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IN order to keep to promisesmade during negotiations to jointhe WTO, as from April 1,2002, the Chinese governmentbegan implementing the revised"Catalogue of Industries for ForeignInvestment" and its appendix.  相似文献   

正Israel-UAE peace agreement shows Palestinian issue taking a back seat The peace deal reached between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel on August 13 is a milestone inthe relations between the Arab world and Israel.It also marks the start of a new era of pan-Arabism.  相似文献   

MY 12-year-old son's bedtime question last night was Mom, when will Mrs. Mei bring Angel back to Beijing?
Mrs. Mei (Kathy) was the principal of The Wall Street Journal's Beijing Office. She and Mr. Mei, who was the first secretary of the U.S. Embassy in China, passed a four-year term here before returning to the U.S. in 2006. My family cherishes memories of our wonderful times with them. Although separated by the Pacific Ocean now, the friendship between our two families has remained close.  相似文献   

Although the Law on Compulsory Education states that students are exempted from tuition, a general lack of funds for education precludes completely free education.  相似文献   

The large and persistent U.S.trade deficit with China,which reached$233 billion in 2006,is causing increased tension in China-U.S.relations.A new coalition has arisen between hawks on Capitol Hill,who see China as a security threat,and protectionists,who blame China for"stealing"American jobs through"unfair trade practices."James A.Dorn,China specialist and Vice President for academic affairs at the Cato Institute in Washington,D.C., however,warns,imposing trade sanctions on China would not eliminate the U.S.bilateral trade deficit-but would endanger the global liberal trading order.Correcting trade imbalances requires flexibility,not rigidity,he says.  相似文献   

After years of exponential growth,China’s housingmarket has begun to show signs of stagnation Returning from a stint as a visiting scholar at Cambridge University,Wang Shi,the 63-year-old heavyweight in China’s real estate world,didn’t change his straightforward style of communication."People can no longer expect to be laughing all the way to the bank simply by purchasing properties,and the mushroom growth of  相似文献   

This year, January 29 is the lunar New Year's Day, which is the most popular and significant holiday of the year for Chinese around the world. However, some mainland residents feel perplexed about the festival. How should it be celebrated in this new era, when urbanization takes the upper hand?  相似文献   

The government hopes to stimulate rural consumption and purchasing power by offering subsidies on a variety of products The government has introduced several  相似文献   

<正>China is not the answer to Europe’s crisis, neither will it turn its back With a landslide victory in the Spanish general election on November 20, the People’s Party ousted the ruling Socialist Workers’ Party,which had governed Spain  相似文献   

Some Westerners once predicted that China would not be able to complete the building of a railway between Qinghai Province and the Tibet Autonomous Region within 100 years. This assertion will be smashed on July 1 when the long-awaited Qinghai-Tibet Railway is scheduled to begin trial operation.  相似文献   

Iran's response to a UN resolution requiring it to halt its nuclear program looms large,experts sayWith the halt in fighting between Israel and the Lebanon-based Hezbollah militant group, the world's attention is again turning to the Iran nuclear issue. The international community had been waiting for Iran's response to the package of economic, political and security incentives  相似文献   

The Eighth World Peace Forum, a high-level sem inar on international security, was held at Tsinghua University in Beiing on July 8-9. Every year, the forum invites political personages, heads of international organizations, international think tank experts and multinational executives from different countries to discuss the global situation and related issues. A panel discussion on China-U.S. relationship and the world order this time had experts from both countries share their views and concerns. This is an edited excerpt of some comments.  相似文献   

Like a drama unfolding in a riveting suspense novel, the quadrennial global football gala is becoming more and more compelling as the climax approaches. Billions of people are glued to the tube watching the World Cup in Germany, and Chinese football fans are following the countdown with the rest of the world. According to a poll by China Central Television, the national broadcaster, World Cup games have attracted combined viewers of at least 10 billion. For Chinese football enthusiasts, however, the joy of watching a  相似文献   

Experts predict that world oil prices may continue to climb Oil prices on the world market continued to skyrocket through- out 2007.Experts now forecast that they could keep increasing because the factors that have pushed them up have not disappeared or changed. The surge in prices was extreme espe-  相似文献   

TakingtheadvantageofChina,sopenpolicymanyWesternjastfoodoperationshaveenteredtheChinesemarket.Thoughacclaimedasagiantinculinaryarts,Chinaha5slwaydlaggedbehindinfastfoods.Facedwitbthesnowballingexpansionofforeignoutlets,Chinesefastfoodisstilllingeingintheprimitivestagesofunsteadiness.KENTUCKYFRIEDChicken,WhichmadeitsdebutinBeiiinqinthemid-1980s,soonbecameveryfashionableasitseemedtorepresentanexoticatmospheretosomeChinese.LatertheriseofRonaldMacDonaldasaChineseculturaliconmadeMacDonal…  相似文献   

Despite a decade of explosive growth by emerging economies, the future is still full of uncertainties T he mainstream Western media have been a source of extensive hype and speculation recently, suggesting this year will be a turning point of historic significance for developed countries ever since the World  相似文献   

The population problem is not totally about quantity,although quantity is the top concern in this regard.But to what extent is quantity a contributing factor to population problems in all countries?It differs from one country to another.Wang Yiwei, a professor with the Center for American Studies at Fudan University,argues that the population problem will be one of the decisive factors in all countries' strength and prosperity.  相似文献   

U.S. President-elect Barack Obama will have to fight an uphill battle for change Barack Obama has brought confidence and hope to frustrated Americans. They are in much higher spirits than a few monthsago, all counting on their newly elected leader to find a way out of the current predicament.  相似文献   

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