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干青 《思想战线》2011,(Z1):382-385
Learning and teaching in universities in higher education plays a very important role.In order to improve the quality of learning and teaching for teachers to cope with the reform and challenge nowadays,leadership can help to handle with the difficult situation.The more important is to arouse the teachers’ awareness.This assignment reviews the leadership’s several aspects and raised some suggestions for discussion based on the challenge coming from the work place.  相似文献   

On Chinese Media     
正Southern Metropolis Weekly Issue No.27,published on July 28,2014Love It or Hate It,English Language Is Inescapable The popularity of English language learning has opened a new window for the Chinese,and advanced their integration with peoples of the world.The ability to speak and read English has changed many Chinese people’s fate.Meanwhile,English has become a staple on Chinese school curricula and is a main feature of the job market.Love it or hate it,therefore,English language learning in China is inescapable.  相似文献   

As an English teacher, I’ve learned a lot with the help of your high-quality English magazine. By reading your issues all year around, I can signifi cantly improve my English. China Today is a window on the country’s continuing prosperity for readers all over the world. I hope that in 2007 your magazine will get better and better, and that more and more people around the world will read and enjoy it. I will always be a reader of your magazine.  相似文献   

<正>Celebrated translator aims to make present-day Chinese children’s literature more accessible worldwide Starting with a pure interest in translation,Xu Derong,a translator-professor at the Ocean University of China,has gradually discovered the profound and mesmerizing world of translating children’s literature and devoted 16 years of his life to it."The more I read and translate children’s literature,the more layers I find at which to marvel,"Xu said.  相似文献   

段竹英 《思想战线》2011,(Z2):342-344
Meta-cognitive learning strategies hold an important position among learning strategies. It is self-evident that the researches on overall use of strategies should begin with the meta-cognitive strategies. This paper is aimed to investigate into the meta-cognitive strategies by, firstly, reviewing the definition and classification of meta-cognitive strategies; secondly, studying the factors affecting the use of learning strategies; thirdly, presenting the previous relevant researches which have been done at home and abroad; finally, giving recommendation for further research in this field.  相似文献   

正China’s recent relaxation of its family plan-ning policy is a landmark change that is poised to contribute to a lasting and bal-anced development of the population and a healthy,stable development of society as a whole.The new policy allows couples to have two children if one of the parents is an only child.Previously,a couple in urban areas could generally only have a second child if both parents were only children.Issued last November,the policy is now in full swing in Beijing,Shanghai and China’s  相似文献   

MGM Grand Sanya     
正From July 1 to August 31,the entertaining and creative"MGM Happy Family Package"of the MGM Grand Sanya once again leads the i eld in children’s summer vacation programs.This year there are even more activities on of er,including a free barbecue dinner,a magical family bubble show,and a daily children’s summer camp.The popular Kid’s Club  相似文献   

NOWADAYS in China anyone–man or woman,urban or rural resident–can make their voice heard.They can vote for the representative they trust,assert their legitimate rights,and exert influence within their community or social group.This situation supersedes the past one where fixed mindset prevailed of unquestioningly obeying leaders and excessive caution in words and actions.Democracy at the grassroots level in China is reflected in a span of processes that include authorization,decision-making,participation,deliberation and supervision.They constitute a complete structure and system whose social function becomes steadily more important.Democracy at the grassroots level is an important part of people’s democracy in China.Its expansion in scope and depth consolidates the foundations of the country’s economic and social development.It also signals proactive reforms to China’s political system.  相似文献   

Works by former Premier Zhu Rongji shed light on the country’s transformation The English edition of Zhu Rongji on the Record:The Road to Reform 1991-1997will be published in the United States this September.The work will give readers a chance to learn more about China’s economic and social reform during a crucial period.Zhu,who served as premier of China from1998 to 2003,is well known for his pragmatism and strong work ethic in driving the country’s transformation from a planned economy to a  相似文献   

Horses are probably the most central part of ethnic Kazak culture, and horse racing, practised since ancient times, is the main traditional sport of the group. It is both a test of physical strength and a good demonstration of Kazak people's spectacular horsemanship. For Kazak people, the sport is more about tradition than anything else. In the past, horse racing was one of the manly games a hero had to participate in to win his bride. Even today, it still plays an important role in courtship among young people.  相似文献   

略论高职学生英语自主学习能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职学生英语自主学习能力的培养,是学生运用英语语言交际能力的有效途径之一.可从激发学生英语学习兴趣、发挥学生的主体作用、传授学习方法和学习策略,以及创造自主学习氛围等多方面着手培养.  相似文献   

