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干青  唐正玲 《思想战线》2011,(Z2):396-397
EBay, as one of the typical enterprise of e-commerce, is also becoming more and more popular with worldwide people. EBay is regarded as the number one in the field of online auction business. It is well-known that nowadays the college graduates have to face fierce employment pressure. Therefore, doing business on eBay may be a good choice for college graduates to start their colorful lives. This paper tries to study the business English applied in doing eBay business with the aim to help the new sellers and know about the procedures of starting business on eBay. The results presented in this paper are based on the experience of some long-term sellers of eBay and the Hands-on of the author. From this paper the readers can easily realize that the every steps of begin business on eBay depends on the help of business English.  相似文献   

张金珠 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):375-377
This paper mainly studies the language teaching in classroom from the perspective of culture in sociolinguistics.Furthermore,this paper exclaims the importance of knowing various cultural habits of the target language-English and understanding several essential culture backgrounds for an English teacher in order to perfectly teach their students.Moreover,four main elements of culture,which are helpful in language teaching,are discussed in this paper.The four aspects are speech community,cultural background,cross-culture communication,and communicative competence about culture.  相似文献   

章婷娟 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):433-435
Psycholinguistics is a newly developed discipline at present.It is helpful for experts to study how knowledge of language is represented in the mind/brain of a fluent speaker/hearer,how this information is utilized in the comprehension and production of expressions,and how speakers/hearers acquire these abilities.Since psycholinguistics is playing a vital role in research on language,it also has a great influence on foreign language teaching.English teachers could use theory of psycholinguistics to guide their teaching.This thesis aims to discuss functions of psycholinguistics on English teaching through four types of English curriculums(listening,speaking,reading and writing).  相似文献   

干青 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):382-385
Learning and teaching in universities in higher education plays a very important role.In order to improve the quality of learning and teaching for teachers to cope with the reform and challenge nowadays,leadership can help to handle with the difficult situation.The more important is to arouse the teachers’ awareness.This assignment reviews the leadership’s several aspects and raised some suggestions for discussion based on the challenge coming from the work place.  相似文献   

邓杉 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):477-479
Rebecca is Daphne du Maurier’s representative work which combines Victorian romance with Gothic horror.Its diction skills contribute tremendously to its unfailing appeal as an exquisite literary work.A survey of Rebecca’s stage,motif and mood is indispensable to a full understanding of its stylistic diction choice.In addition,to better appreciate the work,one needs to probe into certain specific linguistic measures or approaches.  相似文献   

王英伟  程可 《前沿》2013,(4):174-175
从终结性评价的不足引人形成性评价在专业英语教学中的应用,首先概述形成性评价的内涵及特点:多元化的评价主体、全面的评价内容、多样的评价手段、具有针对性的反馈结果,揭示形成性评价在专业英语教学的主要应用手段有学生课堂的记录、学生成长档案的建立,对学生进行访谈与跟踪,最后在此基础上提出了对现状问题的思考。  相似文献   

Sinolingua is a publisher specializing in publishing materials for learners studying Chinese as a second language, Since its establishment in 1986, it has published more than 300 titles of books and 100 titles of audio-video and multimedia materials. We publish in many different languages, mainly in English,  相似文献   

A Review Of the 20 Years Development History of HNA Group Since its successful maiden flight on May 2,1993,HNA Group has been prospering into a giant conglomerate based on the core businesses of aviation,industry,finance,tourism and logistics.During this 20-plus years,the Group’s business landscape has expanded  相似文献   

肖丽琼 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):418-419
Lesson preparation is the prerequisite for conducting a class.Whether conducting an English lesson well or not to a great extent depends on lesson preparation.It includes two parts:Steps of Lesson Preparation and Contents of Lesson Preparation  相似文献   

干青  岳亚丽 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):444-446
English has been taken seriously in more and more countries including China.English should be stressed from the childhood.Children’s English learning is very important.And a good learning method can get twice the result with half the effort.Thus,finding a good method is important in children’s English learning.This thesis aims to testify the drawing-assisted learning is helpful for the children’s English learning by expounding the relationship between the drawing-assisted learning and the balance development,creativity,imagination and memory and its application in children’s English learning.  相似文献   

