于起步发展阶段的中国社会工作,面临着一系列的现实问题,但中国社会工作的教育及其发展有着自己独具的优势,有中国特色的本土化的社会工作大有可为,有着广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

略论社会组织的变革与公安工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国社会组织的深刻变动必将对公安工作现代化产生一定的推动力 ,也给当前公安工作提出了新的挑战。社会组织的独立趋势促进公安工作运行机制的变革。社会组织的市场方面引起公安工作组织基础的更替。社会组织的体系分化导致公安工作稳定任务的加重。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济体制的确立和改革开放的逐步深入,对高校共青团工作的职责提出新课题;高校学生的思想状况、成才需要要求高校团组织调整工作思路、完善工作范畴;了解青年学生的需要和所想,适时地做好服务工作,是新时期高校共青团工作的重点和着力点;积极开展“大学生素质拓展”、“青春创业行动”和“青年维权行动”是当前高校共青团组织服务青年的重要举措和重要内容。  相似文献   

严格、公正、文明执法是公安工作的生命线。要十分重视加强和规范公安执法工作,建立执法长效机制,全 面推行执法责任制,强化监督力度,进一步提高全体干警的法律素质和执法水平,做好公安工作。  相似文献   

陈光辉 《桂海论丛》2005,21(3):9-11
党的农村基层组织是党在农村全部工作和战斗力的基础,是农村各种组织和各项工作的领导核心。坚持党的领导,充分发挥村党组织的领导核心作用,是由党的性质、执政地位决定的,是顺利推进农村改革、发展和稳定的重要组织保证。因此,推进农村党的基层组织的自身建设,充分发挥党员的先锋模范作用,带领群众勤劳致富奔小康有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

公安边防反恐情报工作的SWOT分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
恐怖犯罪是威胁我国社会稳定的一个不可忽视的因素。反恐情报工作是反恐工作的重中之重,因此提高公安边防部队反恐情报工作的水平直接关系到整个反恐工作的成败。文章将SWOT分析方法应用于公安边防反恐情报工作,发现当前工作的优缺点,最大限度地发挥优势,避免不利因素带来的影响。  相似文献   

为紧密结合上级公安机关统一部署的信访“抓源头、打基础、强机制、促规范”活动,破解制约公安信访工作科学发展的突出问题,福州市公安局组织了专项调研活动,认真倾听福州地区基层公安队伍的心声。大家一致认为,要做好公安信访工作,就应加强公安信访源头治理、完善公安信访工作机制、加强公安信访部门队伍建设、依法规范上访行为。  相似文献   

加强和改进公安思想政治工作是新时期的必然要求,是建设强大的公安队伍和强有力的公安工作的客观需要。因此,要正确认识和处理好思想政治工作的长期性和紧迫性的关系;要反对形式主义,转变工作作风,在狠抓落实上下功夫;要增强时代感和针对性,使思想政治工作在加强的过程中改进,在继承的基础上创新;要坚持以人为本,以情感召,力戒以训代教,增强思想政治工作的感召力和凝聚力;要重视领导机关和领导干部的形象和导向作用,不要把群众当成“第一对象”;要重视行政强调和规章制约,不应轻视理论灌输,增强思想政治工作的理论思维;要把思想政治工作与解决实际问题结合起来,既要讲道理又要办实事;要围绕中心选准切入点,把思想政治工作结合、渗透到具体工作之中。  相似文献   

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