网络空间中的每一次技术飞跃都带动了网络教学的一次革命。腾讯QQ软件不仅为人际交流带来极大便利,而且为大学外语无缝学习互动网络空间的建立提供了技术支持。笔者与助学者和警校学生共同构建的Growing-up英语QQ群打破了传统英语课堂教学的时间与空间的限制,为学生提供了融知识性与趣味性于一体的英语无缝学习的全方位交流互动平台。它是开展全新英语学习、跨文化交际、警务英语实践体验的舞台,实现了语言是为人类交际而服务的最终目标。  相似文献   

关子再造学习型政府与社会科学发展的深度思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘小兵 《桂海论丛》2010,26(3):85-88
学习型政府,是一切科学领导和科学发展的基础和前提。现代经济就是学习型经济,因此,领导者知识素质的高低,直接决定着发展中国家经济发展的质量。施行领导是一个知识的输出过程和知识的应用过程。只有在不断地学习先进知识的过程中,政府领导者才能不断地提升自己的价值理性和工具理性。后发优势是晚发型国家和地区的一种重要资源,但没有学习,就没有后发优势。建设学习型政府,就是一次政府组织的再造过程,也是对政府领导者素质的再造过程。  相似文献   

准确把握马克思主义学习型政党的深刻内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴桂韩 《桂海论丛》2010,26(3):27-32
马克思主义学习型政党是学习型组织的特殊形式,具有学习型组织、学习型政党的一般规定性,同时,还具有马克思主义学习型政党内在的特殊规定性。学习型组织、学习型政党、马克思主义学习型政党三者之间是一般与特殊的关系。马克思主义学习型政党的本质规定性,既包括学习型组织和学习型政党的一般规定性,又包括中国共产党先进本质的特殊规定性。准确把握马克思主义学习型政党的深刻内涵,就是要科学理解马克思主义学习型政党的本质规定性。  相似文献   

英语的教学环境在英语教学与学习中变得越来越重要。许多著名的语言学家认为,语言学习环境是人类学习语言的一个重要条件。然而,并非所有的学生都有一个良好的英语教学环境。这里所讲的环境,作为英语教学中一个很重要的部分,包括学校环境和社会环境。这些环境,直接或间接地影响着英语教学质量。所以本文尝试分析这些问题并提供一些基本的解决办法,以改善英语教学与学习环境,从而提高英语教学质量。  相似文献   

黄学权 《桂海论丛》2010,25(2):18-21
干部教育培训是建设马克思主义学习型政党的重要组成部分,可以营造学习型政党建设的基础,培训学习型政党建设的骨干,提升学习型政党建设的水平。适应建设马克思主义学习型政党的要求,做好新形势下的干部教育培训工作,必须切实加强马克思主义基本理论教育、党性教育、加强领导能力、学习型组织建设理论培训;必须改进方法,坚持以学员为中心,以问题为导向,立足于提高干部的能力,必须大力推行行动学习法,必须坚持把培训学习与干部培养选拔结合起来。  相似文献   

当前,多媒体网络教学平台随着智能手机的普及和4G、Wi Fi的广泛覆盖下远远不能满足大学生英语教学的多重需求。而微博、微信等自媒体平台因其使用便捷、高效,传播内容具有多样性、即时性、广泛性以及优越的互动性等特点,将其引入至大学生英语自主学习体系,探究其可行性将开拓高等学校大学英语改革的视野和思路,在此互联化+的大时代背景下将对自主学习的研究与实践产生影响与推动。  相似文献   

行动学习法的理念与实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张忠友  彭强 《桂海论丛》2006,22(6):49-52
行动学习是一个以完成预定的工作为目的,在同事的支持下持续不断地进行反思与学习的过程。行动学习法是通过行动学习来解决问题的方法。该方法上世纪90年代介绍到我国后引起了一些培训机构的重视,并在四川省中高级公务员的培训实践中取得了显著的效果。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查及访谈的形式对理工科研究生的英语学习观念进行了调研分析,以期为理工科研究生英语创新教学模式的研究提供一些有益的启示和参数。研究发现,该类研究生对自己的英语学习能力基本上是认可的,但是大部分学生认为英语学习的难度很大。绝大部分学生都认识到,了解英美文化对学好英语非常重要,但不少学生对语言学习的性质还持有传统的观念。调查还表明,大部分学生对英语学习中适当运用学习策略持肯定态度,而且他们的学习动机普遍比较明确。  相似文献   

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