信息技术在现代学校研究型教学活动中得到了广泛普及与应用.信息技术不但能提高教学效率,而且能强化学校研究型教学活动的手段、工具、方式和方法.信息技术的突出作用是提升了教与学双方的信息素养、使用价值和创新思维能力.探讨总结信息技术教学实践的经验和做法,有利于新一代创新人才的培养.  相似文献   

提高学员射击技能,是公安院校教师在教学和训练中的主要任务。但是,从近年教学实践中反映出的情况来看,要使学员准确地掌握手枪射击的动作要领,提高学员的射击技能,并非易事,尤其在短时间内,使学员掌握射击要领的确很难。文章从规范化的角度,对警用手枪射击教学方法进行了研究,以期对公安院校师生手枪射击的教与学有所裨益。  相似文献   

高职院校教师教学评价体系与方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了高职院校教学评价的概念、目的和意义,分析了国内外教学评价体系的现状,特别是目前我国高职院校教学评价体系存在的问题。另借鉴国外评价内容的更新和评价方法的变化,阐述了我国高职院校教师教学评价的方法。其每种方法均从不同角度反映了教师在教学、研究和服务领域的绩效水平。目前普遍使用的方法有系主任评价、学生评价、同行评价、自我评价、听课等。  相似文献   

目前,公安院校的实践教学存在着许多不尽如人意的地方,这些问题严重影响了公安院校实践化教学的进程,使公安院校的教学质量不能得到有效提高、致使公安教育不能适应公安实际需要。文章试就当前公安院校实践化教学中存在的问题以及这些问题存在的原因进行分析,并提出了一些具体的改进对策,以期解决公安院校实践教学问题。  相似文献   

高校思政课传统的灌输式授课模式缺陷十分明显,其缺乏互动、思考、自由等弊端日益凸显。积极探索教学方式改革,借鉴对话式教学,是提高高校思政课教学效果的有效途径。  相似文献   

让课堂教学焕发出生命活力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国基础教育改革已越来越逼近学较内部的教育、教学活动。而课堂教学是学校内部教育活动的主要渠道,探究课堂教学的意义重大。本文在总结课堂教学历史的同时,试图从宏观上阐述课堂教学改革的思路。  相似文献   

在高等职业院校中,Access数据库为考核学生计算机掌握水平的重要标准之一。在传统的Access数据库教学模式中,由于教学方式单一、枯燥,学生普遍存在学习积极性不强,上机操作时无法集中注意力的问题。针对存在的这一现象,相关学者及专家提出了将混合式学习理念充分融入Access数据库教学模式中的设想。在混合式学习理念下的Access数据库教学模式中,完善教学环境构建;在实际的Access数据库教学过程中,通常采用以项目为主线,以教学任务为驱动的教学方法;对于无法由课堂教学解决的问题,教师可通过运用在线教学中的资源学习中心及多媒体教学进行有效解决;在混合式学习的测评环节中,教师可以将学生期末的考试成绩、平时在线测试所得成绩、小组的测评成绩以及学生的自我评价按一定的权重进行综合评价。混合式教学法能充分激发学生学习热情,大大提高了教学效果;基于混合式理念下的Access数据库教学,通过采用上课、上机、上网三者相结合的教学形式,使学生实现了随时随地学习;通过对整个教学进行改革,实现了试题库、任务库等学习资源库的完善,大大提高了Access数据库教学质量及效率。  相似文献   

工学结合,作为职业教育的本质特征已经逐渐被大家所认识。但在校企合作机制和实习基地建设等宏观管理层面难以突破的情况下,我们通过引入"学习领域"的重要概念,开发出了富有特色的项目课程,使司法警务专业工学结合课程体系改革找到了突破口。  相似文献   

公安应用文书写作教学练战一体化教学模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以教学为出发点,以培养实战能力为目的,深入研究了三方面的问题,即加强教学方法的研究,提高实战训练效果,建立以形成性评价为主、结果性评价为辅的评价方式。强调将能力培养贯穿于教学全过程,实现教学由主导型向引导型转变,构建互动式教学模式,营造宽松的体验式的教学环境,使学生成为真正的学习主体,以提高实战能力。  相似文献   

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